España: Un tribunal considera "falsos autónomos" a los repartidores de Deliveroo y condena a la empresa (04.06.2018) Un tribunal considera "falsos autónomos" a los repartidores de Deliveroo y condena a la empresa por despido improcedente. (04.06.2018) Un tribunal considera "falsos autónomos" a los repartidores de Deliveroo y condena a la empresa por despido improcedente.
The New York Times (07.06.2018) You can see the gig economy everywhere but in the statistics. For years, economists, pundits and policymakers have grappled with the rise of Uber, the growth of temporary work and the fissuring of the relationship between companies and their workers. Optimists cheered the flexibility offered by the freelance life. Pessimists fretted about the disappearance of traditional jobs, with the benefits and legal protections they provided.
RTVE (04.06.2018) El Supremo avala la limitación de una licencia VTC por cada 30 de taxis.El Tribunal argumenta que es la "forma de garantizar el equilibrio" en el transporte Anula la obligación de que Uber y Unauto tengan una flota de al menos 7 vehículosEl Tribunal Supremo ha avalado este lunes la limitación de una licencia de vehículos de alquiler con conductor (VTC) por cada 30 de taxis, vigente desde 2015, siempre que sean necesarias y proporcionadas.
NCBI (April 2018) The present study aimed to explore using popular technology that people already have/use as a health promotion tool, in a campus wide social media health promotion initiative, entitled #LancerHealth. During a two-week period the university community was asked to share photos on Twitter and Instagram of What does being healthy on campus look like to you?, while tagging the image with #LancerHealth. (15.05.2018) «Depuis cinq ans, les économies dites avancées discutent de la meilleure façon de s’adapter au nouveau monde du travail. Celui du travail non structuré. On ne fait rien, on attend les données. Vouloir connaître le nombre de travailleurs de l’économie de plateforme équivaut à tenter de capturer le vent dans un filet!» Joachim Breuer, président, Association internationale de la sécurité sociale (ISSA).
The Guardian (23.05.2018) Workers across Europe, including 70,000 in UK, to be offered pay protections under new insurance policy The ride-hailing service said a new insurance policy, to be provided free to its drivers, would give them “peace of mind while preserving the flexibility they value”.
PerthNow (14.05.2018) Ride-sharing giant Uber and online platforms like food delivery app Deliveroo will face government regulation to protect workers’ rights, Industrial Relations Minister Bill Johnston has vowed. Mr Johnston said players in the so-called gig economy were guilty of “driving wages down and reducing benefits for workers”, and predicted government regulation was inevitable. The WA Government is now considering whether the sector needs to be brought under the State’s industrial relations system.
EurActiv (17.05.2018) Freedom of services belongs to the four freedoms of the EU. Austria wants to fight its abuse with the help of digitisation. EURACTIV Germany reports from Vienna. The fight against “social fraud, in particular organised illegal work” is one of the main tasks laid down in the work program of the Austrian government. Of course, this is not just an issue that concerns Austria. In fact, in this case, the EU is challenged to lay the foundations for intergovernmental data exchange.
OECD (June 2016) This paper was prepared as a contribution to the background report of Panel 4.1 “New Market and New Jobs” of the OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy, 21-23 June 2016, Cancún (Mexico). It provides new evidence on the development of online platform markets, discusses opportunities and challenges of new forms of work in platform service markets, developments of non-standard work in OECD countries, and policy issues related to new forms of work.
(Oct 2017) The biennial OECD Digital Economy Outlook examines and documents evolutions and emerging opportunities and challenges in the digital economy. It highlights how OECD countries and partner economies are taking advantage of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the Internet to meet their public policy objectives.
McKinsey & Company (Oct 2016) The McKinsey Global Institute examines all the ways people are earning income, as well as the challenges independent work presents.
En Latinoamérica, la productividad ha sido identificada en numerosos estudios como una de las principales barreras hacia el desarrollo. La economía digital, y en concreto el ecosistema de nuevas aplicaciones y servicios digitales, puede propiciar un impacto transversal sobre los distintos sectores económicos, con importantes mejoras productivas de eficiencia y de acceso sobre los servicios ofrecidos.
