
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
China: Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Announces Online Application Platform for Unemployment Insurance china (12.02.2020) The provinces and autonomous regions will announce the online handling platforms within their jurisdictions that have achieved stable job returns to online claiming cities (states and alliances), and will take the initiative through SMS push, website link,…

In order to avoid physical contact, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security encourage the use of the online application platform to claim the Unemployment Insurance.

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Announces Online Application Platform for Unemployment Insurance Steady Return

Unemployment, E-services, Service quality covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
China: Short-time work encouraged to avoid dismissals china (24.01.2020) If the enterprise is affected by the epidemic, which leads to difficulties in production and operation, it may stabilize the work position through consultation with employees, such as adjusting salary, rotating rotation, shortening working hours, etc., and try not to…

Employers may reduce wages and working hours as well as adjust work positions and leave policies. They may also apply for governmental subsidies under certain conditions. 

If operations are suspended during a payment cycle…

Browsing times: 134616

Unemployment covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
S. Korea to dole out relief cash fund based on health insurance korea, Republic of (03.04.2020) The government decided Friday to make emergency cash payments to households in the bottom 70 percent income bracket, financially hit by the novel coronavirus, by using March health insurance premiums as key standard. The temporary, yet controversial scheme will…

The government decided to make emergency cash payments to households in the bottom 70 percent income bracket, financially hit by the novel coronavirus, by using March health insurance premiums as key standard. The temporary, yet controversial scheme will provide 1 million won ($814) each to…

Cash transfers covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary pmassetti
China: Workers should continue to receive remuneration during treatment and quarantine periods china (24.01.2020) For employees of pneumonia, suspected patients, and close contacts of new coronavirus infection who are unable to provide normal labor during their isolation treatment or medical observation, and because the government implements isolation measures or other emergency…

If an employee is a patient infected by the new coronavirus, or if it is suspected that he/she has become infected, or if he/she has come into close contact with such patient(s) or suspected patient(s), or if he/she is unable to work due to the relevant governmental measures,…

Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on the proper handling of labor relations during the prevention and control of pneumonia outbreaks of new coronavirus infection

Unemployment covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
China: Hospitals are mandated to provide attention regardless of type of health insurance china (23.01.2020) First, after paying for basic medical insurance, serious illness insurance, medical assistance, and other medical expenses incurred for patients diagnosed with pneumonia with a new coronavirus infection, the personal burden will be subsidized by the finance and…

The National Healthcare Security Administration and the Ministry of Finance announced that the will ensure treatments for confirmed and suspected cases are not affected by financial reasons. In this line, 

On January 23, 2020, NHSA (National Healthcare Security Administration), MoF (Ministry of Finance) jointly released ‘Announcement on healthcare insurance measures for coping with 2019-nCoV’ (http://www.n

Health insurance covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
S. Korea to Offer Reductions, Exemptions of 4 Social Insurance, Electricity Fee Payments korea, Republic of (30.03.2020) The South Korean government will offer reductions or exemptions on four social insurances to ease the burden for low-income households and small business owners amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The South Korean government will offer reductions or exemptions on four social insurances to ease the burden for low-income households and small business owners amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Contribution collection and compliance covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary pmassetti
China: Workers infected in the workplace will receive work injury benefits china (23.01.2020) The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Finance and the National Health Commission jointly released an announcement on insurance matters for healthcare workers and other employees infected with Covid-19 when…

Healthcare workers and other employees infected with Covid-19 when fulfilling job responsibilities will count as work injuries. Workers will qualify for work injury insurance reimbursement, and local fiscal authorities should provide assistance when needed.

  Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Finance, National Health Commission
 Notice on medical care and related staff related to the protection of new coronavirus pneumonia d

Health insurance, Safety and health at work covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention, Published Measures summary mmarquez
China ups support to firms to ensure employment amid COVID-19 epidemic china

Xinhua (25.03.2020)  China has pledged to lend more support to companies with multi-faceted measures in a renewed commitment to protecting jobs for its workforce amid the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak.

The country cut 123.9 billion yuan (about 17.7 billion U.S. dollars) in social security premiums for companies nationwide in February, with the sum from February through June expected to top 500 billion yuan.

To help encourage companies to minimize layoffs, 1.46 million micro, small and…

Unemployment, Contribution collection and compliance covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary pmassetti
China: The National Health Commission adds Covid-19 prevention measures in the workplace china (20.01.2020) According to the relevant provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, based on the current understanding of the etiology, epidemiology, and clinical characteristics of new coronavirus-infected pneumonia, the State Council approved the…

The NHC (National Health Commission) issued a notice stating that even though pneumonia caused by the coronavirus should be included in Class B under the PRC Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases Law (PTID), and so,…

The NHC (National Health Commission) issued a notice stating that even though pneumonia caused by the coronavirus should be included in Class B under the PRC Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases Law (PTID), employers must fo

Health promotion, Safety and health at work covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Monaco: Modalités de demande du Revenu Minimum Extraordinaire monaco (01.04.2020) Les Services de l’Etat mettent en œuvre dès aujourd’hui, le Revenu Minimum Extraordinaire, mesure annoncée par le Gouvernement princier pour venir en aide aux travailleurs indépendants disposant d’une autorisation d’exercer en nom propre, qui subissent une baisse de leur…

The State is implementing as of 1 April, the Extraordinary Minimum Income, a measure announced by the Government to help self-employed workers who are experiencing a decline in their activity impacted by the Covid-19 crisis, to the point of depriving them of any resources. The aim is to grant an…

Les Services de l’Etat mettent en œuvre dès aujourd’hui, le Revenu Minimum Extraordinaire, mesure annoncée par le Gouvernement princier pour venir en aide aux travailleurs indépendants disposant d’une autorisation d’exercer en nom propre, qui subissent une baisse de leur activité impactée par la

Cash transfers covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… cambrosio
Maroc: Suspension du paiement des charges sociales morocco (20.03.2020)  Alors qu’une partie de l’industrie marocaine est à l’arrêt du fait du Covid-19, la dernière réunion du Comité de veille économique a mis en place des mesures en faveur des entreprises et des salariés du privé. Après l’édiction d’une première série de mesures…

The Moroccan government has decided to suspend payment of payroll taxes, put in place a moratorium on the repayment of bank loans to businesses, and postpone corporate tax to March 31. Employees affiliated to the CNSS will be entitled to a monthly allowance of 2,000 dirhams (190 euros) net. This…

Alors qu’une partie de l’industrie marocaine est à l’arrêt du fait du Covid-19, la dernière réunion du Comité de veille économique a mis en place des mesures en faveur des entreprises et des salariés du privé.

Après l’édiction d’une première série de mesures le 16 mars, jugées insuffisant

Contribution collection and compliance, Cash transfers covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Tunisie: Mesures sociales en faveur des professions en chômage technique tunisia (31.03.2020) Le chef du gouvernement Elyes Fakhfakh, a présidé ce mardi 31 mars 2020, un conseil ministériel dédié à la mise en œuvre des mesures sociales annoncées concernant les aides financières et les mesures liées aux institutions et professions en chômage technique.…

The Tunisian government has opened a financing line worth 300 MTD as aid to workers placed on technical unemployment. It has also reserved exceptional financial funds worth 150 MTD for the benefit of the underprivileged classes which will be granted in the form of an allowance. 60,000 food…

Le chef du gouvernement Elyes Fakhfakh, a présidé ce mardi 31 mars 2020, un conseil ministériel dédié à la mise en œuvre des mesures sociales annoncées concernant les aides financières et les mesures liées aux institutions et professions en chômage technique.
Selon un communiqué pu

Unemployment, Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Malta: Government unveils Coronavirus financial aid package malta (18.03.2020) Financial assistance for families and unemployed persons: Where one of parents is required to stay at home to take care of children due to school closure and neither of the parents is able to telework– the Government will pay a benefit of €800 per month per family (…

Where one of parents is required to stay at home to take care of children due to school closure and neither of the parents is able to telework– the Government will pay a benefit of €800 per month per family (expected to be for 2 months). Individuals which ended up unemployed due to the employer’…

The Government of Malta has unveiled a €1.8 billion package of measures to help businesses struggling to cope with the impact of the Coronavirus. 

