
Andorra: Free antigen self-test for the Christmas holidays and regulation of prices

Submitted by mmarquez on

Government of Andorra (23.12.2020) The Minister of Health, Joan Martínez Benazet, announced on Wednesday that the Government will offer a second free antigen self-test to all residents of the country over the age of 6: “it was a measure we had already planned but we needed more stock to be able to carry it out ”. In this sense, the holder of the portfolio has indicated that during this Wednesday they will be made available to the commons in the coming days so that they can distribute them with the operations that have been organized from the corporations.

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Global challenges
Health insurance


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Andorra: Reduction of social security contributions in May 2020

Submitted by mmarquez on

Advantia (06.05.2020) In the case of the contributions of salaried persons, the government and the company proportionally assume the employer's part of the contribution of the general branch. Discharges due to isolation or diagnosis due to COVID-19 are covered with 100% of salary from the first day in the case of health personnel, and 66% from the first day in the case of other professionals.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Andorra: Law 5/2020, on paid leave in case of absence to take care of dependent children

Submitted by cambrosio on (18.04.2020)

The paid leave in case of absence to take care of dependent children while the educational and extracurricular leisure centers are compulsorily closed is also regulated, with the same requirements as provided for in Law 3/2020. However, given that from the entry into force of the new Law and as activities are opened and schools are not opened, there will be an increasing number of people who will be able to take part in them, s 'establishes that the compensation paid by the Government may not exceed the minimum interprofessional wage.

Regions / Country
Global challenges


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