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Suisse: Le stress au travail, ce lent poison switzerland

Le Temps (27.11.2017) Un quart des personnes actives en Suisse se disent très stressées dans l’exercice de leur profession. Malgré d'importantes répercussions sur la santé, les autorités sanitaires semblent pourtant fermer les yeux sur ce phénomène

A quel moment le stress devient-il vraiment néfaste pour la santé? Comment ce phénomène, pourtant physiologique, peut-il se transformer en arme de destruction massive pour notre organisme? Pour répondre à ces questions, imaginez une scène – coutumière peut-être – dans laquelle votre chef vous app

Occupational accidents and diseases Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
República Dominicana: DIDA busca Seguridad Social le ofrezca más protección a los adultos mayores dominican republic

Listín Diario (27.11.2017) La Dirección de Información y Defensa de los Afiliados a la Seguridad Social (DIDA) está procurando que los adultos mayores reciban mayor protección y beneficios del Sistema Dominicano de Seguridad Social (SDSS), por lo que reunirá aquí a expertos de diferentes países…

La Dirección de Información y Defensa de los Afiliados a la Seguridad Social (DIDA) está procurando que los adultos mayores reciban mayor protección y beneficios del Sistema Dominicano de Seguridad Social (SDSS), por lo que reunirá aquí a expertos de diferentes países para conocer sus realidades

Old-age pensions Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Global Employment Trends for Youth 2017: Weak recovery in youth labour markets demands a sweeping response

ILO (24.11.2017) n 2017. While the global youth unemployment rate stabilized at 13.0 per cent in 2016, it is expected to rise slightly to 13.1 per cent this year, according to the

Young people are estimated to account for over 35 per cent of the unemployed population worldwide in 2017. While the global youth unemployment rate stabilized at 13.0 per cent in 2016, it is expected to rise slightly to 13.1 per cent this year, according to the

Employment of young workers Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
Jobs growth in eurozone at 'highest since dotcom era' european union

The Tribune (24.11.2017) Jobs are being created across the 19-country eurozone at a pace not seen since the turn of the millennium thanks to stronger economic growth, particularly in a resurgent France, according to a closely watched survey Thursday. In another sign that a robust economic…

Jobs are being created across the 19-country eurozone at a pace not seen since the turn of the millennium thanks to stronger economic growth, particularly in a resurgent France, according to a closely watched survey Thursday.

In another sign that a robust economic recovery across the sing

Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR fabbri
Costa Rica enfrenta el reto de facilitar acceso al empleo para los refugiados costa rica

W Radio (23.11.2017) Altos índices de desempleo y empleo informal son dos de los grandes problemas que enfrentan los refugiados para lograr una efectiva integración social y económica en Costa Rica, el segundo país de mayor acogida de esta población en América Latina. Datos facilitados por el…

Altos índices de desempleo y empleo informal son dos de los grandes problemas que enfrentan los refugiados para lograr una efectiva integración social y económica en Costa Rica, el segundo país de mayor acogida de esta población en América Latina.

Datos facilitados por el Alto Comisionado

Employment policies, Migration migration Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
América Latina: Reforma laboral y desigualdad latin america

 Agencia TSS (23.11.2017) Un informe presentado por un especialista de Naciones Unidas advierte que las reformas laborales que limitan derechos de los trabajadores en escenarios de restricción económica suelen ser ineficaces para generar empleo, contribuyen a una mayor desigualdad y pueden…

Un informe presentado por un especialista de Naciones Unidas advierte que las reformas laborales que limitan derechos de los trabajadores en escenarios de restricción económica suelen ser ineficaces para generar empleo, contribuyen a una mayor desigualdad y pueden atentar contra el crecimiento de

Inequalities managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor fabbri
World Bank’s ID4D initiative launches advisory council to advance digital identification as a sustainable development priority

OpenGovAsia (28.10.2017) Over 1.1 billion people in the world, which is nearly 1 in 7 individuals, are unable to prove their identity.

The World Bank Group’s Identification for Development (ID4D) initiative has launched a 

Information and communication technology Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
[Analysis] Social Health Insurance in Zambia: Getting the bolt and nut right with Health Economics zambia

Lusaka Times (21.11.2017) According to the WHO, Universal Health Coverage (UHC) means everyone in the country can use the promotive, preventive, rehabilitative and palliative health services they need of sufficient quality to be effective, while being protected from financial loss (WHO, 2017).…

According to the WHO, Universal Health Coverage (UHC) means everyone in the country can use the promotive, preventive, rehabilitative and palliative health services they need of sufficient quality to be effective, while being protected from financial loss (WHO, 2017). So far, only 58 countries in

Health, Health insurance universal health care Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
El trabajo temporal tras la mejora del empleo juvenil en España, según la OIT spain

La Vanguardia (20.11.2017) Las mejoras del empleo juvenil en España, Francia e Italia han influido en gran medida en la reducción de la tasa de desempleo en este sector poblacional en Europa occidental, aunque los avances en el primero de estos países se deben en particular a la expansión del…

Las mejoras del empleo juvenil en España, Francia e Italia han influido en gran medida en la reducción de la tasa de desempleo en este sector poblacional en Europa occidental, aunque los avances en el primero de estos países se deben en particular a la expansión del trabajo temporal, dijo hoy la

Employment of young workers youth employment Published_SS_Monitor… fabbri
European Union: ‘Let’s do our work’ on social policy, Juncker tells member states Europe (17.11.2017) Europe’s credibility hinges on national leaders agreeing social legislation that applies across the bloc, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Friday (17 November) at a summit with leaders from EU countries in Gothenburg, Sweden.

