Switzerland: Extension of partial unemployment and simplification of procedures

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State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO (29.10.2020) By paying the compensation in the event of reduced working hours (RHT), unemployment insurance (AC) covers, for a certain time, part of the wage costs of workers whose normal working hours are reduced , and this in order to prevent layoffs resulting from short but inevitable job losses. The Federal Council has decided to maintain the simplified procedure for the notice of reduced working hours (RHT) and the summary procedure for the counting of the reduction in working hours until the end of December 2020. Thus, Until December 31, 2020, only the “RHT COVID-19 Procedure” should be used to process RHT and only COVID-19 forms should be used for RHT, regardless of the rationale for RHT.

measures summary

The Federal Council has decided to maintain the simplified procedure for the notice of reduced working hours (RHT) and the summary procedure for the counting of the reduction in working hours until the end of December 2020. Thus, Until December 31, 2020, only the “RHT COVID-19 Procedure” should be used to process RHT and only COVID-19 forms should be used for RHT, regardless of the rationale for RHT.

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