The digital age: Implications of automation, digitisation and platforms for work and employment

Submitted by pmassetti on (2021) Technological change is accelerating as the capacity of electronic devices to digitally store, process and communicate information expands. Digitalisation is transforming the EU economy and labour markets: nearly one-third of EU workplaces are categorised as highly digitalised. What are the implications of the digital revolution for employment and work? And how might it affect social dialogue? Eurofound has produced a body of work to explore these questions.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Technological transition
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Document Type

OECD Employment Outlook 2023 : Artificial Intelligence and the Labour Market

Submitted by pmassetti on (11.07.2023) The 2023 edition of the OECD Employment Outlook examines the latest labour market developments in OECD countries. It focuses, in particular, on the evolution of labour demand and widespread shortages, as well as on wage developments in times of high inflation and related policies. It also takes stock of the current evidence on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the labour market.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Document Type

Effects of digitalization on the human centricity of social security administration and services

Submitted by pmassetti on

ILO Working paper 87 (Feb 2023)  Human-centered social security administrations keep the human dimension in control of decision-making. This is made possible through the insight to be gained from digital data-driven innovation in policy and governance and managerial reforms. Moreover, there are risks associated with collecting and analysing people’s digital data analysed and using it to further automate business processes. Human centricity is examined in this paper, through a human + machine approach, starting with social policy through to service delivery.

Innovation capacity
Information and communication technology
Service delivery
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Business processes
Service delivery
Document Type

Digital innovations in delivering social protection in rural areas: Lessons for public provisioning during the post-pandemic recovery and beyond

Submitted by pmassetti on

International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) (31.12.2022) Over the past 20 years, considerable progress has been made in reducing poverty worldwide, with the expansion of social protection coverage and uptake playing a key role. To strengthen and expand the public provision of social protection, countries have been investing in the development of robust delivery systems, including digital tools, especially identification and payment systems and social registries.

Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

Principles for digital development in social protection

Submitted by pmassetti on (2023) - This document offers guidance on the application of the PDDs to social protection. After presenting the background and objectives, it sets out how each principle applies to digital social protection solutions. First, the original definition is presented for each principle, followed by the social protection perspective, and the key actions to apply it in practice. Barriers to implementation are highlighted and ways to overcome these barriers suggested. Country-level examples of good and bad practices, as well as additional resources, are provided throughout.

Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Business processes
Document Type

Next Generation government-to-person (G2P) Payments : Building Blocks of a Modern G2P Architecture

Submitted by pmassetti on (2022) As we move into an increasingly digital world, governments across the globe are leveraging new technologies to deliver services better, faster, and more transparently. Globally, over a quarter of adults are receiving payments from the government whether through public sector wages, pensions, sectoral subsidies, or social protection programs, an increase of 400 million from just four years earlier.

Global challenges


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

Digital labour platforms, precarious work and interventions for a fairer gig economy

Submitted by pmassetti on

The OECD Forum Network (13.12.2021) How can workers in the gig economy be better protected against severe shocks and adverse working conditions?

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Document Type

Digital Technology in Social Assistance Transfers for COVID-19 Relief: Lessons from Selected Cases

Submitted by pmassetti on (Sept 2020) Many countries have launched unprecedented relief packages to cushion the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This short review considers some initial lessons emerging from selected countries around the use of digital technology to implement these government-to-people (G2P) social transfer programs. Information is still limited on how well the programs have functioned; in particular, there is a dearth of rapid demand-side survey evidence on the experience of beneficiaries receiving transfers and the likely magnitudes of inclusion and exclusion errors.

Cash transfers
Document Type

Going Viral : COVID-19 and the Accelerated Transformation of Jobs in Latin America and the Caribbean

Submitted by pmassetti on (28.09.2020) The economic impact of COVID-19 is unprecedented in size and scope. It has quickly evolved from a health emergency into an employment crisis. It also has far-reaching implications for workers beyond the immediate employment effects, as it most likely has accelerated the transformation process of jobs that had already started in the region and the world.

Regions / Country
latin america
Technological transition


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Document Type

Report: Digital labour platforms and the future of work: Towards decent work in the online world

Submitted by pmassetti on

ILO report (Sept 2018) The report offers one of the first comparative studies of working conditions at five of the major, global, online micro-task platforms

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Document Type