“If we want to be credible we have to deliver. This is the beginning, it’s not the end and we are not even in the middle. So let’s do our work,” Juncker said after discussing the controversial social legislation with heads of state.

Juncker hosted the so-called social summit with Swedish

Social policies & programmes Published_SS_Monitor… massetti
Gothenburg – hot air or a real deal? european union (15.11.2017)  A social democratic Government, led by former trade union leader Stefan Löfven, has brought EU leaders together to discuss ‘fair jobs and growth’, a topic that many feel has been too long neglected by an EU more concerned with fiscal rules than the well-being of…

Published_SS_Monitor… massetti
UK: Government urged to close gig-economy loopholes united kingdom

The Government is being urged to close loopholes around the treatment of self-employed workers following intense scrutiny of gig-economy companies such as Deliveroo and Uber. A joint draft bill from the Work and Pensions and Business Committees has argued that there should be a new “worker by…

The Government is being urged to close loopholes around the treatment of self-employed workers following intense scrutiny of gig-economy companies such as Deliveroo and Uber.

A joint draft bill from the Work and Pensions and Business Committees has argued that there should be a new “worke

Employment, Employment policies, Inequalities digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Tech Innovators Open The Digital Economy To Job Seekers, Financially Underserved (10.11.2017) The future of work is a prime interest of the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, started in 2013 by researchers Erik Brynjolfsson and Andy McAfee. To help come up answers to questions about the impact of automation on jobs and the effects of digital innovation, the…

The future of work is a prime interest of the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, started in 2013 by researchers Erik Brynjolfsson and Andy McAfee.

To help come up answers to questions about the impact of automation on jobs and the effects of digital innovation, the group launched the

digital platforms Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Toolbox 2017 edition - Quality of Public administration Europe

The Toolbox aims to support, guide and encourage those who want to modernise public administrations in support of prosperous, fair and resilient societies. It is intended as a reference and resource by pointing readers to existing EU policies and international practices, illustrated by…

Information and communication technology, Service quality services quality… massetti
Quebec - Canada - Final Report of the Expert Committee on Guaranteed Minimum Income canada

Québec Portal (13.11.2017) The Expert Committee on Guaranteed Minimum Income released its final report, in which it presents 23 recommendations consistent with a global vision of what would be a transformed and enhanced income system. This global vision is based on both a conceptual analysis of…

Inequalities basic income Published_SS_Monitor… lasalle
Québec : Guaranteed Minimum Income canada

Québec Portal - Economic, social and demographic changes all influence the labour market. In response to these changes and in keeping with the goal of fostering labour market access to the greatest number of persons, the Gouvernement du Québec has decided to begin an assessment of the…

Social assistance, Inequalities basic income Proposition_SS_Monitor massetti
Republic of the Philippines Social Scurity System - news philippines, the monitoring_sourcing massetti
Philippines: AlkanSSSya scheme bags 2017 Gov’t Best Practice Award philippines, the (nov 2017) The Social Security System bagged the 2017 Government Best Practice Award (GBPR) from the Development Academy of the Philippines for its implementation of the AlkanSSSya Program to intensify social security coverage among informal sector workers.

Governance and administration, Extension of coverage issa Published_SS_Monitor… massetti
OECD report "Health at a Glance": Healthier lifestyles and better health policies drive life expectancy gains -

10/11/2017 - Healthier lifestyles, higher incomes and better education have all contributed to boost life expectancy in recent decades. Better health care has also helped, according to a new OECD report.

Health Published_SS_Monitor… massetti
The 6 Ds of Tech Disruption: A Guide to the Digital Economy

The 6 Ds of Tech Disruption: A Guide to the Digital Economy

Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Anticiper les impacts économiques et sociaux de l'intelligence artificielle

France Stratégie (nov 2017) Le but de ce rapport est de sortir d’une vision simpliste (compréhension « magique » de l’IA, focalisation sur la disparition massive d’emplois, idée que l’IA nous tombe dessus quoi que l’on fasse induisant une passivité devant le choc annoncé).

Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_DOCUMENTS… massetti
Malaysia: Social responsibility in action malaysia

 New Straits Times (10.11.2017) The Social Security Organisation (Socso) has brought some good news for 328,056 recipients, who will receive a raise in their pensions at a minimum rate of RM475 under the Employment Injury Scheme and Invalidity Scheme backdated to Sept 1

The Human Resources Ministry has allocated RM72.62 million to cover this for this year while another RM238 million has been set aside for next year as a way to ease the burden of people covered by Socso.

Income security is important to employees and their dependents, especially when some

Occupational accidents and diseases Published_SS_Monitor… massetti
Digitalisation, Deindustrialisation and the Future of Work

In tandem with the diffusion of computer technologies, labour markets across the OECD have undergone rapid structural transformation. In this paper, we examine i) the impact of technological change on labour market outcomes since the computer revolution of the 1980s, and ii) recent developments…… massetti
Artificial intelligence and the future of work and skills: will this time be different?

OECD (25.10.2017)  Of course, artificial intelligence (AI) has its own special features as a technology and is obviously different than a car or a copier. At the level of an entire economy, however, the effects of different technologies on jobs and skills are often quite similar. Will this…

Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
What artificial intelligence really means for policy makers

OECD (12.10.2017) The OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2017 looks at the potential and risks associated with the rapid development of AI and robots

Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti