Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Iceland: Support for disability pensioners | siha | Government of Iceland (20.11.2020) A one-time payment of ISK 50,000 will be made before 18 December to recipients of disability and rehabilitation pensions who are eligible for pensions during the year, in addition to the December supplement that is usually paid during the month. |
covid19, Emergency grants | Disability, Pensions, COVID-19 | Europe , iceland |
France: Support measures for businesses during containment | Social charges deferral | siha | (13.11.2020) Employers can postpone all or part of the payment of employee and employer contributions for the dates of November 5 and 15, 2020, on request online from URSSAF (in the absence of a response within 48 hours, this request is considered accepted). In addition, personal social contributions for self-employed workers (excluding contracted health professionals) will not be deducted in November . |
contribution collection, covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance, COVID-19 | Europe , france |
France: Support measures for businesses during containment | Social security tax exemption | siha | (13. 11. 2020) This concerns companies with less than 50 employees closed administratively and those with less than 250 employees in the tourism, events, culture, sport, air transport sectors with a loss of activity of at least 50% :
contribution collection, covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance, COVID-19 | Europe , france |
Mexico:The IMSS simplified the process to give social security to domestic workers | mmarquez | Infobae (24.11.2020) The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) presented the second phase of the pilot test for the affiliation of Household Workers, through which the payment process carried out by the employer is simplified and automated . This provides continuity and simplifies the operation of the pilot test, benefiting 2.4 million informal workers who carry out paid activities at home . With the operation of this program, with the modifications to the Social Security Law of July 2019 through which it is established that the employer is the obligated subject to register the domestic worker, and with the ratification of the Convention 189 of the International Labor Organization on domestic workers, firm steps have been taken to ensure the promotion and protection of the rights of this important segment of the population. Among the reported results of phase I of this pilot test, teacher Norma Gabriela López Castañeda, Director of Incorporation and Collection, highlighted that as of October 27,640 people and their beneficiaries have been incorporated into the institution and fully enjoy the social health and safety benefits provided by this scheme. In other words, this program provides coverage not only to the insured person but also to their family nucleus, thereby benefiting more than 80,000 people . Suffice it to mention that during the 18 months of operation of this phase I of the pilot test, 165 thousand medical care has been granted, both to the insured holders and their beneficiaries. |
extending coverage | E-services, Extension of coverage, Difficult-to-cover groups | mexico |
Uruguay: Covid-19 Fund | mmarquez | On April 8, Uruguay enacted Law No. 19,874 creating the Covid-19 Solidarity Fund , a precedent seen by the cross-sectional group of 16 economists who proposed a similar formula to address the emergency and post-pandemic recovery in Chile. The formula of creating a Covid fund, from which up to US $ 12 billion could be drawn to finance support for individuals and companies, seeks that the Government does not have to go to Congress for each measure: once the framework of action has been agreed, it would be issue decrees charged to fund financing. Where there are definitely differences is that when Uruguay legislated on this fund, it established a new monthly tax that levies the average and high wages of all authorities and officials of the powers of the State; companies with state participation and people who maintain contracts for personal services with the state (such as leases, among others). The only exception is health personnel who participate in emergency care. |
covid19 | Financing, Financial crisis | uruguay |
Uruguay: Extension of health coverage for laid-off workers | mmarquez | BPS (09.11.2020) Workers with activity and health coverage in March 2020, terminated between the 1st. August and October 31, will maintain their mutual membership for three months, as well as that of their dependents. Membership will be extended to:
The extension of health coverage is three months and is assigned automatically, so workers do not have to carry out procedures at the BPS or their health providers. The initiative was established through a decree of the Executive Power and its financing will be through the COVID-19 Solidarity Fund. |
covid19 | Health insurance, Unemployment, Extension of coverage | uruguay |
Uruguay: New extraordinary item for beneficiaries of Family Allowances of the Equity Plan | mmarquez | BPS (12.11.2020) Beneficiaries of family allowances (AFAM) from the Equity Plan who do not have a Uruguay Social Card will receive a reinforcement of 50% of their monthly allowance in November and December due to the health and social emergency situation that the country is going through. |
covid19, family | Family benefits, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | uruguay |
Uruguay: Exemption from employer contributions for school transport companies and those who provide school canteen services | mmarquez | BPS (20.11.2020) Transportation companies and school canteens are exempted from paying employer retirement contributions in the period between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021. There are already 293 companies that have this benefit. |
contribution collection, covid19 | Old-age pensions, Contribution collection and compliance | uruguay |
The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted barriers to vital digital financial services for refugees | pmassetti | Euronews (24.11.2020) How do you get by without a bank account? This is a question asked daily by millions of refugees worldwide who simply don’t have access to standard financial services. Even the digital and online services that many of us take for granted - tools that help us to save, transfer and receive money - are often out of reach for displaced people. |
covid19 | E-services, COVID-19 | |
Belgique : les mécanismes de droit passerelle prolongés et amplifiés | pmassetti | (25.10.2020) Le Conseil des ministres a validé vendredi la prolongation du droit passerelle jusqu’au 31 décembre et le doublement des montants du droit passerelle de crise. Concrètement, le droit passerelle permet d’offrir une garantie de revenu minimum aux indépendants qui, après avoir temporairement interrompu partiellement ou totalement leur activité, ont pu la reprendre mais subissent une perte de chiffre d’affaires. L’accès à ce droit passerelle de soutien à la reprise aurait dû s’arrêter à la fin de ce mois d’octobre. Cependant, le gouvernement a donné vendredi son feu vert à sa prolongation jusqu’au 31 décembre. "Cette mesure vise les indépendants à titre principal ou qui cotisent comme un indépendant à titre principal. Elle permet l’octroi d’une prestation financière de 1291,69 euros pour un isolé, qui passent à 1614,10 euros en cas de charge de famille", |
covid19 | Cash transfers, COVID-19 | belgium |
Switzerland: Extension of partial unemployment and simplification of procedures | siha | State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO (29.10.2020) By paying the compensation in the event of reduced working hours (RHT), unemployment insurance (AC) covers, for a certain time, part of the wage costs of workers whose normal working hours are reduced , and this in order to prevent layoffs resulting from short but inevitable job losses. The Federal Council has decided to maintain the simplified procedure for the notice of reduced working hours (RHT) and the summary procedure for the counting of the reduction in working hours until the end of December 2020. Thus, Until December 31, 2020, only the “RHT COVID-19 Procedure” should be used to process RHT and only COVID-19 forms should be used for RHT, regardless of the rationale for RHT. |
covid19, extending coverage, services quality | Employment, Extension of coverage, Service quality, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | switzerland |
Switzerland: Coronavirus: compensation for reduced working hours for on-call workers | siha | Federal Council (28.10.2020) On October 28, 2020, the Federal Council amended the Covid-19 unemployment insurance ordinance. With this change, the right to compensation for reduced working hours is granted to on-call workers who have an indefinite contract. The change comes into effect retroactively on September 1, 2020. |
covid19, Emergency grants, extending coverage | Employment, Extension of coverage, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | switzerland |
Where is the Money Coming From? : Ten Stylized Fact on Financing Social Protection Responses to COVID-19 | pmassetti | (nov 2020) The unprecedented and ongoing scale-up of social protection responses to the COVID-19 pandemic dwarf the response to the Great Recession. But how are countries financing such scale-up efforts? This note lays out ten stylized findings from a rapid review of social protection financing sources in thirty-one countries, including in terms of composition between external and domestic resources, and specific modalities within each. |
covid19 | Financing, COVID-19 | |
Monaco: Covid-19/ Youth employment assistance | siha | Public service (19.11.2020) Employment assistance for young Monegasques or residents, under the age of 26, looking for a first job or first permanent professional integration, registered with the Commission for the Integration of Graduates and the Youth Employment Unit allows companies that recruit them to benefit from reimbursement of employer contributions (CCSS, CAR, AMRR, ASSEDIC, CET), for a maximum period of two years. This measure is open to employers until June 30, 2021. |
covid19, youth employment | Employment, Employment of young workers, COVID-19 | monaco |
Monaco: Renewal of Partial Exemption from Employers' Charges (EPCP) measure | siha | Service Public (19.11.2020) As part of the Principality's economic recovery plan, the Government has decided to renew the Partial Exemption from Employers' Charges (EPCP) measure . From now on, new sectors of activity that have been permanently impacted are included, and the turnover ceiling is raised to 5 million euros achieved in 2019, instead of one million previously. In accordance with the Ministerial Decision of October 1, 2020, this mechanism aims to allow companies, strongly and durably impacted by the Covid19 crisis, to benefit from a partial exemption from the employer's share of Autonomous pension fund (CAR) and Social services compensation fund (CCSS) contributions for a given period. The measure is valid for the months of August to December 2020. |
contribution collection, covid19, extending coverage | Extension of coverage, Contribution collection and compliance, COVID-19 | monaco |
Covid-19 and the U.S. Safety Net | pmassetti | NBER (October 2020) This working paper examine trends in employment, earnings, and incomes over the last two decades in the United States, and how the safety net has responded to changing fortunes, including the shutdown of the economy in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The U.S. safety net is a patchwork of different programs providing in-kind as well as cash benefits and had many holes prior to the Pandemic. In addition, few of the programs are designed explicitly as automatic stabilizers. We show that the safety net response to employment losses in the Covid-19 Pandemic largely consists only of increased support from unemployment insurance and food assistance programs, which did not replace the lost income for many households. We discuss possible options to reform social assistance in America that may provide more robust income floors in times of economic downturns. |
covid19 | COVID-19 | United States |
Bosnia and Herzegovina: increase in budget to provide liquidity support to the most vulnerable sectors / activities | cambrosio | (16.10.2020) The Government of the Federation of BiH adopted the Decree on Intervention Measures to Support Vulnerable Sectors of the FBiH Economy in the Circumstances of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The general objective is to provide liquidity support to the most vulnerable sectors / activities, to preserve jobs, and to provide urgently needed support and maintain competitiveness in export-oriented sectors. The total financial resources for the implementation of this regulation are provided in the FBiH Budget for 2020 in the amount of 90,000,000 KM and distributed to the departments of line ministries. Thus, the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism was allocated 30,000,000 KM to help the tourism and hospitality sector, the Federal Ministry of Transport and Communications 20,000,000 KM to help this sector, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry 10,000,000 KM to help agriculture and food industry, and the Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry 30,000,000 KM to assist export companies. |
covid19 | Unemployment, Cash transfers, Financing, COVID-19 | bosnia-herzegovina |
EU: COVID-19: Presidency and Parliament reach political agreement on REACT-EU - Consilium | pmassetti | The EU is making additional financial resources available to the member states to strengthen cohesion and boost the economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The German Presidency of the Council and the European Parliament today reached a political agreement on REACT-EU, an emergency legislative initiative to release €47.5 billion through the structural funds to the hardest hit member states and regions. Support could be used for short-time work schemes to preserve jobs; education and training, especially teaching digital skills; improving access to social care; or providing working capital to SMEs as well as financing green projects. |
covid19 | european union | |
Official website of the Russian BRICS Chairmanship in 2020 | pmassetti | October 2020 . See in particular the Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Labour and Employment |
brics | Russian Federation | |
Spain: Social Security pays tomorrow 234.21 million euros in benefits to more than 256,000 self-employed workers | mmarquez | La Seguridad Social abona mañana viernes 234,21 millones de euros a más de 256.000 trabajadores autónomos a los que les ha sido reconocida alguna de las prestaciones puestas en marcha para paliar la situación de este colectivo como consecuencia de la pandemia de la COVID-19. |
coverage, covid19, self-employed | Cash transfers, COVID-19 | spain |
Bangladesh: Govt caps MFS’s cash-out charge for safety net funds | pmassetti | (16.11.2020) The government decision to distribute the fund under its social safety net programme through mobile financial services will ensure transparency and bring more unbanked people under the formal financial system, according to industry people. |
Cash transfers | bangladesh | |
Slovenia: Extended three public invitations for subsidized employment of the unemployed | siha | EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF SLOVENIA (11.11.2020) Incentives for the employment of persons from the training workshop program, the monthly subsidy amounts to EUR 740. It is paid 6 times for a minimum of 6 months of employment or 12 times for a minimum of 12 months of uninterrupted employment. Subsidized employment is financed by the Republic of Slovenia (20%) and the European Union from the European Social Fund (80% of the total value). |
covid19, Emergency grants, youth employment | Employment, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | slovenia |
Slovenia: Extended three public invitations for subsidized employment of the unemployed | siha | EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF SLOVENIA (11.11.2020) Incentives for the employment of persons from the training workshop program, the monthly subsidy amounts to EUR 740. It is paid 6 times for a minimum of 6 months of employment or 12 times for a minimum of 12 months of uninterrupted employment. Subsidized employment is financed by the Republic of Slovenia (20%) and the European Union from the European Social Fund (80% of the total value). |
Emergency grants, youth employment | Employment, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | slovenia |
Slovenia: Extended three public invitations for subsidized employment of the unemployed | siha | EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF SLOVENIA (11.11.2020) The monthly subsidy for permanent employment of unemployed young people with permanent residence in western Slovenia (cohesion region) amounts to EUR 208. It can be paid for a maximum of 24 months. The employment relationship must be concluded for an indefinite period. |
covid19, Emergency grants, youth employment | Employment, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | slovenia |
Slovenia: Extended three public invitations for subsidized employment of the unemployed | siha | EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF SLOVENIA (11.11.2020) As part of the public invitation , employers can obtain a subsidy for the employment of people over 30 who have lost their jobs for business reasons, due to bankruptcy, liquidation or compulsory settlement as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic , by registering in our unemployment register in the period from March 13, 2020 to February 28, 2021. In the public invitation may apply employers who are natural or legal persons at least 12 months registered in the Commercial Register of Slovenia, have at least one employee in the past three months, or are self-employed and still meet all the other conditions listed in public invitations. The monthly employment subsidy based on the public invitation ranges from EUR 416 to EUR 666. The amount depends on the number of criteria set in the target group of the unemployed and met by the job candidate. The employment relationship must last at least 12 months without interruption. |
covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed, youth employment | Employment, Unemployment, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | slovenia |