
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Jordan: Labour Ministry announces 2-week official paid leave for public sector employees | Jordan Times jordan (17.03.2020)

Labour Ministry announces 2-week official paid leave for public sector employees and will not be deducted from employees’ annual leave quota.

Labour Ministry announces 2-week official paid leave for public sector employees, which will not be deducted from employees’ annual leave quota.

AMMAN — Minister of Labour Nidal Bataineh, who is also the president of the Civil Service Council, on Tuesday stated that public sector employees will be on official paid leave for two weeks based on the Cabinet’s decision to suspend official ministries and institutions for the next two weeks.

Safety and health at work covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… cambrosio
US: Coronavirus Stimulus Package F.A.Q.: Checks, Unemployment, Layoffs and More United States

The New York Times (31.03.2020) The $2 trillion relief bill will send money directly to Americans, greatly expand unemployment coverage and make a number of other changes.

Cash transfers covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Proposition Measures summary… pmassetti
China: Updates on China Social Security Policies during the Coronavirus Outbreak china (15.02.2020) The Standing Committee of the State Council determined that it was appropriate to reduce or waive employer contributions to pension, unemployment and work-related injury insurance schemes for enterprises in the following areas:

  • Hubei Province

The Standing Committee of the State Council determined that it was appropriate to reduce or waive employer contributions to pension, unemployment and work-related injury insurance schemes for enterprises.

Since the start of 2020, people across China have been working together to fight against outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). On 30 January 2020, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (“MHRSS”) issued an announcement regarding the administration of Chinese social securit

Contribution collection and compliance contribution collection Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary cambrosio
Chile: Pacto de reduccion tempral de la jornada de trabajo chile (01.04.2020) Los empleadores pueden acordar con el trabajador de manera individual o colectiva reducir hasta el 50% de la duración de su jornada de trabajo, recibiendo un complemento de la remuneración con cargo al Seguro de Cesantía. El trabajador percibirá además un complemento a su…

Employers can agree with the worker individually or collectively to reduce up to 50% of the duration of their working day, receiving a supplement to the remuneration under the Unemployment Insurance. The worker will also receive a supplement to their remuneration charged to their individual…

En este caso, los empleadores pueden acordar con el trabajador de manera individual o colectiva reducir hasta el 50% de la duración de su jornada de trabajo, recibiendo un complemento de la remuneración con cargo al Seguro de Cesantía. Para ello, el empleador debe encontrarse en cualquiera de las

Unemployment covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Chile: Se extienden capacidades de hospitales, y se incluye test de Covid-19 chile (31.03.2020) Para financiar la compra de insumos y equipamientos necesarios, el fortalecimiento de la operación de los hospitales, fortalecimiento de laboratorios de diagnóstico, la extensión de los horarios de urgencia, la habilitación de camas adicionales, los hospitales de construcción…

A fund of $220 billion was created in order to finance the purchase of necessary supplies and equipment, the strengthening of the operation of hospitals, the strengthening of diagnostic laboratories, the extension of emergency hours, the provision of additional beds, fast-building hospitals and…


Se establecieron medidas extraordinarias para fortalecer la capacidad hospitalaria, ampliar los medios de diagnóstico y establecer protocolos para la entrega de licencias médicas.

a. Licencias médicas: Se entregarán licencias médicas

Health, Health insurance covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Chile: Se fomenta la consulta de prestaciones sociales existentes en línea chile (02.04.2020) El IPS tiene habilitada una sección online donde te permite consultar si es que tienes algún beneficio pendiente. Es muy sencillo: solo debes agregar tu RUT, y hacer clic en la opción ‘ingresar’. Al cumplir con esos dos pasos, el sistema tiene cuatro opciones de…

The Chilean government is encouraging individuals to check online their eligibility to various family benefits that they could be entitled to. This is an effort to increase the number of beneficiaries to already-existing programs. A free-toll call center (101) has also been set-up for this (…

El IPS tiene habilitada una sección online donde te permite consultar si es que tienes algún beneficio pendiente. Es muy sencillo: solo debes agregar tu RUT, y hacer clic en la opción ‘ingres