Le Monde (09.05.2018) La protection sociale des travailleurs « ubérisés » va-t-elle s’améliorer ? Tel est, en tout cas, l’objectif affiché par le gouvernement et par plusieurs députés de la majorité qui veulent ajouter des mesures allant dans ce sens dans le projet de loi « avenir professionnel », examiné à l’Assemblée nationale à partir de la fin mai.
Les Echos (03.05.2018) En s’appuyant sur la technologie, les assureurs santé cherchent à prévenir les risques et réduire les coûts de traitement tout en repensant leur relation client. Le secteur de la santé est l'un des trois piliers de l'industrie de l'assurance, avec 1 400 milliards de dollars de primes d'assurance en 2017 selon McKinsey. Les dépenses publiques de santé et de soins devraient quant à elles passer à 14 % dans les pays de l'OCDE d'ici 2060 (contre environ 6 % aujourd'hui) selon les prévisions de l'OCDE. (20.09.2018) This report provides one of the first comparative studies of working conditions on five major micro-task platforms that operate globally.
ECLAC (August 2017) Digital work platforms are transforming labor markets around the world. Firms that own, manage and deploy these work platforms have reframed employer–worker relations by defining their core business as the provision of the technology that enables certain services to be provided rather than the provision of those services, and offering their workers independent contractor arrangements rather than employee contracts. This has significant consequences in terms of wages, jobs security and other working conditions. (12.04.2018) The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has updated its Social Protection Toolbox, an online platform for policy makers to share experiences and good practices in providing healthcare and income security. The refreshed platform offers over 100 examples of good practices from around the world, and users can apply an online assessment tool to identify gaps in social protection coverage by country and population group. (27.03.2018) La nouvelle identité visuelle et le site Internet remodelé de l’Association d’assurance accident (AAA) ont été dévoilés lors d’une conférence de presse en présence de Romain Schneider, ministre de la Sécurité sociale. Comme le site a été intégralement remodelé, l’AAA a profité de l’occasion pour la réalisation d’une nouvelle identité visuelle. Le logo au style minimaliste a conservé les trois "A" définissant l’Association d’assurance accident.
Le Temps (22.03.2018) La plateforme de transport se dit prête à améliorer la couverture sociale de ses utilisateurs-chauffeurs. Le SECO considère qu’ils sont des employés, alors que le Conseil fédéral envisage un statut hybride, entre salariés et indépendants
ILO (12.03.2018) The ILO has launched a new web application to highlight its achievements in promoting decent work in 2016-2017. The ILO has launched a new web application to highlight its achievements in promoting decent work in 2016-2017. The app points to significant decent work results in 130 countries. With a few simple clicks, users can access detailed information on the results achieved and the ILO contribution by outcome, indicator, region and country. ( 29.05.2017) Freelance has long been regarded as a dirty word. For years, the very idea of flying solo has struck fear into the minds of nine-to-five professionals, for whom survival is dependent on a full-time income and four weeks of annual forced-leave-at-Christmas benefits. But technology-fuelled digital disruption is starting to change the shape of the Australian workforce. (01.2018) L'INRS a conduit un exercice de prospective afin d'identifier les conséquences en santé et sécurité au travail des évolutions possibles de la plateformisation (ubérisation) au cours des 10 prochaines années. Ce document en est la synthèse, il met en évidence un certain nombre de points de vigilance et de nouvelles opportunités en matière de prévention.
sourcingjournalonline (08.03.2018) The Bangladeshi labor inspectorate has gone digital with the launch of a new Labour Inspection Management Application (LIMA). It marks a major move in improving the working conditions for all workers in industrial sectors in Bangladesh as, according to the country’s government, it will upgrade the collection, storage and analysis of data collected during labor inspections. The app was officially introduced this week by the Ministry of Labour and Employment.
Netzwoche (07.03.2018) Das Swiss E-Health Barometer hat die Einführung des elektronischen Patientendossiers unter die Lupe genommen. Das Fazit: Die Ärzte zögern und die Bevölkerung verliert das Interesse am Thema. Hauptsorge ist der Datenschutz. Alljährlich untersucht der Swiss E-Health Barometer, was die Gesundheitsbranche in Sachen Digitalisierung umtreibt. Ein Schwerpunkt der diesjährigen, mittlerweile 8. Umfrage: die Einführung des elektronischen Patientendossiers (EPD), die seit April 2017 im Gange ist.