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Umsókn um lokunarstyrk socpro self-employed, covid19 iceland
Wages for young apprentices to be funded by Tees Valley combined authority socpro covid19, youth employment, human resources Employment united kingdom
What Help can the Low-Income Residents Expect from the State? socpro covid19 Family benefits lithuania
New program helps apprentices get the tools they need to get back to work socpro covid19 Employment canada
Government unveils $390m subsidy for employers training apprentices socpro covid19 Unemployment, Cash transfers, Employment of young workers new zealand
COVID-19: Egypt extends electricity subsidies until 2025 socpro covid19 Housing, Financing egypt
Bolsonaro sanctions the Aldir Blanc Law, which will give R$ 3 billion in emergency aid for culture socpro covid19 Cash transfers brazil
Government to set aside R$160 million to help asylums fight Covid-19 socpro covid19 Financing, Long-term care brazil
Dar una mano Ecuador socpro covid19 Food and nutrition, Social assistance ecuador
Gov. Lee announces $81 Million in COVID-19 relief grants for education socpro covid19, poverty, family Children, Financing United States
Arranca Peru socpro covid19 Unemployment, Employment, Employment policies peru
COVID-19 insight from Syria, June 2020 socpro covid19, family, poverty Food and nutrition syria
Gobierno dio detalles sobre la entrega de 2,5 millones de canastas de alimentos socpro covid19 Food and nutrition, Food and nutrition, Social assistance chile
COVID-19 insight from Syria, June 2020 socpro covid19, family, poverty Housing syria
Bono 380 socpro covid19 Cash transfers, Cash transfers, Social assistance peru
Proteção de trabalhadores independentes e informais socpro self-employed, covid19 Unemployment, Difficult-to-cover groups portugal
Bono Perú Unido socpro covid19, self-employed Cash transfers, Cash transfers, Social assistance peru
ATIVAR.PT Formação Profissional socpro covid19 Unemployment portugal
Bono Normalidad Relativa socpro covid19 Social assistance, Cash transfers venezuela
ATIVAR.PT – Programa Reforçado de Apoios ao Emprego e à Formação Profissional socpro covid19 Unemployment, Employment of young workers portugal
Germany trials a universal basic income for 120 citizens pmassetti

World Economic Forum (20.08.2020) Germany is about to become the latest country to trial a universal basic income, starting a three-year study of how it affects the economy and recipients' well-being. As part of the study, 120 people will receive €1,200, or about $1,430, each month for three years — an amount just above Germany's poverty line — and researchers will compare their experiences with another group of 1,380 people who will not receive the payments.

universal-basic-income Cash transfers germany
New Zealand: Paying clients stranded overseas siha

Ministry of Social Development (18.08.2020) We're working hard to make sure clients who are out of the country and are unable to return because of the COVID-19 pandemic are financially supported. When you leave New Zealand temporarily some payments stop straight away, some are paid for up to 28 days, and New Zealand Super and Veteran's Pension is paid for up to 26 weeks. Under a COVID-19 special assistance programme we're able to make your payments until you can return to New Zealand. This programme is currently only available until 20 October 2020.

covid19, extending coverage, migration, service delivery Old-age pensions, Unemployment, Extension of coverage, Service delivery, Migration new zealand
New Zealand: Resurgence Wage Subsidy announcement siha

Ministry of Social Development (17.08.2020) The Government has announced a new payment, the Resurgence Wage Subsidy. It’s a two-week payment for businesses who have had, or expect to have, a revenue drop of at least 40% because of COVID-19 for a continuous 14 day period between 12 August to 10 September compared to a similar period last year, and aren’t getting the Wage Subsidy, Wage Subsidy Extension or the Leave Support Scheme.

The subsidy is for 2-weeks from the day you submit your application, and will be paid at a flat rate of:

  • $585.80 for people working 20 hours or more per week (full-time rate)
  • $350.00 for people working less than 20 hours per week (part-time rate).

Applications can be made from 1pm on 21 August 2020 to 3 September 2020. 

covid19, Emergency grants, extending coverage, youth employment Employment, Extension of coverage, Cash transfers, COVID-19 new zealand
New Zealand: COVID-19 Leave Support Scheme siha

Ministry of Social Development (18.08.2020) The COVID-19 Leave Support Scheme (used to be 'COVID-19 Essential Workers Leave Support') is available for employers, including sole traders, to pay their employees who can't work. This means your employees: can't come into work because they are in one of the affected groups and Ministry of Health guidelines recommend they stay at home, and can't work from home.

The Leave Support Scheme will be paid at a flat rate of:

  • $585.80 for people who were working 20 hours or more per week (full-time rate)
  • $350.00 for people who were working less than 20 hours per week (part-time rate).

The Leave Support Scheme is paid as a lump sum and covers 4 weeks per employee from the date you submit your application. You can't apply for less than 4 weeks.

covid19, Emergency grants, OSH, prevention Cash sickness benefits, Safety and health at work, Cash transfers, COVID-19 new zealand
New Zealand: Wage Subsidy Extension siha

Ministry of Social Development (10.06.2020) The Wage Subsidy Extension is an 8-week payment for qualifying businesses who have had a 40% decline in revenue because of COVID-19 for a continuous 30 day period compared to a similar period last year. The subsidy will be paid at a flat rate of: $585.80 for people working 20 hours or more per week (full-time rate) and $350.00 for people working less than 20 hours per week (part-time rate). The subsidy is paid as a lump sum and covers 8 weeks per employee from the date you submit your application. Applications opened on 10 June 2020 and close at 11:59pm on 1 September 2020. 

covid19, Emergency grants, extending coverage, youth employment Employment, Extension of coverage, Cash transfers, COVID-19 new zealand