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A systems perspective on Universal Social Protection - Towards life-long equitable access to comprehensive social protection for all

Healthy DEvelopments - BMZ (January 2019)  Key points for further thought and discussion

  • Is the USP2030 goal (SDG 1.3) realistic?
  • How to provide USP in Lower- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) including to people in the informal sector?…
universal health coverage… pmassetti
Allemagne  la réforme des petites retraites suscite un vif débat germany

Les Echos(05.02.2019) rois à quatre millions d'Allemands pourraient voir leurs pensions revalorisées très fortement. L'idée est de récompenser ceux qui ont travaillé par rapport à ceux qui bénéficient de l'aide sociale de base. Mais l'Union démocrate-chrétienne se montre sceptique.

Trois à quatre millions d'Allemands pourraient voir leurs pensions revalorisées très fortement. L'idée est de récompenser ceux qui ont travaillé par rapport à ceux qui bénéficient de l'aide sociale de base. Mais l'Union démocrate-chrétienne se montre sceptique.

Des retraites plus élevée

Pensions managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Maroc: Couverture médicale - les commerçants demandent un coup de pouce à l’Etat morocco

le360 (05.02.2019) Le montant de la cotisation n’a pas encore été arrêté, ce qui suscite de vives inquiétudes. Selon les premières simulations, il serait de 733 dirhams minimum par mois, sur la base d’un barème correspondant à une fois et demi le Smig.

L’application relative à la couverture sociale des commerçants, fixée par les lois sur l’assurance maladie et la retraite des indépendants, ne va pas être facile. C’est le constat que fait L’Economiste qui, dans son édition du 5 février, assure que, si le mode opératoire du pré

managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
[Conference] Together to achieve Universal Social Protection by 2030 (05.02.2019) Universal social protection (USP) is essential to the economic and social development of individuals, communities and nations. It is also a human right. We call on all countries to live up to their commitment to develop nationally owned social protection systems…

Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
[Report] Working Better with Age: Japan japan

OECD (December 2018) People today are living longer than ever before, while birth rates are dropping in the majority of OECD countries. Such demographics raise the question: are current public social expenditures adequate and sustainable? Older workers play a crucial role in the labour market.…

Old-age pensions Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
India announces pension scheme targeting 100 million unorganized workers india (01.02.2019) India on Friday announced a pension scheme targeting at least 100 million workers in the unorganized sector, such as drivers, maids and cobblers

brics Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Qué significarán los próximos 20 años para el empleo, y cómo prepararse

Foro Económico Mundial  (28.01.2019) Las próximas dos décadas prometen una revolución a gran escala en nuestras vidas laborales. Antes de estudiar los próximos 20 años, echemos un vistazo rápido al presente, y a algo que alguna vez se consideró paradójico.

Las próximas dos décadas prometen una revolución a gran escala en nuestras vidas laborales. Antes de estudiar los próximos 20 años, echemos un vistazo rápido al presente, y a algo que alguna vez se consideró paradójico.

Ya estamos viviendo en una época de muchos

Employment labour markets Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… dfabbri
EU: Let’s make posted workers feel really secure european union

EurActiv (03.02.2019) Marek Benio, who will chair the 6th European Labour Mobility Congress in Krakow on 14-15 March, offers his commentary regarding the European Parliament’s proposals for the revision of regulations affecting social security schemes for posted workers.

Marek Benio, who will chair the 6th European Labour Mobility Congress in Krakow on 14-15 March, offers his commentary regarding the European Parliament’s proposals for the revision of regulations affecting social security schemes for posted workers.

Marek Benio is vice-president of

Migration Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Deutschland: Was ändert sich 2019 bei der Rente? germany

n-tv (01.02.2019) Ab dem 1. Juli sollen die Renten im Westen um 3,18 und im Osten um 3,91 Prozent steigen. So steht es im Entwurf des Rentenversicherungsberichts 2018 der Bundesregierung. Die Anpassung gilt für alle Altersrenten, für Erwerbsminderungs- und Hinterbliebenenrenten, für gesetzliche…

Renten steigen

Ab dem 1. Juli sollen die Renten im Westen um 3,18 und im Osten um 3,91 Prozent steigen. So steht es im Entwurf des Rentenversicherungsberichts 2018 der Bundesregierung. Die Anpassung gilt für alle Altersrenten, für Erwerbsminderungs- und Hinterbliebenenr

Pensions managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
The case for digital identification

McKinsey (24.01.2019) To secure personal data, rationalize online navigation, and boost financial inclusion, governments should embrace electronic IDs

identity management Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… pmassetti
European Union: Closing the gender digital gap, a priority for Commissioner Gabriel european union

EurActiv (31.01.2019) Digital Economy Commissioner Mariya Gabriel defended the need for a collective response to the digital gender gap on Tuesday (29 January), at a conference on gender equality organized by the Martens Centre in Brussels.

Digital Economy Commissioner Mariya Gabriel defended the need for a collective response to the digital gender gap on Tuesday (29 January), at a conference on gender equality organized by the Martens Centre in Brussels.

Gender equality is one of the core values of the EU and yet, it is far

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… dfabbri
[Report] ILO: 100 years of social protection: The road to universal social protection systems and floors

ILO (29.01.2019) Social protection and the right to social security have been an integral element of the mandate of the International Labour Organization (ILO) since its creation
in 1919. Since then, the ILO has supported its Member States in building their social protection systems and…

Extension of coverage Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
Protecting workers against cancer-causing chemicals: third agreement between EU institutions Europe

European Commission (29.01.2019) The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission reached a provisional agreement on the Commission's third proposal to broaden the list of recognised cancer-causing chemicals in the workplace.

With this agreement, 5 additional cancer-causing chemicals will be covered by the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive.

The Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour M

Prevention of occupational risks OSH Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
European citizens back unemployment reinsurance Europe

Social Europe (30.01.2019) An unemployment reinsurance scheme benefiting countries hit by asymmetric shocks attracts what to some will be surprising support across the EU.

Experts argue that European Monetary Union (EMU) has to be completed by ‘automatic fiscal stabilisers’. Welfare states have built-in stabilisers which cushion economic shocks—unemployment benefits, for instance, support the purchasing power of people who lose their jobs and so sustain effective d

Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
Global Commission on the Future of Work: Work for a brighter future

ILO (22.01.2019) This landmark report by the ILO Global Commission on the Future of Work examines how to achieve a better future of work for all at a time of unprecedented change and exceptional challenges in the world of work.

Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… pmassetti
[Report] Social Protection in Asia and the Pacific: Inventory of non-contributory programmes Asia (January 2019) The report presents an inventory of non-contributory social protection programmes in South and East Asian countries and the Pacific Islands. It is based on an extensive review of official government documents and websites, reports and relevant documents…

The report presents an inventory of non-contributory social protection programmes in South and East Asian countries and the Pacific Islands. It is based on an extensive review of official government documents and websites, reports and relevant documents produced by international organisations, an

Social assistance, Conditional cash transfers poverty Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Build Blockchain Into Your Data and Analytics Program | Gartner Webinars

Blockchain's distributed trust model promises to remake existing business processes. Data and analytics leaders must recast existing data management and analytics capabilities and add new competencies to manage risk and exploit new opportunities. This webinar will guide you on how to build on…

blockchain… rruggia
Malta: Ten days of paternity leave are ‘just the beginning’ malta

timesofmalta (28.01.2019) The current one-day paternity leave is a huge injustice, according to the Association for Equality, welcoming an EU directive increasing the entitlement to 10 days and noting it is “the least fathers should be granted”. Though, by Maltese law, mothers can benefit from…

The current one-day paternity leave is a huge injustice, according to the Association for Equality, welcoming an EU directive increasing the entitlement to 10 days and noting it is “the least fathers should be granted”.

Though, by Maltese law, mothers can benefit from up to 18 weeks leave

Family benefits, Parental leave Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
España: El rostro de la renta mínima - mujer, española y de entre 35 y 44 años spain

El País (28.01.2019) Más de 313.000 personas recibieron esta prestación en 2017 en España. Hay grandes diferencias por comunidades

Ahora mismo estoy sobreviviendo. Madre soltera y con dos niños pequeños, me dirás cómo lo hago”, cuenta Carla por teléfono. No se llama así, pero prefiere no dar su nombre porque no quiere problemas. “Me da miedo que me quiten la renta

basic income, poverty Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
[Meinung] Österreich: Wie Negativsteuern und weniger Sozialversicherung wirken austria

Wiener Zeitung Online (28.01.2019) Es bleibt bei der Ankündigung der Regierung, kleinere Einkommen mit 700 Millionen Euro über die Sozialversicherung ab 2020 entlasten zu wollen. Wer davon profitiert, war auch am Montag nicht zu konkretisieren. Aus dem Finanzministerium war nur zu erfahren, dass…

Es bleibt bei der Ankündigung der Regierung, kleinere Einkommen mit 700 Millionen Euro über die Sozialversicherung ab 2020 entlasten zu wollen. Wer davon profitiert, war auch am Montag nicht zu konkretisieren. Aus dem Finanzministerium war nur zu erfahren, dass es auch weiterhin die Rückerstattun

Financing Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Bermuda: Social insurance contribution rise delayed bermuda

The Royal Gazette:Bermuda Business (17.01.2019) Seniors are seeing a 1.4 per cent increase in their contributory pension benefits this month, backdated to August of last year. The increased payout, which is in line with inflation, would normally trigger a simultaneous increase in the mandatory…

Seniors are seeing a 1.4 per cent increase in their contributory pension benefits this month, backdated to August of last year.

The increased payout, which is in line with inflation, would normally trigger a simultaneous increase in the mandatory contributions made by those of working age

Old-age pensions, Financing Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
New Zealand: Health & safety: Top challenges for 2019 new zealand

hrmonline (25.01.2019) As the New Year begins, many businesses will be revisiting their health and safety controls and reminding workers about how to work safely in all the tasks they are completing. Managers with a strategic focus will also be asking themselves what they can expect from the…

As the New Year begins, many businesses will be revisiting their health and safety controls and reminding workers about how to work safely in all the tasks they are completing. Managers with a strategic focus will also be asking themselves what they can expect from the Government and 

Prevention of occupational risks OSH Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Le congé paternité de 10 jours minimum généralisé à toute l’UE Europe (25.01.2019) Pour favoriser l’égalité homme-femme, les institutions européennes ont approuvé la création d’un congé paternité de 10 jours minimum pour toute l’UE, un progrès pour la plupart des pays. Le congé existe déjà en France, où il sera néanmoins assoupli.

Family benefits Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Opinion: America Needs More Young Workers to Support Aging Population United States

Bloomberg (23.01.2019) Without more babies and immigrants, the country won’t be able to support its aging population

Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Sécurité sociale: Les Marocains largement en tête en Espagne morocco, spain

Infomédiaire (22.01.2019) Un total de 255 708 Marocains étaient affiliés à la sécurité sociale en Espagne á fin 2018, indique mardi le ministère espagnol du Travail, des migrations et de la sécurité sociale.

Un total de 255 708 Marocains étaient affiliés à la sécurité sociale en Espagne á fin 2018, indique mardi le ministère espagnol du Travail, des migrations et de la sécurité sociale.

Les Marocains maintiennent ainsi leur position à la tête du classement des travailleurs étrangers extra-com

Extension of coverage Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri