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France: Transparent masks for child care staff cambrosio

October 2020 (

In October 2020, the Cnaf released 5 million euros for the purchase of 500,000 inclusive masks (transparent) for early childhood professionals working in a childcare centre or "childcare assistants' centres".

covid19 Health, Safety and health at work, Financing, COVID-19 european union, france
France: continuation of entitlements by CAF during COVID crisis cambrosio

From the beginning of the pandemic, decisions were taken to ensure the automatic renewal of social minimum entitlements. Given the reopening of all public services, this measure now only concerns certain benefits. This is particularly the case for disabled persons receiving the disabled adult allowance (Aah) or the education allowance for disabled children (Aeeh).

covid19, family Disability, Family benefits, Cash transfers, COVID-19 france
France: financial aid in the form of emergency relief to help the most needy families cambrosio

March 2020 (

In order to provide urgent financial support to families identified as being in distress in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic, since March 2020, the Caisses d'allocations familiales (CAF) have been able to release financial aid in the form of emergency relief to help the most needy families to meet basic food needs or unpaid rent.  After identifying families in difficulty, social workers assess the social emergency and, if necessary, release emergency financial assistance. The amount of this assistance varies according to the emergency situation experienced by the families and according to the CAF. 

covid19, Emergency grants, family, poverty Family benefits, Housing, Social assistance, Food and nutrition, COVID-19 Europe , france
France: The allowance for the new school year 2020 is exceptionally increased by €100 cambrosio

08.12.2020 (

Since the circulation of the Covid19 and the health crisis, the Caisse nationale des allocations familiales (Cnaf) has put in place measures to support particularly disadvantaged families, as well as various managers of services useful to families. The back-to-school allowance (Allocation de rentrée scolaire) paid to families with the lowest incomes and school-age children has been exceptionally increased by €100 per child as part of the Government's Recovery Plan.

covid19, family, poverty Family benefits, Children, Cash transfers, COVID-19 european union, france
Finland: Several temporary changes to the unemployment laws extended to 31 March 2021 siha (21.12.2020) Several temporary changes made to the unemployment benefit laws have been extended until the end of March 2021. Self-employed persons will remain eligible for labour market subsidy payments until 31 March 2021 if their business has suffered due to the coronavirus epidemic. Higher exempt amounts of EUR 500 and EUR 465 will remain in force until the end of March 2021. Exceptions made to the rules on waiting periods, work requirements and maximum length of payment will expire at the end of 2020.

covid19, Covid19_deconfinement_measures, extending coverage, self-employed Employment, Extension of coverage, COVID-19 finland
Coronavirus Relief Package: $600 Stimulus Check, $300 Unemployment pmassetti

The coronavirus relief bill extends and modifies several provisions first enacted in the CARES Act, Congress’s $2.2 trillion pandemic relief law that was passed in March. With this package, lawmakers will have responded to the coronavirus and related economic hardship with a record-setting $3 trillion of fiscal support. The package extends relief through mid-March of 2021, providing support to help people and businesses get through the next several months of the pandemic. 

US: Stimulus deal is a needed lifeline for the economy, but more help will likely be needed in 2021 pmassetti

The Washington Post (21.12.2020) The biggest concern with the bill is that the aid doesn’t last long enough

covid19 Cash transfers United States
This company is combining video calls with pop-up clinics to help more people get the care they need pmassetti (06.01.2021)The use of telemedicine has surged during the COVID-19 pandemic. Start-up Carbon Health is working to make it accessible to underserved communities. Its founder says it has reduced costs by using technology to improve efficiency. His company uses pop-up clinics to deliver treatments and COVID-19 tests; patients can book appointments using a smartphone app.

