
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL

Digital Inclusion means empowering people through information and communication technologies (ICTs).  The Digital Inclusion activities of the BDT are designed to promote ICT accessibility and use for the social and economic development of people with sp​ecific needs, including…

Information and communication technology, Service delivery digital inclusion rruggia
Long-Term Care in Latin America and the Caribbean?: Theory and Policy Considerations | Publications latin america

This paper discusses theoretical and practical issues related to long-term care (LTC) services in Latin America. Demand for these services will rise as the region undergoes a swift demographic transition from its currently young population to a rapidly aging one, especially since the region’s…

Long-term care… rruggia
Aging and demographic changes in Americas (long-term care) - PAHO/OPS Americas

Between 2000 and 2050, the proportion of the world’s population aged 60 years and older will double, from about 11% to 22%. The absolute number of people 60 years and older is projected to increase from 900 million in 2015 to 1.4 billion by 2030, to 2.1 billion by 2050, and to 3.2 billion in…

Health, Long-term care, Population ageing rruggia
Healthy Aging and Non-Communicable Diseases - OPAS/OMS | PAHO Health, Long-term care… rruggia
The International Foundation for Integrated Care IFIC

The International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC) is a not for profit network that brings people together to advance the science, knowledge and adoption of integrated care policy and practice.

Health, Long-term care rruggia
US: Health-care costs for retirees climb to $285,000 United States

CNBC (02.04.2019) Despite the hefty price tag, there’s a piece of good news about retirees’ health-care costs: They aren’t rising as quickly as they were even a few years ago.

  • Broken down by gender, the estimate is $150,000 for women and $135,000 for men, according to Fidelity Investments’ annual analysis.
  • The amounts exclude things not covered by Medicare — dental, basic vision, over-the-counter medicines, long-term care.
  • The nation’s health
Financing Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
South Africa's Healthcare Sector, 2019: Poised for Significant Change with the Proposed Introduction of National Health Insurance south africa (29.04.2019) This report covers the public and private sector healthcare sector, including the size and state of the sector and factors influencing its success in areas such as controlling disease, improving mortality rates and training and retaining skilled professionals.

This report covers the public and private sector healthcare sector, including the size and state of the sector and factors influencing its success in areas such as controlling disease, improving mortality rates and training and retaining skilled professionals.

The report includes compreh

Health Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Les Néerlandais menacés par une baisse de leur retraite | Les Echos Europe , netherlands

Un recul des prestations versées aux retraités menace dès l'année prochaine du fait de la mauvaise santé financière des fonds de pension. Le Premier ministre a convoqué d'urgence les partenaires sociaux pour remettre à plat le système. Les syndicats entendent négocier un abaissement de l'âge de…

Le système de retraite des Pays-Bas est à bout de souffle. La retraite de millions de Néerlandais est désormais sous la menace de coupes franches. En l'état des finances des fonds de pension servant le plus gros de leurs prestations à la majorité des retraités, une baisse des versements pourrait

adequacy, sustainability… gfilhon
El trabajo del futuro y el futuro del trabajo | Tendencias

EL PAÍS Retina (enero 2019) El efecto de la IA no impactará tanto sobre el número de empleos sino sobre cómo ejerceremos cada actividad laboral

uchos de quienes se jubilaron en el siglo XX desarrollaron su carrera profesional en una sola empresa. Disfrutaban de horarios lineales con descansos pautados y, en algunos casos, con periodos de baja actividad que permitían procrastinar de forma legítima. dfabbri
Jordan: Razzaz launches EU-funded social protection, integration programme jordan

 Jordan Times (27.04.2019) EU-funded project aimed at enhancing social protection and integration, at a value of 23 million euros. The project seeks to improve the performance of Jordan's social protection system by developing the infrastructure of the centres and administrative units of…

PM Razzaz on Thursday launched an EU-funded project aimed at enhancing social protection and integration, at a value of 23 million euros.

The project seeks to improve the performance of Jordan's social protection system by developing the infrastructure of the centres and administrat

Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Non, les salariés français ne travaillent pas moins que leurs voisins

De l'usage des statistiques pour justifier la politique d'emploi que l'on souhaite développer. 

Employment, Unemployment, Employment policies, Employment of young workers big data, communication, data analytics, family_gender_society, fragmentation, labour markets, managing reforms, policy reponse, youth employment… gfilhon
Nearly half of ALL jobs could be lost or radically transformed due to automation in next two decades (26.04.2019) A report from the OECD says automation will affect for half of all jobs. In 20 years, 14 percent will be fully automated, and 32 percent will be affected. To help transition it's time that governments develop a plan for workers. Training and even funding could…

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… pmassetti
Receta Electrónica del Sistema Nacional de Salud spain

Receta Electrónica del Sistema Nacional de Salud Decálogo de protección de datos para el personal sanitario y administrativo La receta médica es el documento normalizado por el cual los profesionales legalmente facultados prescriben los medicamentos o productos sanitarios al paciente para su…

Health, Information and communication technology eprescription rruggia
Organisations today stand committed to occupational safety

 Business Standard News (28.04.2019) Every year more than 2.78 million people die as a result of occupational accidents or work-related diseases, a recent ILO report said. In addition, there are around 374 million non-fatal work-related injuries and illnesses each year, many of these…

Prevention of occupational risks OSH Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
ILO: Youth employment: -Awarding innovative policies to empower youth

ILO (18.04.2019) National, local and regional governments and non-governmental organizations are encouraged to showcase decent work policies that help youth reach their full potential.

