New risks

New risks

  • Coverage
  • adequacy

Le krach boursier menace les retraites dans de nombreux pays

Submitted by gfilhon on

Selon le Congressional Budget Office (CBO), les fonds auraient perdu au total 2 000 milliards de dollars en quinze mois (20 % de leur valeur). Les célèbres CalPERS et CalSTRS, dédiés au financement des retraites des fonctionnaires et professeurs de Californie, ont fondu de 26 % et 10 % depuis fin juin.

Old-age pensions
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Economic impact
Societal Impact
New risks
Document Type

UN Special Rapporteur and rights groups warn of risks from biometrics and AI in welfare systems

Submitted by pmassetti on

Biometric Update (18.10.2019) The potential of biometric ID systems for abuse in some countries is a major threat to individuals, and current practices risk the world “stumbling zombie-like into a digital welfare dystopia,” according UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Professor Philip Alston.

Data management
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
New risks
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

La fraude aux faux numéros de Sécu serait de 200 à... 802 millions d’euros 

Submitted by gfilhon on

De l'importance d'une bonne méthode de suivi dans la lutte contre la fraude.

Regions / Country
Governance and administration
Data management
Error, evasion and fraud
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Business processes
New risks
Service delivery
Document Type

Data protection is social protection

Submitted by pmassetti on (17.04.2019) Rising pressure to apply biometric technology to verify beneficiaries’ identities, and to integrate information systems ranging from civil registries to law-enforcement databases, means that social programs could create new risks for those who depend on them.

Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
New risks
Document Type

France: Ce que propose le rapport Libault pour le grand âge

Submitted by gfilhon on

agefi (05.04.2019) Le rapport Grand âge demandé par le Premier ministre à Dominique Libault a été remis à la ministre des Solidarités et de la santé, Agnès Buzyn, jeudi 28 mars. Ce haut fonctionnaire avait pour mission de conduire une concertation et de faire des propositions de réforme, notamment dans la perspective d’un projet de loi.

Regions / Country
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
New risks
Service delivery
Document Type

Uber : innovation ou concurrence déloyale ? | Alternatives Economiques

Submitted by gfilhon on

Analyse économique du modèle des plate forme Uber et de son danger social

Employment policies
Technological transition
Social protection floor
Error, evasion and fraud
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Labour market
New risks
Document Type

US: This startup aims to fill a major gap in the financial life of freelancers

Submitted by rruggia on (04.08.2018) The company, called Trupo, is launching a new short-term disability insurance product. A broken leg can spell financial disaster for a freelancer.

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
New risks
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Managing Digital Security and Privacy Risk - OECD -- ONLY ONLINE !

Submitted by ruggia on

Managing Digital Security and Privacy Risk, a background report for the June 2016 OECD Ministerial on the Digital Economy, discusses how increased connectivity and data-driven innovation have brought about significant economic and social opportunities while changing the scale and scope of digital security and privacy challenges.

Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
New risks
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type