
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Israel: All coronavirus related guidelines of the National Insurance Institute israel (03.04.2020) Due to the economic and Unemployment crisis (over 900k new unemployed or employees sent on unpaid leave compared to 160k existing unemployed ) following COVID-19 epidemic special interruption orders and provisional legislation were set…

Unemployment benefits are paid for employees sent on unpaid leave or who have been laid off. Eligibility conditions are reduced and some special provisions are introduced.

Administrative measures include an advance payment for persons whose claim has not yet been processed or who…

Medical care, Disability, Children, Unemployment, E-services, Service delivery covid19, family, service delivery Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… cambrosio
Montenegro: One-off payment to pensioners and other vulnerable beneficiaries Montenegro (19.03.2020) Provision of one-time assistance to the pensioners with the lowest pension and beneficiaries of material security in the amount of 50 euros each. One million euros were committed for this measure.

Provision of one-time assistance to the pensioners with the lowest pension and beneficiaries of material security in the amount of 50 euros each. One million euros were committed for this measure.

At a government session today, the only item on the agenda was the proposal of fiscal policy measures in response to the negative economic effects of the coronavirus epidemic.

Social assistance covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Montenegro: Deferral of payment of social security contributions Montenegro (19.03.2020) Payments of taxes and contributions on earnings and liabilities under the rescheduling law are deferred.

Deferral of payments of social security contributions.

At a government session today, the only item on the agenda was the proposal of fiscal policy measures in response to the negative economic effects of the coronavirus epidemic.

Contribution collection and compliance covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Armenia: Cash benefit to workers who lost their jobs armenia (30.03.2020) The one-off payments announced by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s cabinet will benefit tens and possibly hundreds of thousands of workers who have been temporarily out of work or laid off as well as owners of small businesses forced to halt their operations in recent…

Armenians who have lost their jobs since March 13 will receive 68,000 drams ($137) each, while unemployed pregnant women whose husbands were laid off during the same period will be paid 100,000 drams. Single and jobless pregnant women will also be eligible for this aid. This is a one-…

The Armenian government approved on Monday unprecedented cash payments to scores of people who have been hit hard by economic disruptions resulting from the coronavirus epidemic.

The one-off payments announced by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s cabinet will benefit tens and possibly hund

Unemployment, Social assistance covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Armenia: Government Approves More Cash Handouts To Struggling Families armenia (02.04.2020) The Armenian government approved on Thursday cash payments to more people who have been hit hard by economic disruptions resulting from the coronavirus epidemic. The fresh financial assistance will be provided to the underage children of those Armenians who had no…

To support families during the coronavirus crisis, families with underaged children will receive 26,500 drams (USD $52) per child. The cash benefit will be provided to parents who had no jobs or businesses, and did not receive any poverty benefits as of March 12 (when the lockdown began).

The Armenian government approved on Thursday cash payments to more people who have been hit hard by economic disruptions resulting from the coronavirus epidemic.

The fresh financial assistance will be provided to the underage children of those Armenians who had no officially registered jo

Family benefits, Children, Social assistance covid19, family Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Paraguay: Se distribuirán kits de alimentos para jornaleros paraguay (17.03.2020) El Gabinete Social y la Secretaría de Emergencia Nacional proveerán kits de alimentos a los jornaleros que, por las medidas de aislamiento social, no podrán generar recursos para su sustento diario.

The Social Cabinet and the National Emergency Secretariat will provide food kits to the day laborers who, due to social isolation measures, will not be able to generate resources for their daily sustenance.

El Gobierno Nacional ha adoptado medidas económicas y sociales, para amortiguar el efecto de la pandemia del Coronavirus (COVID-19), que permitirá garantizar la atención a la salud, evitar la expansión de la enfermedad y proveer a los sectores más vulnerables de los bienes básicos de subsistencia

Social assistance, Food and nutrition covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Paraguay: Transferencia monetaria adicional al programa Tekoporã y Pensión Alimentaria de Adultos Mayores paraguay (17.03.2020) El Equipo Económico dispuso que los sectores más vulnerables, que participan del programa Tekoporã reciban el pago de una cuota adicional. Este mismo mecanismo de pago también se hará con el programa de Pensión Alimentaria a Adultos Mayores, quienes recibirán el…

Additional payment to beneficiaries of the Tekoporã household cash transfer, as well as for the food program for the elderly (Pensión Alimentaria a Adultos Mayores).

El Gobierno Nacional ha adoptado medidas económicas y sociales, para amortiguar el efecto de la pandemia del Coronavirus (COVID-19), que permitirá garantizar la atención a la salud, evitar la expansión de la enfermedad y proveer a los sectores más vulnerables de los bienes básicos de subsistencia

Social assistance covid19, family Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
República Dominicana: Gobierno aumenta tarjeta Solidaridad a RD$5,000 por dos meses y añade a 690 mil familias al programa dominican republic (25.03.2020) “En concreto, a partir del 1 de abril, las 811,000 familias que hoy tienen la tarjeta Solidaridad y que reciben en promedio 1,500 pesos mensuales, les vamos a realizar un aumento por dos meses del componente ‘Comer es Primero’, para que dispongan de 5,000 pesos…

As part of the initiative "Stay at home" (Quédate en Casa), the government is increasing the amount and scope of their cash transfer "Solidarity card". From April 1 to May 31 of this year, beneficiaries of the Solidarity card (currently with 811,000 families) will receive a double cash…

A partir del 1 de abril y hasta el 31 de mayo de este año, las personas que tienen la tarjeta Solidaridad recibirán RD$5,000 en vez de los RD$1,500 acostumbrados, recursos otorgados por el Gobierno para paliar la difícil situación que atravies

Health, Family benefits, Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Food and nutrition covid19, family, self-employed Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
República Dominicana: Distribución de alimentos para familias dominican republic (25.03.2020) El Gobierno dominicano distribuirá alimentos durante la crisis de salud.  “En este momento, el Plan Social de la Presidencia está en capacidad de servir cada día a 45 mil familias con 3 raciones cada una, suficiente para nueve días de alimentación. A ese…

The government is planning to distribute food during the crisis. The president announced that, at the moment, the Social Plan of the Presidency (Plan Social de la Presidencia) has the capacity to distribute  food that would last 9 nine for about 45,000 families. In a week, they plan to…

El presidente Danilo Medina informó el miércoles en un discurso al pueblo dominicano que su gobierno pagará las pruebas de COVID-19 distribuidas entre los laboratorios privados autorizados.

 “Se cubrirán las pruebas para todas aquellas personas que cuenten con prescripción médica y t

Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Food and nutrition covid19, family Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Gobierno dominicano financiará pruebas de COVID-19 dominican republic (25.03.2020) El presidente Danilo Medina informó el miércoles en un discurso al pueblo dominicano que su gobierno pagará las pruebas de COVID-19 distribuidas entre los laboratorios privados autorizados.  “Se cubrirán las pruebas para todas aquellas personas que cuenten…

The government will guarantee free testing for the Covid-19 for population over 59 years with debilitating, pre-existing health conditions. The National Laboratory is already making the tests available for free in public laboratories.

El presidente Danilo Medina informó el miércoles en un discurso al pueblo dominicano que su gobierno pagará las pruebas de COVID-19 distribuidas entre los laboratorios privados autorizados.

 “Se cubrirán las pruebas para todas aquellas personas que cuenten con prescripción médica y t

Health insurance covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
10 Psychological Tips for Coping with Coronavirus (COVID-19) australia

If you have been in contact with the virus, you may need to self-isolate at home. It’s natural for people to feel a range of emotions in this situation, such as stress, worry, anxiety, boredom or low mood. You may find the following tips helpful to cope and maintain your emotional wellbeing:​…

Health, Occupational accidents and diseases covid19, prevention Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention btreichel
WHO: Updates on the latest worldwide figures of the Coronavirus disease 2019

The WHO provides latest updates, including figues of Corona infections on a dedicated COVID-19 News website. The Website is updated on a regular basis and also includes the latest WHO briefings. 


Health, Occupational accidents and diseases covid19, prevention Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention btreichel
KOREA: Guide for workplaces, staff and self-inspection check list korea, Republic of

The Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) has been promoting three important Korean occupational safety and health documents  to tacke the Corona outbreak in the Republic of Korea. 


Occupational accidents and diseases covid19, prevention Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention btreichel
Netherlands: Temporary Emergency Measure Bridging Employment (NOW) netherlands

The Netherlands introduced "NOW", a temporary new scheme to replace the current partial unemployment system, in order to allow for an easier access to short-term work benefits, and benefit a greater number of employees without impeding on their traditional unemployment rights.

