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Impuestos para freelancers – Mi Vida Freelance latin america

Reuisitos administrativos de formalización para freelancers en América Latina

Employment, Extension of coverage, Contribution collection and compliance digital platforms rruggia


Employment digital platforms Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR rruggia
The sharing economy: Why people participate in collaborative consumption by Juho Hamari, Mimmi Sjöklint, Antti Ukkonen :: SSRN

The sharing economy: Why people participate in collaborative consumption

Juho Hamari School of Information Science, University of Tampere

Mimmi Sjöklint Copenhagen Business School

Antti Ukkonen Helsinki Institute for Information Technology

Information and…

digital platforms… rruggia
AsISSSTE es la nueva app del ISSSTE para atender infartos : Su Médico mexico

ISSSTE lanza app para atender infartos. Cuando se active la alerta por infarto, AsISSSTE dará aviso a centros de salud u hospitales para brindar atención.

01/09/2017 . AsISSSTE brindará atención a derechohabientes y no derechohacientes. El infarto al miocardio es uno de los…

Health promotion, Medical care, Information and communication technology mobile technologies, universal health care rruggia
Centro Nacional de Telemedicina de EsSalud brindó más de 62 mil atenciones durante 28 meses | EsSalud peru

Centro Nacional de Telemedicina de EsSalud brindó más de 62 mil atenciones durante 28 meses Publicado el 21 Enero, 2016 Atenciones especializadas a distancia permitieron el ahorro de más de diez millones 558 mil soles en lecturas de placas La mayor parte de asegurados beneficiados corresponden a…

Medical care, Information and communication technology universal health care… rruggia
France: Retraite à 62 ans - le coût des arrêts maladie en hausse france

 L'Express  (01.08.2018) Un rapport de l'Assurance maladie dévoilé par Les Echos, mardi, explique que le montant des arrêts maladies a connu une hausse de 13,4% entre 2013 et 2016.

Un rapport de l'Assurance maladie dévoilé par Les Echos, mardi, explique que le montant des arrêts maladies a connu une hausse de 13,4% entre 2013 et 2016.

Dans son rapport "Charges et produits", publié par

Financing Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
[Report] ILO: Social protection - More than half of Latin American workers are not covered by contributory social security latin america

ILO (27.07.2018) More than half of Latin American workers are not covered by a contributory social security system covering them against risks related to illness, unemployment and old age, a new ILO report says. The report calls for decisive action to close existing and future gaps in social…

More than half of Latin American workers are not covered by a contributory social security system covering them against risks related to illness, unemployment and old age, a new ILO report says. The report calls for decisive action to close existing and future gaps in social security coverage.

Difficult-to-cover groups poverty Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
[Report] Social protection: More than half of Latin American workers are not covered by contributory social security: ILO latin america

ILO  (27.07.2018) More than half of Latin American workers are not covered by a contributory social security system covering them against risks related to illness, unemployment and old age, a new ILO report says. The report calls for decisive action to close existing and future gaps in…

More than half of Latin American workers are not covered by a contributory social security system covering them against risks related to illness, unemployment and old age, a new ILO report says. The report calls for decisive action to close existing and future gaps in social security coverage.

Difficult-to-cover groups poverty Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… dfabbri
España: Creación récord de empleo en primavera: 469.900 puestos de trabajo spain

El País (27.07.2018) El mercado laboral ha sorprendido en primavera. La recuperación del empleo ha acelerado más de los previsto. En solo tres meses se han creado 469.900 empleos. Nunca hasta ahora se había alcanzado semejante cifra en un trimestre. Con este aumento, el número total de ocupados…

Primavera es la mejor estación para el mercado laboral español: arranque de la temporada alta turística, obras que empiezan por el buen tiempo, contratos para las sustituciones veraniegas y, en ocasiones, Semana Santa. Esa combinación impulsa siempre el empleo. Aunque hasta ahora no se había elev

Employment policies labour markets Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
Sénégal: Couverture maladie universelle - Le projet de loi sur la Cmu présenté aux journalistes senegal

Le Soleil  (25.07.2018) L' Agence de la Couverture maladie universelle (ACmu) travaille sur un projet de loi permettant de sécuriser les programmes. Il a été présenté aux journalistes le 16 juillet à Dakar.