The ILO has joined a call for nominations for an award that highlights laws and policies that advance youth access to decent jobs.

It is supporting the Future Policy Award 2019, an initiative of the World Future Counci

Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Commission publishes report on reintegration of long-term unemployed european union

Europa (11.04.2019) The Commission has published a report taking stock of progress made to help long-term unemployed people getting back to work since the Council adopted beginning of 2016 a Recommendation to speed up the return to work of the long-term unemployed, proposed by the Commission in…

The report shows that EU Member States have put in place a number of measures to improve the support to the long-term unemployed, meaning people unemployed for more than one year. Furthermore, the number of long-term unemployed decreased by more than 2.5 million since the adoption of the Recommen

Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Universal Health Coverage - OECD

Universal Health Coverage is about everyone having access to good quality health services without suffering financial hardship. Although most OECD countries offer all their citizens affordable access to a comprehensive package of health services, they face challenges in sustaining and enhancing…

universal health coverage pmassetti
[Report] Can Social Protection Be an Engine for Inclusive Growth?

oecd (24.04.2019) The potential role of social protection in the development process has received heightened recognition in recent years, yet making a strong investment case for social protection remains particularly challenging in many emerging and developing countries. This report challenges…

Recent years have seen a heightened recognition of the potential role of social protection in the development process. Social protection now constitutes an essential component of the global agenda for sustainable development and it occupies a large place in several regional and national commitmen

Proposition_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
[Report] OECD Employment Outlook 2019: The Future of Work

OECD (25.04.2019) The 2019 edition of the OECD Employment Outlook presents new evidence on changes in job stability, underemployment and the share of well-paid jobs, and discusses the policy implications of these changes with respect to how technology, globalisation, population ageing, and other…

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_DOCUMENTS… pmassetti
Emploi : l'OCDE tire la sonnette d'alarme

La Tribune (25.04.2019) Automatisation, transformation du travail, formation, vieillissement de la population active... dans son dernier rapport, l'OCDE dresse un portrait en demi-teinte du monde du travail, confronté actuellement à de nombreux risques, notamment en France. Face à ces défis…

Dans son dernier rapport sur les perspectives de l'emploi 2019, l'organisation de coopération et de développement économique (OCDE) souligne que "si le nombre d'emplois n'est pas nécessairement voué à diminuer, leur qualité pourrait se détériorer et les disparités entre travailleurs s

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… dfabbri
France: Retraite - Macron réaffirme les 62 ans mais veut inciter les Français à partir plus tard france

Les Echos (26.04.2019) Pour financer les baisses d'impôts, le chef de l'Etat souhaite notamment que les Français travaillent davantage. Il a écarté tout assouplissement supplémentaire des 35 heures ou l'instauration d'un jour de solidarité. La solution passera par l'allongement de la durée de…

Persiste et signe. Comme il l'avait prévu dans  son discours initial , mort-né à cause de l'incendie de Notre-Dame, Emmanuel Macron souhaite qu

Pensions managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Reframing the European welfare state european union

Social Europe (25.04.2019) The European welfare state does not have to be rebuilt from scratch. But it does have to focus on renewal rather than repair and on social solidarity rather than individual subjection.

Different academic and political analysts present contradictory perspectives as to the conditions required for the consolidation of the welfare state in 21st-century Europe—when the social pacts that forged the welfare state in the wake of the industrial revolution can no longer be taken for gran

Social policies & programmes managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
Data protection is social protection (17.04.2019) Rising pressure to apply biometric technology to verify beneficiaries’ identities, and to integrate information systems ranging from civil registries to law-enforcement databases, means that social programs could create new risks for those who depend on them.

Information and communication technology biometric, data protection Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR pmassetti
Les Marocains, deuxième communauté étrangère à être la plus affiliée à la sécurité sociale espagnole

Al HuffPost Maghreb (23.04.2019)  Ce 23 avril, le ministère espagnol du Travail, des Migrations et de la Sécurité sociale a dévoilé le nombre total d’étrangers affiliés à la sécurité sociale…

Ce 23 avril, le ministère espagnol du Travail, des Migrations et de la Sécurité sociale a dévoilé le nombre total d’étrangers affiliés à la sécurité sociale dans le pays. Sur plus de 2 millions d’emp

Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
How Ireland's spending on welfare compares to the rest of Europe

RTE (17.04.2019) Is Ireland a generous welfare state? In the main, state spending on things like welfare and health are measured by calculating their percentage contribution to gross domestic product or GDP. GDP in its modern usage was developed by Nobel prize winning economist, Simon Kuznets,…

Opinion: Ireland's spending on welfare as a percentage of GDP and per head of population lags significantly behind other EU states

Is Ireland a generous welfare state? In the main, state spending on things like welfare and health are measured by calculating their per

Social assistance, Financing Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri