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Government of Canada takes action to support people living with chronic pain socpro covid19 Health, Service quality canada
Czech Republic – COVID-19: Penalty Relief for Late Employer Social Security Contributions socpro covid19 czech republic
The Government of Canada launches applications for the Canada Recovery Benefit socpro covid19, Emergency grants, family Family benefits, Unemployment, Cash transfers canada
Saint Lucia & WFP Partner to Expand Coverage of the Public Assistance Programme as Part of the National COVID-19 Response socpro covid19 Food and nutrition Saint Lucia
The Government of Canada launches applications for the Canada Recovery Benefit socpro covid19, Emergency grants, services quality Cash transfers, Information and communication technology, Service quality canada
Top rate of Pandemic Unemployment Payment to go to back to €350 as country prepares for Level 5 restrictions socpro covid19 Employment ireland
RAMAPHOSA ANNOUNCES EXTENSION OF SPECIAL COVID-19 GRANT BY 3 MONTHS socpro covid19, extending coverage Cash transfers, Extension of coverage south africa
Top rate of Pandemic Unemployment Payment to go to back to €350 as country prepares for Level 5 restrictions socpro covid19 Unemployment ireland
Government of Canada takes action to support people living with chronic pain socpro services quality, covid19 Health, Service quality canada
Social relief grant allocated R6.8bn until 2021 socpro covid19, youth employment Unemployment, Financing south africa
The Government of Canada launches applications for the Canada Recovery Benefit socpro covid19, Emergency grants, family Family benefits, Unemployment, Cash transfers canada
Europe: Compensating Healthcare Professionals for Income Losses and Extra Expenses mmarquez

COVID-19 has affected the incomes of some health professionals by reducing demand for care and increasing expenditures for treatment preparedness. In a survey of 14 European countries, we found that most countries have incentivised substitutive e-health services to avoid loss of income. Health professionals have also received financial compensation for loss of income either through initiatives specifically designed for the health sector or general selfemployment schemes, and have either been reimbursed for extra COVID-19-related expenditures such as personal protective equipment (PPE) or had these provided in kind. Compensation is generally funded from health budgets, complemented by emergency funding from government revenue.

covid19 Health, Cash transfers, Financing Europe
Digital Applications and APIs are foundational blocks for Public Sector agencies for their digital transformation journey – OpenGov Asia pmassetti

OpenGov Asia (01.12.2020) The pandemic has fundamentally changed lifestyles and thought processes across the world. There is a paradigm shift in the way people now interact with each other. With social distancing becoming the new norm, citizens are increasingly becoming dependent on technology to communicate and interact among themselves. In order to help public sector utilise digital applications and APIs to enhance service delivery and get digital transformation right, OpenGov Asia hosted an OpenGovLive! Virtual Breakfast Insight with delegates from various public sector organisations in Indonesia.

covid19 E-services, Service delivery indonesia
Poland: Quarantine and Isolation Statement siha website (02.12.2020) Insured persons in quarantine or isolation (including at home) are entitled to sickness benefits. In principle, you do not need to submit a declaration to receive the benefit. The IT system of the e-Health Center is a system from which the Social Insurance Institution obtains information about the imposed quarantine or isolation and places it on the Electronic Services Platform (PUE ZUS) . It is seen both by the insured and his employer. In many cases, this information is enough for an isolated sick person or staying in quarantine to receive the remuneration he is entitled to for the time of illness or sickness benefit. However, if there is no information on the PUE ZUS platform, an employee should submit a short statement to his/her employer within 3 days.  

covid19, services quality Cash sickness benefits, Information and communication technology, COVID-19 Europe , eastern europe, poland
Poland: Another support for entrepreneurs - the PFR 2.0 Financial Shield is launched siha website (26.11.2020) PFR 2.0 Financial Shield for micro-enterprises - up to PLN 3 billion of support

  • For companies employing from 1 to 9 employees from 38 industries from the Polish Classification of Activities
  • Turnover or balance sheet total for 2019 up to EUR 2 million
  • Financial subsidies - 18 thousand. PLN or 36 thousand. PLN per employee
  • Subsidies up to a maximum amount of PLN 324 thousand PLN
  • The amount of the subsidy depends on the number of employees and the decrease in turnover
  • For companies that recorded a turnover decrease in 2020 by at least 30% due to COVID-19
  • Non-returnable funds, provided that the business is maintained and employment is maintained for 12 months
  • Application deadline: January - February 2021 (after the approval of the European Commission)
covid19, Emergency grants, labour markets Employment, Financing, COVID-19 Europe , eastern europe, poland
Poland: Coronavirus: Carer's allowance siha website (09.11.2020) A parent can apply for care allowance if they are looking after people in quarantine or solitary confinement at home:

  • a child under 14,
  • a child with a severe disability certificate or a disability certificate including the following indications: the need for permanent or long-term care or assistance of another person due to the significantly limited possibility of independent existence and the need for constant daily participation of the child's guardian in the process of its treatment, rehabilitation and education until the age of 18,
  • another family member.

From October 24, 2020, the basis for the payment of the care allowance is the insured's declaration of the need to care for a child or family member in quarantine or isolation at home.

covid19, Emergency grants, family Family benefits, Cash transfers, COVID-19 Europe , eastern europe, poland
India: Approval of Social Security Code mmarquez

US Social Security Administration (November 30th) On September 28, India's president approved a law (the Code on Social Security, 2020) that consolidates and amends nine existing social security laws. Among the law's changes are an extension of benefit eligibility to fixed-term workers under the employer-liability gratuity scheme, a broadening of the definition of wages for contribution calculation purposes, and new protections for informal-sector workers. (Over 80 percent of India's labor force is estimated to be employed in the informal sector and thus, currently excluded from most social security coverage.) Many details of the law, including the implementation date, have yet to be finalized (though it is expected to be implemented by April 2021). According to the government, the main goal of the law is to extend social security coverage to all workers in the country. It is also part of a larger effort to simplify the country's labor laws, which included the government approving three other laws on wages; industrial relations; and occupational safety, health, and working conditions.

managing reforms Disability, Old-age pensions, Survivors, Occupational accidents and diseases india
Sweden: Crisis support for staff in health and elderly care who worked with COVID-19 patients mmarquez

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a lot of pressure on health care services and elderly care. Staff have had an extremely heavy and often stressful workload and have worked very hard. The risk of mental ill health may have increased. This is why the Government proposes funds to support staff in regional and municipal health care and elderly care in its autumn amending budget for 2020. This will make money available for crisis support, counselling and trauma support. The proposal is based on an agreement between the government parties, the Centre Party and the Liberal Party.

covid19 Health, Workplace health promotion sweden
Improving shock response in Latin America through adaptive social protection systems pmassetti (28.10.2020) Covariate shocks including disasters, economic crises, and pandemics threaten to reverse decades of gains achieved in poverty reduction and shared prosperity in the region. These shocks tend to disproportionately affect the poor and push near poor households into poverty.

Report: Sourcebook on the Foundations of Social Protection Delivery Systems pmassetti

worldbank (2020) The Sourcebook synthesizes real-world experiences and lessons learned of social protection delivery systems from around the world, with a particular focus on social and labor benefits and services. It takes a practical approach, seeking to address concrete “how-to” questions, including: How do countries deliver social protection benefits and services? How do they do so effectively and efficiently? How do they ensure dynamic inclusion, especially for the most vulnerable and needy? How do they promote better coordination and integration—not only among social protection programs but also programs in other parts of government? How can they meet the needs of their intended populations and provide a better client experience?

Service delivery
Mexico: The State of Mexico provides one-time cash benefit to unemployed due to COVID-19 mmarquez (10.07.2020) A one-time cash benefit of 3,000 pesos is intended for people 18 years of age and older who live in the State of Mexico (Edomex) and who during the last four months lost their formal or informal employment, due to the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The cash support will be delivered in two monthly installments, each of 1,500 pesos. Informal workers will need to sign a declaration under oath of saying the truth about having lost their (informal) employment due COVID-19 situation. Priority will be given to applicants over 60 years of age, and persons with disabilities.

covid19 Unemployment, Extension of coverage, Difficult-to-cover groups latin america, mexico
Japan: Exceptional treatment of Employment Adjustment Subsidy extended to February 2021 siha

NHK (27.11.2020) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare announced that the exceptional treatment of Employment Adjustment Subsidy is extended to February 2021. The exceptional treatments include the increase of maximum amount of daily allowance to 15,000 yen per an employee. The Minister also implied that the treatment would be gradually reduced after March 2021. 

covid19, Emergency grants, extending coverage Unemployment, Extension of coverage, Cash transfers, COVID-19 Asia, japan
Canada: Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy extended cambrosio (24.11.2020)

The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), which  covers up to 65% of an employee’s wages for qualifying eligible employers, has been extended until June 2021. 

covid19, Emergency grants Unemployment, Cash transfers, Shocks & extreme events Americas, canada
Canada: Support for businesses, the new Canada emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) cambrosio (24.11.2020)

Business owners can apply for new support measures. If you own a small business, run a charity, or operate a non-profit that has suffered a drop in revenue because of the pandemic, the new Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) is available. It provides a direct and easy-to-access rent and mortgage subsidy of up to 65% of eligible expenses.  The subsidy rates are in effect until December 19, 2020. This support is available directly to tenants. Qualifying organizations that have been significantly restricted by a mandatory public health order issued by a qualifying public health authority can receive an additional 25% of rent support through the Lockdown Support. The combined effect of the rent subsidy and the Lockdown Support is that hard-hit businesses, non-profits and charities subject to a lockdown can receive rent support of up to 90%. The rent subsidy and the Lockdown Support are available until June 2021.

covid19, Emergency grants Housing, Cash transfers, Shocks & extreme events Americas, canada
Switzerland: Government hopes for ‘first successful pension reforms’ of the century pmassetti (25.11.2020) The reform of the occupational pension scheme is intended to secure the pension level, strengthen financing and improve the protection of part-time employees and thus especially women, Interior Minister Alain Berset said at a press conference on Wednesday. He said he hoped it would be the first successful pension reform in the 21st century.

Pensions switzerland