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Austria: Labor ministers and tourism ministers give employees in tourism the prospect of returning to work | pmassetti | With the renewal of the commitment to re-employment, we are giving employees and companies more planning security and prospects for returning to work as soon as tourism can take off again, ”emphasize Tourism Minister Elisabeth Köstinger and Labor Minister Martin Kocher. Numerous employers - especially in the tourism industry - have given their employees a "re-employment commitment" - that is, the assurance that the job will be available as soon as it can be reopened. If there is a confirmation of employment that is currently valid for up to three months, the person concerned receives unemployment benefit for this period without the AMSMediation activities are set. Since some branches are still opening up , Tourism Minister Elisabeth Köstinger and Labor Minister Martin Kocher have made it possible to extend the deadline to four months |
covid19 | Employment | austria |
Argentina: Expansion of virtual offer by the social security institution ANSES | mmarquez | ANSES (03.02.2021) Through Resolution 37/2021 published today in the Official Gazette, ANSES expanded its virtual procedures. Now you can manage online the request for the payment of fees, a one-time payment, the accrual of a pension benefit due to death and assistance for the start of the Honorary Pension of Veterans of War. |
covid19 | Innovation capacity, Information and communication technology, E-services | argentina |
Barbados: Change of Payment Deadline for Contributions from February 15, 2021 | mmarquez | National Insurance Service (15.02.2021) The National Insurance Office wishes to advise the public that the February 15, 2021 payment deadline for January 2021 contributions, has been extended until March 2, 2021. Payments made after this date will attract interest. The public is reminded that contribution payments can be made online through EZpay+, via wire or bank transfer or placed in our drop boxes located at the Frank Walcott Building. For further payment information, please visit |
contribution collection, covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | barbados |
France: L’EN3S lance sa plateforme en ligne « une saison avec la sécu » | pmassetti | Education et solidarité (15.02.2021) L’Ecole nationale supérieure de Sécurité sociale (EN3S), vient de lancer un tout nouveau programme intitulé : « une saison avec la Sécu ». Créé dans le sillage des rencontres « une journée avec la sécu », ce nouveau dispositif pédagogique est entièrement virtuel et s’adresse aux enseignant.e.s et leurs classes allant du second degré à l’enseignement supérieur en France. Son principal objectif ? Renforcer l’éducation à la solidarité et à la citoyenneté sociale. |
Social policies & programmes | france | |
Canada: One-year tax exemption on COVID-19 assistance benefits | mmarquez | Newswire Quebec (12.02.2021) Individuals who have received COVID-19 assistance benefits will be exempt from paying interest on their 2020 tax balance for a one-year period. This measure is intended to provide relief to those who have been impacted by the pandemic. Specifically, individuals who received the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), the Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB), the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB), the Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB), the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB), employment insurance benefits (including maternity and paternity benefits) or the Incentive Program to Retain Essential Workers (IPREW) and who will have a tax balance owing on their 2020 income tax return will be entitled to an interest holiday until April 30, 2022. To be eligible for this measure, individuals must have earned a total taxable income of $75 000 or less in 2020. |
Social assistance | canada | |
Colombia: Financial assistance to the unemployed for three months | mmarquez | SuperSubsidio Colombia (25.11.2020) The family compensation funds offered a financial compensation of 160,000 Colombian pesos to unemployed persons approved by decree 801 of 2020. This is a different benefit from the one the Unemployment Protection Mechanism due to Covid-19 (Decree 488 of 2020). The benefit was awarded until November 30th and was payable for three months. |
covid19 | Unemployment | colombia |
Uruguay: Cash benefit for companies in the tourism sector that reincorporate workers on furlough | mmarquez | Banco de Previsión Social (08.01.2021) In order to promote the conservation and creation of employment in the tourism sector, the Social Security Bank (BPS) is implementing the granting of a contribution determined by the Executive Power for companies in the sector that, between December 1, 2020 and on March 31, 2021, reinstate those workers covered by unemployment benefits for the cause of total suspension or incorporate new workers. The contribution consists of a non-refundable monthly amount of 8,000 pesos, paid for a maximum of four months for each worker that the company rejoins or hires in said period. Reintegrated workers must have been collecting unemployment benefit as of November 30, 2020. This incentive will also be available to companies that hire new workers, as long as they do not register employees for unemployment benefit as of November 30 for any reason. |
covid19 | Employment, Unemployment | uruguay |
Uruguay: Second installment of the extraordinary payment for vulnerable families and continuation of school meal plan | mmarquez | Banco de Previsión Social (12.02.2021) As of Friday, February 12, the payment of the second extraordinary installment will be available for beneficiaries of family allowances for the Equity Plan and the special item for the boys and girls included in the CEIP School Meal Plan. This is an item whose amount is equivalent to the usual collection of the benefit, to be paid in two installments: the first was paid in January and the second will be paid from February 12, both in banks and in decentralized collection centers. |
covid19 | Cash transfers, Food and nutrition | uruguay |
Aide exceptionnelle au titre des congés payés | pmassetti | Une aide exceptionnelle est accordée aux entreprises accueillant du public au titre des congés payés pris par leurs salariés entre le 1er janvier et le 7 mars 2021. Cette aide est limitée à 10 jours de congés payés. |
covid19 | Employment | france |
Uruguay: Extension of sickness benefit for workers over 65 | mmarquez | Banco de Previsión Social (14.01.2021). Due to the continuing health emergency situation, the sickness benefit for workers aged 65 and over will be extended until February 28. Workers aged 65 or over who cannot perform their usual tasks at home and are covered by sickness allowance from December 20, 2020, may remain in isolation with the right to this allowance until February 28, as determined and communicate the companies to the BPS. |
Cash sickness benefits | uruguay | |
Covid-19 :l'aide de 900 euros pour 400 000 travailleurs précaires prolongée de trois mois, annonce Elisabeth Borne | pmassetti | La ministre du Travail Elisabeth Borne a annoncé lundi 15 février que l'aide exceptionnelle de 900 euros mise en place en novembre, pour lutter contre la crise liée au Covid-19, serait prolongée de trois mois, jusque fin mai, comme l'a révélé RTL. Cette aide, qui a déjà bénéficié à 400 000 personnes, permet à toutes celles qui ont travaillé au moins 138 jours en CDD ou en intérim (soit plus de 60% du temps de travail annuel) en 2019, mais qui n'ont pas pu travailler suffisamment en 2020 pour recharger leurs droits à l'assurance-chômage du fait de la crise sanitaire, de bénéficier d'une garantie de revenu minimum de 900 euros par mois. Cette aide devait initialement couvrir les mois de novembre, décembre, janvier et février. |
covid19 | Employment, COVID-19 | france |
Barbados: Employability project launched is also a timely response to COVID-19 | mmarquez | Ministry of Labour Barbados (16.07.2020) Government’s Employability Project fits well within the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) policy framework, says ILO Deputy Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, Claudia Coenjaerts. Addressing the launch of the Employability Project, on Wednesday, Ms. Coenjaerts pointed out that the ILO policy framework to tackle the COVID-19 crisis was based on international labour standards and aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. |
covid19 | Unemployment, Employment policies | barbados |
Mexico: Unemployment insurance, a necessary response in Mexico | mmarquez | El Economista México (08.12.2020). Granting unemployment insurance to the Mexican population, given the conditions that are experienced by the health and economic crisis of Covid-19, is one of the necessary responses for an economy such as that of our country, said Gerardo Esquivel, deputy governor of the Bank of Mexico (Banxico). As of now, there is no federal unemployment social insurance. Only Mexico City counts with a tax-funded unemployment benefit granted for up to two months. |
covid19 | mexico | |
Bahamas: Extension of government-funded unemployment program | mmarquez | National Insurance Board Bahamas (02.11.2020) The National Insurance Board has extended the Unemployment Programme effective October 1, 2020. This second extension impacts those individuals who remain unemployed after the completion of the first 13 weeks extension and runs until 31st December, 2020. This second extension programme pays at $100 per week, every 2 weeks. Unlike the previous NIB unemployment programme, you will still be eligible for partial assistance even if you work for part of the week. This approach ensures that employees who are called back to work for part of a week are not disadvantaged. This amount will be deducted from the Government’s payment. For example, if you earned $50 during the 2-week period, your payment will be $150 for the 2-week period ($200 less the $50 earned). If your income exceeds the $200 Government subsidy, then no Government payment will be made. This adjustment ensures that more people can continue to benefit from the programme and receive some partial income support. |
covid19 | Unemployment | bahamas |
Social Protection in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico During the Pandemic | pmassetti | Center For Global Development (04.02.2020) In a new CGD Note, we look at these social protection policy responses to COVID in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. What programs did governments launch? How effective have they been in reaching the beneficiaries of social security systems and existing cash transfer programs, and in providing safety nets for households outside of these existing systems? What is the potential effect of safety net policies on inequality and poverty? The short answer, as we explain below, is that the response has been very heterogeneous |
covid19 | COVID-19 | latin america |
UK: A Family Stimulus – Supporting Children, Families and the Economy through the Pandemic | pmassetti | Development Pathways (08.02.2021) The paper makes the case for a “family stimulus” in the UK, advising the government to urgently boost the income of families hard-hit by the pandemic through the social security system, as well as targeting investment in childcare to ensure this sector keeps operating. |
covid19 | Family benefits | united kingdom |
Slovakia: Deferral of payment of Social Insurance Premiums for January 2021 | cambrosio | (29.01.2021) The Government of the Slovak Republic allows employers and self-employed persons (SZČO) to defer the payment of social insurance premiums for January 2021 . The deferral of premiums applies to employers and SZČO, whose net turnover or income from business and other self-employed activities decreased by 40% or more as a result of an extraordinary situation . The possibility of deferral of contributions does not apply to the part of the premium paid by the employer on behalf of the employee, where the original maturity dates continue to apply. |
contribution collection, Contributory, covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance, COVID-19 | Europe , eastern europe, slovakia |
Commission launches debate on responding to the impact of an ageing population | pmassetti | (28.02.2021) The European Commission has presented a green paper to launch a broad policy debate on the challenges and opportunities of Europe's ageing society. It sets out the impact of this pronounced demographic trend across our economy and society and invites the public to express their views on how to respond to this in a public consultation, which will run for 12 weeks. |
european union | ||
India´s COVID-19 social assistance package and its impact on the agriculture sector | pmassetti | (2021) COVID-19 induced significant economic and social disruptions in India. Rural households, including smallholders, were affected by loss in migrant income, livelihood and farm and non-farm incomes. During this lockdown, the Indian government enacted several emergency legislations to provide direct and indirect relief to workers and households. India’s COVID-19 social assistance package, namely, PM-GKY, announced in March 2020, was designed to provide immediate relief to the vulnerable population. The PM-GKY provided cash direct benefit transfers (DBT) and in-kind supports (IKS) through existing schemes. |
covid19, rural world | Cash transfers | india |
India: ESIC, other social security safety nets to cover gig economy workers | pmassetti | The Indian Express (02.02.2021) The Budget for 2021-22 (April-March) also proposes to launch a portal that would collect relevant information on gig economy workers, including those working in building and construction, among others. |
digital platforms | india | |
How technology can be deployed to scale-up Social Protection during COVID-19: The Case of South Africa, Nigeria and Africa | pmassetti | Research ICT Africa (January 2021) This RIA policy brief examines how technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI), can be deployed to scale social protection programmes as well as reduce corruption in the disbursement of social protection grants, which the COVID-19 lockdowns, have revealed are vital lifelines for the most vulnerable. |
artificial intelligence , covid19 | Information and communication technology | Africa, nigeria, south africa |
COVID-19 and food security in Ethiopia: Do social protection programs protect? | pmassetti | (01.02.2021) The COVID-19 pandemic is testing global food and social protection systems at an unprecedented scale. The spread of the pandemic is disrupting food systems and undermining the food and nutrition security of households. |
covid19 | COVID-19 | ethiopia |
DRC: The Covid-19 Fund benefits from a donation of USD 100,000 in protective equipment from TDB | cambrosio | (28.12.2020) The Trade Development Bank (TDB) has donated Covid-19 protection materials to the National Coronavirus Solidarity Fund (NCSF). The donation, valued at US$100,000, was handed over by Finance Minister Sele Yalaghuli, who is the Congolese government's focal point to TDB. |
covid19 | Safety and health at work, COVID-19 | Africa, Congo, Democratic Republic of the |
DRC: UNDP donates US$700,000 in equipment to the Ministry of Health to support anti-covid response-19 | cambrosio | (20.01.2021) The Minister of Health, Dr. Eteni Longondo and the Coordinator of the United Nations System, David Mclachlan-Karr proceeded, on Wednesday 20 January 2021, to the signing of the transfer deed and the symbolic handover of the donation of materials and equipment offered by UNDP to the Congolese government in the fight against covid-19. Valued at more than US$700,000, this donation consists of medical materials and equipment including 3 ambulances, 80 oxygen concentrators, 40 pulse oximeters and 80 dispensers. This equipment will be gradually transported to 40 health zones spread across 12 provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
covid19 | Safety and health at work, COVID-19 | Africa, Congo, Democratic Republic of the |
DRC: payment due date for property and rental income tax deferred to 31 March 2021 | cambrosio | (02.02.2021) Prévue pour le premier février 2021, l’échéance de paiement de l’impôt foncier et de l’impôt sur les revenus locatifs a été reporté par le Gouverneur de la ville de Kinshasa, Gentiny Ngobila, au 31 mars 2021. |
covid19, housing | Contribution collection and compliance, COVID-19 | Africa, Congo, Democratic Republic of the |