Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Slovenia: ACP6 measures relating to work, family and social affairs | siha | GOV.SI (11.11.2020) The ACP6 introduces higher bonuses for care home employees. According to the law, bonuses for working in the grey and red zones are 30% of the salary base and apply regardless of whether or not an epidemic has been officially declared. In this way, employees are additionally compensated for working in the grey and red zones, regardless of the respective collective agreement, which provides a bonus of up to 65% during an epidemic. These two bonuses have been mutually exclusive so far, but as of now the higher of the two will be paid. |
covid19, Emergency grants | Health, Employment, Human resource management, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | slovenia |
Romania: Parliament expands the list of people who can retire 2 years earlier | siha | Legestart (10.11.2020) The Chamber of Deputies has adopted a legislative proposal that provides for the extension of the categories of persons benefiting from the reduction by 2 years of the standard retirement age because they lived at least 30 years in areas with residual pollution, being introduced another 27 localities, including Bacău , Oneşti, Năvodari, Baraolt, Târgovişte and Titu. The legislative proposal has as object of regulation the modification of paragraph 5 of article 65 of Law no. 263/2010, aiming at extending the categories of persons who benefit from the reduction of the standard retirement age by two years, without penalty, if they have lived for at least 30 years in some areas affected by residual pollution, as well as within a radius of 8 km around the contaminated site. |
climate change, services quality | Old-age pensions, Service quality, Shocks & extreme events | romania |
Bulgaria: Bulgarian Cabinet approves further 81M leva to fight Covid-19 spread | siha | The Sofia Globe (09.11.2020) Bulgaria’s Government has approved an additional 81 million leva, or about 41.4 million euro, for the country’s healthcare system to help fight the rising number of Covid-19 infections in the country. The funding will cover the rest of 2020. 65 million leva will go towards hospitals and other medical facilities to diagnose and treat coronavirus patients. 15 million leva would go towards the acquisition of rapid antigen tests, for use in the mobile diagnostics centres. Additionally, the Cabinet approved the allocation of 16 million leva from the National Health Insurance Fund reserves. Of that money, 10 million leva would be given to general practitioners, which would receive an additional 1000 leva a month to track Covid-19 patients. |
covid19, service delivery, services quality | Health, Cash transfers, Financing, COVID-19 | bulgaria |
US: Prop 22: why Uber's victory in California could harm gig workers nationwide | pmassetti | The Guardian (11.11.2020) Ballot measure exempting ride-sharing companies from treating drivers as employees could serve as model for future laws |
digital platforms | Platform workers | United States |
European Commission: 2020 Annual Report of the Social Protection Committee | pmassetti | European Commission (09.11.2020) The report analyses the progress towards the Europe 2020 target on reducing poverty and social exclusion, together with the latest social trends to watch, and presents the key structural social challenges in each Member State. However, following the COVID-19 pandemic that has swept across Europe in 2020, the report also focuses on the decisive action taken by Member States to protect employment, income and access to services through a variety of measures. |
covid19 | european union | |
Georgia: support program for small entrepreneurs within the framework of Enterprise Georgia will be expanded | cambrosio | (17.09.2020) According to the government's decision, the support program for small entrepreneurs within the framework of Enterprise Georgia will be expanded from 5 October. Specifically, the government increased the budget of this program to 41 million GEL and increased the volume of one-off funding as well - to 30,000 GEL. |
covid19, Emergency grants | Cash transfers, COVID-19 | georgia |
Liechtenstein: COVID-19 daily allowance extended until the end of the year | cambrosio | (29.09.2020) At its meeting on September 29, the government decided to extend the period of validity for the payment of the COVID-19 daily allowance beyond September until the end of the year in view of current developments. The deadlines in the guideline for the payment of daily allowances due to measures to combat the coronavirus have been adjusted accordingly. |
covid19, Emergency grants | Social assistance, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | liechtenstein |
Estonia: The government extended the measures to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in the culture sector | cambrosio | (03.09.2020) On 3 September, the government approved a decision to partially change the requirements for applicants in the field of music and film. The aim of the changes concerning the field of music is to expand the target group of beneficiaries. An opportunity to apply for support is also given to those organizations in the field of music that did not qualify in the first call for applications. By the government decision, the maximum level of payment was abolished, which gives organizations, whose losses exceed 15,000 euros, the opportunity to apply for support that would compensate the full extent of the damages to ensure the sustainability of the organization. The changes concerning the support scheme for film are technical and the content of the support requirements and the target group will not change. The total allocation for the support measure for music and film in this call for applications is 2 million euros. |
coverage, covid19, extending coverage | Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | estonia |
Albania: Employment promotion programs to help businesses and the unemployed | cambrosio | (23.09.2020) Employment promotion programs have been designed as part of government support packages for the economic and social recovery caused by the pandemic. Their goal is the rapid reintegration into the labor market of jobseekers who have become unemployed as a result of COVID 19, avoiding their support through passive support schemes, such as unemployment benefits or economic assistance. Also, through payroll and mandatory social contributions, programs promote job creation and support companies in the recovery process |
covid19, labour markets | Employment, Unemployment | albania |
Norway: 300 million as income replacement for the events' sector | mmarquez | (10.11.2020) The government proposes to provide NOK 300 million so that activity in the event industry can be resumed as soon as the contagion situation allows. The allocation can be increased if necessary. |
covid19 | Unemployment, Financing, Financial crisis | norway |
Norway: Income protection for the cultural sector | mmarquez | (10.11.2020) The government has introduced a new stimulus scheme for the cultural sector for the autumn of 2020, with a framework of NOK 500 million. In addition, the compensation scheme will be continued with a framework of NOK 200 million and NOK 50 million to strengthen existing schemes under the Norwegian Cultural Fund. The Ministry of Culture has proposed that the stimulation scheme be continued until the summer of 2021, but this must first be approved by the Parliament. |
self-employed | Unemployment | norway |
Norway: Extra 7.3 billion for the municipalities | mmarquez | (10.11.2020) In the supplementary issue, the government proposes that the municipal sector receive an extra NOK 7.3 billion in 2021 . The municipalities receive NOK 6.2 billion. 4.4 billion will be given as an increased population subsidy, while NOK 1.5 billion will be distributed as discretionary funds. In addition, the municipalities receive NOK 321 million from the framework grant for positions related to compliance with the rules for events, restaurants and employees. |
covid19 | Children, Financing | norway |
Norway: Extension of guarantee scheme for credits | mmarquez | (10.11.2020) The guarantee scheme was established as a temporary measure in light of the corona situation in order to maintain a sufficient credit insurance offer to companies in Norway. The scheme means that the state covers losses with the credit insurance companies totaling up to NOK 20 billion. kroner, through so-called re-insurance. In return, credit insurance companies must pay for reinsurance and commit to maintaining the business. |
covid19 | Unemployment, Financing | Europe , norway |
Norway: New compensation scheme for companies with high turnover rates | mmarquez | (10.11.2020) The government proposes a new compensation scheme of up to NOK 5 billion, for companies with a large drop in turnover as a result of the corona pandemic. |
covid19 | Unemployment, Cash transfers | norway |
Norway: Government will cover expenses for entry quarantine | mmarquez | (10.11.2020) The government proposes NOK 480 million for a new compensation scheme. The scheme will cover some of the expenses companies have when foreign labor must have the entry quarantine. |
covid19 | Health, Health insurance, Safety and health at work | norway |
Norway: Extension of unemployment benefit | mmarquez | (03.11.2020) The temporary increased unemployment benefit rate was to go down to the normal level from January 2021, but will now be extended until March. - Increased uncertainty due to infection control measures means that the government is waiting to reintroduce the normal unemployment benefit rate, the minister says. |
covid19 | Unemployment | norway |
Norway: Care allowance for parents doubled until March 2021 | mmarquez | (03.11.2020) The care allowance rules will be extended until June 2021, and the quotas will also be doubled in 2021. This means that a family next year will be entitled to at least 40 days of care allowance, compared with 20 days in a normal situation. In addition, the rules on sickness benefits in the event of infection or suspected infection will be extended until March. |
covid19, family | Family benefits, Children, Parental leave | norway |
Norwary: Extension of sickness, care and unemployment benefits | mmarquez | (03.11.2020) Effective until March 2021: right to sickness benefits in the event of absence from work due to covid-19 or suspicion of such illness. It is specified that persons who violate the travel guidelines of national authorities and are required to quarantine on return to Norway may be denied sickness benefits. The care allowance rules will be extended until June 2021, and the quotas will also be doubled in 2021. This means that a family next year will be entitled to at least 40 days of care allowance, compared with 20 days in a normal situation. In addition, the rules on sickness benefits in the event of infection or suspected infection will be extended until March. The temporary increased unemployment benefit rate was to go down to the normal level from January 2021, but will now be extended until March. - Increased uncertainty due to infection control measures means that the government is waiting to reintroduce the normal unemployment benefit rate, the minister says. Infection control measures have consequences for many industries. Higher rates will particularly benefit low-wage earners. |
