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The Mozambican Statistical Bulletin: a best practice in monitoring the progress of the extension of social protection coverage pmassetti (2021) The brief presents the Mozambican practice of preparing and publishing an annual National Statistical Bulletin on Social Protection. This practice demonstrates how this country has successfully developed a tool that harmonizes national data and underpins informed social protection decision-making, based on concrete and comprehensive data. In addition to contributing to defining more efficient policies for extending social protection coverage, the tool also allows the measurement of the progress made towards the SDG target 1.3, which concerns social protection floors.

Extension of coverage mozambique
Council adopts European Child Guarantee pmassetti (04.06.2021) The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) has adopted the Commission proposal on establishing a European Child Guarantee. The objective of the European Child Guarantee is to prevent and combat social exclusion by guaranteeing the access of children in need – persons under the age of 18 years who are at risk of poverty or social exclusion – to a set of key services: early childhood education and care, education, healthcare, nutrition and housing.

Children european union
Digital labour platforms in the EU pmassetti

CEPS (14.06.2021) Digitalisation is not only changing the nature of jobs, workplaces and skills development, but also the way work is allocated. Digital labour platforms (DLPs) are driving innovation in the allocation of work. Check out the latest landscape, trends, and impact on working conditions. The report aims to improve the available data on platform work in the EU. To achieve this, it: – identifies trends in the development of the EU digital labour platform economy in the last 5 years; – provides an overview of the latest platform landscape in the EU27; – assesses the working conditions of people working through platforms across different business models.

digital platforms european union
Biden administration can't stop state exits from unemployment programs pmassetti

The Labor Department determined it doesn’t have the legal authority to stop states from opting out of federal unemployment programs early, according to an agency official. The programs have offered unemployment benefits to millions of people since the early days of the Covid pandemic. The American Rescue Plan extended them to Sept. 6. Twenty-five states, all led by Republican governors, are withdrawing early. The earliest are doing so effective Saturday, June 12.

covid19 Unemployment United States
Growing old in Europe: two new reports shed light on long-term care and pensions across the EU pmassetti

European Commission (14.06.2021) On 14 June 2021, the Council of the EU endorsed the key conclusions of the 2021 reports on long-term care and on pension adequacy, that illustrate the situation of older people in the EU. The two reports analyse the situation of older people in the EU, looking into whether Europeans can maintain decent living standards in retirement, how many older people need support in their daily activities and whether they can access and afford the help they need. 

european union
Govt looks to widen social protection, use single database pmassetti

Free Malaysia Today (FMT) (08.06.2021) Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin says the government is looking to bolster the country’s social safety net programme with a definitive database. Muhyiddin said that he chaired a Malaysian Social Protection Council (MySPC) meeting via video conferencing today, during which the issue of strengthening the national social safety net was discussed. He added it included expanding the protection schemes under the Social Security Organisation (Socso) to groups that were not covered previously. “I also emphasised the need for a social protection database across agencies which covers elements of employment, social insurance and social assistance. “This database can be the sole reference for the country’s social protection programmes,” he said on his Facebook page. He added that such a database would make for a “new, more effective approach” in providing comprehensive social protection coverage, especially for vulnerable groups.

covid19 Data management malaysia
Brazil to extend emergency cash transfers to poor for 2 months pmassetti

Reuters - Brazil’s government plans to extend an emergency cash transfer program to relieve poor families during the coronavirus pandemic for another two months, a government official with knowledge of the matter told Reuters on Monday. The 250 reais-per-month handout, to be financed with an extraordinary credit of 12 billion reais ($2.38 billion), will be paid in August and September, continuing a program started last year and revived for four months in April, the source said. ($1 = 5.04 reais)

Cash transfers brazil
Bangladesh expands social protection plan to shake off pandemic effects pmassetti (03.06.2021) Bangladesh has expanded its social safety net programmes by increasing the budgetary allocation by 12.5 percent in the fiscal year 2021-22 as part of the efforts to alleviate the plight of lower-income and vulnerable groups which have been hit hardest by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

covid19 bangladesh
Brazil: Auxílio Emergencial 2021 cambrosio

31.03.2021 (

The Emergency Assistance 2021 is paid to recipients of Emergency Aid 2020. The benefit amount varies according to the composition of the family: If the family consists of only one person, the benefit is R$ 150.00 per month; If the family consists of more than one person, the benefit is R$ 250.00 per month; If the family is headed by a woman without a spouse or partner, with at least one person under the age of eighteen, they will receive R$ 375 monthly. Up to four installments will be made available, as long as the family continues to meet the Aid selection criteria.

covid19, Emergency grants Social assistance, Cash transfers, COVID-19 brazil
Uncertainty in big data analytics: survey, opportunities, and challenges | Journal of Big Data | Full Text rruggia

Big data analytics has gained wide attention from both academia and industry as the demand for understanding trends in massive datasets increases. Recent developments in sensor networks, cyber-physical systems, and the ubiquity of the Internet of Things (IoT) have increased the collection of data (including health care, social media, smart cities, agriculture, finance, education, and more) to an enormous scale. However, the data collected from sensors, social media, financial records, etc. is inherently uncertain due to noise, incompleteness, and inconsistency. The analysis of such massive amounts of data requires advanced analytical techniques for efficiently reviewing and/or predicting future courses of action with high precision and advanced decision-making strategies. As the amount, variety, and speed of data increases, so too does the uncertainty inherent within, leading to a lack of confidence in the resulting analytics process and decisions made thereof. In comparison to traditional data techniques and platforms, artificial intelligence techniques (including machine learning, natural language processing, and computational intelligence) provide more accurate, faster, and scalable results in big data analytics. Previous research and surveys conducted on big data analytics tend to focus on one or two techniques or specific application domains. However, little work has been done in the field of uncertainty when applied to big data analytics as well as in the artificial intelligence techniques applied to the datasets. This article reviews previous work in big data analytics and presents a discussion of open challenges and future directions for recognizing and mitigating uncertainty in this domain.

big data, data quality Data analytics, Data management
Asia and Africa find ways to plug COVID health gaps pmassetti

World Economic Forum (27.05.2021) Innovative solutions have been developed across Africa and Asia to deal with the increasing demand for health workers and services due to COVID-19. These include the use of drones, solar-powered freezers and utilizing Pakistan's unemployed doctors. In a pandemic, these solutions can be the deciding factor between effectively managing the virus and not.

Italy: Extension of the layoff ban cambrosio (07.04.2021)

The ban on layoffs is extended until 30 June 2021 for workers in companies covered by ordinary CIG (CIGO) and extraordinary CIG (CIGS)(mainly industry and agriculture). The ban on redundancies is extended until 31 October 2021 for workers in companies covered by social shock nets in derogation (mainly tertiary sector).

covid19 Employment, COVID-19 italy
Italy: Indennità COVID, a new lump-sum for seasonal workers cambrosio


A new lump-sum of 2,400 euros for seasonal workers in tourism, spas or other sectors, entertainment, self-employed persons, temporary workers and other atypical workers was introduced in April by the Sostegni Decree. The payment of a reduced benefit (1,600 euros) has been extended until July 2021. 

covid19, Emergency grants Social assistance, Cash transfers, COVID-19 italy
Turkey: Extension of regulation barring layoffs cambrosio (26.05.2021)

The Turkish government's Pandemic Social Support Program has provided relief for more than 6 million people, Minister of Family and Social Services Derya Yanık said. The program covers everything from cash aid to the distribution of free food across the country, where the ongoing coronavirus pandemic negatively impacted the income of millions. The regulation barring layoffs during the pandemic would be extended for another three months.

covid19 Social assistance, Cash transfers, COVID-19 turkey
Peru: Temporary disability allowance is authorized for COVID-19 patients in 2021 pmassetti

- Lexology (24 May 2021) On 31 March, Emergency Decree No. 034-2021 was published in an extraordinary edition, through which the Social Health Insurance (ESSALUD) has been authorized to pay the 'Economic Benefit of Emergency Social Protection in the face of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic' and the 'Temporary Disability Allowance for patients diagnosed with COVID-19' during 2021.

Social Protection and State–Society Relations in Environments of Low and Uneven State Capacity pmassetti

Grounded in social-contractual ideas about relationships between the governed and those who govern, the provision of social benefits to citizens has historically been predicated on expectations of acquiescence to state authority. However, the rapid expansion of noncontributory social assistance in sub-Saharan Africa, often supported by global donors through technical assistance programs, raises myriad questions about the relationship between social protection and the social contract in fragile and low-capacity contexts.

Drivers of Timely and Large-Scale Cash Responses to COVID-19: what does the data say? pmassetti (2021) This note compares the experiences of 53 low- and middle-income countries to identify drivers of timely and large-scale government social assistance responses to COVID-19. The analysis covers cash responses only and focuses on the capacity of the social protection sector and beyond. It compares response times (the first payment date) across countries and analyses their correlation with various potential drivers of timely response, including contextual, legislation and funding, social protection capacity, and service delivery factors. An important caveat is that, in most cases, the first payment date is an imperfect measure of when a response ‘starts’, because many beneficiaries (and often most of those who are poor and vulnerable) receive transfers later. This is to say, timely responses are not always inclusive and are not always timely for all. This note therefore supplements its initial wide-ranging, data-driven analysis with more detailed case studies that allow for further analysis of issues like the extent of coverage (where this data was available), along with lessons learned from these case studies.

covid19 Cash transfers
China Promotes Private Retirement Savings to Shore Up Strained Pension System pmassetti (17.05.2021) China will soon launch a new pilot program for private pension funds as part of efforts to overhaul its strained system for retirement savings.

Pensions china
Australia Considers Paying Pensions on Parental Leave Program pmassetti (14.05.2021) Australia could chip into the pension funds of eligible workers who take up its 18 weeks of paid parental leave, just not yet, amid criticism the government isn’t doing enough to ensure women are financially secure in retirement.

Family benefits, Pensions australia
Indonesia’s New Unemployment Benefit Program Under The Omnibus Law pmassetti

Indonesia’s GR 37/2021 introduces the country’s first ever unemployment benefit program, which provides cash stipends and training to the unemployed. To be eligible, participants must have participated in the government’s social security programs the Social Security Administrator for Health (BPJS Kesehatan) for healthcare and the Workers Social Security (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) for pensions. Employers who fail to register their employees to the program have to pay cash compensation to the employee as a lump sum.

Extending COVID-related reforms to conditional cash transfers could improve the life chances of young people in Colombia pmassetti (10.05.2021) Like other low- and middle-income countries, Colombia introduced changes to its cash transfer programmes so as to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. But without extending and carefully redesigning these programmes, many families and young people will face a precarious future once the pandemic is over,

covid19, youth employment Family benefits colombia
Porto Social Summit: all partners commit to 2030 social targets pmassetti (07.05.2021) Partners have signed up to the three 2030 headline targets set in the Commission’s European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan in a joint Porto Social Commitment.

Social policies & programmes european union
Europe - Employment : Six new inspiring national practices published by the PES Network pmassetti (10.05.2021) The PES Network has added a fresh selection of six national initiatives developed by Public Employment Services (PES) in Europe to the PES Practices database. Take a moment to check out the latest inspiring examples!

Employment european union
Multi-tiered Social Security for Universal Coverage – A focus on Families in Viet Nam pmassetti (20.05,2021) This policy brief introduces the multi-tiered social security systems to enable universal coverage with a focus on families. A coherent and well-designed family support system within the emerging social security system is truly rights-based, fair and equitable proposal; it has a high potential to attract workers to the social insurance system; and it is the most likely to be politically — and therefore financially- sustainable over time.

Universal Social Protection Family benefits vietnam
Serbia: to offer cash to those who get Covid-19 vaccine cambrosio

06.05.2021 (

An allowance of 3,000 dinars (25 euros, $30) will be paid to each citizen who gets a Covid jab before the end of May, in what could be the world's first cash-for-jabs scheme.

covid19, Emergency grants Social assistance, Cash transfers, Conditional cash transfers, COVID-19 serbia