In order…

The Netherlands introduced "NOW", a temporary new scheme to replace the current partial unemployment system, in order to allow for an easier access to short-term work benefits, and benefit a greater number of employees without impeding on their traditional unemployment rights.

In order…

Temporary Emergency Measure Bridging Employment (NOW) presented

Unemployment covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… pgirard
Argentina: Se incrementa el monto de la prestación por desempleo (Decreto 332/2020) argentina (01.04.2020) ARTÍCULO 10.- Elévanse durante el periodo que establezca la JEFATURA DE GABINETE DE MINISTROS, los montos de las prestaciones económicas por desempleo a un mínimo de PESOS SEIS MIL ($6.000) y un máximo de PESOS DIEZ MIL ($10.000).


The amounts of economic unemployment benefits are raised - temporarily- to a minimum of  $ 6,000 pesos and a maximum of $ 10,000 pesos. This represents an increase of about $ 3,000 pesos (as per the latest ISSA country profile: The minimum monthly unemployment benefit…

Decreto 332/2020

DECNU-2020-332-APN-PTE – Disposiciones.
Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 01/04/2020

VISTO el Expediente N° EX-2020-20649155-APN-DGDMT#MPYT, el Decreto de Necesidad y Urgencia N° 260 del 12 de marzo de 2020, las Leyes Nros. 27.541, 27.264, 25.371, 24.013, 20.744 (T.O.

Unemployment covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Argentina: Prestación no contributiva REPRO Asistencia (Decreto 332/2020) argentina (01.04.2020) ARTÍCULO 9°.- El Programa REPRO Asistencia por la Emergencia Sanitaria consistirá en una asignación no contributiva respecto al Sistema Integrado Previsional Argentino a trabajadoras y trabajadores a través del Programa de Recuperación Productiva a cargo del…

The REPRO Health Emergency Assistance Program will consist of a non-contributory allocation to the Argentine Social Security Integrated System (SIPA) for workers through the Productive Recovery Program under the responsibility of the MINISTRY OF LABOR, EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY, for…

Decreto 332/2020

DECNU-2020-332-APN-PTE – Disposiciones.
Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 01/04/2020

VISTO el Expediente N° EX-2020-20649155-APN-DGDMT#MPYT, el Decreto de Necesidad y Urgencia N° 260 del 12 de marzo de 2020, las Leyes Nros. 27.541, 27.264, 25.371, 24.013, 20.744 (T.O.

Unemployment, Social assistance covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Argentina: Asignación compensatoria al salario (Decreto 332/2020) argentina (01.04.2020) ARTÍCULO 8°.- La Asignación Compensatoria al Salario consistirá en una suma abonada por la ADMINISTRACIÓN NACIONAL DE LA SEGURIDAD SOCIAL para todos o parte de las y los trabajadores comprendidos en el régimen de negociación colectiva (Ley Nº 14.250 (t.o. 2004) y…

Salary compensation allowance to be paid by the State (50% of it) (by the national administration of social security) for all the workers in dependency relation of the private sector, for companies of up to 100 workers. The allowance's level depends on the number of employees in a…

Decreto 332/2020

DECNU-2020-332-APN-PTE – Disposiciones.
Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 01/04/2020

VISTO el Expediente N° EX-2020-20649155-APN-DGDMT#MPYT, el Decreto de Necesidad y Urgencia N° 260 del 12 de marzo de 2020, las Leyes Nros. 27.541, 27.264, 25.371, 24.013, 20.744 (T.O.

Employment, Cash transfers covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Opinion- Report : What has the Covid-19 crisis taught us about social protection? (April 2020) The COVID-19 crisis has taught us some swift and valuable truths about social protection. In this new context, the simplistic dichotomy of the ‘poor and non-poor’ – which has often driven social protection policy – makes even less sense than it did prior to…

Social policies & programmes covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Argentina: Postergación y reducción de las cotizaciones patronales (Decreto 332/2020) argentina (01.04.2020) l Decreto 332/20 establece una serie de beneficios para los empleadores, salvo para aquellos sujetos que realizan las actividades y servicios declarados esenciales en la emergencia sanitaria y cuyo personal fue exceptuado del aislamiento así como aquellas que no…

Reduction of the employer's social security contributions to the OADS fund (SIPA) of up to 95% for the month of April. This applies to companies with 60 or less employees (for companies over this limit, they can make use of the Business Crisis Preventive Procedure alreaday established in law No…

Decreto 332/2020

DECNU-2020-332-APN-PTE – Disposiciones.
Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 01/04/2020

VISTO el Expediente N° EX-2020-20649155-APN-DGDMT#MPYT, el Decreto de Necesidad y Urgencia N° 260 del 12 de marzo de 2020, las Leyes Nros. 27.541, 27.264, 25.371, 24.013, 20.744 (T.O.

Contribution collection and compliance covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
US: The historic $2 trillion CARES Act will be an economic lifeline for gig workers and freelancers United States
  • The $2 trillion federal stimulus package known as the CARES Act, signed into law by President Trump on Friday, will be a lifeline to many gig workers and freelancers.
  • The law takes unprecedented steps to provide a social safety net for the self employed.
  • It offers an…
  • The $2 trillion federal stimulus package known as the CARES Act, signed into law by President Trump on Friday, will be a lifeline to many gig workers and freelancers.
  • The law takes unprecedented steps to provide a social safety net for the self employed.
  • It offers an…
Unemployment covid19, self-employed Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… pmassetti
France: MSA: une plateforme en ligne permettant à ses assurés de demander par eux-mêmes un arrêt de travail sans prescription médicale s’ils sont considérés comme étant des personnes à risque france

La Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA), a déployé une plateforme en ligne permettant à ses assurés de demander par eux-mêmes un arrêt de travail sans prescription médicale s’ils sont considérés comme étant des personnes à risque et s’ils sont affiliés à la MSA.

The Mutualité Sociale Agricole (MSA), an agricultural social insurance scheme, has deployed an online platform enabling its policyholders to request a work stoppage without a medical prescription if they are considered to be people at risk and are affiliated to the MSA.

Cash sickness benefits, Service delivery customer_services Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary pmassetti
Brazil: Approval of temporary Emergency Benefit of Preservation of Employment and Income brazil (01.04.2020) Art. 5: The Emergency Benefit for the Preservation of Employment and Income is created, to be paid in the following cases: I - proportional reduction of working hours and wages; and II - temporary suspension of the employment contract.

§ 1 The Emergency Benefit for…

Creation of the a temporary Emergency Benefit for the Preservation of Employment and Income to the paid on the proportional reduction of working hours and wages; and temporary suspension of the employment contract. The benefit is payable monthly and will be paid for with Federal…


Employment, Unemployment covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Portugal: Unemployed people called to help homes and hospitals during the pandemic portugal (01.04.2020) The unemployed will be allowed to work temporarily in social and health institutions. The measure created by the government and today published in Diário da República aims to support social and solidarity sector entities to face the challenges posed by the Covid-19…

In order to tackle the personnel shortage in health care facilities, and for a maximum period of three months, unemployed persons, persons with contracts with reduced hours, and persons in part-time employment are called to support social and health facilities to help in nursing homes,…

For a maximum period of three months, the integration of unemployed persons is allowed, regardless of whether they are enrolled in the Instituto do Emprego e Formacao Profissional (IEFP) or not, workers with a suspended contract or reduced hours and also those who have a part-time employment

Health, Employment, Unemployment covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Proposition Measures summary… mmarquez
Bahrain: The Minister of Labor praises the royal directives for launching the financial and economic package for the private sector bahrain (18.03.2020)

Private sector employees who are registered with the national Social Insurance Organization will have their salaries paid for 3 months from April 2020 from the Unemployment Fund, 

Private sector employees who are registered with the national Social Insurance Organization will have their salaries paid for 3 months from April 2020 from the Unemployment Fund, according…



Unemployment coverage Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary cambrosio
Bahrain: In accordance with the royal directives, launching a financial and economic package worth BD 4.3 billion in support of citizens and the private sector bahrain (17.03.2020) The government guarantees electricity and water bills for all subscribers from individuals and companies for each of the months of April, May and June of this year, not to exceed the bills for the same period of last year for each subscriber with a total value of 150…

The government strengthens the unemployment fund and payments for the months of April to June, and guarantees electricity and water bills for all individual and company subscribers during the same period.


Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary cambrosio