
Sistema Nacional de Cuidados

Submitted by rruggia on

Al Sistema Nacional de Cuidados le competen:

  • Aumentar la cobertura y elevar la calidad de los servicios de cuidado para la primera infancia, que estimulen el desarrollo de niños y niñas, faciliten su acceso a la educación y brinden a los hogares una alternativa corresponsable de cuidados.

Regions / Country
Long-term care
Document Type

Plan Ibirapitá - BPS

Submitted by rruggia on

Este programa, que inicia en 2015, promueve la inclusión digital de personas jubiladas de todo el país. Para ello, ha entregado de forma gratuita una tablet con una interfaz especialmente desarrollada que busca ser intuitiva y amigable para la población destinataria. En este contexto se realizaron talleres de capacitación en la Intendencia de Montevideo a cargo de equipos del plan Ceibal y con el apoyo de funcionarios y funcionarias de BPS, quienes concurrieron a los complejos habitacionales para capacitar a las personas jubiladas que allí residen.

Regions / Country
Information and communication technology
Population ageing
Document Type

Uruguay: Cash benefit for companies in the tourism sector that reincorporate workers on furlough

Submitted by mmarquez on

Banco de Previsión Social (08.01.2021) In order to promote the conservation and creation of employment in the tourism sector, the Social Security Bank (BPS) is implementing the granting of a contribution determined by the Executive Power for companies in the sector that, between December 1, 2020 and on March 31, 2021, reinstate those workers covered by unemployment benefits for the cause of total suspension or incorporate new workers. The contribution consists of a non-refundable monthly amount of 8,000 pesos, paid for a maximum of four months for each worker that the company rejo

Regions / Country
Global challenges


Document Type

Uruguay: Second installment of the extraordinary payment for vulnerable families and continuation of school meal plan

Submitted by mmarquez on

Banco de Previsión Social (12.02.2021) As of Friday, February 12, the payment of the second extraordinary installment will be available for beneficiaries of family allowances for the Equity Plan and the special item for the boys and girls included in the CEIP School Meal Plan. This is an item whose amount is equivalent to the usual collection of the benefit, to be paid in two installments: the first was paid in January and the second will be paid from February 12, both in banks and in decentralized collection centers.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Cash transfers
Food and nutrition


Document Type

Uruguay: Extension of sickness benefit for workers over 65

Submitted by mmarquez on

Banco de Previsión Social (14.01.2021). Due to the continuing health emergency situation, the sickness benefit for workers aged 65 and over will be extended until February 28. Workers aged 65 or over who cannot perform their usual tasks at home and are covered by sickness allowance from December 20, 2020, may remain in isolation with the right to this allowance until February 28, as determined and communicate the companies to the BPS.  

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Cash sickness benefits
Document Type

Uruguay: Covid-19 Fund

Submitted by mmarquez on

On April 8, Uruguay enacted Law No. 19,874 creating the Covid-19 Solidarity Fund , a precedent seen by the cross-sectional group of 16 economists who proposed a similar formula to address the emergency and post-pandemic recovery in Chile. The formula of creating a Covid fund, from which up to US $ 12 billion could be drawn  to finance support for  individuals and companies, seeks that the Government does not have to go to Congress for each measure: once the framework of action has been agreed, it would be issue decrees charged to fund financing.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Financial crisis


Document Type

Uruguay: Extension of health coverage for laid-off workers

Submitted by mmarquez on

BPS (09.11.2020) Workers with activity and health coverage in March 2020, terminated between the 1st. August and October 31, will maintain their mutual membership for three months, as well as that of their dependents.

Membership will be extended to:

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Health insurance
Extension of coverage


Document Type