
Accord entre la Tunisie et le Québec dans le domaine de la sécurité sociale | La Presse de Tunisie

Submitted by pmassetti on

La Tunisie est parvenue à un accord avec le Québec dans le domaine de la sécurité sociale, garantissant la couverture médicale et les pensions de vieillesse et d’invalidité au profit de la communauté tunisienne établie dans cette vile canadienne, a annoncé le ministère des Affaires sociales.

Study on Bilateral Labour and Social Security Agreements In North Africa

Submitted by pmassetti on

2018  - The purpose of this study is to undertake in-depth research on the different bilateral labour agreements and social security agreements in the North Africa sub-region, with particular emphasis on Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco.

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Belgium: COVID-19 pandemic and applicable legislation - update

Submitted by siha on (12.10.2020) The increased use of teleworking due to the Coronavirus will not be taken into account in determining the applicable social security legislation. This period will be neutralised with effect from 13 March 2020. The envisaged expiry date of this measure is 31 December 2020, but this date may be revised according to the Corona measures.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Document Type

Luxembourg: Extension of the agreement on social security affiliation for cross-border workers concerning teleworking until 31 December 2020

Submitted by siha on (25.08.2020) After the agreement in July 2020 with Belgium, Germany and France to maintain the exceptional provision not to take into account the teleworking days linked to the COVID-19 crisis for the determination of the applicable social security legislation frontier workers, Luxembourg and its three neighboring countries have agreed to extend this exemption until December 31, 2020.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Bilateral agreements
Document Type

Luxembourg: Extension of the agreement between Luxembourg and Germany regarding the social security affiliation of cross-border workers who are teleworking

Submitted by siha on (06.07.2020) The agreement between Luxembourg and Germany regarding the social security affiliation of cross-border workers who are teleworking is extended until 31 August 2020. Thus, the days of teleworking due to the COVID-19 crisis: are not taken into account for the determination of the social security legislation that should apply to the workers concerned; will not have any influence on their social security affiliation.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Bilateral agreements
Document Type

EU: Telecommuting because of the corona virus - which country’s social security applies?

Submitted by siha on

Finnish Centre for Pensions (02.04.2020) The European Commission has published instructions regarding the mobility of workers in EU during the exceptional circumstances caused by the corona epidemic. The Commission states that the regulations on the coordination of social security systems continue to be valid. The temporary exceptional circumstances do not change the social security status of mobile workers. The instructions by the Commission are indicative and they do not, in individual cases, bind the authorities in the Member States.

Regions / Country
european union
Extension of coverage
Document Type

EU regulation hampers cross-border workers’ home office ambitions

Submitted by siha on

The coronavirus pandemic has instigated a work-from-home culture with many employees wanting to extend the experience.

However, the conditions imposed by the EU risk acting as a brake for cross-border workers in regions like Geneva, which borders with France, Swiss public radio (RTS) reports.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Employment policies
Document Type

Belgium: telework will not impact applicable legislation

Submitted by pgirard on

The increased use of teleworking due to the coronavirus will not be taken into account for the determination of the applicable social security legislation.

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Extension of coverage
Document Type

Convenio de seguridad social entre Uruguay y Corea del Sur

Submitted by rruggia on

El viernes 21 de febrero se realizó la firma del acuerdo administrativo que reglamenta el convenio de seguridad social entre Uruguay y Corea del Sur el 9 de julio de 2019, la que estuvo a cargo del ministro de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, Ernesto Murro, y el ministro de Salud y Bienestar de Corea del Sur, Park Neunghoo.

Regions / Country
korea, Republic of
Global challenges
Bilateral agreements
Document Type

Le long chemin européen vers l’harmonisation sociale et fiscale

Submitted by gfilhon on

theconversation. (16.04.2019) L’Union européenne dispose donc de moyens limités pour agir dans des domaines tels que la protection sociale. En revanche elle dispose de moyens importants qui ne sont pas en faveur d'une Europe sociale

Regions / Country
european union
Governance and administration
Document Type