
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Cambodia: Providing social protection to domestic workers for inequality reduction and poverty eradication cambodia

Khmer Times (18.06.2019) In general, domestic workers, mostly women, are the most vulnerable among other workers in term of living and working conditions. They have limited freedom of movement and association, low wages, no definitive employment contracts, or face overtime, inadequate labour,…

Ms Sophoan is a domestic worker from rural poor family who is now living in Phnom Penh. Her earnings from this work represent the main income in her family with three children. However, these earnings stopped when she forced herself to take a break from physically demanding work due to unbearable

Difficult-to-cover groups poverty Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
[Opinión] República Dominicana: Trabajadores independientes marginados dominican republic (06.06.2019) La protección social de todos los dominicanos y residentes, constituye un mandato de la Ley 87-01, y un gran reto que merece un tratamiento especial de las fuerzas vivas del país, y muy particularmente, de los partidos políticos que terciarán en las próximas elecciones…

La protección social de todos los dominicanos y residentes, constituye un mandato de la Ley 87-01, y un gran reto que merece un tratamiento especial de las fuerzas vivas del país, y muy particularmente, de los partidos políticos que terciarán en las próximas elecciones generales de mayo.

Difficult-to-cover groups poverty Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
France: Assurance-chômage - les principales mesures d'une réforme choc france

Les Echos (19.06.2019) Le Premier ministre et la ministre du Travail ont présenté ce mardi la réforme de l'assurance-chômage sur laquelle les partenaires sociaux avaient échoué à trouver un accord. Toutes les mesures seront adoptées par un décret, attendu pour la fin de l'été.

C'est la partie de la réforme qui concentre le tir de barrage des syndicats. Et pour cause,  elle chamboule les règles les plus sensibles de l'assurance-chômage à qui le gouvernement reproche - dans certains cas - de ne pas favoriser la reprise d'un emploi durable. A partir du 1er novem

Unemployment, Financing managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
New practitioner’s guide to help countries in their digital identification journey

Over the past decade, an increasing number of countries around the world are introducing or upgrading national-scale digital identification systems and modernizing civil registration. For example, Morocco is introducing a new national population register and civil and social digital ID…

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… pmassetti
Suisse: Les prix des médicaments anticancéreux explosent switzerland

Le Temps (13.05.2019) L’Office fédéral de la santé doit faire face à une forte hausse de demandes de l’industrie pharmaceutique pour des thérapies combinées dont le prix dépasse de plus en plus souvent les 100 000 francs par an

Published_SS_Monitor pmassetti
Décision n° 2019-789 QPC du 14 juin 2019 | Conseil constitutionnel france

Décision de Conseil constitutionnel restreignant le droit de communication des banques aux organismes de Sécurité sociale pour violation de la vie privée. Mauvaise nouvelle pour l'EEF. 

Information and communication technology, Interoperability, Data management, Error, evasion and fraud artificial intelligence , big data, data analytics, data management, data protection, data quality, database, interoperability, social security processes… gfilhon
[Report] Cross-border healthcare directive had too little impact so far, EU auditors warn Europe

EurActiv  (07.06.2019) Very few patients ask for reimbursements for treatment accessed abroad and the only exchanges of patients’ health data are between two northern member states, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) found in a report released on Tuesday (4 June).

Very few patients ask for reimbursements for treatment accessed abroad and the only exchanges of patients’ health data are between two northern member states, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) found in a report releas

Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
[Report] Adequacy and sustainability of pension systems in the context of demographic ageing (15.05.2019) The paper reviews several of the measures that States have taken with the intention of improving the sustainability of pension systems and evaluates their effectiveness. The paper highlights that many of the measures taken have had negative distributional impacts and…

Pensions Published_SS_Monitor pmassetti
France: Comment le gouvernement va durcir les conditions d'accès à l'indemnisation du chômage france

Les Echos (07.06.2019) Le gouvernement présentera la réforme de l'assurance-chômage le 17 juin. Au menu : bonus-malus sur les cotisations chômage patronales pour freiner l'abus des contrats courts, dégressivité des allocations pour les hauts revenus mais aussi durcissement des conditions d'accès…

Edouard Philippe a promis une levée de rideau au printemps. Il devrait tenir parole. Selon nos informations, le gouvernement dévoilera le contenu de  la réforme de l'assurance-chôma

Unemployment managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Ireland: 'It's about a culture change': New welfare payment which could benefit up to 60,000 parents announced ireland (24.04.2019) A new welfare payment which will benefit up to 60,000 new parents who are employed or self-employed is set to come into effect from November.

Children managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
France: La fraude aux prestations sociales, une somme largement surestimée france

europe1 (06.06.2019) Alors que le chiffre de 14 millions d'euros était relayé depuis plusieurs mois, un rapport parlementaire a mis fin à la polémique autour des fraudes aux prestations sociales par des personnes nées à l'étranger. Ces fraudes "se mesurent en millions d'euros et non en milliards…

Error, evasion and fraud Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
US: California is cracking down on the gig economy United States (30.05.2019) The state Assembly just passed a bill that could give Uber and Lyft drivers basic labor protections for the first time.

digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… pmassetti
UK: Govt urged to give new mothers £2k pension top-up united kingdom

pensionsage (03.06.2019) The government is being urged to give new mothers a £2,000 pension top-up to address the pension gender gap. The call from Which? follows analysis by itself and the Pensions Policy Institute, which found that women who take time out of work to care for a while, are hit…

