
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Amazon health move: big win for telemedicine, health start-ups United States (30.01.2018) Amazon views technology as a key part of its strategy to drive down costs. Telemedicine companies could be the big winners.

Health insurance digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Plus d'un demi million de travailleurs détachés en France france

Les Echos (05.02.2018) Attention donnée sensible : un peu plus de 516.000 travailleurs ont été détachés en France l'année dernière, hors transport routier, selon un bilan intermédiaire du plan national de lutte contre le travail illégal dévoilé par « Le Monde ». Outre son…

A ce niveau, ce type de contrat de travail, qui consiste pour une entreprise étrangère à envoyer une personne en mission limitée, atteint un record. De quoi donner de l'eau au moulin à ceux qui dénoncent le risque de dumping social malgré l

Employment, Migration migration Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Economic and social cohesion of the Western Balkans: Challenges and priorities Europe

European Western Balkans (01.02.2018) The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) gathered experts to discuss challenges and priorities for the economic and social cohesion of the Western Balkans. The event “Economic and social cohesion and European integration of the Western Balkans –…

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) gathered experts to discuss challenges and priorities for the economic and social cohesion of the Western Balkans. The event “Economic and social cohesion and European integration of the Western Balkans – challenges and priorities” was held in Bru

Social policies & programmes Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Jordan: Ministerial taskforce formed to handle social safety network jordan

Jordan Times (07.01.2018) Prime Minister Hani Mulki on Sunday formed a committee to handle all affairs related to the social security network, the term referring to the funds allocated to ease the impact of lifting subsidies in the 2018 budget.

Prime Minister Hani Mulki on Sunday formed a committee to handle all affairs related to the social security network, the term referring to the funds allocated to ease the impact of lifting subsidies in the 2018 budget.

The committee will be headed by the social developm

Information and communication technology, Social policies & programmes Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
Chile: INE - Ocupación informal llega al 30 por ciento entre octubre y diciembre latin america

Cooperativa. (01.02.2018) Tres de cada 10 trabajadores forman parte de la Ocupación Informal del país, según reveló el inorme elaborado en el trimestre octubre-diciemrbe por el Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE).

Tres de cada 10 trabajadores forman parte de la Ocupación Informal del país, según reveló el inorme elaborado en el trimestre octubre-diciemrbe por el Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE).

La Tasa de Ocupación Informal (TOI) se situó en 30,0 por ciento

Extension of coverage coverage Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
India Wants to Give Half a Billion People Free Health Care india

The New York Times (01.02.2018) India announced on Thursday a sweeping plan to give half a billion poor Indians free access to health care, as Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeks to address rising demands for greater economic and social protections before national elections next year.

India announced on Thursday a sweeping plan to give half a billion poor Indians free access to health care, as Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeks to address rising demands for greater economic and social protections before national elections next year.

The move is sure to be popular in a

Health insurance brics, universal health care Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
El futuro del trabajo: "Se viene un tsunami tecnológico" - Infobae latin america

Por Fernanda Kobelinsky 1 de febrero de 2018

Laura Ripani, economista del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, explicó los cambios que “ya están sucediendo” durante el seminario "Visión y estrategias para 2018”, la primera instancia de trabajo presencial del T20,…

Employment, Technological transition digital platforms Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… ruggia
Le salaire minimum, un pilier de l’Europe sociale difficile à construire european union

EurActiv (01.02.2018) Témoin des énormes disparités de niveau de vie au sein de l’Union européenne, le montant du salaire minimum légal varie de 1 à 9 dans les 22 pays qui l’ont adopté, ce qui rend particulièrement complexe son harmonisation au niveau européen.

Témoin des énormes disparités de niveau de vie au sein de l’Union européenne, le montant du salaire minimum légal varie de 1 à 9 dans les 22 pays qui l’ont adopté, ce qui rend particulièrement complexe son harmonisation au niveau européen.

Brandi par ses promoteurs comme un pilier de l’Eu

Social policies & programmes, Inequalities basic income Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
EU unveils health technology bill Europe

EurActiv (31.01.2018) The European Commission unveiled plans for a pan-EU Health Technology Assessment (HTA) law on Wednesday (31 January), with EU health chief Vytenis Andriukaitis promising that they would help patients take advantage of “an exciting era for innovation in health”.

The European Commission unveiled plans for a pan-EU Health Technology Assessment (HTA) law on Wednesday (31 January), with EU health chief Vytenis Andriukaitis promising that they would help patients take advantage of “an exciting era for innovation in health”.

The proposed regulation cov

Health, Information and communication technology digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
Conference: Cyber security in Estonia - Ms Liisa Past estonia 

Information and communication technology, Security, Technological transition, Service quality egovernment ruggia
Money for nothing: is Finland's universal basic income trial too good to be true? finland

theguardian (12.01.2018) Europe’s first national experiment in giving citizens free cash has attracted huge media attention. But one year in, what does this project really hope to prove?

Extension of coverage universal-basic-income Published_SS_Monitor… massetti
France: Emploi - les propositions affluent sur les job boards

Les Echos (31.01.2018) Tendance: En 2017, les sites spécialisés ont enregistré une forte augmentation des offres d'emplois. Et le phénomène ne serait pas près de se terminer. Une croissance à deux chiffres ! Sur les …

Une croissance à deux chiffres ! Sur les  sites internet spécialisés , le volume des offres d'emplois a très forteme

Employment Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
[Meinung] Deutschland: Altersvorsorge: Jetzt neue Modelle der Betriebsrente möglich! germany (29.01.2018) Seit dem 1. Januar 2018 ist das ­Betriebsrentenstärkungsgesetz (BRSG) in Kraft. Arbeitgeber können wählen, ob sie ihren Arbeitnehmern zukünftig im Rahmen eines Sozialpartnermodells eine Zielrente als Betriebsrente anbieten oder eine beitragsbezogene betriebliche…

Seit dem 1. Januar 2018 ist das ­Betriebsrentenstärkungsgesetz (BRSG) in Kraft. Arbeitgeber können wählen, ob sie ihren Arbeitnehmern zukünftig im Rahmen eines Sozialpartnermodells eine Zielrente als Betriebsrente anbieten oder eine beitragsbezogene betriebliche Altersvorsorge (bAV) mit Garantie.

Pensions managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Alcanza Brasil un déficit récord en el sistema de la seguridad social | brazil

Spanish.xinhuanet (29.01.2018) Brasil registró un déficit en su sistema de Seguridad Social de 57.100 millones de dólares en 2017, lo que equivale al 2,8 por ciento del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) previsto para el año, informó hoy el gobierno. Según los datos divulgados por el Instituto…

Brasil registró un déficit en su sistema de Seguridad Social de 57.100 millones de dólares en 2017, lo que equivale al 2,8 por ciento del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) previsto para el año, informó hoy el gobierno.

Según los datos divulgados por el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social

Pensions, Financing brics, economic crisis Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
The Rwanda Social Security Board to partner with MobiCash for health insurance payments rwanda

Telecompaper (29.01.2018) The Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB) announced plans to partner with MobiCash to ease collection of payment for community-based health insurance (mutuelle de sante) across the country, New Times reported. According to Deogratias Ntigurirwa, in charge of the Mutuelle…

The Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB) announced plans to partner with MobiCash to ease collection of payment for community-based health insurance (mutuelle de sante) across the country, New Times reported. According to Deogratias Ntigurirwa, in charge of the Mutuelle de Sante mobilisation and r

Health digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… fabbri
France: La Sécu veut informer les entreprises sur les motifs d'absence des salariés france

europe1 (30.01.2018) Cette expérimentation doit permettre aux entreprises de mieux lutter contre l'absentéisme en amorçant "une réflexion sur leurs conditions de travail".

Cette expérimentation doit permettre aux entreprises de mieux lutter contre l'absentéisme en amorçant "une réflexion sur leurs conditions de travail".

L'Assurance maladie lance une expérimentation dans les entrep

Health Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
South Korea's average retirement age rose to 61.1 in 2017 korea, Republic of

The Korea Herald (29.01.2018) The average retirement age for salaried workers topped 61 years last year as a law raising the retirement age for employees to 60 came into full effect, the labor ministry said Sunday. The average retirement age for salaried workers topped 61 years last year as a…

The average retirement age for salaried workers topped 61 years last year as a law raising the retirement age for employees to 60 came into full effect, the labor ministry said Sunday.

A survey by the ministry found that workers were retiring at an average age of 61.1 in 2017, the first

Pensions Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
Belgique: La vague migratoire coûte d'abord à la sécurité sociale et rapporte ensuite belgium (29.01.2018) Selon le président de la N-VA Bart de Wever, "il faut choisir: ouvrir les frontières ou préserver notre système social". Une opposition qui est fausse et qui n'a pas lieu d'être selon l'opposition. Vérifions à l'aide de chiffres.

Les migrants coûtent-ils à la sécurité sociale, au point de mettre la viabilité de celle-ci en danger? La question est posée par le président de l

Migration, Financing migration Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) - Statistics Asia

ESCAP works to improve the use of statistics for evidence-based decision-making and to develop and disseminate quality statistics for inclusive, sustainable and resilient societies in the ESCAP region. Quality statistics, that is statistics that are relevant, accurate, timely, value for money,…

Employment, Governance and administration, Demographic change mancovega
Workforce wellbeing makes sound business sense – Director magazine

Director magazine (25.01.2018) To conclude the roundtable discussion on the benefits of a focus on wellbeing at work, Director asks Bev Messinger, CEO of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, to reflect on the key points raised  Could…

o conclude the roundtable discussion on the benefits of a focus on wellbeing at work, Director asks Bev Messinger, CEO of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, to reflect on the key points raised

Could the strong link between employee

Employment of young workers youth employment Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
La santé redéfinie par les technologies

Lw Temps (25.01.2018) Des pilules connectées aux ambulances 5G en passant par les robots chirurgiens… A Davos, les patrons de Microsoft, Pfizer ou encore Nokia ont dessiné la santé de demain

Crise cardiaque. Une personne s’effondre dans la rue. Avant même qu’elle n’atteigne le sol, une puce intégrée à son organisme prévient les services de secours les plus proches. L’ambulance dépêchée sur place scanne le patient et envoie toutes les données à l’hôpital via le réseau 5G. Le tem

Health, Service quality Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR fabbri
[Report] Technology and pensions

oecd (16.01.2018) Technology is rapidly transforming the way that the financial sector is operating, and the management and delivery of pensions is no exception. Innovative applications of technology for financial services, or FinTech, are already being used to improve communication with…

Technology is rapidly transforming the way that the financial sector is operating, and the management and delivery of pensions is no exception. Innovative applications of technology for financial services, or FinTech, are already being used to improve communication with consumers and their engage

Pensions, Risk management digital economy Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_DOCUMENTS fabbri
HelpAge International and the network in Asia Pacific Asia is an initiative of HelpAge International network members in Asia Pacific. It is coordinated by HelpAge International's Asia Pacific Regional Office.

Pensions, Population ageing, Long-term care mancovega
Think Asia Asia

Open access repository with Knowledge from Asia’s Top Think Tanks. Jointly developed and produced by Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program and the Asian Development Bank Institute.

Health, Migration, Social assistance, Social policies & programmes mancovega
Towards a Reskilling Revolution

World Economic Forum (22.01.2018) As the types of skills needed in the labour market change rapidly, individual workers will have to engage in life-long learning if they are to achieve fulfilling and rewarding careers. Using big data analytics of online job postings, the methodology in this…

As the types of skills needed in the labour market change rapidly, individual workers will have to engage in life-long learning if they are to achieve fulfilling and rewarding careers. For companies, reskilling and upskilling strategies will be critical if they are to find the talent they need an

Employment, Employment policies, Information and communication technology Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_DOCUMENTS, Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR massetti