Czech Republic: One-off pension supplement in relation to COVID-19

Submitted by cambrosio on
Body (november 2020)
A new one-off supplement of CZK 5000,- to the beneficiaries of the Czech statutory pension was provided via CSSA. The aim of this benefit is to quickly help these vulnerable groups, especially the elderly, who are very negatively affected by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. This extra supplement is provided only once by the CSSA without any client´s request (no claim is needed or requested) in December 2020 within the deadline set by it, in the same way (by postal order, to the account, to the account of the ZSS) as the pension is paid in November 2020. It will be paid to all type of pensions - old-age, disabled, widow's and widower's and Orphan.

measures summary

A new one-off supplement of CZK 5000,- to the beneficiaries of the Czech statutory pension was provided via CSSA.  This extra supplement is provided only once by the CSSA without any client´s request. It will be paid to all type of pensions - old-age, disabled, widow's and widower's and Orphan.

Measure date
Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type
Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing)

One-off pension supplement in relation to COVID-19: NEW

A new one-off supplement of CZK 5000,- to the beneficiaries of the Czech statutory pension will be provided via CSSA.

The aim of this benefit is to quickly help these vulnerable groups, especially the elderly, who are very negatively affected by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This extra supplement will be provided only ONCE, pensioners will get it automatically in addition to the first relevant pension payment.

More details:

  • The amount is CZK 5,000.
  • It will be paid by the CSSA without any client´s request (no claim is needed or requested) in December 2020 within the deadline set by it, in the same way (by postal order, to the account, to the account of the ZSS) as the pension is paid in November 2020.
  • In case of pensions paid abroad (e.g. when a Certificate of Life is requested), this benefit will be paid together with the first payment of a pension. Example: Client sends Certificate of Life in February 2021 and requires pensions to be paid for months October 2020 – January 2021 . Then payment will contain not only the required pensions but also the one-off supplement.
  • Is due in full even if the pension is provided in a partial amount on a bilateral basis - social security agreements or under EU coordination regulations.
  • If the pensioner is entitled to the payment of more than one pension, the contribution is due only once.
  • Will be paid to all type of pensions - old-age, disabled, widow's and widower's and Orphan.

Payment will be made under the following conditions:

  • A person who has been granted a pension insurance pension under Czech legislation on the basis of an application submitted before 1 December 2020 from a date falling before 1 December 2020 is entitled to the contribution if the right to the payment of this pension lasted for at least part of November 2020 and in this month the right to the payment of this pension did not expire.
  • The right to the payment of the pension lasted for at least part of the month of November 2020, i.e. the payment of the pension must last at least 1 day in the month of November 2020 and at the same time it must last from this day until the end of November 2020.
  • Entitlement to a pension did not expire in November 2020;
  • If the pension is paid in accordance with the Act on the Organization and Implementation of Social Security on the basis of Certificate of Living, the contribution shall be paid no later than two months after the submission of this certificate.
  • No notice of payment of the supplement is issued.
  • If the amount of income is determined for the purposes of other legal regulations, the contribution is not taken into account.