L’Agence de la Couverture maladie universelle (ACmu) travaille sur un projet de loi permettant de sécuriser les programmes. Il a été présenté aux journalistes le 16 juillet à Dakar.

Après les parlementaires, c’est au tour des journalistes de s’imprégner du projet de loi sur la Couverture

Health insurance universal health care Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Platform work in Austria: National context analysis austria

Centre for European Policy Studies (02.07.2018) Focusing on Austria, this report provides an overview of online platforms matching supply and demand for paid work, looking at different platforms and activities, working conditions, legal developments, and trends and changes in the labour market.…

Employment digital platforms Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR ruggia
The Project - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development angola

The ongoing digital transformation of economies and societies holds many promises to spur innovation, generate efficiencies, and improve services, and in doing so boost more inclusive and sustainable growth as well as enhance well-being. But these benefits go hand-in-hand with disruptions. Our…

Employment, Information and communication technology, Contribution collection and compliance digital platforms ruggia
Maroc : le roi veut des mesures sociales « d’urgence » morocco

Le Monde (30.07.2018)  Le roi Mohammed VI a longuement évoqué dans un discours télévisé prononcé dimanche 29 juillet au soir la « question sociale » au Maroc, exhortant le gouvernement à prendre des « mesures d’urgence », notamment en matière…

Le roi Mohammed VI a longuement évoqué dans un discours télévisé prononcé dimanche 29 juillet au soir la « question sociale » au Maroc, exhortant le gouvernement à prendre des « mesures d’urgence », notamment en matière de santé et d’éducation. Malg

Health poverty Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
La Pologne ouvre ses portes aux travailleurs étrangers poland

EurActiv (27.07.2018) Le manque de main d’oeuvre en Pologne a poussé le gouvernement a assouplir sa politique d’accueil des travailleurs étrangers

Le manque de main d’oeuvre en Pologne a poussé le gouvernement a assouplir sa politique d’accueil des travailleurs étrangers. Un article d’Euractiv Pologne. 

La situation du marché du tra

Migration labour markets Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Tu información de salud en una aplicación: El caso de El Salvador (IADB/BID) el Salvador

Por Carlos Juan Martín Pérez y Jennifer Nelson.

Además de la telemedicina y la innovación tecnológica, la recolección de datos y las aplicaciones informáticas serán de los principales elementos que impactarán la salud. De hecho, ya lo están haciendo. Y no hay que mirar muy lejos para…

Health, Information and communication technology mobile technologies, service delivery ruggia
France: Un « malus » pour lutter contre les maladies professionnelles france

Le Monde (27.07.2018) Les conclusions de la commission d’enquête sont rendues publiques mercredi. Le thème de la santé au travail figure à l’agenda social qu’Emmanuel Macron veut traiter à partir de la rentrée.  Pour réduire les maladies causées par le travail, il faut frapper au…

Les conclusions de la commission d’enquête sont rendues publiques mercredi. Le thème de la santé au travail figure à l’agenda social qu’Emmanuel Macron veut traiter à partir de la rentrée.

Par Bertrand Bissuel

Temps de lecture : 3 min

Pour réduire le

Prevention of occupational risks OSH Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
National curriculum in England: citizenship programmes united kingdom

National curriculum in England

The national curriculum is a set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools so children learn the same things. It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children…

Citizenship programmes

Purpose of study

A high-quality citizenship education helps to provide pupils with knowledge, skills and understanding to prepare them to play a full and active part in society. In particular, citizenship education should foster pup

Communication social security education… iha
Social Security Education Program uruguay

The Social Security Education Program is developed in Uruguay since 2007.