Pensions, Financing gender_and_inequality Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
World Health Assembly Adopts Resolutions on Universal Health Coverage

IISD (28.05.2019) Governments gathered at the World Health Assembly (WHA) agreed on four resolutions related to universal health care (UHC), addressing primary healthcare, the role of community health workers, emergency care systems and the UN General Assembly (UNGA) High-Level Meeting on UHC.…

Governments gathered at the World Health Assembly (WHA) agreed on four resolutions related to universal health care (UHC), addressing primary healthcare, the role of community health workers, emergency care systems and the UN General Assembly (UNGA) High-Level Meeting on UHC. The Assembly also ag

universal health coverage Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
La fraude aux faux numéros de Sécu serait de 200 à... 802 millions d’euros  france

De l'importance d'une bonne méthode de suivi dans la lutte contre la fraude.

En décembre dernier, l’ancien magistrat Charles Prats avait mis le feu aux poudres en affirmant que 14 milliards d’euros de pres

Health, Governance and administration, Data management, Error, evasion and fraud data analytics, data quality, database, identity management, universal health coverage… gfilhon
España: El empleo creció en 211.752 afiliados en mayo y acaricia su máximo histórico spain

El País (04.06.2019) Después de más de cinco años creando empleo, la afiliación a la Seguridad Social ya acaricia su máximo histórico. En mayo aumentó en 211.752 el número de cotizantes con empleo, según el Ministerio de Trabajo. Ya son 19,44 millones, apenas unos miles por debajo del récord que…

Después de más de cinco años creando empleo, la afiliación a la Seguridad Social ya acaricia su máximo histórico. En mayo aumentó en 211.752 el número de cotizantes con empleo, según el Ministerio de Trabajo. Ya son 19,44 millones, apenas unos miles por debajo del récord que se alcanzó en julio d

Employment labour markets Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
In Indonesia, social protection can underpin democracy indonesia

 OECD Observer (May 2019) Indonesia’s social protection system generates fewer headlines but is no less impressive. It now reaches almost the entire population, helping people escape from poverty, access health facilities, go to school and feed themselves. Whatever the result of the…

Family benefits Proposition_SS_Monitor,_social_protec… pmassetti
Social grants second-most important source of income in South Africa south africa

EWN (28.05.2019) Social grants remain the second-most important source of income for households in the country after salaries. Statistics South Africa released the results of its General Household Survey earlier on Tuesday. The survey was conducted in more than 20,000 households.

Social grants remain the second-most important source of income for households in the country after salaries.

Statistics South Africa released the results of its General Household Survey earlier on Tuesday. The survey

Social assistance, Financing brics Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
China to showcase primary health care at World Health Assembly china

CGTN (25.05.2019) With a population of more than 1.3 billion, China successfully achieved universal health insurance coverage in 2011. The achievement, termed “unparalleled” by the World Bank, has become an example for many developing nations.

From universal health coverage to classifying video games addiction as a disease, members of the World Health Organization (WHO) will decide on a range of health issues during the 72nd World Health Assembly in Geneva. 

Around 4,000 delegates from 194 member states are attending the w

Extension of coverage brics, universal health coverage Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
Namibia - a social welfare haven? namibia

The Southern Times (02.04.2019) Over the past five years, half of the Namibian budget was allocated for social expenditure, which includes education, health and welfare services, indicating that Namibia could be considered a welfare nation with high public spending.

Proposition_SS_Monitor pmassetti
Brazil’s Congress confident pension reform will pass brazil

 Financial Times (02.06.2019) The presidents of both houses of Brazil’s Congress have voiced confidence that legislators will approve a flagship pension reform supported by President Jair Bolsonaro in the next few months.

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Pensions brics, managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
Pakistan: Funds for social protection to be doubled in next budget: Sania Nishtar pakistan

Business Recorder (03.06.2019) Special Assistant to Prime Minister on social protection and poverty alleviation Dr. Sania Nishtar Sunday said the amount for social protection would be doubled in the upcoming budget which portrayed the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan to bring the marginalized…

Special Assistant to Prime Minister on social protection and poverty alleviation  Dr. Sania Nishtar Sunday said the amount for social protection would be doubled in the upcoming budget which portrayed the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan to bring the marginalized sector into mainstream.

Financing Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Suisse: Thierry Weber: «La pratique de la médecine va vivre une révolution» switzerland

Le Temps (03.06.2019) Médecin-entrepreneur et spécialiste de la santé numérique, Thierry Weber considère le dossier électronique du patient comme une solution pour réduire les coûts de la santé. Les hôpitaux le proposeront dès 2020

Les dossiers cartonnés, dans lesquels les médecins écrivent encore à la main, sont voués à disparaître. Place au dossier électronique du patient, qui entrera en vigueur au printemps 2020. Le secteur de la santé va connaître toute une série de changements liés au numérique.

Le canton de Va

digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… dfabbri
Jordan launches new financial safety net for tens of thousands of families jordan

The National (29.05.2019) They will receive financial aid and full health insurance under the National Strategy for Social Protection

Family benefits, Extension of coverage, Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
MEPs approve the creation of the European Labour Authority Europe (19.04.2019) MEPs approved the creation of a European Labour Authority, as well as several positions that favour the rights of European workers and combat social dumping. But major changes still need to be made.

Error, evasion and fraud Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti