
[Opinion] Europe’s future of work requires new safety nets

Submitted by dfabbri on

EurActiv (April 2019) How, where and when we work is changing rapidly. There are now many diverse forms of work. In addition to the challenges that this new world of work brings to our existing systems of labour legislation, lifelong learning, taxation and collective bargaining, its impact on our social protection systems is of particular concern, writes Michael Freytag.

Regions / Country
european union


Document Type

France: Ce que propose le rapport Libault pour le grand âge

Submitted by gfilhon on

agefi (05.04.2019) Le rapport Grand âge demandé par le Premier ministre à Dominique Libault a été remis à la ministre des Solidarités et de la santé, Agnès Buzyn, jeudi 28 mars. Ce haut fonctionnaire avait pour mission de conduire une concertation et de faire des propositions de réforme, notamment dans la perspective d’un projet de loi.

Regions / Country
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
New risks
Service delivery
Document Type

The Globotics Upheaval by Richard Baldwin — white-collar disruption | Financial Times

Submitted by yzhu on

When globalisation meshes with robotics, the losers will be the middle classes.


Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Labour market
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

[Report] OECD: Boosting adult learning essential to help people adapt to future of work

Submitted by dfabbri on

OECD (13.02.2019) Many OECD countries need to urgently scale-up and upgrade their adult learning systems to help people adapt to the future world of work, according to a new OECD report. Getting Skills Right: Future-Ready Adult Learning Systems says that new technologies, globalisation and population ageing are changing the quantity and quality of jobs as well as the skills they require. Providing better skilling and re-skilling opportunities to workers affected by these changes is essential to make sure the future works for all.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

[Report] ILO: Informal economy - More than 60 per cent of the world’s employed population are in the informal economy

Submitted by fabbri on

ILO (30.04.2018) A new ILO report shows that 2 billion people work informally, most of them in emerging and developing countries. The majority lack social protection, rights at work and decent working conditions.

Difficult-to-cover groups
Document Type

[Editorial]|Dos mil millones de informales

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Jornada net (02.05.2018) El panorama global para los trabajadores es cada vez más incierto de acuerdo a organismos internacionales. Dos mil millones de personas prestan servicios en la economía informal y la calidad del empleo es cada vez más deficiente. Se trata de una situación que ya se registró en los datos oficiales de la OIT y de la CEPAL durante los dos últimos años. Y en Bolivia la situación es muy complicada y de mayor riesgo de que aumente el desempleo.

Difficult-to-cover groups
Document Type

Suisse: Ces chômeurs en fin de droits qui basculent dans l'aide sociale 

Submitted by fabbri on

Le Temps (23.03.2018) Alors que l'économie se porte au mieux, le nombre de demandeurs d’emploi qui se retrouvent à l’aide sociale a doublé en une décennie. Leur sort cause une préoccupation croissante dans le cadre du débat sur la libre circulation

Regions / Country
Social assistance
Document Type

El cambio climático llevará a 17 millones de personas a la migración interna en América Latina hasta 2050

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El País (20.03.2018) Casi cuatro millones de mexicanos y centroamericanos se verían obligados a dejar sus hogares por la subida del nivel del mar y la menor producción agrícola, según el Banco Mundial

Regions / Country
latin america
Document Type

[Analysis] Long-term care: How Can Europe’s Social Services Solve A Growing Recruitment Crisis?

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Social Europe (15.03.2018)  Against a backdrop of ageing societies and the associated increase in long-term conditions such as dementia, long-term care is growing in importance in all European countries. Socio-demographic changes, including family formation patterns, the geographical location of family members and changes in employment are challenging the sustainability of informal unpaid care and increasing demands on formal care services.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Demographic change
Long-term care
Document Type

ideas42 and the World Bank take crucial steps to strengthen Social Protection Efforts with Behavioral Design for Cash Transfer Programs

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prnewswire (07.03.2018)  Behavioral design lab ideas42 and the World Bank announce a new collaboration that seeks to expand the reach of behavioral innovations in social protection and improve the cost-effectiveness of cash transfer programs in sub-Saharan Africa. The Behavioral Design for Cash Transfer Programs initiative will bring behavioral innovations to cash transfer programs in six countries in the region.

Regions / Country
Conditional cash transfers
Document Type