The Program incorporates thematic axes related to Social Security as a compulsory subject in the curricula of study of the education plans of all the public and private centers of the country.


Communication social security education iha
Ukraine’s pension reform sets groundwork for dramatic changes ukraine

Emerging-Europe (20.07.2018) Ukraine’s pension reform was introduced in October 2017. Most of the amendments it brings to the existing system are long term and haven’t really had time to play out yet. However, some important changes are already in place.

Ukraine’s pension reform was introduced in October 2017. Most of the amendments it brings to the existing system are long term and haven’t really had time to play out yet. However, some important changes are already in place.

The reality is that Ukrainian pensioners are extremely poor. Th

Pensions managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Local employment partnerships: ILO launches single biggest project in South-Eastern Europe to promote jobs in Ukraine ukraine

ILO (20.07.2018) New ILO programme brings together businesses, schools, employment services, the social partners and other civil society organizations to create jobs for youth, women and people in rural areas.

The ILO has launched a 5-year programme  to create inclusive employment opportunities in Ukraine.

Funded by the Governm

Employment policies Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
South Africa: Labour Hosts Brics Meetings, 30 Jul to 1 Aug

AllAfrica (25.07.2018) The meeting held under the theme "BRICS in Africa: Developing Countries for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the New Industrial Revolution", will be under the direction of the Honourable Minister of Labour Mildred Oliphant and the Department of Labour's Director…

Department of Labour hosts last Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Labour and Employment Working Group and Ministerial meetings

Following the successful hosting of the BRICS Labour and Employment Meeting in May this year in Mbombela, Mpumalanga, the Department of Labour

brics Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
France: Maladie professionnelle : une meilleure indemnisation depuis le 1er juillet france (05.07.2018) Depuis le 1er juillet, la Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie (CPAM) indemnise la maladie professionnelle dès les premiers symptômes, et non plus à partir de l’établissement du diagnostic. Le point sur ces nouvelles règles.

Depuis le 1er juillet, la Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie (CPAM) indemnise la maladie professionnelle dès les premiers symptômes, et non plus à partir de l’établissement du diagnostic. Le point sur ces nouvelles règles.

Jusqu’à présent, l’indemnisation

Occupational accidents and diseases OSH Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Sweden: Fathers with more education more likely to take paternity leave sweden

ScienceNordic (23.97.2018)

Swedish doctors and lawyers take twice as much parental leave as their less well-educated peers. But the trend is the opposite for well-educated women.

wedish men who potentially have the most to lose, both in terms of income and in developing their careers, are also more likely to take paternity leave than their less well-paid and educated peers, according to new research.

Helen Eriksson, a researcher at the Linnaeus Center on Social Po

Parental leave family Proposition_SS_Monitor fabbri
Number of South Korean men taking paternity leave jumps 66% in 2018 korea, Republic of

Quartz (25.07.2018) In the first half of 2018, more than 8,000 men in South Korea went on paternity leave, according to government figures released this week, accounting for 17% of all people who took parental leave. That’s a 66…

More Korean dads—a lot more—are now making use of their generous paternity leave.

In the first half of 2018, more than 8,000 men in South Korea went on paternity leave, according to government figures released this week,

Parental leave family_gender_society Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
España: Las pensiones de viudedad subirán un 7,7% desde el 1 agosto spain

20 Minutos (20.07.2018) El Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado este viernes un real decreto ley que articula el incremento de la base reguladora de la pensión de viudedad, del 52% al 56% para este año y hasta el 60% para el que viene, incluidos en los Presupuestos Generales del Estado para 2018.…

El Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado este viernes un real decreto ley que articula el incremento de la base reguladora de la pensión de viudedad, del 52% al 56% para este año y hasta el 60% para el que viene, incluidos en los Presupuestos Generales del Estado para 2018. Según ha explicado este vie

Pensions managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor fabbri