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Un filet social pour l'économie de plateforme:mission impossible? (15.05.2018) «Depuis cinq ans, les économies dites avancées discutent de la meilleure façon de s’adapter au nouveau monde du travail. Celui du travail non structuré. On ne fait rien, on attend les données. Vouloir connaître le nombre de travailleurs de l’économie de plateforme…

digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Digital Economy and Society | Explore | WEF

quelques articles sur cette interface circulaire.


  • Au niveau technique ils utilisent le Framework D3.js (javascript)

digital platforms… ruggia
[Blog] France: La robotisation, l'emploi et les médias france

Le Club de Mediapart (29.05.2018) Dans les médias, les informations concernant les rapports entre robotisation et suppression d’emplois sont très rares, d’où l’intérêt de cette émission. Pourtant, ce problème est présent de longue date, quasiment depuis le début de la « révolution…

La robotisation, l’emploi et les médias

 Il était nécessaire de regarder l’émission « Envoyé Spécial » du jeudi 11/01/2018. Voici ci-dessous les deux liens qui permettent d’accéder de manière partielle à ce document (s’il existe encore !) …

Information and communication technology robotization Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
Emploi et révolution digitale : trois Français sur quatre prévoient de changer ou de perdre de leur job d’ici à 2030 france

Challenges (mai 2018) Haro sur les ressources humaines qui ont fait de la révolution digitale leur nouvelle martingale ! Une étude du cabinet révèle que près d’un Français sur dix estime qu’il perdra son emploi en raison du numérique dans les prochaines années.

Fête du Travail?!? Au lendemain d'un 1er mai aux faux airs de Mai 68, c'est une étude criante de lucidité qu'a publié, ce 3 mai, le cabinet Julhiet Sterwen - entité née de la fusion en 2015 des sociétés de conseil Bernard Julhiet et SterWen Consulting – sur l'opinion des salariés français sur le

Information and communication technology Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
US: Gig Economy May Replace Retirement United States

Plan Adviser (17.05.2018)  Sixteen percent of Americans plan on having gig economy jobs in retirement.

The growth of the gig economy will continue, according to a new report from Betterment, “Gig Economy Workers and the Future of Retirement.” Today, more than one in three workers are

Information and communication technology Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR fabbri
Österreich: Reform der Sozialversicherung: Viele Funktionäre zittern um ihren Job austria

EurActiv (23.05.2018) Die österreichische Regierung will nun das erste „Leuchtturmprojekt“ in Angriff nehmen. Es geht um die überfällige Reform des Sozialversicherungswesens. Österreich verfügt über eines der am engsten geknüpften Sozialsysteme. Aufgrund des besonders hohen bürokratischen…

ie österreichische Regierung will nun das erste „Leuchtturmprojekt“ in Angriff nehmen. Es geht um die überfällige Reform des Sozialversicherungswesens.

Österreich verfügt über eines der am engsten geknüpften Sozialsysteme. Aufgrund des besonders hohen bürokratischen Aufwands allerdings au

Governance and administration managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Ireland: Minister for Social Protection to open consultation on future of State pension ireland

Irish Times (27.05.2018) A consultation on the future of pensions and provision for retirement will be launched by Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection Regina Doherty on Monday. It will help inform the design of a new approach to the State contributory pension from 2020. Under a…

Pensions Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
[Point de vue] France: La fusion Agirc-Arrco va pénaliser les cadres les moins bien payés france

Les Echos (24.05.2018) Avec la fusion des deux caisses de retraite complémentaire Agirc et Arrco, les cadres rémunérés en dessous de certains seuils risquent de se retrouver lésés.


Avec la fusion des deux caisses de retraite complémentaire Agirc et Arrco, les cadres rémunérés en dessous de certains seuils risquent de se retrouver lésés.

Décidée par les partenaires sociaux dans le cadre d’un accord daté du 30 octobre 2015,

Pensions, Governance and administration Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Piñera reformará la Constitución de Chile para garantizar la igualdad de género chile

El País (24.05.2018) En medio de la nueva ola feminista, el presidente presenta ambiciosas medidas para corregir las disparidades y hace un 'mea culpa' por el machismo: “Yo también he cometido errores”

Las demandas por la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres han llenado la agenda chilena. La nueva ola feminista, que se suma a la lucha por la igualdad en distintas partes del mundo, tiene movilizadas a las estudiante

family_gender_society, managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
UK: Uber to give drivers and couriers sickness and maternity cover european union, united kingdom

The Guardian (23.05.2018) Workers across Europe, including 70,000 in UK, to be offered pay protections under new insurance policy The ride-hailing service said a new insurance policy, to be provided free to its drivers, would give them “peace of mind while preserving the flexibility they value…

Uber is to provide additional protection for its drivers and couriers across Europe, including 70,000 in the UK, with limited insurance against sickness and injury as well as small maternity and paternity payments.

The ride-haili

Extension of coverage digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
Digital Public Services | Scoreboard | Digital Single Market european union

Find here the reports and analysis on the trends of ICT-enabled benefits for public services, including studies on eGovernment and eHealth provided by the European Commission. Moreover, you will find also external studies conducted at the request of the European Commission. massetti
France: Comment financer la dépendance des personnes âgées? france

BfmTV (21.05.2018) Comment financer le cinquième risque, le financement des personnes âgées dépendantes, qu'Emmanuel Macron envisage de créer? Décryptage avec Marie-Anne Montchamp, présidente de la caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie.

Comment financer le cinquième risque, le financement des personnes âgées dépendantes, qu'Emmanuel Macron envisage de créer? Décryptage avec Marie-Anne Montchamp, présidente de la caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie.

Info, politique, économie, vie pratique et bonne humeur 

Health promotion, Old-age pensions Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Australia: The gig (economy) is up for ride-sharing giant Uber and online platforms australia

PerthNow (14.05.2018) Ride-sharing giant Uber and online platforms like food delivery app Deliveroo will face government regulation to protect workers’ rights, Industrial Relations Minister Bill Johnston has vowed. Mr Johnston said players in the so-called gig economy were guilty of “…

Employment digital platforms Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… ruggia
Europe: Youth Guarantee - latest data shows progress but more work is needed european union

Europa (18.05.2018) The Youth Guarantee, supported by the Youth Employment Initiative, has helped make a dent in youth unemployment and inactivity.

The Youth Guarantee, supported by the Youth Employment Initiative, has helped make a dent in youth unemployment and inactivity.

Five years on from when the Youth Guarantee was introduced, the situation of young

Employment policies Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Occupational Safety Improves in Latin America, Except Among Young People latin america

Inter Press Service (27.04.2018) Despite progress achieved in occupational safety in Latin America, the rates of work-related accidents and diseases are still worrying, especially among young people, more vulnerable in a context of labour flexibility and unemployment.

Despite progress achieved in occupational safety in Latin America, the rates of work-related accidents and diseases are still worrying, especially among young people, more vulnerable in a context of labour flexibility and unemployment.

In 1971, a young labourer, Mário Carlini, died when h

Occupational accidents and diseases OSH Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Austria ‘declares war’ on social fraud austria

EurActiv (17.05.2018) Freedom of services belongs to the four freedoms of the EU. Austria wants to fight its abuse with the help of digitisation. EURACTIV Germany reports from Vienna. The fight against “social fraud, in particular organised illegal work” is one of the main tasks laid down in the…

Freedom of services belongs to the four freedoms of the EU. Austria wants to fight its abuse with the help of digitisation. EURACTIV Germany reports from Vienna.

The fight aga

Error, evasion and fraud Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP) Europe Health, Family benefits, Pensions, Return to work ruggia
The Future of Work Europe

 Emerging-Europe (19.05.2018) The labour market is tightening, meaning that attracting the right talent will become an increasingly important issue for businesses. Many factors are affecting the demand for jobs and skills, such as the digital revolution, globalisation and demographic…

The labour market is tightening, meaning that attracting the right talent will become an increasingly important issue for businesses. Many factors are affecting the demand for jobs and skills, such as the digital revolution, globalisation and demographic changes (including high migration flows).

Employment Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
Kyrgyzstan: labor migrants need social protection, investment incentives kyrgyz republic

The Times of Central Asia (19.05.2018) There are about 100 thousand Kyrgyz labor migrants in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan’s State Migration Service says. Some of them work legally in the regions closer to Kyrgyzstan — the South-Kazakhstan, Karaganda and Almaty oblasts and Almaty city.

here are about 100 thousand Kyrgyz labor migrants in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan’s State Migration Service says. Some of them work legally in the regions closer to Kyrgyzstan — the South-Kazakhstan, Karaganda and Almaty oblasts and Almaty city.

Host state for migrants

Extension of coverage, Migration Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
France: Journée de solidarité et lundi de Pentecôte france

.journaldunet (30.04.2018) La journée de solidarité est une journée de travail supplémentaire non rémunérée pour les salariés et une contribution financière pour les employeurs en faveur des personnes âgées ou handicapées. Initialement fixée au lundi de Pentecôte, la journée de solidarité peut…

La journée de solidarité est une journée de travail supplémentaire non rémunérée pour les salariés et une contribution financière pour les employeurs en faveur des personnes âgées ou handicapées. Initialement fixée au lundi de Pentecôte, la journée de solidarité peut désormais être déterminée par

Disability, Old-age pensions Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
[Report] WHO: Organization and financing of public health services in Europe: country reports (2018) european union

WHO/Europe  (May 2018) What are “public health services”? Countries across Europe understand what they are, or what they should include, differently. This study describes the experiences of nine countries, detailing the ways they have opted to organize and finance public health services and…

What are “public health services”? Countries across Europe understand what they are, or what they should include, differently. This study describes the experiences of nine countries, detailing the ways they have opted to organize and finance public health services and train and employ their publi

Health promotion, Financing Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
France: Prestations sociales : le grand ménage ? france (09.05.2018) Le gouvernement prévoit de rationaliser les prestations sociales, de modifier leur mode de calcul, de surveiller leur cumul, quitte à verser une allocation unique.

RSA, allocation de solidarité pour les chômeurs, prime d'activité, aide au logement ou encore allocation familiale... Le gouvernement prévoit de revoir le mode de calcul de toutes ces 

Family benefits, Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor… massetti
Social protection: Maternity protection at work: It matters to everyone

ILO (11.05.2018) Maternity Protection is a fundamental right enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is defined in ILO international labour standards. Listen to why maternity protection is everyone’s business

Family benefits family Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
[Report] Social Protection in Madagascar - The case of Cash Transfers: Capacity to respond to shocks and options for harmonization madagascar

ReliefWeb (02.95.2018) The report has been prepared as commissioned by the Government of Madagascar (Ministry of Population, Social protection and Women’s Promotion and the National Office of Risk and Disaster Management) in coordination with the members of the emergency cash group and with…

The report has been prepared as commissioned by the Government of Madagascar (Ministry of Population, Social protection and Women’s Promotion and the National Office of Risk and Disaster Management) in coordination with the members of the emergency cash group and with UNICEF’s funding and technic

Conditional cash transfers climate change Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
First healthcare regulatory sandbox launched in Singapore for telemedicine services

OpenGovAsia (19 april 2018) This is part of the Ministry of Health's new Licensing Experimentation and Adaptation Programme which seeks to enable new and innovative healthcare models and services to be developed and refined in a safe and controlled environment.

Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti