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Africa: Universal health coverage and health security WHO’s top priority Africa

The Southern Times (23.01.2019) Cape Verde and the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Africa will jointly host the Second Africa Health Forum under the theme “Achieving Universal Health Coverage and Health Security in Africa: The Africa we want to see”.

Cape Verde and the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Africa will jointly host the Second Africa Health Forum under the theme “Achieving Universal Health Coverage and Health Security in Africa: The Africa we want to see”.

The event to be attended by ministers responsible

Extension of coverage universal health care Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Davos forum shows that we need to share out the wealth – Jamie Livingstone

The Scotsman (23.01.2019) This week political and ­business elites have been gathering in Davos, ­Switzerland for their annual ­feival of wealth – otherwise known as the World Economic Forum. Some attendees will undoubtedly be ­feeling particularly pleased with ­themselves. As a startling new…

This week political and ­business elites have been gathering in Davos, ­Switzerland for their annual ­festival of wealth – otherwise known as the World Economic Forum. Some attendees will undoubtedly be ­feeling particularly pleased with ­themselves. As a startling new report by Oxfam revealed on

poverty Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
ILO Global Commission on the Future of Work: A human-centred agenda needed for a decent future of work

ILO (22.01.2019) A Universal Labour Guarantee, social protection from birth to old age and an entitlement to lifelong learning are among ten recommendations made in a landmark report by the International Labour Organization’s Global Commission on the Future of Work.

The ILO Global Commission on the Future of Work  has called on governments to commit to a set of measures in order to address the challenges caused by unprecedented transformational change in t

Employment labour markets Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
[Opinion] China: It’s one thing to raise retirement age but what are elderly unskilled workers in Hong Kong going to do in Knowledge Age economy? china

South China Morning Post (20.01.2019) Upside to row over setting new age threshold for welfare payments is chance it presents for city to look into where real job market lies for seniors Employers are becoming more flexible but changes in retirement age are never without controversy

T he old saying that it is rare for one to live up to 70 years no longer applies, academic-turned-politician Dr Law Chi-kwong, Hong Kong’s welfare minister, pointed out recently.

Law has also called for a redefinition of the term “elderly”, suggesting it would be more accurate to describe

Old-age pensions, Employment Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
WHO: Migrants and refugees face higher risk of developing ill-health, says UN report on displaced people in Europe

UN News (21.01.2019) European authorities are “struggling” to meet the needs of irregular migrants and refugees who are wrongly accused of spreading sickness among host communities, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday, at the launch of its first report on the subject.

European authorities are “struggling” to meet the needs of irregular migrants and refugees who are wrongly accused of spreading sickness among host communities, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday, at the launch of its

Health, Difficult-to-cover groups migration Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
France: Complémentaire santé - la progression du nombre de bénéficiaires de l’ACS et de la CMU-C se poursuit france

argusdelassurance (15.01.2019) L’un des principaux chantiers de l’année 2019 sur le front du marché de la complémentaire santé est la fusion à venir de l’ACS au sein de la CMU-C à l’échéance du dispositif ACS actuel, à savoir au 1er novembre 2019. Le nombre de bénéficiaires de ces deux…

À quelques mois de la fusion des deux dispositifs existants d’aide à l’obtention d’une assurance complémentaire santé, l’ACS étant appelée à être intégrée au sein de la CMU-C, leurs effectifs continuent toutefois d’augmenter.

L’un des principaux chantiers de l’année 2019 sur le front du m

universal health care Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
[Blog] ILO: Skills for the future: Learning to learn through technology is the new skills visa

ILO Blog (17.01.2019) Digital technologies – such as artificial intelligence, 3D printing, cognitive computing, big data, automation, the Internet of Things, advanced robotics and blockchain – are affecting many occupations, both jobs and tasks. The types of skills being demanded by employers…

Digital technologies – such as artificial intelligence, 3D printing, cognitive computing, big data, automation, the Internet of Things, advanced robotics and blockchain – are affecting many occupations, both jobs and tasks. The types of skills being demanded by employers are also changing, ca

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… dfabbri
US: Why Late Retirees Will Soon Get Smaller Social Security Bonuses United States (20.01.2019) One common piece of advice on Social Security is that if you want to get larger monthly payments, it pays to wait. Many older Americans take Social Security at their earliest opportunity when they turn 62, and that results in a big pay cut compared to what they'd get…

One common piece of advice on Social Security is that if you want to get larger monthly payments, it pays to wait. Many older Americans take Social Security at their earliest opportunity when they turn 62, and that results in a big pay cut compared to what they'd get if they waited until full ret

Pensions, Financing Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
It’s cloud and data access for Australian Institute of Health and Welfare in 2019 australia (16.01.2019) Find out what technology projects the organisation has taken on and is exploring.

E-services, Data management Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… pmassetti
Enquête: Des centaines de petits patrons français échappent aux charges sociales en créant des sociétés en Angleterre france, united kingdom

France Bleu (17.01.2019) Un cabinet des Côtes d’Armor a aidé des centaines de commerçants et artisans français à ne pas payer leurs cotisations de sécurité sociale en leur créant une société outre-Manche. Une combine illégale mais qui dure depuis plus de 20 ans.

Un cabinet des Côtes d’Armor a aidé des centaines de commerçants et artisans français à ne pas payer leurs cotisations de sécurité sociale en leur créant une société outre-Manche. Une combine illégale mais qui dure depuis plus de 20 ans.

Savez-vous quel est le point commun entre entre la

Extension of coverage, Difficult-to-cover groups, Contribution collection and compliance, Error, evasion and fraud Published_SS_Monitor… gfilhon
[Informe] Panorama Social de América Latina 2018 latin america

CEPAL (Enero 2019) El Panorama Social 2018 analiza temas cruciales para entender y actuar ante los desafíos estructurales que enfrentan los países de América Latina y el Caribe en la actual coyuntura económica y social, especialmente en el marco de las transformaciones en curso en los mercados…

poverty Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
The Swedish face of inequality sweden

Social Europe (17.01.2019) Sweden used to be revered for stemming inequality through progressive taxation and universal welfare. Now tax breaks for the wealthy and ‘free choice’ in public goods such as education cocoon the rich from the rest.

What does inequality look like? In Sweden, rising inequality can be easily detected in data on income distribution. According to the latest available comparable data, no other country has seen a faster increase in inequality since the 1990s.

But income data reveal just

Financing adequacy Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
Suisse: Pauvreté - Aide sociale: il y a plus de non-recourants que d’abus switzerland

Le Temps (16.01.2019) En Suisse, comme en Europe, une grande majorité des personnes dans le besoin ne réclament pas les aides sociales auxquelles elles ont droit. Une économie pour l’Etat? Au contraire

De 40 à 80% selon les prestations. En Europe et en Suisse, les taux de non-recours à l’aide sociale de la part de personnes qui y ont droit peuvent être impressionnants. Et bien plus élevés que les abus. Tant mieux pour les finances publiques? «Non», répond

Social assistance poverty Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
Tackling poverty and inequality in Europe Europe

Social Europe (15.01.2019) Official EU statistics mask the alarming extent of poverty and inequality in Europe. Despite slight recent easing, its dangerous scale threatens Europe’s social and political cohesion.

Official EU statistics mask the alarming extent of poverty and inequality in Europe. Despite slight recent easing, its dangerous scale threatens Europe’s social and political cohesion.

Eurostat, the EU’s statistical office, has published official figure

poverty Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
[Opinion] Rewriting the future of work

ejinsight (10.01.2019) Much has been written about the “future of work,” and much of it makes for gloomy reading. Study after study predicts that automation will upend entire industries and leave millions unemployed. A 2013 paper by two Oxford professors even suggested that machines could…

Much has been written about the “future of work,” and much of it makes for gloomy reading. Study after study predicts that automation will upend entire industries and leave millions unemployed. A 2013 paper by two Oxford professors even suggested that machines could replace 47 percent of jo

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR dfabbri
France: Les chauffeurs Uber sous "contrat de travail" pour la cour d'appel france (11.01.2019) Dans un arrêt rendu le 10 janvier 2019, la cour d'appel de Paris a estimé que le contrat qui liait un ancien chauffeur Uber à la célèbre plateforme de VTC était bien un "contrat de travail". Le lien de subordination entre le chauffeur et la plateforme a pu…

Dans un arrêt rendu le 10 janvier 2019, la cour d'appel de Paris a estimé que le contrat qui liait un ancien chauffeur Uber à la célèbre plateforme de VTC était bien un "contrat de travail". Le lien de subordination entre le chauffeur et la plateforme a pu être caractérisé aux yeux de la

Employment, Employment policies, Employment of young workers, Error, evasion and fraud digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… gfilhon
[Report] OECD: Social Protection System Review: A Toolkit

OECD (2018) The positive impacts of social protection on reducing poverty and inequality and contributing to development are well evidenced. Establishing an integrated system facilitates the provision of a social protection floor, whereby individuals are appropriately protected…

Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
How Automation Will Change the Service Industry

 The Atlantic (11.01.2019) Workers may not be replaced by robots anytime soon, but they’ll likely face shorter hours, lower pay, and stolen time.

Proposition_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
US: Could Physicians e-Prescribe Community Services? United States (07.11.2018) What if helpful community services could be e-prescribed from the EHR in much the same way that an antibiotic or statin is today? That is the vision of Stacy Lindau, M.D., a professor of obstetrics/gynecology and geriatrics at the University of Chicago who…

Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… pmassetti
España: Hacienda prestará 15.000 millones a la Seguridad Social para las pensiones spain

El País (14.01.2019) Los Presupuestos de 2019 vuelven a incluir un préstamo de Hacienda a la Seguridad Social para pagar las pensiones. Ascenderá a unos 15.000 millones, el equivalente al 1,2% del PIB, apuntan fuentes de Trabajo. Es una cantidad parecida a la de 2018 y supera los 10.000 millones…

Ante la falta de una solución estable al déficit del sistema de pensiones, las Cuentas de este año tienen que volver a prestar dinero a la Seguridad Social. Serán unos 15.000 millones, apuntan fuentes de Trabajo, a través de un préstamo de la Administración central como podrá verse en el proyecto

Pensions, Financing Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
UK: Can AI improve mental health at work? Start-up introduces artificial intelligence tech to support employees united kingdom

London Evening Standard (10.01.2019)  A new year means a new start as millions of us make resolutions for the coming 12 months - putting self care at the top of our agenda. And with the workplace being where we spend most of our time, it is perhaps important to consider how we are looking…

A new year means a new start as millions of us make resolutions for the coming 12 months - putting self care at the top of our agenda.

And with the workplace being where we spend most of our time, it is perhaps important to consider how we are looking after ourselves while sitting in fron

Safety and health at work digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… dfabbri
Ireland: Precarious work leads to precarious lives ireland

Social Europe  (14.01.2019) In Ireland the absence of universal health- and childcare makes the insecurity of precarious work even greater.

In Ireland the absence of universal health- and childcare makes the insecurity of precarious work even greater.

Often, policymaker narratives focus on the unemployment figures declining, yet we are seeing more and more workers experiencing or being at risk of in-wor

Social assistance poverty Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
[Report] Social protection: meeting children's rights and needs

ReliefWeb (31.12.2018) Despite significant progress in the reduction of extreme poverty in recent years, millions of children are still poor or vulnerable to poverty. There is growing consensus that poverty comprises more dimensions than just monetary. Social protection policies can help address…

Children poverty… dfabbri
Maroc: Adoption d’un projet de loi sur le régime de la sécurité sociale pour les travailleurs domestiques morocco

yabiladi (11.01.2019) Le Conseil de gouvernement a adopté, jeudi, le projet de loi n° 2.18.686 fixant les conditions d'application du régime de sécurité sociale aux travailleurs et travailleuses domestiques, avec la création d'une commission chargée de l'examen des observations soulevées lors du…

Ce texte vise à renforcer les droits relatifs à la protection sociale de cette catégorie, à travers la détermination des conditions leur permettant de bénéficier des services de la sécurité sociale et de la couverture médicale de base, conformément aux dispositions de l'article 2 du dahir chérifi

Extension of coverage Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
It is not technology that will steal your job (10.01.2019) Other 'megatrends' will be as influential

Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… pmassetti