Better public health systems lessen people's need to save for emergencies | LSE Business Review pmassetti

Public spending in health may allow consumers to decrease their precautionary savings and spend more, thus supporting aggregate demand, writes Valerio Ercolani

How China pays for its COVID-19 medical bills pmassetti

World Economic Forum (14.12.2020) China covers the COVID-19 medical costs for all patients including domestic migrants. The payment structure is part of the country’s “wartime” governance. It also reflects the long-term institutional transformation of the Chinese healthcare system.

covid19 china
Peru: Bonus of S / 930 to the ONP pensioners will be paid from January 11 siha

El Peruano (23.12.2020) The Government published the Emergency Decree No. 137-2020, which authorizes transfers to central government entities and regional governments, for the payment of extraordinary bonus established in Law 31083, equivalent to a minimum vital remuneration (930 soles) to pensioners of the Social Security Normalization Office (ONP). The extraordinary bonus will be paid from January 11, 2021. It will be paid automatically in the same account in which the pension is deposited, together with the pension for the month of January.

covid19, Emergency grants Old-age pensions, COVID-19 peru
Peru: First deposits to AFP affiliates would be before January 9 siha

El Peruano (03.12.2020) Law N ° 31068 approved on November 18 authorizes that people who have not worked on the payroll in the last 12 months will be able to withdraw up to four tax units (UIT), that is, 17,200 soles. The first deposits would be made before January 9, 2021.

covid19, Emergency grants Old-age pensions, COVID-19 peru
Chile: ProVida | Second Withdrawal Request of 10% siha

ProVida (10.12.2020) All members of an AFP (contributors, non-contributors and pensioners) can request their Second Retirement withdrawal up to 10% of the total saving in their Mandatory Account, with a maximum amount of 150UF (around $ 4,300,000). Survival Pension beneficiaries can also make a Retirement request for those balances. Members can apply from December 10, 2020, until December 2021. 

covid19, Emergency grants Old-age pensions, Survivors, COVID-19 chile
EPF i-Sinar Account 1 withdrawal: Here's everything you need to know pmassetti

The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has revealed full details for the i-Sinar program which will allow eligible members to make withdrawals from Account 1. The i-Sinar program was introduced to assist members who are affected by the current pandemic situation. Affected members who wish to take out funds are able to apply online starting from 21st December 2020.

covid19 Pensions malaysia
US: Congress poised to pass long-awaited $900 billion Covid rescue package pmassetti

CNNPolitics (21.12.2020) Congress is on the verge of passing a far-reaching $900 billion Covid relief package that promises to accelerate vaccine distribution and deliver much-needed aid to small businesses hit hard by the pandemic, Americans who have lost their jobs during the economic upheaval and health care workers on the front lines of the crisis. According to a summary from House and Senate Democratic leaders, the legislation will include direct payments of up to $600 per adult, enhanced jobless benefits of $300 per week, roughly $284 billion in Paycheck Protection Program loans, $25 billion in rental assistance, an extension of the eviction moratorium and $82 billion for schools and colleges.

covid19 Employment, Cash transfers United States
Research Projects on COVID-19 and Long-Term Care – Resources to support community and institutional Long-Term Care responses to COVID-19 pmassetti - 2020 "If you're doing research on COVID-19 & Long-Term Care it may be useful to see what others are doing! Here's a searchable international database of projects (a bit UK biased, but hopefully we'll get information from more projects in other countries soon!) "

Cyprus: Support for Independent Employees siha

Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance (09.12.2020) The Ministry announces that the Special Plans implemented in November 2020 continues for December 2020. Support for Independent Employees was also decided to continue supporting certain categories of self-employed persons who are significantly affected by the pandemic, such as photographers, taxi drivers, hotel workers and other categories, provided that their turnover is reduced compared to the same period last year exceeding 40%. The support provided corresponds to 60% of their income declared to the Social Insurance Services, with a minimum amount of € 300 and a maximum of € 900 for a period of four weeks.

covid19, extending coverage, self-employed Employment, Extension of coverage, Cash transfers, COVID-19 cyprus
Cyprus: Very Small Business Support siha

Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance (09.12.2020) The Ministry announces that the Special Plans implemented in November 2020 continues for December 2020. Very Small Business Support subsidizes 100% of the employees for enterprises that employ up to three (3 ) employees, especially for Business Plans in Full Suspension or related companies, 100% of the staff is subsidized for companies that employ up to nine (9) employees.

covid19, Emergency grants, extending coverage, youth employment Employment, Extension of coverage, Cash transfers, COVID-19 cyprus
Cyprus: Business / Employee Support for Certain Economic Activities siha

Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance (09.12.2020) Businesses and workers in certain economic activities, such as workers in photographers, day care centers, banquet halls and other affected economic activities, the Special Plan for Businesses for Certain Economic Activities can be provided to 50% of employees provided that turnover has been reduced by more than 40%.

covid19, Emergency grants, extending coverage, self-employed, youth employment Employment, Extension of coverage, Cash transfers, COVID-19 Europe , cyprus
Cyprus: Support for Businesses / Employees under mandatory full suspension siha

Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance (09.12.2020) The Support of Businesses / Employees that are under mandatory full suspension based on the Decrees issued by the Minister of Health are implemented additional Special Plans for the period from 1 November 2020 to 31 December 2020 or depending on the period of validity of the Decrees of the Minister of Health. The Special Plans in question will be open to companies affected by the Full Suspension Decrees and will provide support to 97% to 100% of employees, depending on the size of the company.

covid19, Emergency grants, extending coverage Employment, Extension of coverage, Cash transfers, COVID-19 Europe , cyprus
Cyprus: Support for the Tourism Industry and Businesses / Employees Related to the Tourism Industry siha

Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance (09.12.2020) The Ministry announces that the implementation of the Special Plans implemented in November 2020 continues for December 2020. The Special Plan of Hotel Units and Tourist Accommodations and the Special Plan of Economic Activities Related to the Tourism Industry are valid for the period from 1 November 2020 until 31 March 2021 and can provide support to up to 97% of the total staff of companies that will suspend their activities completely.

covid19, Emergency grants, extending coverage Employment, Extension of coverage, Cash transfers, COVID-19 Europe , cyprus
Croatia: Stop COVID-19 application now works cross-border siha

Government of the Republic of Croatia (19.11.2020) Cross-border data exchange between the Croatian Stop COVID-19 application and official applications of other EU member states has been established. This makes Croatia the seventh EU country in a row, along with Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia and Spain, which exchanges "infected keys" through the federation gateway (European Federation Gateway Service) and thus enables anonymous notification of foreign contacts about the risk of infection. 

covid19, data management, interoperability, mobile technologies Information and communication technology, Mobile technologies, Interoperability, Data management, COVID-19 croatia, european union
[Report] Shelter from the Storm: The global need for universal social protection in times of COVID-19 pmassetti

Oxfam (15.12.2020) As 2020 draws to a close, the economic devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic shows no sign of abating. Without urgent action, global poverty and inequality will deepen dramatically. Hundreds of millions of people have already lost their jobs, gone further into debt or skipped meals for months. Research by Oxfam and Development Pathways shows that over 2 billion people have had no support from their governments in their time of need. Our analysis shows that none of the social protection support to those who are unemployed, elderly people, children and families provided in low- and middle-income countries has been adequate to meet basic needs. 41% of that government support was only a one-off payment and almost all government support has now stopped.

Protecting people's health: the Council and the European Parliament agree provisionally on the EU4Health programme for 2021-2027 pmassetti (15.11.2020) The German presidency of the Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional deal on the EU4Health programme for 2021-2027. With a budget of EUR 5.1 billion, the new reinforced programme provides a strong basis for Union action in the health field based on lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. It comes at a time when EU citizens still experience the impact of a major health threat and the resulting human suffering and severe socio-economic consequences.

european union
Universal health coverage: pandemic boosts digital health pmassetti  (11.11.2020) COVID-19 has accelerated global efforts to deliver digital healthcare. The move towards value-based healthcare could facilitate universal health coverage and aid post-pandemic recovery. Millions of people living in poverty could benefit directly from new model.

covid19, universal health care