Uruguay: Extension of health coverage for laid-off workers

Submitted by mmarquez on

BPS (09.11.2020) Workers with activity and health coverage in March 2020, terminated between the 1st. August and October 31, will maintain their mutual membership for three months, as well as that of their dependents.

Membership will be extended to:

  • Workers laid off between August 1 and October 31 -except dismissed for notorious misconduct- who have used unemployment benefits during the health emergency.
  • Active workers, who have terminated their unemployment benefit in the mentioned period.

The extension of health coverage is three months and is assigned automatically, so workers do not have to carry out procedures at the BPS or their health providers.

The initiative was established through a decree of the Executive Power and its financing will be through the COVID-19 Solidarity Fund.

measures summary

Extension of health coverage for laid-off workers with activity and health coverage in March 2020, terminated between the 1st. August and October 31, will maintain their mutual membership for three months, as well as that of their dependents. This extension also applies to active workers, who have terminated their unemployment benefit in the mentioned period.

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Global challenges
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Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing)

Extensión de cobertura de salud para trabajadores cesados

Los trabajadores con actividad y cobertura de salud en marzo 2020, cesados entre el 1ro. de agosto y el 31 de octubre, mantendrán por tres meses su afiliación mutual, así como también la de sus familiares a cargo.


Le afiliación se extenderá para:

  • Trabajadores cesados entre el 1.º de agosto y el 31 de octubre -salvo despedidos por notoria mala conducta- que hayan usufructuado el subsidio por desempleo durante la emergencia sanitaria.
  • Trabajadores con actividad, que hayan finalizado su subsidio por desempleo en el período mencionado.

La extensión de la cobertura de salud es de tres meses y se asigna de forma automática, por lo que los trabajadores no deben realizar trámites en el BPS ni en sus prestadores de salud.

La iniciativa fue establecida mediante un decreto del Poder Ejecutivo y su financiación será a través del Fondo Solidario COVID-19.