Covid19 Monitor database - ALL covid19

created Title Regions / Country Abstract for publishing measures summary Measure date Description (long-not for publishing) Topics Status Tags URL
Uruguay: Extension of health coverage for laid-off workers uruguay BPS (09.11.2020) Workers with activity and health coverage in March 2020, terminated between the 1st. August and October 31, will maintain their mutual membership for three months, as well as that of their dependents. Membership will be extended to: Workers laid off between August 1… Extension of health coverage for laid-off workers with activity and health coverage in March 2020, terminated between the 1st. August and October 31, will maintain their mutual membership for three months, as well as that of their dependents. This extension also applies to active workers, who have terminated their unemployment benefit in the mentioned period. 2020-11-09 Extensión de cobertura de salud para trabajadores cesados Los trabajadores con actividad y cobertura de salud en marzo 2020, cesados entre el 1ro. de agosto y el 31 de octubre, mantendrán por tres meses su afiliación mutual, así como también la de sus familiares a cargo.   Le afiliación se… Health insurance,Unemployment,Extension of coverage Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Uruguay: New extraordinary item for beneficiaries of Family Allowances of the Equity Plan uruguay BPS (12.11.2020) Beneficiaries of family allowances (AFAM) from the Equity Plan who do not have a Uruguay Social Card will receive a reinforcement of 50% of their monthly allowance in November and December due to the health and social emergency situation that the country is going through. Beneficiaries of family allowances (AFAM) from the Equity Plan who do not have a Uruguay Social Card will receive a reinforcement of 50% of their monthly allowance in November and December due to the health and social emergency situation that the country is going through. 2020-11-12 Nueva partida extraordinaria para beneficiarios de Asignaciones Familiares del Plan de Equidad Una vez más, los beneficiarios de AFAM Plan de Equidad que no cuentan con Tarjeta Uruguay Social recibirán un reforzamiento del 50 % de su asignación mensual de noviembre y diciembre debido a la… Family benefits,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family mmarquez…
Uruguay: Exemption from employer contributions for school transport companies and those who provide school canteen services uruguay BPS (20.11.2020) Transportation companies and school canteens are exempted from paying employer retirement contributions in the period between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021. There are already 293 companies that have this benefit.   Transportation companies and school canteens are exempted from paying employer retirement contributions in the period between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021. There are already 293 companies that have this benefit. 2020-11-20 El BPS recuerda a las empresas de transporte y a las cantinas escolares que se les exonera el pago de los aportes jubilatorios patronales en el período comprendido entre el 1 de abril de 2020 y el 31 de marzo de 2021. Ya son 293 las empresas que cuentan con este beneficio.   La exoneración… Old-age pensions,Contribution collection and compliance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19 mmarquez…
The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted barriers to vital digital financial services for refugees Euronews (24.11.2020) How do you get by without a bank account? This is a question asked daily by millions of refugees worldwide who simply don’t have access to standard financial services. Even the digital and online services that many of us take for granted - tools that help us to save, transfer… 2020-11-24 E-services,COVID-19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Belgique : les mécanismes de droit passerelle prolongés et amplifiés belgium (25.10.2020) Le Conseil des ministres a validé vendredi la prolongation du droit passerelle jusqu’au 31 décembre et le doublement des montants du droit passerelle de crise.  Concrètement, le droit passerelle permet d’offrir une garantie de revenu minimum aux indépendants qui, après avoir… The Council of Ministers validated the extension of the gateway fee (droit de passerelle) until December 31 and the doubling of the amounts of the crisis gateway fee. Concretely, the bridging right makes it possible to offer a guarantee of minimum income to the self-employed who, after having temporarily interrupted partially or totally their activity, were able to resume it but suffer a loss of turnover. Access to this bridging right to support recovery should have ended at the end of… 2020-10-22 Cash transfers,COVID-19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti…
Switzerland: Extension of partial unemployment and simplification of procedures switzerland State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO (29.10.2020) By paying the compensation in the event of reduced working hours (RHT), unemployment insurance (AC) covers, for a certain time, part of the wage costs of workers whose normal working hours are reduced , and this in order to prevent… The Federal Council has decided to maintain the simplified procedure for the notice of reduced working hours (RHT) and the summary procedure for the counting of the reduction in working hours until the end of December 2020. Thus, Until December 31, 2020, only the “RHT COVID-19 Procedure” should be used to process RHT and only COVID-19 forms should be used for RHT, regardless of the rationale for RHT. 2020-10-29 Employment,Extension of coverage,Service quality,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, extending coverage, services quality siha
