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Four lessons from India in digital disruption india

World Economic Forum (19.06.2019) Digital technology can rapidly transform how countries provide services such as education and health to their citizens. The public services of the future should be effective, efficient, fair, data-driven, and responsive to individual needs. And the groundwork to…

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR pmassetti
Mali just took a huge step towards universal healthcare mali

World Economic Forum (13.03.2019) When the World Health Organization reports that half the global population does not have access to essential healthcare, it's easy to be pessimistic about the chances of giving all of Africa’s children a healthy start in life. But as we approach World Health Day…

universal health coverage… pmassetti
G-20 Put Global Aging On The Agenda, But Did They Define Longevity As A Problem, Or An Opportunity? (16.07.2019) The G-20, the world’s finance ministers and central bankers, are meeting in Japan. In keeping with the backdrop of Japan, the nation with the world’s fastest-aging population, global aging has made its way to the front of G-20’s agenda.

Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
G20: Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration – T20 Japan 2019 (2019) The rising trend of aging societies, a result of decreased fertility rates and longer life expectancies, signals drastic changes in the world’s demographic structure, as Asia clearly demonstrates.

Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Bulgaria: More than 2,130,000 Pensioners Will Receive an Increase of 5.7% on Their Pensions From Today bulgaria (01.07.3029) More than 2,130,000 pensioners will receive an increase of 5.7 percent on their pensions from today - 1 July. The change is in compliance with the Social Insurance Code provided for by all pension payments granted…

pensions from today - 1 July. The change is in compliance with the Social Insurance Code provided for by all pension payments granted starting with 31 December 2018. This was announced by the National Social Security Institute.

An increase by the same pe

Pensions, Financing managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Jamaica: Social Protection Programmes Help the Vulnerable to Build Resilience jamaica

Jamaica Information (28.06.2019) Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Colette Roberts Risden, says the country’s social protection programmes are moving towards increasing the standard of living and income of the vulnerable, as a means of building disaster…

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Colette Roberts Risden, says the country’s social protection programmes are moving towards increasing the standard of living and income of the vulnerable, as a means of building disaster resilience.

“The fact is, if we can

Difficult-to-cover groups Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
India: Bihar first state to launch universal old-age pension scheme india

Times of India (14.06.2019) Bihar on Friday became the first state to launch a universal old-age pension scheme in which each person at the age of 60 years and above, irrespective of their financial, family or caste status, will get a sum of Rs 400 per month directly in his/her bank account.

Pensions Universal Social Protection Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Building healthy, safe, sustainable success on solid foundations (26.06.2019) Firms seeking global growth can achieve long-term prosperity by maintaining high safety and health standards throughout their supply chains, writes Richard Orton, director of strategy and business development at the Institution of Occupational Safety…

Achieving profitability, growth and resilience in a dynamic market is a challenge for all business leaders. Trading overseas only makes this harder, entailing new responsibilities and tough ethical and operational choices.

One choice concerns agreeing, and being consistent about, how you

Prevention of occupational risks issa, OSH Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
Caribbean States explore the use of social protection programmes to provide relief during emergencies latin america

ReliefWeb (25.06.2019) The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), and the Government of the Turks and Caicos Islands, are holding a high-level symposium on 27 June to discuss how national social protection programmes and systems can…

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), and the Government of the Turks and Caicos Islands, are holding a high-level symposium on 27 June to discuss how national social protection programmes and systems can play a greater role in

economic crisis, poverty Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Etude: Travailler trop longtemps expose au risque d'AVC

TDG (25.06.2019) Les actifs travaillant plus de 10 heures par jour au moins 50 jours par an présentent un risque plus important de faire un accident vasculaire cérébral, selon une étude.

Travailler plus de dix heures par jour de façon prolongée, au moins cinquante jours par an, est associé à un risque d'AVC supérieur à celui encouru en travaillant moins, selon une étude.


Occupational accidents and diseases Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
Ecuador: El Sistema de Protección Social lo integran bonos, pensiones y una contingencia ecuador

El Universo (25.06.2019) Ocho transferencias monetarias componen el Sistema de Protección Social Integral. Según el decreto ejecutivo 804, estos son: Bono de Desarrollo Humano, Bono de Desarrollo Humano con Componente Variable, Pensión Mis Mejores Años, Pensión para Adultos Mayores, Bono Joaquín…

Ocho transferencias monetarias componen el Sistema de Protección Social Integral.

Según el decreto ejecutivo 804, estos son: Bono de Desarrollo Humano, Bono de Desarrollo Humano con Componente Variable, Pensión Mis Mejores Años, Pensión para Adultos Mayores, Bono Joaquín Gallegos Lara, Pe

Conditional cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Bachelet's Visit to Venezuela Shows Gov't Social Protection Efforts venezuela

Prensa Latina (25.06.2019) United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet''s agenda in Venezuela allowed her to show the Executive''s efforts for social protection, MP Gladys Requena said Tuesday. According to the Vice President of the National Constituent Assembly, the…

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet''s agenda in Venezuela allowed her to show the Executive''s efforts for social protection, MP Gladys Requena said Tuesday.

According to the Vice President of the National Constituent Assembly, the visit strengthened the V

economic crisis, poverty Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Occupational hazards may account for range of lung diseases

healio (21.06.2019) Occupational hazards, which include inhaling vapors, gas, dust or fumes at work, may be responsible for a number of noncancerous lung diseases, according to a joint American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society statement.

Occupational hazards, which include inhaling vapors, gas, dust or fumes at work, may be responsible for a number of noncancerous lung diseases, according to a joint American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society statement.

“The role of occupational factors in most lung disease

Occupational accidents and diseases Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Japan gov't council says pensions inadequate in aging society - The Mainichi japan

The Mainichi (04.06.2019) Japan's public pension system is not enough to sustain people's livelihoods anymore in a rapidly aging society, a government report said Monday.

Proposition_SS_Monitor pmassetti
France: Comment lutter contre le chômage ? france

France Inter (24.06.2019) La réforme de l'assurance chômage, présentées mardi dernier, devrait modifier les conditions d'accès à l'allocation et le calcul de son montant. 8,7 % de la population active est au chômage en France : cette réforme permettra-t-elle de faire baisser ce taux ?…

La réforme de l'assurance chômage, présentées mardi dernier, devrait modifier les conditions d'accès à l'allocation et le calcul de son montant. 8,7 % de la population active est au chômage en France : cette réforme permettra-t-elle de faire baisser ce taux ? Comment lutter contre le ch

Unemployment, Financing managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Government of Liberia, ESOKO Sign US$2M Social Data Collection Agreement liberia

FrontPageAfrica (25.06.2019) The Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Monday signed a US$2 million contract with a Ghanaian company — “Esoko” — to collect social data in four counties Nimba, Bong, Bomi and Maryland Counties.

The contract is a six-month project funded by the World Bank through USAID. Data collected will help inform government on the number of extremely poor and food insecure household and where there is lack of social services that would qualify people for social cash transfer as it is being done in M

Governance and administration Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… dfabbri
Vietnam's Maternity Leave - Benefits and Application vietnam

Vietnam’s Maternity Leave – Benefits and Application

Maternity ssptw… pmassetti
La France consacre un tiers de son PIB à la protection sociale france

BFMTV (20.06.2019) Le montant total des prestations de protection sociale (santé, retraite, famille, chômage) a augmenté de 1,8% en 2017, selon le service de statistiques des ministères sociaux. En ajoutant les frais de gestion et les frais financiers, ces dépenses ont atteint 774,5 milliards d'…

En 2017, les prestations sociales ont augmenté de 1,8% pour atteindre un montant total de 727,9 milliards d'euros. Cette somme, dévoilée ce jeudi par la Drees, le service de statistiques des ministères sociaux, représente 31,7% du produit intérieur brut (PIB), une proportion parmi les plus élevée

Financing Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Azerbaijan raises minimum wage by $41, and minimum pension by $23 azerbaijan (20.06.2019)  The minimum wage in Azerbaijan will increase from 180 to 250 manat [from $106 to $148]. Starting October 1, the size of the minimum pension will also increase, from 160 to 200 manat [from $95 to $118]

Pensions basic income Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Egypt to take greater social protection measures to help poor, middle income classes egypt

Ahram Online (23.06.2019) Egypt’s parliament – the House of Representatives – began discussing the country’s state budget (2019/20) and development plan on Saturday. Minister of Finance Mohamed Mait told MPs in a plenary session that the government will do everything possible to protect poor and…

Egypt’s parliament – the House of Representatives – began discussing the country’s state budget (2019/20) and development plan on Saturday.

Minister of Finance Mohamed Mait told MPs in a plenary session that the government will do everything possible to protect poor and limited income cla

Financing poverty Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Universal Credit, gender and unpaid childcare: Mothers’ accounts of the new welfare conditionality regime united kingdom

Critical Social Policy (15.006.2019) The introduction of Universal Credit, a new social assistance benefit for working age people in the UK, constitutes radical welfare reform and entails a significant intensification and expansion of welfare conditionality. Numerically, women are…

gender_and_inequality pmassetti
ILO: Social protection critical amid deep world of work changes

ILO (14.06.2019) Participants at a forum  held at the International Labour Conference  (ILC) discussed how digitalization, demographic shifts, climate change and globalization will affect the way people manage transitions during the course of their lives. Speakers stressed the…

Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
ILO: World leaders call for action on the future of work

ILO (19.06.2019) High-level visits to the International Labour Conference (ILC) continued this week, with several heads of State and government addressing delegates on issues relating to the future of work. This year’s ILC marks the 100th anniversary of the International Labour Organization (ILO…

The King of Lesotho, the First Vice-President of Cuba, the President of Colombia, the Prime Minister of Portugal, the Vice-President of Costa Rica and the Prime Minister of Barbados addressed the Centenary International Labour C

Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
The New European Interoperability Framework | ISA² european union

The European Interoperability Framework (EIF) is part of the Communication (COM(2017)134) from the European Commission adopted on 23 March 2017. The framework gives specific guidance on how to set up interoperable digital public services. It offers public administrations 47 concrete…

Information and communication technology, Interoperability interoperability rruggia
ILO: 55 per cent of world population not covered by social security -

The Nation Newspaper (17.06.2019) Director General Guy Ryder has said 55 per cent of the world’s population is still not covered by social protection.  He said global commitment to social protection is a prerequisite to securing sustainable transitions over the life course.

Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri