
Digitizing cash transfers to remote rural populations: challenges and solutions from the experience of Zambia

Submitted by pmassetti on (30.09.2022) There is currently a major focus on digitization within African countries, with the interest of, on the one hand, increasing efficiency and lowering the cost-of-service delivery, and on the other hand, increasing financial inclusion for excluded parts of the population. Zambia provides an important case study of digitization of social protection transfers.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Cash transfers
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

Zambia: Emergency COVID-19 social cash transfer scheme

Submitted by mmarquez on (28.07.2020) Zambia on Tuesday launched an emergency COVID-19 social cash transfer scheme to help vulnerable communities affected by the pandemic.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Food and nutrition


Document Type

Zambia: High number of accidents in road, construction sectors worry WCFCB

Submitted by dfabbri on

News Diggers! (15.08.2019) The Workers Compensation Fund Control Board (WCFCB) has bemoaned the increasing number of accidents in the road and construction industries in Zambia saying labour is going to waste as a result of the incidents.

Regions / Country
Prevention of occupational risks


Document Type

Zambia: Vision Zero - Towards safe workplaces

Submitted by dfabbri on

Zambia Daily Mail (31.12.2018) Accidents and contraction of diseases at the place of work have long been a nightmare of many a worker not only in Zambia but all over the world, more so for those in inherently dangerous industries such as extraction and manufacturing.
Apparently, majority of accidents resulting in life-threatening diseases and deaths have been and are significantly preventable, according to experts in occupational health.

Regions / Country
Prevention of occupational risks


Document Type

Zambia: DCs urged to take keen interest in monitoring social protection programmes

Submitted by dfabbri on

lusakatimes (06.11.2018) Government has urged District Commissioners to take keen interest in monitoring social protection programmes and ensure that intended beneficiaries are reached. Community development minister Olipa Phiri says this is because District Commissioners are government’s link pins in ensuring effective implementation of programmes such as social cash transfer (SCT) , among others.

Regions / Country
Governance and administration
Document Type

Zambia: Concern over high number of work-related deaths

Submitted by dfabbri on

The Herald (06.10.2018) Government is committed to ensuring that the current drive to attract investment into the country is guided by policies anchored on strict adherence to labour, safety and health environment management legislation to promote safety and health of workers.

Regions / Country
Document Type

Zambia: Promoting social protection for aged –

Submitted by fabbri on

 Zambia Daily Mail (10.07.2018) Zambia’s National Policy on Ageing defines an older person as one aged 60 years or older and the country’s current retirement threshold is 65 years. There are a number of challenges facing the elderly in Zambia which include social exclusion. Some suffer from isolation due to stigma. In some rural communities, elderly people are suspected of practising witchcraft and poverty is also highly pronounced among them.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Population ageing
Document Type

[Analysis] Social Health Insurance in Zambia: Getting the bolt and nut right with Health Economics

Submitted by fabbri on

Lusaka Times (21.11.2017) According to the WHO, Universal Health Coverage (UHC) means everyone in the country can use the promotive, preventive, rehabilitative and palliative health services they need of sufficient quality to be effective, while being protected from financial loss (WHO, 2017). So far, only 58 countries in the world- 10 in Africa are regarded to provide Universal health care as they have legislation mandating Universal Health care. The question is, is this attainable in Zambia? As optimistic citizens, the answer is a resounding “YES”

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Old_Global Challenges
Document Type