The package includes €700 million in tax deferrals, €900 million in loan guarantees, a €210 million injection to assist the economy, whic

Family benefits, Unemployment, Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19, family Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… cambrosio
Malta: COVID-19 Update: More fiscal measures to support businesses and individuals in Malta malta (24.03.2020)

Salary and wage support for Maltese employers

The forms of assistance which will be available to employers in these situations for the time being are the following: A financial allocation to employers of €350 for each employee who has been required to…

The forms of assistance which will be available to employers in these situations for the time being are the following: A financial allocation to employers of €350 for each employee who has been required to take quarantine leave, in line with new regulations. Financial compensation in respect of…

COVID-19 Update: More fiscal measures to support businesses and individuals in Malta


24 Mar 2020

On March 18, 2020, the Prime Minister of Malta, Finance Minister Scicluna and Economy Minister Schembri announced certain economic measures to support Maltese busines

Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19, self-employed Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… cambrosio
Sri Lanka: Food packages to low income persons sri lanka (23.03.2020) Samurdhi Authority should issue title certificates to Samurdhi and low income families immediately for issuing nutritious food items to low income persons. They should be provided with rice, dhal and salt on a weekly basis with their food cards.

Samurdhi and low income families will be issued certificates in order to receive food items such as rice, dhal and salt on a weekly basis with their food cards. 

President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa has decided to grant relief to the public due to the current situation in the country with the spread of the Coronavirus.


These relief measure will be effective from today (23).

The President has issued directives to the Central Bank Go

Social assistance covid19, family Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Sri Lanka: Grace period for the payment of income tax sri lanka (23.03.2020) A grace period for the payment of income  tax and VAT, driving licence renewal fee, water bills and assessment tax less than Rs. 15,000, monthly credit card bills less than Rs. 50,000, be extended until April 30th.

A grace period for the payment of income  tax and VAT, driving licence renewal fee, water bills and assessment tax less than Rs. 15,000, monthly credit card bills less than Rs. 50,000, be extended until April 30th.

President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa has decided to grant relief to the public due to the current situation in the country with the spread of the Coronavirus.

These relief measure will be effective from today (23).

The President has issued directives to the Central Bank Governor, all min

Contribution collection and compliance contribution collection, covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Bahamas: Unemployment benefit to dismissed employess bahamas (23.03.2020) The Unemployment Benefit is payable where an employed person is temporarily laid off because of the negative impacts of COVID-19. The benefit is payable for up to 13 weeks at a rate of 50% of the employee's average insured income.

The Unemployment Benefit is payable where an employed person is temporarily laid off because of the negative impacts of COVID-19. The benefit is payable for up to 13 weeks at a rate of 50% of the employee's average insured income.

Image removed.

Unemployment covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Bahamas: Sickness benefit to employees quarantined bahamas (20.03.2020) The National Insurance Act & Regulations provides for the payment of Sickness Benefit when a worker is quarantined. Employees with at least 40 contributions to the NIB, have a doctor's certificate and the employer's confirmation. The benefit is 60% of the insured…

The National Insurance Act & Regulations provides for the payment of Sickness Benefit when a worker is quarantined. Employees with at least 40 contributions to the NIB, have a doctor's certificate and the employer's confirmation. The benefit is 60% of the insured's average insured income and…

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Cash sickness benefits covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Bahamas: Unemployment assistance for self-employed in the tourism sector bahamas (23.03.2020) The Government of The Bahamas, in collaboration with the National Insurance Board (NIB), is responding to bring financial support to self-employed Bahamians in the tourism sector whose income sources have been disrupted by COVID-19. While the programme will be…

The Government of The Bahamas, in collaboration with the National Insurance Board (NIB), is responding to bring financial support to self-employed Bahamians in the tourism sector whose income sources have been disrupted by COVID-19. While the programme will be administered by the National…

Image removed.

Unemployment, Social assistance covid19, self-employed Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Bahamas: Early pension payments bahamas (02.04.2020) The National Insurance Board is anticipating the old-age pension payments.

The National Insurance Board is anticipating the old-age pension payments.

Image removed.

Old-age pensions covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Greece: Placement of the Minister of Finance Mr. Christos Staikouras, for the second set of measures to deal with the effects of the coronavirus greece (24.03.2020) All employees for whom their employment contract is temporarily suspended, due to the suspension of the operation of the company with a state mandate, will receive compensation in early April, from the state budget, amounting to 800 euros. The measure concerns about 500,…

A transfer of Euro 800 (made in early April) to about 500,000 employees in companies/businesses closed because of COVID (also self-employed workers). Government also fully covers the payment of their social security contributions.

The Government's fight against the spread of the corona, but also its consequences, has started in time, it is multi-layered, well planned and decisive.
Protecting human life and

Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… cambrosio
Turkey: Social Security Payment Extensions Due to COVID-19 turkey (20.03.2020) Turkey's Social Security Institution has issued a release announcing that six-month extensions are being provided for social security contribution payments due to COVID-19. The extensions are provided based on the deadline extensions for force majeure announced by the…

Payment to social security contributions have been extended by 6 months. The months deferred are April, May and June.

Turkey Provides Social Security Payment Extensions Due to COVID-19

Turkey's Social Security Institution has issued a 

Contribution collection and compliance contribution collection, covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Lebanon: launches coronavirus aid measures with cash payments lebanon (08.04.2020) Lebanon's Social Affairs Ministry announced it is launching an aid programme for those most in need as the country's worst economic crisis in a generation is exacerbated by a nationwide lockdown to stem the spread of coronavirus. In its first phase, the 75 billion…

75 billion Lebanese pound programme aims to provide one-time cash assistance of 400,000 Lebanese pounds ($140 at current parallel market exchange rates) to about 187,500 families.

Beirut, Lebanon - Lebanon's Social Affairs Ministry announced on Wednesday it is launching an aid programme for those most in need as the country's worst economic crisis in a generation is exacerbated by a nationwide lockdown to stem the spread of coronavirus.

In its first phase, the

Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… cambrosio
Albania: Increase of amount of cash transfer benefit for families albania (24.03.2020) The Prime Minister further stated that the government will give twice the money it gives per month to families in need. Rama: Also, the amount that the Albanian state pays in peacetime for economic assistance is 340 million ALL per month. We know that in those…

Families recipients of the cash transfer will receive a double amount.

Prime Minister Rama has stated that the government has decided to give more money to small business and families in need in these difficult times of coronavirus.

Family benefits, Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Egypt: Protect, Provide, and Progress: Egypt's International Response in the COVID-19 Fight egypt (06.04.2020) Ministry of Social Solidarity added 60,000 households to Takaful and Karama Programs. An additional 100,000 will be added as the budget will increase to 19.3 Billion EGP compared to 18.5 billion EGP.  The government also increased payments to women…

Ministry of Social Solidarity added 60,000 households to Takaful and Karama Programs. An additional 100,000 will be added as the budget will increase to 19.3 Billion EGP compared to 18.5 billion EGP.  The government also increased payments to women community leaders in rural areas…


Credit: Ministry of International Cooperation

As the numbers now stand, over a million people globally are infected with the novel coronavirus. The world is currently threatened by a disease that is more contagious than SARS, which brings up the necessary question: will the

Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19, extending coverage, rural world Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… cambrosio