A Welcome Message from Distinguished Leaders for IFDM 2018 9th World Congress on Return-to-Work & Disability Management

Submitted by fabbri on

Ottawa Citizen (28.06.2918) The International Forum on Disability Management (IFDM) started with a vision: to gather leading representatives of stakeholders in disability management and return-to-work from all over the world in order to assemble global perspectives on consensus-based best practices, cutting edge research, successful disability management and return-to-work policies and programs.

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On the occasion of hosting IFDM 2018 by Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS), scheduled from October 14 -17 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, we are pleased to bring personal welcome greetings from some of our distinguished leaders and supporters which include:

  • Hon. Kirsty Duncan, Federal Minister of Science, Sport and Persons with Disabilities on behalf of the Federal Government of Canada.
  • Hon. Scott Fraser, BC Minister for Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation on behalf of the Province of BC.
  • Dr. Joachim Breuer, President, International Social Security Association, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Hon. Wayne G. Wouters, PC, OC, Founding Chancellor, PCU-WHS.
  • Mr. Ken Neumann, National Director, United Steelworkers and Labour Co-Chair, PCU-WHS.
  • Mr. Dean Winsor, Vice-President, HR, Teck Resources and Employer Co-Chair, PCU-WHS.

The International Forum on Disability Management (IFDM) started with a vision: to gather leading representatives of stakeholders in disability management and return-to-work from all over the world in order to assemble global perspectives on consensus-based best practices, cutting edge research, successful disability management and return-to-work policies and programs.

With the 9th World Congress now well developed, and starting with IFDM 2002, which was held in Canada and saw over 400 participants from 10 countries, IFDMs have successfully been held on a biennial basis with host countries including the Netherlands, Australia, Germany, the US, the UK, and Malaysia – and it is now Vancouver for 2018, before transferring to Belgium for 2020, following which the International Social Security Association, United Nations affiliated and headquartered in Geneva, will continue hosting the IFDMs in perpetuity as a triennial event.

The international success of the IFDMs is also a reflection that, with innovation, thought leadership and a practical outcome focused mindset, we can collectively achieve much improved outcomes for individuals who acquire a mental or physical health impairment during their working lives, which, very often, result in great economic and social costs for the individual, their family, and all affected stakeholders leading to unemployment, potential poverty, homelessness or worse.

IFDM 2018 will build on the history of innovation, leadership and best practice solutions through 78 stimulating workshop sessions and 3 plenary panel presentations with representatives from approximately 20 countries.

The three plenary panels on critical challenges include:

  • The Disappearing Workplace: Challenges and Opportunities for Workers Compensation Systems – chaired by Dr. Joachim Breuer, CEO, German Federal Workers Compensation system.
  • Disability and Poverty: Breaking the Cycle – chaired by the Hon. Wayne G. Wouters, PC, OC, Chancellor, PCU-WHS.
  • Meeting the Challenge of Mental Health in Today’s Workplace – chaired by Ms. Jody Thomas, Deputy Minister, Department of National Defence and PCU-WHS Deputy Minister Champion.

With the introduction of Canada’s first National Accessibility Legislation tabled in Parliament last week, details of the legislation highlight employment as an overriding focus with more than 80% of disabling mental and physical health impairments occurring during someone’s working life. Effective job retention and return-to-work strategies are critical in measurably impacting the fiscal, social and psychological consequences of unemployment for the individual, their family and other affected stakeholders.

About IFDM 2018

For further information on IFDM 2018 please visit the website: www.ifdm2018.com or email: info@ifdm2018.com.

Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS) is a statutory, not for profit, degree granting University for the special purpose of creating and disseminating new knowledge including applied research in the fields of workplace safety, health promotion, return to work and disability management, comprehensive rehabilitation and disability leadership studies. (Web: www.pcu-whs.ca)

National Institute of Disability Management and Research (NIDMAR), founded in 1994, is an internationally recognized organization committed to reducing the human, social and economic costs of disability, which international research has proven is the most effective way of restoring and maintaining workers’ abilities while reducing the cost of disability for workers, employers, government and insurance carriers. (Web: www.nidmar.ca)