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Maroc : la couverture sociale généralisée mise en œuvre | pmassetti | Le Maroc a annoncé avoir lancé auprès de 9 millions de bénéficiaires son plan de généralisation de la couverture sociale destiné à terme à couvrir 22 millions de personnes actuellement dépourvues d'assurance maladie. Les agriculteurs, les artisans, les commerçants, les professionnels indépendants et leurs familles seront les premiers inclus dans le régime de l'assurance maladie obligatoire (AMO) en 2021 et 2022. L'AMO s'étendra ensuite aux travailleurs des autres secteurs « dans la perspective de la généralisation effective de la protection sociale à tous les citoyens ». |
Extension of coverage | morocco | |
COVID-19 Labor Policy Responses in Developing Countries | mmarquez | The World Bank (March 2021) The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered one of the largest economic downturns since the Great Depression. Beyond its devastating effect on health, morbidity, and mortality, the pandemic shook economies and labor markets around the globe, leaving no firm, worker, and household untouched. Governments responded to the crisis with a series of public health and containment measures that deeply affected societies and economies, including the supply and demand for goods, capital, and labor. These were accompanied by a series of social, financial, and macroeconomic policies aimed at mitigating the economic effects of the crisis. In low- (LICs) and middle-income (MICs) countries alone, over 1,300 labor market and social protection interventions have been introduced since the start of the pandemic.1 These policies often included a mix of social assistance, social insurance, and labor market interventions, with 98 percent of countries in the sample announcing at least one labor market policy or one social assistance policy, and 60 percent announcing at least one social insurance policy. |
covid19, labour markets | Employment | |
United States: Senate adopts Republican jobless benefit for COVID-19 relief bill | cambrosio | (06.03.2121) The U.S. Senate approved a Republican measure setting federal unemployment benefits for those made jobless by the coronavirus pandemic at $300 per week, as part of President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill. |
covid19, Emergency grants | Unemployment, Social assistance, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | United States |
China: Extension period for reduction of premium rates of unemployment insurance and work injury insurance | cambrosio | (26.01.2021) Considering that the risk of the pandemic still exists, some enterprises may be under great financial pressure, the policy of phased reduction of premium rates of unemployment insurance and work injury insurance will be extended for another year until 30 April 2022. |
contribution collection, Contributory, covid19 | Unemployment, Occupational accidents and diseases, Contribution collection and compliance, COVID-19 | china |
Australia: Tracing the impacts of the COVID pandemic on Australia's fastest-growing migrant group | mmarquez | Monash University (12.04.2021) As the pandemic-related shutdown intensified across Australia from March 2020, temporary and undocumented migrants and their advocates warned of devastating impacts on migrant workers and international students who were simultaneously losing their incomes while being excluded from social security benefits. Since then, research indicates that the pandemic has deepened inequality for temporary and undocumented migrant workers, who are disproportionately employed in precarious and insecure work. |
covid19 | Difficult-to-cover groups, Migration, COVID-19 | australia |
Landmark study shows how child grants empower women in Brazil and South Africa | pmassetti | (29.03.2021) Since the mid-1990s, new approaches to poverty reduction have been introduced in countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America. Some have involved income transfer programmes that target poorer citizens based on various means tests. Most have targeted female caregivers, primarily mothers. The most expansive child and family grants are in Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Argentina and South Africa, which has put in place the biggest social provision net in Africa. The focus of our study was on Brazil and South Africa, two of the countries that have the largest programmes globally. The programmes were all designed to enhance child welfare. |
Family benefits | south africa, brazil | |
Oman restructures pension and social protection system | pmassetti | Reuters (07.04.2020) Oman on Wednesday restructured its pension and social protections systems, part of a reform push by the Gulf Arab state wrestling with an economy battered by low oil prices and the coronavirus pandemic. |
covid19 | oman | |
Extending social security to workers in the informal economy | pmassetti | (March 2021) This brief is part of the policy resource Package Extending social security and facilitating transition from the informal to the formal economy. Lessons from international experience. |
Blog: Developing countries introduced an unprecedented social protection and jobs policy response to mitigate the effects of the pandemic | pmassetti | (30:03.2021) Developing countries have introduced an unprecedented number of social protection and jobs policies to mitigate the effects of the crisis. Over the past year, developing countries have introduced more than 1,300 crisis-related social protection and jobs (SPJ) policies. That figure is based on data from the COVID-19 SPJ Policy Inventory for 55 countries, representing 80 percent of the population in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). The Inventory added policies related to labor demand to the already comprehensive social protection and jobs programs collected by Gentilini et al. (2020). These measures exceeded the crisis-related social protection and jobs policies witnessed over two years of the global financial crisis (2008-2009) for a comparable set of developing countries. |
covid19 | Extension of coverage | |
Japan: Extension of deadline to submit disability pension certificate | mmarquez | Those who receive disability pension must submit the disability pension medical certificate to the Japan Pension Service by the deadline, and if it is not submitted by the deadline, the disability pension payment is usually suspended. It will be. It is said that the disability pension medical certificate can be prepared for 3 months, but those who live in the target area of the state of emergency (period: January 8th, 3rd to March 21st, 3rd year of Reiwa) and the area It is also possible that people who visit a medical institution in the target area across the board may not be able to see a medical institution and may not be able to carry out normal procedures smoothly. |
covid19 | Disability | japan |
Digital finance and inclusion in the time of COVID-19. Lessons, experiences and proposals | pmassetti | (2021) The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted digital financial inclusion trends across the world in many and complex ways. In developing and emerging contexts, this crisis also holds the potential to propel an unprecedented acceleration in the process of financial digitization and turn out to be a game-changer for digital financial inclusion. The aim of this study is to illustrate the opportunities and risks associated with the surge in uptake and use of digital financial service, providing ideas on how to leverage the paradigm changes affecting the overall approach and perspective towards digital financial services – on the part of various stakeholders – to advance financial inclusion and development. It also seeks to showcase how digital financial services have been used – in both traditional and innovative ways – to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on economies and societies, by both public and private actors. |
covid19, digital inclusion, epayment | E-services | |
Duterte approves in-kind assistance to vulnerable sectors in areas under ECQ | mmarquez | Close to 23 million low-income individuals from Metro Manila, Rizal, Bulacan, Cavite, and Laguna will receive an in-kind doleout worth ₱1,000. The aid will be limited to a maximum of four members per family. |
covid19, poverty | Family benefits, Social assistance | philippines, the |
Employment and Social Developments in Europe Quarterly Review analyses the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the self-employed | pmassetti | EU Reporter (29.03.2021) The European Commission has published the March 2021 edition of the Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) Quarterly Review, with a thematic focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the self-employed. The review shows that this group has experienced a strong reduction of their working time and more severe income losses than employees in most member states. National social protection systems typically provide lower coverage and compensation for the self-employed. In the context of the pandemic, most member states have introduced temporary measures to support the income of the self-employed, in addition to short-time work schemes and similar measures accessible for workers, which were supported by the SURE instrument. This support took many different forms, including low interest loans, paid family leave, extended coverage of sickness benefits and income replacement. |
covid19, self-employed | Unemployment | european union |
Philipine: National ID to help financial inclusion of poorest sector | pmassetti | (20.03.2021) The poorest sector, especially those with no access to banking services, will benefit from the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys), so President Duterte is urging every Filipino to sign up for the national ID. |
epayment | E-services | philippines, the |
COVID-19: Implications for employment and working life | pmassetti | Eurofound (March 2021) This report sets out to assess the initial impact of the COVID-19 crisis on employment in Europe (up to Q2 2020), including its effects across sectors and on different categories of workers. It also looks at measures implemented by policymakers in a bid to limit the negative effects of the crisis. It first provides an overview of policy approaches adopted to mitigate the impact of the crisis on businesses, workers and citizens. The main focus is on the development, content and impact of short-time working schemes, income support measures for self-employed people, hardship funds and rent and mortgage deferrals. Finally, it explores the involvement of social partners in the development and implementation of such measures and the role of European funding in supporting these schemes. |
covid19, self-employed | Unemployment | |
What's next for social protection in light of COVID-19: country responses | pmassetti | International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) March 2021 - The COVID-19 crisis has had a huge impact on the world of social protection. The pandemic has alerted national governments and the international community to the urgency of accelerating progress in building and expanding social protection systems and programmes to leave no one behind. From 5 to 8 October 2020, the team organised a global e-conference titled ‘Turning the COVID-19 crisis into an opportunity: What’s next for social protection?’. To further disseminate its key discussions, the platform and the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) have developed two special issues of Policy in Focus. This first issue focuses on experiences from countries in Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the overall lessons for the future, including shock-responsive and universal social protection. |
covid19 | ||
Supporting Families and Children Beyond COVID-19: Social protection in high-income countries | pmassetti | (Dec 2020) This new UNICEF Innocenti report explores how the social and economic impact of the pandemic is likely to affect children; the initial government responses to the crisis; and how future public policies could be optimized to better support children. |
covid19 | Family benefits, Children | |
Using Technology to Improve Civil Service Talent | pmassetti | Asian Development Bank (March 2021) This brief presents digital and online platforms for civil services in Asia and the Pacific, along with recommendations for holistic government interventions and reforms in policies, business processes, and management systems. |
covid19 | Innovation capacity | Asia |
SOCIAL HEALTH INSURANCE: A guidebook for planning | mgerecke | This guidebook is designed to be used by planners, policy-makers and stakeholders in countries that are considering the introduction social health insurance (SHI) as a replacement for or to supplement to existing financing mechanisms for health care. This book is not meant to be an advocacy tool but a technical guide for those who are interested in the issues and techniques of SHI. |
universal health coverage | Health promotion, Health insurance | |
Zimbabwe: Unicef rolls out emergency cash transfer programme | cambrosio | (06.12.2020) UNICEF Zimbabwe in collaboration with the Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare ministry and Goal Zimbabwe is rolling out the emergency social cash transfer programme (ESCT) to reduce food insecurity, improve dietary diversity, and maternal and child health outcomes of vulnerable households, whose situation has further deteriorated as a result of Covid-19. The programme is primarily focused on households headed by the elderly (65 years and above), those with pregnant women or with children under the age of two years, persons living with disability and child-headed households. The beneficiaries of the programme will be supported through a combination of monthly cash transfers and complementary nutrition and child protection services for a period of 12 months. |
covid19, family | Family benefits, Social assistance, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | zimbabwe |
Zanzibar responds to COVID-19 economic challenges with a 20% rise to their universal social pension | cambrosio | (22.07.2020) The government decided to increase the monthly transfer of their universal social pension by 20 per cent. This is another bold step from the government, which follows on from becoming in 2016 the first country in the Eastern African region to offer social pensions to older people. |
covid19 | Old-age pensions, Pensions, Social assistance, COVID-19 | tanzania |
São Tomé and Príncipe: The World Bank Provides $10 million to Support São Tomé and Príncipe’s Response to COVID-19 | cambrosio | (21.12.2020) The World Bank Board of Executive Director approved today a $10 million Development Policy Operation (DPO) for São Tomé and Príncipe (STP) to support the government's response to the human and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as economy-wide and sectoral reforms for a stronger, more resilient recovery. |
covid19 | Financing, COVID-19 | Sao Tome and Principe |
Mozambique: EU provides €100 million to support education, health and social protection | cambrosio | (02.11.2020) The European Commission and the Government of Mozambique have today signed a budget support programme worth €100 million to respond to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19. This new EU programme will provide the Government of Mozambique with short-term financial assistance to tackle the economic and social impact of the crisis, maintain vital State functions and protect social spending, thanks to effective delivery of basic services to the population. The programme is part of the Team Europe global response to COVID-19 which, in Mozambique, has mobilised approximately €170 million by the EU and its Member States to tackle the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. |
covid19, family | Social assistance, Financing, COVID-19 | mozambique |
Malawi: The EU supports nutrition and social protection | cambrosio | (26.10.2020) As part of Team Europe's response to COVID-19 in Malawi, the European Union has allocated €39 million to mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The funding will address the increasing needs of vulnerable parts of the population in the field of nutrition and social protection, including pregnant women and children. |
covid19, Emergency grants, family | Cash sickness benefits, Family benefits, Children, Social assistance, COVID-19 | malawi |
Liberia: US$3.4 Million Cash Transfer to Impact 15K Households in Rural Montserrado | cambrosio | (28.01.2021) The Government through the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MGCSP) will begin cash transfer pilot Project to fifteen thousand households in rural Montserrado County. The total amount to be distributed according to the government is US$3.4 million. This initiative is led by the Ministry’s Social Cash Transfer (SCT) Program under the Liberia Social Safety Nets Project sponsored by Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and the World Bank. |
covid19, Emergency grants | Social assistance, Cash transfers, Financing, COVID-19 | liberia |