covid19, self-employed | Cash sickness benefits | norway |
England: Extended furlough scheme to March 2021 | mmarquez | (07.11.2020) As part of the announcement of month-long restrictions in England, including the closure of pubs, restaurants, gyms and non-essential shops, furlough was initially extended until December. But Chancellor Rishi Sunak has now said it will run until the end of March, although the government will review the policy in January. |
covid19 | Unemployment | united kingdom |
US: Colorado votes to establish paid family leave | pmassetti | (04.11.2020) The policy will go into effect in 2024 and will give workers 12 weeks of paid leave that will be funded through a payroll tax. An additional 4 weeks of leave would be available to parents who experience pregnancy or childbirth complications. An estimated 2.6 million Colorado workers will have access to leave, according to the campaign’s website. Self-employed workers will be eligible, too. Workers will get up to 90% of their pay during their leave, up to the maximum weekly benefit of $1,100 that will be adjusted based on the state average weekly wage. The expansion of family leave policy comes as the pandemic forced many out of the workforce — especially women — to take care of their children. In September, 865,000 women dropped out of the labor force compared to 216,000 men, according to data from the Labor Department. |
covid19 | Family benefits | United States |
Greece: The additional measures of financial support activated by the Government/ Change in subsidizing real estate owners | siha | Ministry of Finance (05.11.2020) All companies that are affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, now throughout the territory, are entitled to a mandatory reduction of rent by 40% on their commercial real estate. The same applies to the main residence of the employees who are suspended from employment, but also to the student residence of their children, throughout the territory. In addition, from November, for owners who rent real estate, 1/2 of their loss will not be offset against their tax liabilities, as provided to date, but will be paid directly to the beneficiaries, and will be credited directly to their banks accounts. The cost is estimated at 30m euros. |
covid19, Emergency grants, services quality | Service quality, Cash transfers, Financing, COVID-19 | greece |
Greece: The additional measures of financial support activated by the Government/ One-off financial aid to non-subsidized long-term unemployed | siha | Ministry of Finance (05.11.2020) A new one-off financial aid of 400 euros is granted to non-subsidized long-term unemployed, in proportion to the April aid. This policy measure concerns about 130,000 unemployed compatriots of ours, who became long-term unemployed after March 1, 2020. The cost is estimated at 50 million euros. |
covid19, Emergency grants, extending coverage, youth employment | Unemployment, Extension of coverage, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | greece |
Greece: The additional measures of financial support activated by the Government/ Extension of unemployment benefit | siha | Ministry of Finance (05.11.2020) All unemployment benefits that expired and expire in September, October, November and December are extended by 2 months. The cost is estimated at 308 million euros. |
covid19, Emergency grants, extending coverage, youth employment | Unemployment, Extension of coverage, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | greece |
Greece: The additional measures of financial support activated by the Government/ Exemption of contribution and additional financial support for holidays | siha | Ministry of Finance (05.11.2020) Employees of companies-employers, throughout the territory, who are affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, may be temporarily suspended from employment. Therefore, they are entitled to special purpose compensation, in proportion to the period during which they are suspended. For the above period, all insurance contributions, calculated on the nominal salary, are covered by the State Budget, proportionally. The cost of the measure is estimated, based on new data, at 675 million euros, for the month of November alone. Today, in addition to extending the measure, we are announcing an additional political option to financially support employees, in anticipation of the holidays: Business employees until yesterday, November 4, 2020, who will be suspended in November, will receive, within December, instead of 534 euros, 800 euros, calculated proportionally for the days that were suspended. This one-time financial aid to employees is in addition to the coverage of the Christmas gift, as already announced and will be implemented. The cost is estimated at 215 million euros. |
contribution collection, covid19, Emergency grants | Contribution collection and compliance, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | greece |
Greece: Joint Press Release of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor Social Affairs/ Rent reduction | siha | Ministry of Finance (16.10.2020) Companies based in a Regional Unit that is part of level 4 for at least 14 days and are significantly affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, including scientific disciplines, are entitled to a mandatory rent reduction of 40% on their commercial real estate. The same applies to the main and student residence of suspended employees. For the owners who rent real estate in these companies and the above employees, 1/3 of the loss is offset against their tax liabilities. |
covid19, economic crisis, housing | Housing, Employment, Financing, COVID-19, Financial crisis | greece |