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‘No impact’ from additional refugees on Irish workforce population, says report ireland

Irish Times (20.06.2018) There will be “virtually no impact” from additional refugees on the workforce population in Ireland by December 2020, the latest International Migration Outlook report has found.

There will be “virtually no impact” from additional refugees on the workforce population in Ireland by December 2020, the latest International Migration Outlook report has found.

Despite public fears that an influx of migrants could impact the

Employment, Migration migration Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Social mobility in richest countries 'has stalled since 1990s' united kingdom (15.06.2018) OECD report says it could take 150 years for a child from a poor UK family to earn national average

Published_SS_Monitor… massetti
Opinion: The IMF and Social Protection: A lost cause or is there hope? (06.06.2018) For all its ambivalence, the IMF is a, if not the, key actor when it comes to social protection arrangements in low- and middle-income countries, writes Philip Alston.  In a new report he examine its approach to social protection and make a range of…

Social policies & programmes, Inequalities Published_SS_Monitor… massetti
Le « pognon de dingue » investi dans la protection sociale est efficace et apprécié par les Français france

Le Monde (21.06.2018) Les comptes publiés jeudi par la Drees classent la France parmi les pays les plus actifs dans la lutte contre la pauvreté.

La publication, jeudi 21 juin, des comptes de la protection sociale en France et en Europe tombe à pic dans le débat sur son coût et son efficacité, marqué par la sortie du président Macron sur le « pognon de dingue » mis « dans les minima sociaux » à la

Social assistance, Financing poverty Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
US: Trump to Propose Government Reorganization, Targeting Safety Net Programs United States

 The New York Times (20.06.2018) The plan, which will most likely face significant opposition in Congress from Democrats and some Republicans, includes relocating many social safety net programs into a new megadepartment

Social policies & programmes Published_SS_Monitor… massetti
India: Informal Will be the New Normal in the Future World of Work

Wire (19.06.2018) Technology-led disruptions are likely to make informality an enduring, if not accelerating, condition of Indian labour markets, requiring new and imaginative approaches to social protection.

Passengers of Vistara Airlines will soon be greeted by ‘Rada’, an intelligent robot, that will address queries, scan boarding passes, and gather customer feedback. Rada is a ‘Made in India’ effort, designed by the Tata Innovation Centre, aimed at developing a simple and cost-effective robot to ca

Information and communication technology labour markets Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
France: Les défis du système « universel » des retraites promis par Emmanuel Macron france (31.05.2018) Le gouvernement a lancé jeudi sa « consultation citoyenne » sur ce projet particulièrement complexe et sensible. Tour d’horizon des enjeux de la réforme.

Pensions Published_SS_Monitor… massetti
Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt: Über 800'000 Personen würden gerne arbeiten oder ihr Pensum erhöhen switzerland

NZZ (19.06.2018) Am Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt läuft es rund. Die Arbeitslosigkeit ist derzeit so niedrig, wie seit fast zehn Jahren nicht mehr. Allein im ersten Quartal ist die Zahl der…

Am Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt läuft es rund. Die Arbeitslosigkeit ist derzeit so niedrig, wie seit fast zehn Jahren nicht mehr. Allein im ersten Quartal ist die Zahl der offenen Stellen um 17%

Pensions Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
España: El Pacto de Toledo encalla por la división sobre la revalorización de las pensiones en épocas de crisis spain

El Pais (19.06.2018) ¿Cuánto y cómo deben subir las pensiones en tiempos de crisis? ¿En las recesiones deben subir las mínimas con el IPC y las altas menos? La respuesta a estas dos preguntas divide al Pacto de Toledo. La semana pasada quedó claro que los precios deben ser el elemento "medular"…

Image removed.

En el centro, la pres

Pensions managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
Pourquoi la France s’oppose à une meilleure indemnisation du congé parental france (28.05.2018) La ministre de la santé craint que la directive harmonisant le congé parental en Europe « éloigne les femmes du marché du travail ».

Family benefits, Maternity Proposition_SS_Monitor… massetti
France: Comment l'intelligence artificielle veut-elle vous aider à trouver un emploi ? france

franceinter (20.06.2018) Ce mercredi, les ministres Gérald Darmanin et Mounir Mahjoubi lèvent le voile sur 17 projets imaginés pour améliorer la qualité de l'action publique grâce au numérique, qui feront l'objet de 200 millions d'euros d'investissements. Parmi eux, le recours à l'intelligence…

Cette année, 200 millions d'euros vont être affectés à 17 projets (sélectionnés parmi une centaine de dossiers déposés) qui ont pour vocation d'améliorer la qualité de service aux usagers des services publics, mais aussi d'améliorer l'environnement de travail des agents publics,

Employment, Information and communication technology Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
The Impact of Digital Technology on Society and Economic Growth: The Long and Short of The Digital Revolution

IMF F&D Magazine  (June 2018) Digital platforms are recasting the relationships between customers, workers, and employers as the silicon chip’s reach permeates almost everything we do—from buying groceries online to finding a partner on a dating website. As computing power improves…

Digital platforms are recasting the relationships between customers, workers, and employers as the silicon chip’s reach permeates almost everything we do—from buying groceries online to finding a partner on a dating website. As computing power improves dramatically and more and more people around

Information and communication technology digital platforms Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
Health care system fraud and it's impact on health care systems

Health insurance fraud and its impact on the health care system Wherever it’s found, fraud and corruption cost more than just the money some get away with. Like a stone dropped into a pond, the effects of fraud and corruption in a health care system can send ripples outwards, nudging everything…

Health, Error, evasion and fraud ruggia
The Challenge of Health Care Fraud - The NHCAA Europe

In 2011, $2.27 trillion was spent on health care and more than four billion health insurance claims were processed in the United States. It is an undisputed reality that some of these health insurance claims are fraudulent. Although they constitute only a small fraction, those fraudulent claims…

Health, Error, evasion and fraud… ruggia
EHFCN | The EHFCN Waste Typology Matrix© - EHFCN Europe , european union

The EHFCN Waste Typology Matrix enables to describe precisely the issues of mistakes, misuse, fraud and corruptions in Health  and the type of situation  (invoicing rule violated, needlessly expensive or unnecessary service).

The EWTM is a good basic document. Thanks to…

Health, Error, evasion and fraud ruggia
Swiss welfare pioneer SUVA turns 100 switzerland

SWI swissinfo (16.06.2018) One hundred years ago, the Swiss Accident Insurance Fund (SUVA) was established. While the focus used to be occupational accidents and diseases, leisure accidents have become more common. =

One hundred years ago, the Swiss Accident Insurance Fund (SUVA) was established. While the focus used to be occupational accidents and diseases, leisure accidents have become more common. 

In the second half of the 19th century, industrialization led to social problems in Switze

Occupational accidents and diseases OSH Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
ireland: Social Protection Minister rules out means testing child benefit payment ireland

The Journal (05.06.2018)  Regina Doherty has ruled out cutting child benefit for higher earners saying she believes in the universality of the payment.

OCIAL PROTECTION MINISTER Regina Doherty has ruled out cutting child benefit for higher earners saying she believes in the universality of the payment.

Speaking at an event on Friday the minister indicated that she would examine a report on whether households earning more than €100,000 sh

Family benefits family Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
Aging in Japan and Across Asia: A Road Map to the Future Asia, japan

Nippon (17.06.2018) One of the final sessions of the first Asian Impact Dialogue on Ageing and Demographic Change in Asia was the Road Map to the Future workshop. Kogiso Mari, director of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation in Tokyo, led attendees in reflecting on the key take-away lessons gained from…

Mapping Out Modern Approaches to Age-Old Needs

Old-age pensions Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
[Blog] Congratulations to Kenya on the launch of its universal social pension, now how can we help make it a success? kenya

HelpAge International (June 2018) Starting this week, more than half a million older women and men in Kenya are receiving their first ever pensions. Under the new Government-funded Inua Jamii 70 and Above universal social pension, launched by President Uhuru Kenyatta on Saturday 2 June, all…

Starting this week, more than half a million older women and men in Kenya are receiving their first ever pensions.

Under the new Government-funded Inua Jamii 70 and Above universal social pension, launched by President Uhuru Kenyatta on Saturday 2 June, all Kenyans over 70 will receive 2,

Pensions extending coverage Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
[Article] Belgium: Combining transnational and intersectional approaches to immigrants' social protection: The case of Andean (Peru, Colombia) families' access to health colombia, peru, belgium

Comparative Migration Studies   (June 2018) In Belgium, for instance, there are officially 21.084 Latin American registered. 60% of them are women. Colombians (around 5000) and Peruvians (around 2000) are among the most numerous groups and are also characterized by an…

Employment, Migration Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
France: Le gouvernement souhaite mieux protéger les travailleurs ubérisés france

Le Monde (14.06.2018) Un amendement dans la loi Pénicaud 2 va créer des chartes et des droits pour améliorer la couverture sociale des personnes employées par des plates-formes numériques.

Un amendement dans la loi Pénicaud 2 va créer des chartes et des droits pour améliorer la couverture sociale des personnes employées par des plates-formes numériques.

Par Sarah Belouezzane, Bertrand Bissuel

Aurélien Taché a tenu parole. Il y a plusie

Information and communication technology digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
[Report] Is biometric technology in social protection programmes illegal or arbitrary? An analysis of privacy and data protection

Ilo working paper (05.06.2018) Social protection programmes require processing significant data amounts, including often-sensitive information such as household assets, health status and physical or intellectual disabilities. Now more than ever, it is critical to address issues of privacy and…

E-services biometric Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
France: Revenu de base - treize départements vont en faire l'expérimentation france

RCF (13.06.2018) Treize départements français ancrés à gauche se sont portés volontaires pour expérimenter le revenu de base, une idée qui remonte à la précédente campagne pour la présidentielle.

Alors qu’Emmanuel Macron doit faire des annonces en matière sociale mercredi 13 juin lors du congrès de la Mutualité, treize départements de gauche souhaitent expérimenter un revenu de base. Un dispositif présenté comme un nouvel outil pour lutter contre la pauvreté et la précari

basic income Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Italy's new government will overhaul Renzi labor reform, minister says italy

Reuters (03.06.2018) Italy’s new anti-establishment government will change the labor reform introduced by the previous administration, Labour and Industry Minister Luigi di Maio said

he legislation, introduced in 2015, made it easier for large companies to fire people and offered fiscal incentives for companies that hired permanent workers on new, less-protected terms.

Italy’s government was finally sworn in on Friday, ending months of political turmoil and the threat

Employment labour markets Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Turks and Caicos: NIB to introduce governance guidelines

Weekly News (11.06.2018) A manual is being created for the National Insurance Board (NIB) which will provide clear processes and principles for governing the institution.

A MANUAL is being created for the National Insurance Board (NIB) which will provide clear processes and principles for governing the institution.


Canadian consulting firm Morneau Shepell is putting together the document which is expected to be adopted later this year.

Governance and administration issa Published_SS_Monitor fabbri