Switzerland: Coronavirus: compensation for reduced working hours for on-call workers switzerland Federal Council (28.10.2020) On October 28, 2020, the Federal Council amended the Covid-19 unemployment insurance ordinance. With this change, the right to compensation for reduced working hours is granted to on-call workers who have an indefinite contract. The change comes into effect… The Federal Council amended the Covid-19 unemployment insurance ordinance. With this change, the right to compensation for reduced working hours is granted to on-call workers who have an indefinite contract. The change comes into effect retroactively on September 1, 2020. 2020-10-28 Coronavirus: compensation for reduced working hours for on-call workers Bern, 28.10.2020 - On October 28, 2020, the Federal Council amended the Covid-19 unemployment insurance ordinance. With this change, the right to compensation for reduced working hours is granted to on-call workers who… Employment,Extension of coverage,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, extending coverage siha
Where is the Money Coming From? : Ten Stylized Fact on Financing Social Protection Responses to COVID-19 (nov 2020) The unprecedented and ongoing scale-up of social protection responses to the COVID-19 pandemic dwarf the response to the Great Recession. But how are countries financing such scale-up efforts? This note lays out ten stylized findings from a rapid review of social protection… 2020-11-20 Financing,COVID-19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Monaco: Covid-19/ Youth employment assistance monaco Public service  (19.11.2020) Employment assistance for young Monegasques or residents, under the age of 26, looking for a first job or first permanent professional integration, registered with the Commission for the Integration of Graduates and the Youth Employment Unit allows companies that… Employment assistance for young Monegasques or residents, under the age of 26, looking for a first job or first permanent professional integration, registered with the Commission for the Integration of Graduates and the Youth Employment Unit allows companies that recruit them to benefit from reimbursement of employer contributions (CCSS, CAR, AMRR, ASSEDIC, CET), for a maximum period of two years. This measure is open to employers until June 30, 2021. 2020-11-19 Youth employment assistance Employment assistance for young Monegasques or residents, under the age of 26, looking for a first job or first permanent professional integration, registered with the Commission for the Integration of Graduates and the Youth Employment Unit allows companies that… Employment,Employment of young workers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, youth employment siha…
Monaco: Renewal of Partial Exemption from Employers' Charges (EPCP) measure monaco Service Public (19.11.2020) As part of the Principality's economic recovery plan, the Government has decided to renew the Partial Exemption from Employers' Charges (EPCP) measure . From now on, new sectors of activity that have been permanently impacted are included, and the… The Partial Exemption from Employers' Charges (EPCP) of Autonomous pension fund (CAR) and Social services compensation fund (CCSS) contributions was renewed. From now on, new sectors of activity that have been permanently impacted are included, and the turnover ceiling is raised to 5 million euros achieved in 2019, instead of one million previously. The measure is valid for the months of August to December 2020. 2020-11-19 Principles and Conditions As part of the Principality's economic recovery plan, the Government has decided to renew the Partial Exemption from Employers' Charges (EPCP) measure . From now on, new sectors of activity that have been permanently impacted are included, and the… Extension of coverage,Contribution collection and compliance,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19, extending coverage siha…
Covid-19 and the U.S. Safety Net United States NBER (October 2020) This working paper examine trends in employment, earnings, and incomes over the last two decades in the United States, and how the safety net has responded to changing fortunes, including the shutdown of the economy in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The U.S. safety net is a… 2020-11-19 COVID-19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti
Bosnia and Herzegovina: increase in budget to provide liquidity support to the most vulnerable sectors / activities bosnia-herzegovina (16.10.2020) The Government of the Federation of BiH adopted the Decree on Intervention Measures to Support Vulnerable Sectors of the FBiH Economy in the Circumstances of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The general objective is to provide liquidity support to the most vulnerable… The Government of the Federation of BiH adopted the Decree on Intervention Measures to Support Vulnerable Sectors of the FBiH Economy in the Circumstances of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The general objective is to provide liquidity support to the most vulnerable sectors / activities, to preserve jobs, and to provide urgently needed support and maintain competitiveness in export-oriented sectors. The total financial resources for the implementation of this regulation are provided in the… 2020-10-16 Unemployment,Cash transfers,Financing,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 cambrosio
EU: COVID-19: Presidency and Parliament reach political agreement on REACT-EU - Consilium european union The EU is making additional financial resources available to the member states to strengthen cohesion and boost the economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The German Presidency of the Council and the European Parliament today reached a political agreement on REACT-EU, an emergency… 2020-11-19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