Family benefits, Interoperability, E-services, Service quality, Social assistance covid19, family, self-services Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Chile: Bono Covid-19 chile (27.03.2020) El bono Covid-19 que entregará el Estado como una ayuda económica a los sectores más vulnerables tendrá un monto equivalente al Subsidio Único Familiar (SUF), que según cifras oficiales beneficiará a cerca de dos millones de personas (más o menos 3 millones de familias…

The Covid-19 bond that the State will provide as an economic aid to the most vulnerable sectors will have an amount equivalent to the Single Family Subsidy (SUF), which according to official figures will benefit about two million people. The amount will be of 50,000 pesos per family. The…

Bono Covid-19. Así se llama una de las medidas presentadas este jueves por el Presidente Sebastián Piñera frente al rápido avance del coronavirus en Chile y el Mundo, y que afectará a gran parte de la población del país.

Unemployment, Social assistance covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Guatemala: Se retiran condicionalidades temporalmente para Bono Social guatemala (27.03.2020) Los programas del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Mides) llegarán tarde. La cartera prevé que a inicios de abril se empiece la entrega del Bono Social a familias en condiciones de pobreza y extrema pobreza. El programa consiste en una transferencia bancaria, a…

The conditional cash transfer (CCT) "Bono Social" targeted to vulnerable families will continue to be provided but the conditions of sending children to school and to health centers will be waived temporarily. The budget of 72 million quetzales (about 10 million USD) benefits about 72,920…

Los programas del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Mides) llegarán tarde. La cartera prevé que a inicios de abril se empiece la entrega del Bono Social a familias en condiciones de pobreza y extrema pobreza. El programa consiste en una transferencia bancaria, a cambio de que los usuarios envíen a

Social assistance, Conditional cash transfers covid19, family Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Can COVID-19 be considered an occupational disease? | International Social Security Association (ISSA)

Worldwide almost 2.4 million people die due to an occupational disease, compared to 0.38 million that die because of a work accident. Insurance covering occupational diseases is an important pillar of social security and a safety net to all workers who may be exposed to chemical, physical or…

Occupational accidents and diseases covid19, prevention Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention btreichel
New Zealand: Statement to Parliament on the Economic Response to COVID-19 new zealand (17.03.2020)

The Government is announcing significant further support for the economy, workers and businesses as the country unites to prepare for Alert Level 4 in the fight against COVID-19.  Full-time workers will receive $585/week under the scheme, with $350…

Government package of measures, including

- Extra support for the health system to enable an increased public health response so New Zealand can slow any potential domestic outbreak,

- Cushion the impact of the economic shock on businesses and workers, and support confidence in…

Mr Speaker, I know that every member of this House, whatever our political differences is here because we believe in this country and our people.  Today, we face a challenge that requires us to harness every bit of that spirit and give our total commitment to protecting the health and wellbe

Cash transfers covid19, labour markets Published Measures summary… cambrosio
New Zealand: COVID-19 Economic Package updated new zealand (23.03.2020)

On 23 March, the Minister announced significant further support for the economy, workers and businesses, including removal of the cap on the Government’s wage subsidy scheme which will inject a further $4 billion into the economy over the next…

Further support for the economy, workers and businesses, including removal of the cap on the Government’s wage subsidy scheme which will inject a further $4 billion into the economy over the next eleven weeks. Among other measures the economic response package includes: $2.8 billion income…

On 17 March, Finance Minister Grant Robertson outlined a $12.1 billion package to support New Zealanders, their jobs and businesses from the impact of COVID-19. 

On 23 March, the Minister announced significant further support for the economy, workers and businesses, including re

Cash transfers covid19, labour markets Published Measures summary cambrosio
South Korea: Support Package to Respond to COVID-19 Outbreak korea, Republic of (02.03.2020)

Support Package to Respond to COVID-19 Outbreak implies up to 5 days of childcare leave along with the payment of 50,000 won per day.

Support Package to Respond to COVID-19 Outbreak includes up to 5 days of childcare leave along with the payment of 50,000 won per day.

Family benefits, Children, Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19, family Published Measures summary cambrosio
South Korea: 2020 Supplementary Budget Proposal korea, Republic of (04.03.2020)

The government has drawn up a budget of  W2.4T to low-income households in the case of childcare shifting from daycare institutions to homecare.

The government has drawn up a budget of  W2.4T to low-income households in the case of childcare shifting from daycare institutions to homecare. 

Family benefits, Children, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary cambrosio
Guatemala: Distribución de comida para cubrir déficit alimenticio en población más vulnerable guatemala (30.03.2020) El titular del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (MIDES), Juan Romero, dio a conocer que durante la emergencia se activó la implementación del Programa Institucional de reacción y una readecuación de los programas para apoyar a las familias que se ven afectadas por…

The government distributed food to 200 thousand families through the program "Caja Juntos Saldremos Adelante" (about 3.4 million people). This was a one-time, in-kind benefit. Nutritional social kitchens are also being set in the different shelters. The funds came from different…

El titular del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (MIDES), Juan Romero, dio a conocer que durante la emergencia se activó la implementación del Programa Institucional de reacción y una readecuación de los programas para apoyar a las familias que se ven afectadas por las medidas que ha tomado el gobi

Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Philippines: OWWA cash aid to OFWs affected by travel ban reached P81M philippines, the (20.03.2020)

The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) supported Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) affected by the travel ban due to COVID-19 as well as those who were repatriated with cash transfers. P10,000 cash assistance, drawn from the OWWA Trust Fund of…

The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) supported Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) affected by the travel ban due to COVID-19 as well as those who were repatriated with cash transfers. P10,000 cash assistance, drawn from the OWWA Trust Fund of member-OFWs, was given to each…

OWWA cash aid to OFWs affected by travel ban reached P81M

PASAY CITY - As of morning of February 20, 2020, the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) has already dispensed P81,060,000.00 to 8,106 OFWs who were affected by the temporary travel ban to China, Hong Ko

Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary… cambrosio
Philippines: Implementing the Bayanihan to Heal As One Act (Republic Act No. 11469): Full Text of the Memorandum from the Executive Secretary philippines, the (28.03.2020) The Government provide compensation of One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00) to public and private health workers who may contract severe COVID-19 infection while in the line of duty, and a compensation of One Million Pesos (P1,000,000.00) to the families of public…

The Government provide compensation of One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00) to public and private health workers who may contract severe COVID-19 infection while in the line of duty, and a compensation of One Million Pesos (P1,000,000.00) to the families of public and private health workers…




Family benefits, Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19, family Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… cambrosio
Madagascar: Fund members are encouraged to submit claims electronically madagascar (26.03.2020) For us members of the CNaPS, we are told that starting Monday, March 30, 2020, the offices of CNAPS will be closed throughout Antananarivo except for the office space that is open from 8 am-12pm. All social security benefits will be paid. Members are…

Members are encouraged to submit the documents online and use mobile banking. The CNaPs has also set up a free toll phone number to continue providing services as efficiently as possible.

For us members of the CNaPS, we are told that starting Monday, March 30, 2020, the offices of CNAPS will be closed throughout Antananarivo except for the office space that is open from 8 am-12pm. All social security benefits will be paid. Members are encouraged to submit the documents online.

Service delivery customer_services Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Singapore: Cushioning the impact of COVID-19 singapore (20.02.2020)

To address the economic uncertainties brought about by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, the government introduced a cash transfer of up to SG$300, depending on income, for all residents aged 21 and above. Additionally, S$100 for passion card top-up…

The government introduced a cash transfer of up to SG$300, depending on income, for all residents aged 21 and above. Additionally, S$100 for passion card top-up for all seniors, and S$100 supermarket vouchers for lower-income families.

To address the economic uncertainties brought about by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, a total of $5.6 billion has been set aside in Budget 2020 for the Stabilisation and Support Package and Care and Support Package.

The $4 billion Stabilisation

Family benefits, Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19, family Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary cambrosio
Madagascar: Extension du paiement des cotisations de sécurité sociale du premier trimestre madagascar (20.03.2020) Suite à rencontre entre le gouvernement malagasy et les représentants du secteur privé, une disposition spéciale a été prise face à la lutte contre la ropagation du coronovirus. De ce fait, nous portons à la connaissance de nos assujettis la prolongation du paiement de la…

Payments of social security contributions for the first quarter are deferred to July 31st, 2020, without any penalties.

Suite à rencontre entre le gouvernement malagasy et les représentants du secteur privé, une disposition spéciale a été prise face à la lutte contre la ropagation du coronovirus. De ce fait, nous portons à la connaissance de nos assujettis la prolongation du paiement de la cotisation du premier tr

Contribution collection and compliance contribution collection, covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
South Africa: UIF, CF safety net intervention details south africa (24.03.2020)

Government has unveiled employment related plans expected to soften the blow of the COVID-19 countrywide lockdown, on workers and firms. Workers who will be affected by the 21 day lockdown during the outbreak will receive the adequate support from the…

Workers who will be affected by the 21 day lockdown during the outbreak will receive the adequate support from the department (as foreseen in the Basic Conditions of Employment Act). For those who fall ill as a result of work, they will be covered by the Compensation Act. UIF (…

UIF, CF safety net intervention details

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Government has unveiled employment related plans expected to soften the blow of the COVID-19 countrywide lockdown, on workers and firms.

During the lockdown, which will come into effect on Thursday midnight un

Unemployment, Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary cambrosio
South Africa: SASSA pays April 2020 grants earlier amid Covid19 south africa (22.03.2020)

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) will provide early payments of social grants to older persons and persons with disabilities from 30 and 31 March 2020.

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) will provide early payments of social grants to older persons and persons with disabilities from 30 and 31 March 2020.

SASSA pays April 2020 grants earlier amid Covid19

Sunday, March 22, 2020

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) will pay social grants to older persons and persons with disabilities from 30 and 31 March 2020.

Other beneficiaries will be able to access their grant

Social assistance, Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… cambrosio
Trinidad and Tobago: Salary relief grant, food card support and rental assistance trinidad and tobago (23.03.2020) Several measure to face the Coronavirus emergency: a Salary Relief Grant will be provided to citizens who have lost income as a result of the impact of COVID-19. They will have access to TT$1500 per month over a three-month period from the National Insurance…

- A Salary Relief Grant will be provided to citizens who have lost income as a result of the impact of COVID-19. They will have access to TT$1500 per month over a three-month period from the National Insurance Board.
- Food Card support of TT$510.00 per month for three months for…

COVID-19 testing has been expanded. The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) will expand its testing to test anyone who meets any of the criteria for COVID-19 exposure.

Testing will be expanded to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex (EWMSC) where a PCR (polymerase chain reaction

Social assistance, Cash transfers, Food and nutrition covid19, family Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary cambrosio
Venezuela: En Claves: Medidas económicas para salvaguardar al pueblo venezolano frente al Covid-19 • Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones Exteriores venezuela (24.03.2020) Para enfrentar el Coronavirus y salvaguardar al pueblo bolivariano, se fortalece el sistema de bonos al pueblo a través del Carnet de la Patria: durante este mes se han entregado dos (2) bonos a más de 9 millones de personas, correspondientes a las asignaciones:…

To face the Coronavirus and protect the Bolivarian population, the system of bonds to the people already in place has being strengthened through the Carnet de la Patria: during this month two (2) bonds have been given to more than 9 million people, corresponding to the allocations: "Loyalty…

En Claves: Medidas económicas para salvaguardar al pueblo venezolano frente al Covid-19

Written by Joselyn Ariza on 24/03/2020. Posted in Noticias

Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19, self-employed Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary cambrosio
Vietnam: Suspension of payment of social insurance premiums for enterprises affected by Covid-19 vietnam (16.03.2020) The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs has just dispatched Official Letter  sent to Vietnam Social Insurance on guidelines to suspend payments into the retirement and death gratuity funds of social insurance until June 30. If the pandemic lasts…

Suspension of payments into the retirement and death gratuity funds of social insurance until June 30 (for companies where 50 percent of staff have lost their jobs caused by Covid-19 epidemic).

In furtherance of the Prime

Contribution collection and compliance contribution collection, covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary cambrosio
Vietnam: Prescribing a number of specific regimes in the prevention of and control of Covid-19 vietnam (30.03.2020) The Government has just issued Resolution No. 37 / NQ-CP on a number of specific regimes in the prevention and control of Covid-19, taking effect from March 29, 2020. Among those: food vouchers for people subject to medical isolation (VND 80,000 / day), anti-epidemic…

Food vouchers for people subject to medical isolation (VND 80,000 / day) and an anti-epidemic allowance (between VND 150,000 / day - 300,000 VND / day) for people involved in fighting against COVID-19.

 The Government has just issued Resolution No. 37 / NQ-CP on a number of specific regimes in the prevention and control of Covid-19, taking effect from

Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary cambrosio