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Indonesia struggles to pay for huge universal health care program indonesia

Nikkei Asian Review (14.08.2019) Indonesia is struggling to fill a massive hole in the finances of its compulsory national health insurance system. BPJS Kesehatan, the government agency that oversees the program, has suffered deficits in five of the six years since the system was introduced to…

Indonesia is struggling to fill a massive hole in the finances of its compulsory national health insurance system.

BPJS Kesehatan, the government agency that oversees the program, has suffered deficits in five of the six years since the system was introduced to much fanfare in 2014. This

universal health care Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
EPIC publishes policy memo on mechanisms supporting single parents Europe

Europa (02.08.2019) The European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) has published a policy memo on mechanisms supporting single parents.

he memo presents trends and risks for single parents across the European Union and provides an overview of existing mechanisms supporting single parents.

According to Eurostat data, in 2017, single pare

Family benefits Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
South Africa: Initial universal healthcare cost at $17 bln south africa

| Africanews (0808/2019) South Africa published its draft National Health Insurance (NHI) bill on Thursday, with one senior official estimating universal healthcare for millions of poorer citizens would cost about 256 billion rand ($16.89 billion) to implement by 2022.

universal health coverage Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
The Future of Work: Preparing for Disruption | edX

Only MOOC to explore the 2019 World Development Report (WDR) and workforce of the future. Learn how A.I., automation, advanced technologies and new businesses are changing the world. pmassetti
France: Auto-entrepreneurs d’Uber, Deliveroo et autres plateformes - des indépendants devenus très dépendants france

France Inter (12.08.2019) Tandis que la grogne ne cesse de monter chez les livreurs de Deliveroo, la plateforme britannique de livraison de repas à domicile, dénonçant la baisse de leur salaire, Le téléphone sonne braque le guidon vers ces travailleurs de la nouvelle économie.

Tandis que la grogne ne cesse de monter chez les livreurs de Deliveroo, la plateforme britannique de livraison de repas à domicile, dénonçant la baisse de leur salaire, Le téléphone sonne braque le guidon vers ces travailleurs de la nouvelle économie.

onsidérée comme de l’exploita

Difficult-to-cover groups digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… dfabbri
Calidad del empleo se daña en Amèrica Latina: Cepal latin america

eluniversal (12.08.2019) México, Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador y Perú están entre los países en donde la calidad del empleo se deteriora, advirtió la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (Cepal). De acuerdo con el Estudio Económico de América Latina y el Caribe 2019…

México, Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador y Perú están entre los países en donde la calidad del empleo se deteriora, advirtió la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (Cepal).

De acuerdo con el Estudio Económico de América Latina y el Caribe 2019, en esas naciones

Employment, Difficult-to-cover groups Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR dfabbri
Brazil pension reform debate expected to widen in Senate

Reuters (08.08.2019) Brazil’s Senate is expected to consider extending pension reform to states and municipal governments as it moves to vote on a bill overhauling the social security system, lawmakers said on Thursday. FILE PHOTO: Brazil's Economy Minister Paulo Guedes

enators could also take up a plan for individual retirement accounts, which Economy Minister Paulo Guedes had hoped to introduce but was dropped from the bill to ensure final passage in the lower house of Congress on Wednesday.

President Jair Bolsonaro celebrated the progress on his corne

Old-age pensions brics, managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Maroc: Abdellatif Mortaki : «La CNSS est prête à assurer la couverture médicale et sociale des travailleurs non salariés» morocco

Aujourd'hui le Maroc (10.08.2019) Soixante ans après sa création, le régime de sécurité sociale géré par la CNSS permet à des millions de Marocains de bénéficier d’une panoplie complète de prestations. En effet, la CNSS est considérée aujourd’hui comme l’assureur social de référence et acteur…

ALM :  Quel bilan faites-vous des 60 ans d’existence de la CNSS ? (prestations, salariés déclarés, entreprises affiliées…)

Abdellatif Mortaki : Soixante ans après sa création, le régime de sécurité sociale géré par la

self-employed Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
[Report] The Social Protection Indicator for the Pacific: Assessing Progress Asia (2019) This report presents the analysis of comprehensive 2015 data on social protection programs in 13 Pacific developing member countries.

Conditional cash transfers poverty Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
[Report] Strengthening the capacity of ASEAN Member States to design and implement risk-informed and shock-responsive social protection systems for resilience Asia (2019) The complementarity of social protection and disaster risk management (DRM) is increasingly acknowledged by ASEAN. Accordingly, this study, the overarching research question of which is: What factors enable social protection systems and programmes in ASEAN countries…

Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
NIBTT Joins Forces with ISSA to Focus on Compliance Issues latin america, trinidad and tobago

trinidadexpress (08.08.2019) The National Insurance Board of Trinidad and Tobago (NIBTT), in conjunction with the International Social Security Association (ISSA), recently co-hosted a workshop for local and regional social security practitioners.

The National Insurance Board of Trinidad and Tobago (NIBTT), in conjunction with the International Social Security Association (ISSA), recently co-hosted a workshop for local and regional social security practitioners. The workshop with its theme, “Administrative Solutions for coverage extension

issa Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
China: Aging population spurs integrated elderly care services china (07.08.2019) In February this year, the National Health Commission (NHC) launched a pilot program - the Internet Plus Nursing Services - in six provincial-level regions including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Guangdong, in an attempt to make use of nurses' spare…

brics Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
Vietnam: Eligible age for social welfare benefits to be reduced to 75 vietnam

VietNam News (07.08.2019) The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs will propose that the Government reduce the eligible age for social welfare benefits from 80 to 75, said Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Đào Ngọc Dung.

The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs will propose that the Government reduce the eligible age for social welfare benefits from 80 to 75, said Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Đào Ngọc Dung.
He was speaking at a meeting reviewing the State’s res

Old-age pensions, Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Cameroun - Digitalisation: Lancement officiel des quittances numériques - Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale cameroon

La caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale (CNPS) a procédé le 2 août 2019 au lancement officiel des quittances numériques d'encaissement des cotisations sociales, en présence du directeur des Finances et du Patrimoine, Hortense Asim Abisone, représentante du Directeur Général.

Information and communication technology, Service quality Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… pmondoa
Sri Lanka has second highest welfare coverage in Asia sri lanka

conomynext (06.08.2019) Sri Lanka has the second highest welfare coverage in Asia, albeit with low spending per person, while other forms of social protection are below par, the Asian Development Bank said. The Social Protection Indicator for Asia Report said that Sri Lanka has the second…

Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Japan: Practical debate needed on public pension system japan

The Japan Times (09.07.2019) The public pension system and people’s concern over their retirement finances emerged as a key campaign issue for the upcoming Upper House election after a Financial Services Agency council report estimated that a model household of retirees dependent on pension…

Pensions Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
La Sécurité sociale britannique s’allie à Amazon pour conseiller les malades united kingdom (12.07.2019) « Alexa, je crois que j’ai la grippe… ». Désormais, les Britanniques peuvent se plaindre à l'assistant vocal d'Amazon de leur état de santé : la Sécurité sociale locale mise sur cette technologie pour dispenser des conseils médicaux.

Information and communication technology Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… pmassetti
France: L’aide médicale réservée aux sans-papiers dans le viseur du gouvernement france

Le Monde (96.08.2019)  A la demande du gouvernement, une mission de l’inspection générale des affaires sociales et de l’inspection générale des finances étudie des pistes de réforme de ce dispositif réservé aux sans-papiers.

« Nous ne remettrons pas en cause l’aide médicale d’Etat [AME]. » Quelques semaines avant d’être élu président de la République, Emmanuel Macron défendait, dans une interview au magazine mutualiste Viva, un « système fondé sur la solidarité

Difficult-to-cover groups Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Ireland: Ageing population will put strain on system - report ireland

RTE (05.08.2019) The latest Government report on the risks and challenges facing Ireland in the coming years has pointed to the State's ageing population as a major issue which will put stress on public finances, social welfare and health systems and economic competitiveness.

The latest Government report on the risks and challenges facing Ireland in the coming years has pointed to the State's ageing population as a major issue which will put stress on public finances, social welfare and health systems and economic competitiveness.

The National Risk Assessment

Old-age pensions, Financing Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
Pakistan: Ehsas — a revolutionary initiative pakistan (02.08.2019)  Social safety and poverty alleviation programme launched by the PTI government in the name of ‘ Ehsas’

Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor pmassetti
China: Work-related illnesses higher than reported china

ECNS (01.08.2019) Low health screening rates, flaws in employment system cause faulty data China has charted more than 970,000 cases of occupational diseases since records began, but the actual number of employees affected by work-related illnesses is much higher, a senior health official said…

Low health screening rates, flaws in employment system cause faulty data

China has charted more than 970,000 cases of occupational diseases since records began, but the actual number of employees affected by work-related illnesses is much higher, a senior health official

Occupational accidents and diseases brics Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
Social protection programs help in decreasing poverty in Upper Egypt egypt

Egypt Today (04.08.2019) Poverty rates in Upper Egypt have decreased compared to previous years because of the focus on social protection programs in the governorates of Upper Egypt, Deputy Minister of Planning, Follow-up and Administrative Reform of Planning Ahmed Kamali said Sunday.

: Poverty rates in Upper Egypt have decreased compared to previous years because of the focus on social protection programs in the governorates of Upper Egypt, Deputy Minister of Planning, Follow-up and Administrative Reform of Planning Ahmed Kamali said Sunday.

Kamali pointed out in a s

Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Tackling precarity in the platform economy—and beyond Europe

socialeurope (01.08.2019) To focus on online platforms in isolation would miss the point that they are part of a wider phenomenon of spreading and intensifying precarity at work.

In our increasingly digitalised world, a crucial role is played by online platforms. These platforms—dynamic websites which constitute digital public squares or marketplaces—affect the economy and our societ

digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… dfabbri
Social pensions and accountability in Uganda uganda

HelpAge International (25.07.2019) Across Africa, millions of older people live in poverty. Without access to pensions and eroding traditions of family support, many have no choice but to continue working into older age doing small-scale, low-paid farming or petty trade. For those who have…

In 2011, the Uganda Government, in partnership with the UK Department for International Development, Irish Aid and the United Nations Children’s Fund, launched the Senior Citizens Grant as part of the wider Social Assistance Grants for Empowerment (SAGE). It is a non-contributory social pension o

Old-age pensions Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
[Report] Two new reports and a set of videos aim to help policymakers address long-term unemployment european union

Europa (10.07.2019) Two reports and a series of videos on long-term unemployment are being published today, marking the end of a 2-year mutual learning project on the subject.

Two reports and a series of videos on long-term unemployment are being published today, marking the end of a 2-year mutual learning project on the subject.

A report on

Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri