
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Italy: Council of Ministers' measures to support workers and companies italy (16.03.2020)

Measures to strengthen the economic support for families, workers and businesses related to the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19 (decree-law). Specific s

- The redundancy fund is extended to the entire national territory, to all employees, of all production sectors. 
- A Fund of last resort is set up with a budget of 300 million euros as a residual fund to cover all those excluded from…

Support for workers and companies, with the aim that no one should lose their job because of the emergency

Employment, Unemployment covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… cambrosio
AUVA: Informationen für Arbeitgeber zum Arbeitnehmerschutz (Corona) austria

Hier finden Sie Informationen der AUVA für Arbeitgeberinnen und Arbeitgeber zu Schutzmaßnahmen betreffend Coronavirus.

Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks covid19, prevention Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention btreichel
Germany: Increased additional income opportunities for pensioners and short-time workers, including seasonal workers germany (26.03.2020)

Um für ausreichend Arbeitskräfte zu sorgen und Lohnlücken abzufedern, wurden darüber hinaus für Bezieher von Kurzarbeitergeld Anreize geschaffen, in ihrer arbeitsfreien Zeit freiwillig zu helfen. Mit dem Sozialschutz-Paket wurden die Zuverdienst-…

In order to ensure sufficient active workforce, for example in health or for the agriculture, various incentives were implemented:
- a raise in the income limit for pensioners from 6,300 euros to 44,590 euros.
- increased opportunities for short-time workers to earn additional…

Durch die Corona-Krise besteht ein besonders hoher Bedarf an medizinischem Personal. Aber auch in anderen systemrelevanten Bereichen kann es zu Personalengpässen aufgrund von Erkrankungen oder Quarantäneanordnungen kommen. Deshalb erleichtert das Gesetz 

Employment covid19, rural world Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Italy: Tax measures, in order to avoid that obligations and fulfilments aggravate liquidity problems italy (16.03.2020)

The Council of Ministers, on the proposal of President Giuseppe Conte and the Minister of Economy and Finance, Roberto Gualtieri, approved a decree-law introducing measures to strengthen the national health service and economic support for families, workers and…

Withholding tax payments, social security and welfare contributions and compulsory insurance premiums in order to prevent obligations from aggravating liquidity problems, together with VAT payment: tourism-hotel, spa, passenger transport, catering…

Contribution collection and compliance, Financing contribution collection, covid19 Published Measures summary… cambrosio
SUVA-Coronavirus: Informationen für unsere Kundinnen und Versicherten switzerland

Die SUVA bietet  allgemeine Informationen sowie  Informationsblätter an, die auf Deutsch, Französisch und Italienisch erhältlich sind. 

PDF: Merkblatt Gesundheitsschutz COVID19  (…

Health, Occupational accidents and diseases covid19, prevention Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention btreichel
Psychological Safety Blog | CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network canada

To help leaders and their employees face the challenges ahead, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) and HowattHR have launched this Psychological Safety Blog. It will be a trusted source for information, tools…

Health, Health promotion, Occupational accidents and diseases covid19, prevention Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention btreichel
Coronavirus: the situation in Switzerland - SWI switzerland

Switzerland is one of the countries most affected by the coronavirus, with over 16,000 positive tests and almost 400 deaths.

Here’s the latest: 

  • As of March 31, 16,250 people have tested positive and 395 people have died, according to an aggregate of…

By March 30, some CHF6.6 billion in emergency loans (out of an available fund of CHF20 billion) had been agreed with around 32,000 companies. Nearly 16% of the workforce is on shortened hours.


Employment covid19 Published Measures summary… rruggia
Deutschland: Förderung von Rentnern zur Wiederaufnahme der Arbeit germany (31.03.2020)

Durch die Corona-Krise besteht ein besonders hoher Bedarf an medizinischem Personal. Aber auch in anderen systemrelevanten Bereichen kann es zu Personalengpässen aufgrund von Erkrankungen oder Quarantäneanordnungen kommen. Deshalb erleichtert das Gesetz…

- Regulations have been relaxed so that pensioners can go back to work- especially in the medical sector and in other relevant professions.

- The limit of earnings has been increased.

Durch die Corona-Krise besteht ein besonders hoher Bedarf an medizinischem Personal. Aber auch in anderen systemrelevanten Bereichen kann es zu Personalengpässen aufgrund von Erkrankungen oder Quarantäneanordnungen kommen. Deshalb erleichtert das Gesetz 

Pensions, Employment covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
United States: Additional funding for Child Care Development Block Grants United States (27.03.2020)

Measures benefiting children or families with children

$3.5 billion in additional funding for Child Care Development Block Grants to provide childcare assistance to healthcare sector employees, emergency responders, sanitation workers, and other…

- $3.5 billion in additional funding for Child Care Development Block Grants to provide childcare assistance to healthcare sector employees, emergency responders, sanitation workers, and other essential workers (not more details).

- $25 billion for food assistance, including nearly $16…

The emergency supplemental appropriations portion of the agreement contains $330 billion in new funding to address the pandemic. This does not include the mandatory or authorizing provisions of the act (as summarized above). It includes the following:

  • $100 billion for a new program
Family benefits, Children, Parental leave covid19, family Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
United States: Delay in Employer and Self-Employed Payroll Taxes (CARES Act) United States (27.03.2020)

The CARES Act allows employers and self-employed individuals to defer payment of the employer share (6.2%) of the social security tax they otherwise are responsible for paying in 2020, effective for payments due after March 27, 2020.  Fifty percent of the…

The CARES Act allows employers and self-employed individuals to defer payment of the employer share (6.2%) of the social security tax they otherwise are responsible for paying in 2020, effective for payments due after March 27, 2020.  Fifty percent of the deferred payroll taxes are due on…

Delay in Employer and Self-Employment Payroll Taxes

The CARES Act allows employers and self-employed individuals to defer payment of the employer share (6.2%) of the social security tax they otherwise are responsible for paying in 2020, effective for payments due after March 27, 2020.

Contribution collection and compliance covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
United States: Temporary Waiver of Early Withdrawal Penalty for Certain Withdrawals from Qualified Retirement Plans United States (27.03.2020)

The CARES Act provides that the 10-percent penalty for early withdrawal from a qualified retirement plan is waived for distributions of up to $100,000 for “coronavirus-related” purposes. If a distribution to an individual is considered to be a “coronavirus-related…

The CARES Act provides that the 10-percent penalty for early withdrawal from a qualified retirement plan is waived for distributions of up to $100,000 for “coronavirus-related” purposes. 

Temporary Waiver of Early Withdrawal Penalty for Certain Withdrawals from Qualified Retirement Plans

The CARES Act provides that the 10-percent penalty for early withdrawal from a qualified retirement plan is waived for distributions of up to $100,000 for “coronavirus-related” p

Old-age pensions, Contribution collection and compliance covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
United States: Telehealth services prior to reaching the deductible United States (27.03.2020)

New measures allow a high-deductible health plan with a health savings account to cover telehealth services prior to a patient reaching the deductible.

 - High-deductible health plans with a health savings account to cover telehealth services prior to a patient reaching the deductible.

SUPPORTING FAMILIES: This legislative package brings security to American families by providing them with economic assistance during this time of crisis.

  • This legislation provides tax free payments—treated as a refundable tax credit—to Americans, giving families th
Health insurance covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Deutschland: Hilfe für Kunstschaffende und kulturelle Einrichtungen germany (27.03.2020)

Künstlersozialversicherung: Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie kommt es bei Versicherten und Abgabepflichtigen in der Künstlersozialversicherung zu Einnahmeausfällen unter anderem durch abgesagte Veranstaltungen oder zurückgegebene Tickets. Bei Versicherten,…

Bei Versicherten, deren Einkommensprognose sich verändert hat, besteht die Möglichkeit, der Künstlersozialkasse die geänderte Einkommenserwartung zu melden. Die Beiträge werden den geänderten Verhältnissen angepasst. Bei akuten Zahlungsschwierigkeiten können zudem individuelle…

Künstlersozialversicherung: Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie kommt es bei Versicherten und Abgabepflichtigen in der Künstlersozialversicherung zu Einnahmeausfällen unter anderem durch abgesagte Veranstaltungen oder zurückgegebene Tickets. Bei Versicherten, deren Einkommensprogno

Employment covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Deutschland: Zugang zum Kinderzuschlag wird vereinfacht und Hilfe für Familien mit Schulkinder germany (31.03.2020)

Hilfen für Eltern und Familien: Wer wegen Schul- oder Kitaschließung seine Kinder betreuen muss und nicht zur Arbeit kann, soll gegen übermäßige Einkommenseinbußen abgesichert werden. Wenn erwerbstätige Eltern Kinder unter zwölf Jahren zu betreuen haben, weil eine…

- Parents with children up to 12 years of age will continue receiving payments from their employees. The benefit will be 67% of gross income, and it will be reimbursed to the employers by the government.

- Conditions to access the child supplement (Kinderzuschlag) have been relaxed: only…

Hilfen für Eltern und Familien: Wer wegen Schul- oder Kitaschließung seine Kinder betreuen muss und nicht zur Arbeit kann, soll gegen übermäßige Einkommenseinbußen abgesichert werden. Wenn erwerbstätige Eltern Kinder unter zwölf Jahren zu betreuen haben, weil eine Betreuung

Family benefits, Children covid19, family Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Deutschland: Kurzarbeitsgeld für Kunstschaffende und kulturelle Einrichtungen germany (27.03.2020)

Kurzarbeitergeld: Das Kurzarbeitergeld wird flexibler und kann rückwirkend zum 1. März 2020 ausgezahlt werden. Unternehmen können es zudem künftig unter erleichterten Voraussetzungen erhalten. Eine Beantragung ist zum Beispiel bereits dann möglich, wenn…

Kurzarbeitergeld: Das Kurzarbeitergeld wird flexibler und kann rückwirkend zum 1. März 2020 ausgezahlt werden. Unternehmen können es zudem künftig unter erleichterten Voraussetzungen erhalten. Eine Beantragung ist zum Beispiel bereits dann möglich, wenn zehn Prozent der Beschäftigten vom Ausfall…

Kurzarbeitergeld: Das Kurzarbeitergeld wird flexibler und kann rückwirkend zum 1. März 2020 ausgezahlt werden. Unternehmen können es zudem künftig unter erleichterten Voraussetzungen erhalten. Eine Beantragung ist zum Beispiel bereits dann möglich, wenn zehn Prozent der Besc

Employment, Contribution collection and compliance covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Australia: The Government is supporting small business to retain their apprentices and trainees australia

The Government is supporting small business to retain their apprentices and trainees. This measure will support up to 70,000 small businesses, employing around 117,000 apprentices.

The Government is supporting small business to retain their apprentices and trainees. This measure will support up to 70,000 small businesses, employing around 117,000 apprentices.

Employment covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… pmassetti
One-off payment of $750 to social security, veteran and other income support recipient australia

One-off payment of $750 to social security, veteran and other income support recipients and eligible concession card holders to support confidence and domestic demand in the economy.

One-off payment of $750 to social security, veteran and other income support recipients and eligible concession card holders to support confidence and domestic demand in the economy.

Pensions, Cash transfers covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… pmassetti
Deutschland: Steuerliche Hilfsmaßnahmen für alle von der Corona-Pandemie betroffenen Unternehmen germany (19.03.2020)

Um Unternehmen in der Corona-Pandemie dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Ausstattung mit Liquidität zu verbessern, erhalten sie steuerliche Hilfen. Das Bundesfinanzministerium hat mit den obersten Landesfinanzbehörden ein BMF-Schreiben abgestimmt, mit dem…

Stundung von Steuerzahlungen: Zahlungen auf Antrag sind befristet und sollten grundsätzlich zinsfrei gestundet werden. Den Antrag können Unternehmen bis zum 31. Dezember 2020 bei ihrem Finanzamt stellen.

- Anpassung von Vorauszahlungen: …

Stundung von Steuerzahlungen: Wenn Unternehmen aufgrund der wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Corona-Pandemie in diesem Jahr fällige Steuerzahlungen nicht leisten können, sollen diese Zahlungen auf Antrag befristet und grundsätzlich zinsfrei gestundet werden. Den Antrag können Unt

Contribution collection and compliance covid19, self-employed Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
España: Barcelona dispondrá de 200 apartamentos turísticos para alojar a familias vulnerables spain (20.03.2020)

El Ayuntamiento de Barcelona ha anunciado este viernes que reforzará sus dispositivos para atender necesidades sociales, a personas sin techo o emergencias en el marco del estado de alarma decretado para frenar el coronavirus. Las medidas que ha explicado la…

- Barcelona will make use of 200 vacation houses for vulnerable families that do not have proper homes for self-isolation during the Covid-19 crisis.

- Setting up a shelter to provide for 150 homeless persons.

- Better equip already existing shelters to comply with the necessary…

El Ayuntamiento de Barcelona ha anunciado este viernes que reforzará sus dispositivos para atender necesidades sociales, a personas sin techo o emergencias en el marco del estado de alarma decretado para frenar el coronavirus. Las medidas q

Housing, Social assistance covid19, family Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Spain: Government steps up care for homeless in coronavirus crisis spain (16.03.2020)

The government will implement a social services action plan to help the homeless given the health and social emergency caused by COVID-19, which the armed forces will assist in. The social services will make up units that are delivered daily comprising…

- Mobile units to provide social assistance benefits to the homeless comprising a hygiene kit, and food and drink. They will also explain the measures to prevent catching coronavirus, will take their temperature and advise them as necessary.

- Provision of areas to accommodate…

The social services will make up units that are delivered daily comprising a hygiene kit, and food and drink to the homeless. They will also explain the measures to prevent catching coronavirus, will take their temperature and advise them as necessary.

Social canteens will be set up to ha

Health, Social assistance covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Korea: Response Guidance to prevent and control the spread of COVID_19 korea, Republic of

The Korean Ministry of Employment and Labour together with the Industrial Accident Prevention and
Compensation Bureau, Occupational Health Division  has published this  comprehensive Response Guidance, which will help businesses to  respond to …

Health, Medical care, Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks covid19, prevention Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention… btreichel
Korea’s rapid innovations in the time of COVID-19 korea, Republic of

The Republic of Korea is well known for its advanced technology and innovations. Since the breakout of COVID-19 in the country on 22 January 2020, the government and the private sector have been introducing various innovative measures for public information disclosure, virus testing, and…

  • Public information disclosure
  • Drive-through virus testing
  • Compulsory self-quarantine monitoring application
  • Private sector responses

The Republic of Korea is well known for its advanced technology and innovations. Since the breakout of COVID-19 in the country on 22 January 2020, the government and the private sector have been introducing various innovative measures for public information disclosure, virus testing, and monitori

Health, Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks, Information and communication technology customer_services Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention… btreichel
España: Prestación extraordinaria para los padres que tengan que cuidar a sus hijos spain (11.03.2020)

El Gobierno aprobará hoy varias medidas del plan de choque para amortiguar el impacto económico de la crisis provocada por la pandemia. La más clara será la creación de una prestación que pagará la Seguridad Social para los padres que tengan que cuidar a sus hijos…

Extraordinary benefit for parents who have to take care of their children and whose employers cannot offer teleworking. The measure has not yet been approved.

El Gobierno aprobará hoy varias medidas del plan de choque para amortiguar el impacto económico de la crisis provocada por la pandemia. La más clara será la creación de u

Children, Unemployment covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
España: Becas-comedor para niñas y niños afectados por el cierre de escuelas spain (13.03.2020)

El Gobierno dota 25 millones de euros de recursos específicos a las Comunidades Autónomas para, mediante becas-comedor, garantizar el derecho básico de  alimentación de niños y niñas en situación de vulnerabilidad afectados por el cierre de centros…

- El Gobierno dota 25 millones de euros de recursos específicos a las Comunidades Autónomas para, mediante becas-comedor, garantizar el derecho básico de  alimentación de niños y niñas en situación de vulnerabilidad afectados por el cierre de centros escolares.


12 de marzo de 2020.- El plan ha sido acordado a propuesta de la vicepresidenta tercera del Gobierno y ministra de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, y de los ministerios de Hacienda, Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana, Trabajo y Economía Social, Industria, Comercio

Children, Social assistance covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
España: Incapacidad temporal asimilada por Accidentes de Trabajo para el sector público spain (13.03.2020)

Se ha decidido también que el personal al servicio de la Administración Pública encuadrado en el régimen especial de mutualismo administrativo que se encuentre en situación de aislamiento preventivo, así como quienes se han contagiado del virus, se …

Se ha decidido también que el personal al servicio de la Administración Pública encuadrado en el régimen especial de mutualismo administrativo que se encuentre en situación de aislamiento preventivo, así como quienes se han contagiado del virus, se considerarán en Incapacidad Temporal…

12 de marzo de 2020.- El plan ha sido acordado a propuesta de la vicepresidenta tercera del Gobierno y ministra de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, y de los ministerios de Hacienda, Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana, Trabajo y Economía Social, Industria, Comercio

Cash sickness benefits, Occupational accidents and diseases covid19, prevention Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention, Published Measures summary mmarquez