Spain: Social Security pays tomorrow 234.21 million euros in benefits to more than 256,000 self-employed workers spain La Seguridad Social abona mañana viernes 234,21 millones de euros a más de 256.000 trabajadores autónomos a los que les ha sido reconocida alguna de las prestaciones puestas en marcha para paliar la situación de este colectivo como consecuencia de la pandemia de la COVID-19. La Seguridad Social abona mañana viernes 234,21 millones de euros a más de 256.000 trabajadores autónomos a los que les ha sido reconocida alguna de las prestaciones puestas en marcha para paliar la situación de este colectivo como consecuencia de la pandemia de la COVID-19. 2020-10-20 The Spanish Social Security Institution will pay 234.21 million euros to more than 256,000 self-employed workers who have been granted some of the benefits implemented to alleviate the situation of this group as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Cash transfers,COVID-19 Published Measures summary coverage, covid19, self-employed mmarquez…
Slovenia: Extended three public invitations for subsidized employment of the unemployed slovenia EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF SLOVENIA (11.11.2020) Incentives for the employment of persons from the training workshop program, the monthly subsidy amounts to EUR 740. It is paid 6 times for a minimum of 6 months of employment or 12 times for a minimum of 12 months of uninterrupted employment. … Incentives for the employment of persons from the training workshop program, the monthly subsidy amounts to EUR 740. It is paid 6 times for a minimum of 6 months of employment or 12 times for a minimum of 12 months of uninterrupted employment.  Subsidized employment is financed by the Republic of Slovenia (20%) and the European Union from the European Social Fund (80% of the total value).    2020-11-11 Employment,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, youth employment siha…
Slovenia: Extended three public invitations for subsidized employment of the unemployed slovenia EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF SLOVENIA (11.11.2020) The monthly subsidy for permanent employment of unemployed young people with permanent residence in western Slovenia (cohesion region) amounts to EUR  208. It can be paid for a  maximum of 24 months. The employment relationship must be… The monthly subsidy for permanent employment of unemployed young people with permanent residence in western Slovenia (cohesion region) amounts to EUR  208. It can be paid for a  maximum of 24 months. The employment relationship must be concluded for an indefinite period.  2020-11-11 Employment,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, youth employment siha…
Slovenia: Extended three public invitations for subsidized employment of the unemployed slovenia EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF SLOVENIA (11.11.2020) As part of the public invitation , employers can obtain a subsidy for the employment of people over 30 who have lost their jobs for business reasons, due to bankruptcy, liquidation or compulsory settlement as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic… Employers can obtain a subsidy for the employment of people over 30 who have lost their jobs for business reasons, due to bankruptcy, liquidation or compulsory settlement as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic , by registering  in the unemployment register in the period from March 13, 2020 to February 28, 2021. It applies employers who are natural or legal persons at least 12 months registered in the Commercial Register of Slovenia, have at least one employee in… 2020-11-11 As part of the public invitation , employers can obtain a subsidy for the employment of people over 30 who have lost their jobs for business reasons, due to bankruptcy, liquidation or compulsory settlement as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic , by registering  in our unemployment… Employment,Unemployment,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed, youth employment siha…
Slovenia: ACP6 measures relating to work, family and social affairs slovenia GOV.SI (11.11.2020) The ACP6 introduces higher bonuses for care home employees. According to the law, bonuses for working in the grey and red zones are 30% of the salary base and apply regardless of whether or not an epidemic has been officially declared. In this way, employees are additionally… The ACP6 introduces higher bonuses for care home employees. According to the law, bonuses for working in the grey and red zones are 30% of the salary base and apply regardless of whether or not an epidemic has been officially declared. In this way, employees are additionally compensated for working in the grey and red zones, regardless of the respective collective agreement, which provides a bonus of up to 65% during an epidemic. These two bonuses have been mutually exclusive so far, but as of… 2020-11-11 Health,Employment,Human resource management,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants siha…
Bulgaria: Bulgarian Cabinet approves further 81M leva to fight Covid-19 spread bulgaria The Sofia Globe (09.11.2020) Bulgaria’s Government has approved an additional 81 million leva, or about 41.4 million euro, for the country’s healthcare system to help fight the rising number of Covid-19 infections in the country. The funding will cover the rest of 2020. 65 million leva will… Bulgaria’s Government has approved an additional 81 million leva, or about 41.4 million euro, for the country’s healthcare system to help fight the rising number of Covid-19 infections in the country. Additionally, the Cabinet approved the allocation of 16 million leva from the National Health Insurance Fund reserves. Of that money, 10 million leva would be given to general practitioners, which would receive an additional 1000 leva a month to track Covid-19 patients. 2020-11-09 Bulgaria’s Government has approved an additional 81 million leva, or about 41.4 million euro, for the country’s healthcare system to help fight the rising number of Covid-19 infections in the country. The funding will cover the rest of 2020. The bulk of the money, about 65 million leva,… Health,Cash transfers,Financing,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, service delivery, services quality siha…
European Commission: 2020 Annual Report of the Social Protection Committee european union European Commission (09.11.2020) The report analyses the progress towards the Europe 2020 target on reducing poverty and social exclusion, together with the latest social trends to watch, and presents the key structural social challenges in each Member State. However, following the COVID-19… 2020-11-12 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Georgia: support program for small entrepreneurs within the framework of Enterprise Georgia will be expanded georgia (17.09.2020) According to the government's decision, the support program for small entrepreneurs within the framework of Enterprise Georgia will be expanded from 5 October. Specifically, the government increased the budget of this program to 41 million GEL and increased the volume of one-… According to the government's decision, the support program for small entrepreneurs within the framework of Enterprise Georgia will be expanded from 5 October. Specifically, the government increased the budget of this program to 41 million GEL and increased the volume of one-off funding as well - to 30,000 GEL. 2020-09-17 Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia began today's session of the government by discussing the epidemiological situation. According to the head of the government, recently there has been a clear trend of an increase in the number of infections; however, the situation is manageable and fully… Cash transfers,COVID-19 Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants cambrosio
Liechtenstein: COVID-19 daily allowance extended until the end of the year liechtenstein (29.09.2020) At its meeting on September 29, the government decided to extend the period of validity for the payment of the COVID-19 daily allowance beyond September until the end of the year in view of current developments. The deadlines in the guideline for the payment of daily… The government decided to extend the period of validity for the payment of the COVID-19 daily allowance beyond September until the end of the year in view of current developments. The deadlines in the guideline for the payment of daily allowances due to measures to combat the coronavirus have been adjusted accordingly. 2020-09-29 Social assistance,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants cambrosio…
Estonia: The government extended the measures to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in the culture sector estonia (03.09.2020) On 3 September, the government approved a decision to partially change the requirements for applicants in the field of music and film. The aim of the changes concerning the field of music is to expand the target group of beneficiaries. An opportunity to apply for support is… The government approved a decision to partially change the requirements for applicants in the field of music and film. The aim of the changes concerning the field of music is to expand the target group of beneficiaries. 2020-11-11 Extension of coverage,Social assistance,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary coverage, covid19, extending coverage cambrosio…
Albania: Employment promotion programs to help businesses and the unemployed albania (23.09.2020) Employment promotion programs have been designed as part of government support packages for the economic and social recovery caused by the pandemic. Their goal is the rapid reintegration into the labor market of jobseekers who have become unemployed as a result of… Government launch an employment promotion program, that aims to cover part of reemployment costs of those who lost their jobs during the lockdown due to COVID19.  2020-09-23 In the presence of the Prime Minister Edi Rama, the Minister of Finance and Economy, Anila Denaj, presented 3 employment schemes for re-entry in the labor market of individuals who lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The presentation of these schemes was done during an activity where… Employment,Unemployment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, labour markets cambrosio…
Norway: 300 million as income replacement for the events' sector norway (10.11.2020) The government proposes to provide NOK 300 million so that activity in the event industry can be resumed as soon as the contagion situation allows. The allocation can be increased if necessary. Organizers and co-organizers of large public events will be eligible to a 60 per cent replacement income of expected revenues for events cancelled between March 3th and December 31st, 2020. The support is paid as a grant, where 20 per cent is given with the condition that a similar event will be held in the future. 2020-11-10 Gives 300 million to large open events Press release | Date: 10.11.2020 The government proposes to provide NOK 300 million so that activity in the event industry can be resumed as soon as the contagion situation allows. The allocation can be increased if necessary. The government… Unemployment,Financing,Financial crisis Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Norway: Extra 7.3 billion for the municipalities norway (10.11.2020) In the supplementary issue, the government proposes that the municipal sector receive an extra NOK 7.3 billion in 2021 . The municipalities receive NOK 6.2 billion. 4.4 billion will be given as an increased population subsidy, while NOK 1.5 billion will be distributed as… In the supplementary issue, the government proposes that the municipal sector receive an extra NOK 7.3 billion in 2021 . The municipalities receive NOK 6.2 billion. 4.4 billion will be given as an increased population subsidy, while NOK 1.5 billion will be distributed as discretionary funds. In addition, the municipalities receive NOK 321 million from the framework grant for positions related to compliance with the rules for events, restaurants and employees. One billion is dedicated to… 2020-11-10 The municipal economy during the corona crisis News | Date: 10.11.2020 The corona crisis has major consequences for the Norwegian economy and affects all industries and sectors throughout the country, including the municipalities. The government has therefore stood up for the… Children,Financing Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Norway: Extension of guarantee scheme for credits Europe , norway (10.11.2020) The guarantee scheme was established as a temporary measure in light of the corona situation in order to maintain a sufficient credit insurance offer to companies in Norway. The scheme means that the state covers losses with the credit insurance companies totaling up to… The guarantee scheme was established as a temporary measure in light of the corona situation in order to maintain a sufficient credit insurance offer to companies in Norway. The scheme means that the state covers losses with the credit insurance companies totaling up to NOK 20 billion. kroner, through so-called re-insurance. In return, credit insurance companies must pay for reinsurance and commit to maintaining the business. 2020-11-10 Will extend warranty scheme Press release | Date: 10.11.2020 The Government will extend the temporary guarantee scheme for credit insurance until 30 June 2021. The guarantee scheme was established as a temporary measure in light of the corona situation in order to maintain a sufficient… Unemployment,Financing Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Norway: New compensation scheme for companies with high turnover rates norway (10.11.2020) The government proposes a new compensation scheme of up to NOK 5 billion, for companies with a large drop in turnover as a result of the corona pandemic. A new compensation scheme of up to NOK 5 billion, for companies with a large drop in turnover as a result of the corona pandemic, is available as of September 1st, and it will be applicable until February 28th 2021. The aid is calculated on the basis of the company's fixed, unavoidable costs, multiplied by a decrease in turnover as a percentage and multiplied by an adjustment factor. When the fall in turnover is included in the calculation model, support will increase if stricter… 2020-11-10 Introduces new compensation scheme Press release | Date: 10.11.2020 The government proposes a new compensation scheme of up to NOK 5 billion, for companies with a large drop in turnover as a result of the corona pandemic. The outbreak of the corona pandemic and the authorities' infection… Unemployment,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Norway: Government will cover expenses for entry quarantine norway (10.11.2020) The government proposes NOK 480 million for a new compensation scheme. The scheme will cover some of the expenses companies have when foreign labor must have the entry quarantine. The government proposes NOK 480 million for a new compensation scheme. The scheme will cover some of the expenses companies have when foreign labor must have the entry quarantine. Companies are compensated a fixed amount per employee per day.  For the time being, a rate per employee per day of approximately NOK 800–1000 is assumed. These provision will enter into force on November 1st and be valid until 28 Febraury 2021. 2020-11-10 Will cover expenses for entry quarantine Press release | Date: 10.11.2020 The government proposes NOK 480 million for a new compensation scheme. The scheme will cover some of the expenses companies have when foreign labor must have the entry quarantine. - Many companies in Norway,… Health,Health insurance,Safety and health at work Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Norway: Extension of unemployment benefit norway (03.11.2020) The temporary increased unemployment benefit rate was to go down to the normal level from January 2021, but will now be extended until March.   - Increased uncertainty due to infection control measures means that the government is waiting to reintroduce the… The temporary increased unemployment benefit rate was to go down to the normal level from January 2021, but will now be extended until March. 2020-11-01 Extends rules for sickness benefits, care benefits and unemployment benefits Press release | Date: 03.11.2020 The government proposes to extend the schemes with extended entitlement to care benefits and sickness benefits, as well as an increased unemployment benefit rate. The situation in… Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Norway: Care allowance for parents doubled until March 2021 norway (03.11.2020) The care allowance rules will be extended until June 2021, and the quotas will also be doubled in 2021. This means that a family next year will be entitled to at least 40 days of care allowance, compared with 20 days in a normal situation. In addition, the rules on… The care allowance rules will be extended until June 2021, and the quotas will also be doubled in 2021. This means that a family next year will be entitled to at least 40 days of care allowance, compared with 20 days in a normal situation.  Parents will be entitled to care allowance when kindergartens and schools are closed; transfer of days of care allowance are allowed between parents; even if the quota has been used up, there is continued entitlement in cases of closure of schools or… 2020-11-01 Extends rules for sickness benefits, care benefits and unemployment benefits Press release | Date: 03.11.2020 The government proposes to extend the schemes with extended entitlement to care benefits and sickness benefits, as well as an increased unemployment benefit rate. The situation in… Family benefits,Children,Parental leave Published Measures summary covid19, family mmarquez…
Norwary: Extension of sickness, care and unemployment benefits norway (03.11.2020) Effective until March 2021: right to sickness benefits in the event of absence from work due to covid-19 or suspicion of such illness. It is specified that persons who violate the travel guidelines of national authorities and are required to quarantine on return to… New rules for sickness benefits are proposed to continue until 31 March 2021:  Right to sickness benefits in the event of absence from work due to covid-19 or suspicion of such illness. It is specified that persons who violate the travel guidelines of national authorities and are required to quarantine on return to Norway may be denied sickness benefits Reduced number of days for employer financing of sickness benefits from 16 to three days for absence due to covid-19… 2020-11-03 The government proposes to extend the schemes with extended entitlement to care benefits and sickness benefits, as well as an increased unemployment benefit rate. The situation in the labor market has improved since last spring, when Norway closed down. Two out of three coronal unemployed are… Cash sickness benefits Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, self-employed mmarquez…
England: Extended furlough scheme to March 2021 united kingdom (07.11.2020) As part of the announcement of month-long restrictions in England, including the closure of pubs, restaurants, gyms and non-essential shops, furlough was initially extended until December. But Chancellor Rishi Sunak has now said it will run until the end of March, although the… The furlough scheme was initially extended until December, but now it will run until the end of March, although the government will review the policy in January. The scheme is more generous now. In recent months, firms have had to top up furloughed wages by 20%, with the government paying 60%. Now, the state will put in the full 80%, with the employer only covering pension and National Insurance contributions. 2020-11-01 The furlough scheme is being extended until 31 March 2021. Under the Coronavirus Jobs Retention Scheme, to give furlough its official title, employees placed on leave receive 80% of their pay, up to a maximum of £2,500 a month. What is happening to the furlough scheme? Furlough was… Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
US: Colorado votes to establish paid family leave United States (04.11.2020) The policy will go into effect in 2024 and will give workers 12 weeks of paid leave that will be funded through a payroll tax. An additional 4 weeks of leave would be available to parents who experience pregnancy or childbirth complications. An estimated 2.6 million Colorado… 2020-11-09 Family benefits Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Proposition_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Greece: The additional measures of financial support activated by the Government/ Change in subsidizing real estate owners greece Ministry of Finance (05.11.2020) All companies that are affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, now throughout the territory, are entitled to a mandatory reduction of rent by 40% on their commercial real estate. The same applies to the main residence of the employees who are suspended… All companies that are affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, now throughout the territory, are entitled to a mandatory reduction of rent by 40% on their commercial real estate. The same applies to the main residence of the employees who are suspended from employment. From November, for owners who rent real estate, 1/2 of their loss will not be offset against their tax liabilities, as provided to date, but will be paid directly to the beneficiaries, and will be credited directly… 2020-11-05 All companies that are affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, now throughout the territory, are entitled to a mandatory reduction of rent by 40% on their commercial real estate. The same applies to the main residence of the employees who are suspended from employment, but also to the… Service quality,Cash transfers,Financing,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, services quality siha…
Greece: The additional measures of financial support activated by the Government/ One-off financial aid to non-subsidized long-term unemployed greece Ministry of Finance (05.11.2020) A new one-off financial aid of 400 euros is granted to non-subsidized long-term unemployed, in proportion to the April aid. This policy measure concerns about 130,000 unemployed compatriots of ours, who became long-term unemployed after March 1, 2020. The cost is… A new one-off financial aid of 400 euros is granted to non-subsidized long-term unemployed, in proportion to the April aid. This policy measure concerns about 130,000 unemployed compatriots of ours, who became long-term unemployed after March 1, 2020. 2020-11-05 A new one-off financial aid of 400 euros is granted to non-subsidized long-term unemployed, in proportion to the April aid. This policy measure concerns about 130,000 unemployed compatriots of ours, who became long-term unemployed after March 1, 2020. The cost is estimated at 50 million euros. Unemployment,Extension of coverage,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, extending coverage, youth employment siha…
Greece: The additional measures of financial support activated by the Government/ Extension of unemployment benefit greece Ministry of Finance (05.11.2020) All unemployment benefits that expired and expire in September, October, November and December are extended by 2 months. The cost is estimated at 308 million euros. All unemployment benefits that expired and expire in September, October, November and December are extended by 2 months. 2020-11-05 All unemployment benefits that expired and expire in September, October, November and December are extended by 2 months. The cost is estimated at 308 million euros. Unemployment,Extension of coverage,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, extending coverage, youth employment siha…
Greece: The additional measures of financial support activated by the Government/ Exemption of contribution and additional financial support for holidays greece Ministry of Finance (05.11.2020) Employees of companies-employers, throughout the territory, who are affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, may be temporarily suspended from employment. Therefore, they are entitled to special purpose compensation, in proportion to the period during… For the period employees are suspended, all insurance contributions, calculated on the nominal salary, are covered by the State Budget. In addition, business employees until yesterday, November 4, 2020, who will be suspended in November, will receive, within December, instead of 534 euros, 800 euros, calculated proportionally for the days that were suspended. This one-time financial aid to employees is in addition to the coverage of the Christmas gift, as already announced and will be… 2020-11-05 Employees of companies-employers, throughout the territory, who are affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, may be temporarily suspended from employment. Therefore, they are entitled to special purpose compensation, in proportion to the period during which they are suspended. For the… Contribution collection and compliance,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19, Emergency grants siha…
Greece: Joint Press Release of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor Social Affairs/ Rent reduction greece Ministry of Finance (16.10.2020) Companies based in a Regional Unit that is part of level 4 for at least 14 days and are significantly affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, including scientific disciplines, are entitled to a mandatory rent reduction of 40% on their commercial real… Companies based in a Regional Unit that is part of level 4 for at least 14 days and are significantly affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, including scientific disciplines, are entitled to a mandatory rent reduction of 40% on their commercial real estate. The same applies to the main and student residence of suspended employees. For the owners who rent real estate in these companies and the above employees, 1/3 of the loss is offset against their tax liabilities. 2020-10-16 Companies based in a Regional Unit that is part of level 4 for at least 14 days and are significantly affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, including scientific disciplines, are entitled to a mandatory rent reduction of 40% on their commercial real estate. The same applies to the… Housing,Employment,Financing,COVID-19,Financial crisis Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, economic crisis, housing siha…
Greece: Joint Press Release of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs/ Special compensation for the self-employed greece Ministry of Finance (16.10.2020) For the self-employed, self-employed and business owners who employ up to 20 people, who are based in a Regional Unit included in level 4 and are significantly affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, including scientific disciplines, special purpose… For the self-employed and business owners who employ up to 20 people, who are based in a Regional Unit included in level 4 and are significantly affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, special purpose compensation is given, amounting to 534 euros on a monthly basis. In case the duration of stay at level 4 of the Regional Unit is 14 days or less, the monthly compensation amounts to 300 euros.  2020-10-16 For the self-employed, self-employed and business owners who employ up to 20 people, who are based in a Regional Unit included in level 4 and are significantly affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, including scientific disciplines, special purpose compensation is given, amounting to… Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed siha…
Greece: Joint Press Release of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs/ Special compensation, contribution exemption and protection of employment contract greece Ministry of Finance (16.10.2020) The employees of business-employers who are based or have a branch in the Regional Unit at level 4 and are significantly affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, may be temporarily suspended are entitled to special purpose compensation,… The employees of business-employers who are based or have a branch in the Regional Unit at level 4 and are significantly affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, may be temporarily suspended are entitled to special purpose compensation, proportional to the period set at a minimum of 14 days, estimated at EUR 534. For the above period, the full insurance contributions are calculated proportionally, calculated on the nominal salary from the state budget. For companies that… 2020-10-16 1. For the period during which the declaration of the Regional Unit is valid at level 4, the employees of business-employers who are based or have a branch in the said Regional Unit and are significantly affected according to the expanded list of KAD April, may be temporarily suspended. are… Unemployment,Contribution collection and compliance,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19, Emergency grants, youth employment siha…
UK: The government's furlough scheme has almost certainly helped prevent a large rise in unemployment over COVID-19 (so far) united kingdom British Politics and Policy at LSE (03.11.2020) Jonathan Wadsworth explains why the furlough scheme seems to have done its job in preventing mass layoffs, as well as other reasons why the total entering unemployment is still much lower than in the 2008-2011 downturn. 2020-11-06 Unemployment,COVID-19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti
How Covid-19 is making us rethink safety net programmes VOX, CEPR Policy Portal (04.11.2020) While few groups have weathered the Covid-19 crisis unscathed, recent evidence suggests that the damage has been especially extreme among the economically vulnerable. This column evaluates changing attitudes towards welfare spending as a result of the pandemic.… 2020-11-06 Social policies & programmes Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti
Au Togo, le coronavirus a accéléré la mise en place d’un revenu universel de solidarité togo (23.10.2020) Cette mesure d’urgence pourrait se pérenniser et inspirer d’autres programmes de revenu universel sur le continent.  8-5-5… Trois chiffres qui ont permis aux vendeuses de rue de Lomé, aux couturières ou aux cuisinières de continuer à nourrir leurs enfants au plus fort… 2020-11-06 Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19, universal-basic-income pmassetti…
Belgium: Temporary unemployment due to the closure of a nursery, a school or a reception center for disabled people belgium Federal Public Service Employment, Labor and Social Dialogue (30.10.2020). The law of 23 October 2020 extends, as October 1st, to salaried workers the benefit of the temporary unemployment scheme for force majeure due to corona in the event of the closure of the school, daycare or reception… Salaried workers, who have to be absent from work due to the closure of the school, daycare or reception center for disabled people of their child due to measures in place related to COVID-19, are entitled to temporary unemployment benefits payable by ONEM, and to a supplement of 5.63 euros per day from October 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Initially, it was proposed to extend the regulation relating to corona parental leave which was applicable until September 30… 2020-10-30 The law of 23 October 2020 extending to salaried workers the benefit of the temporary unemployment scheme for force majeure corona in the event of the closure of the school, daycare or reception center for disabled people of their child introduced, from the October 1, 2020, a right to temporary… Family benefits,Unemployment,Extension of coverage,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, extending coverage, family, youth employment siha…
Netherlands: Additions to third support package corona |Events netherlands (27.10.2020) Due to the corona measures, many events, such as music festivals and fairs, have been canceled. Companies and suppliers in the event industry are largely dependent on the summer months for their turnover. This fluctuation in turnover can cause a distorted picture when… Due to the corona measures, many events, such as music festivals and fairs, have been canceled. Companies and suppliers in the event industry are largely dependent on the summer months for their turnover. The cabinet is coming up with a one-off extra fee based on the TVL fee for the summer. It is expected to involve 800 event entrepreneurs, who will receive an average of around € 14,000. An amount of € 11 million has been reserved for this. 2020-10-27 Employment,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed siha…
Netherland: Additions to third support package corona | Subsidy for inventory and adjustment costs netherlands (27.10.2020) Catering entrepreneurs have built up stocks that they can no longer use because of the temporary closure. They have also often invested in staying open in the winter in a corona-safe way, for example by covering their terrace. In addition to the Fixed Expenses… Catering entrepreneurs have built up stocks that they can no longer use because of the temporary closure. They have also often invested in staying open in the winter in a corona-safe way, for example by covering their terrace. In addition to the Fixed Expenses Allowance (TVL), the cabinet is granting a one-off subsidy to compensate for these costs, of approximately 2.75 percent of the loss of turnover, an average of € 2500. Entrepreneurs can apply for the subsidy from mid-November via the TVL… 2020-10-27 Employment,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed siha…
Netherland: Additions to third support package corona | Temporary widening of TVL netherlands (27.10.2020) The Fixed Expenses Allowance (TVL) is intended to help entrepreneurs pay their fixed costs, such as rent, while much less money is earned. Until now, the TVL was limited to a number of sectors, but the cabinet has decided to temporarily open the TVL… The Fixed Expenses Allowance (TVL) which is intended to help entrepreneurs to pay their fixed costs is temporarily opened to all sectors including suppliers, the transport sector and food horticulture.  Companies can submit an application from mid-November. 2020-10-27 Temporary widening of TVL The Fixed Expenses Allowance (TVL) is intended to help entrepreneurs pay their fixed costs, such as rent, while much less money is earned. Until now, the TVL was limited to a number of sectors, but the cabinet has decided to temporarily open the TVL to all… Unemployment,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed siha…
Belgium: Important notice regarding temporary unemployment due to force majeure from November 2020 belgium ONEM (03.11.2020) Currently, for employers who are not recognized as a particularly affected company or belonging to a particularly affected sector, this temporary unemployment still requires electronic communication from the employer to the ONEM. A simplification of the procedure being envisaged,… A simplification of the procedure being envisaged, employers who are not recognized as a particularly affected company or belonging to a particularly affected sector are not, for the moment, required to make the communication to the ONEM.   2020-11-03 Following the partial lockdown decision, a large number of workers will again have to resort to temporary unemployment due to force majeure from November 2020. Currently, for employers who are not recognized as a particularly affected company or belonging to a particularly affected… Unemployment,Service quality,COVID-19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, services quality siha…
Report: Financing gaps in social protection ILO (21.10.2020) This paper provides updated regional and global estimates of the costs and financing gaps for targets 1.3 and 3.8 of the SDGs relating to social protection and health care in 2020 and projections of incremental financial needs for reaching universal coverage in 2030. The paper… 2020-11-05 Financing Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…