Covid19 Monitor database - ALL covid19

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Coronavirus (COVID-19): Read all content | World Economic Forum covid19 pmassetti
Coronavirus threat reveals the flaws in India's health system Asia, india While the number of reported cases of the new coronavirus in India remains, concerns are already growing about the capacity of its healthcare system to deal with the potential threat. Health covid19 gfilhon…
Netherlands: Payment extension of payroll tax for entrepreneurs netherlands (20.03.2020) You can apply for a payment extension for income tax, corporate tax, payroll tax, and turnover tax (VAT). The Dutch Tax Administration will put on hold any measures in place to collect payment immediately upon reception of your request. You will not have to pay any… Contribution collection and compliance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 contribution collection, covid19 mmarquez
Netherlands: Childcare available for people in crucial sectors netherlands (16.03.2020) It is essential that people doing crucial jobs can continue to go to work. So childcare will still be available for the children of people working in one of the crucial sectors. Families in which only one of the parents works in a crucial sector are being asked to look… Children,Employment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, family mmarquez…
social protection responses to COVID-19 around the world! social protection responses to COVID-19 around the world! (Get the new paper here!) covid19 pmassetti
Tackling the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis together: OECD policy contributions for co‑ordinated action covid19 pmassetti
Norway: Measures to avoid unnecessary layoffs norway ( 13.03.2020) the government has prioritized immediate measures to avoid unnecessary layoffs and bankruptcies in viable companies that face an abrupt fall in income. To that end, the government has today announced the following measures:  Reduce the number of days that… the government has prioritized immediate measures to avoid unnecessary layoffs and bankruptcies in viable companies that face an abrupt fall in income. To that end, the government has today announced the following measures:  Reduce the number of days that employers are obliged to pay salary to workers at temporary lay-offs, from 15 to 2 days. This will be a temporary measure to improve companies’ liquidity and help avoid massive lay-offs. Remove the three waiting days between the… 2020-03-13 Unemployment,Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti…
Covid19 : mesure concernant l'accueil des enfants dans certains établissements médico-sociaux de l'Oise | Agence régionale de santé Hauts-de-France france prise en charge des enfants des personnels soignants pendant l'isolement et la fermeture des écoles Le Premier ministre a annoncé le 6 mars la fermeture de l’ensemble des crèches, maternelles, écoles, collèges et lycées du département de l’Oise. Dans la continuité de cette annonce, en accord avec l’ensemble des organismes gestionnaires de l’Oise et en lien avec le Conseil départemental, l’… Medical care,Children,Parental leave covid19 gfilhon…
Canada: Opinion: In normal times, universal basic income is a bad idea. But it’s the wisest solution for COVID-19 economic strain canada The Globe and Mail (19:03.2020) The government of Canada has responded to the economic crisis facing Canadian families by proposing to spend $27-billion dollars, by making existing programs easier to access (employment insurance); designing a new program (a new Emergency Care Benefit); expanding… Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Décret n° 2020-193 du 4 mars 2020 relatif au délai de carence applicable à l'indemnité complémentaire à l'allocation journalière pour les personnes exposées au coronavirus | Legifrance france pour les personnes exposées au coronavirus, le décret prévoit de ne pas appliquer le délai de carence, afin de permettre le versement de l'indemnité complémentaire à l'indemnité journalière par l'employeur dès le premier jour d'arrêt de travail, par cohérence avec la suppression du délai de carence… Health covid19 gfilhon…
Sécu : le délai de carence imposé aux expatriés de retour en France suspendu france L'Assemblée nationale a voté dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche la suspension du délai de carence de trois mois habituellement imposé aux Français après un long séjour à l'étranger. C'est le gouvernement qui a soumis cet amendement lors de l'examen du projet de loi d'urgence destiné à faire face à l… Cash sickness benefits,Health insurance covid19 gfilhon…
Coronavirus: How can we help our elderly embrace technology? ITU News  (20:03.2020) In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, the elderly are likely to be a particularly vulnerable population group. Hence, many governments around the world are encouraging “social distancing” as a way to prevent the spread of the virus. The UK National Health Service (NHS… Inequalities Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, digital inclusion rruggia
How the COVID-19 pandemic will affect informal workers. Insights from Kenya Africa, kenya (22.03.2020) COVID-19 is going to have a devastating impact on economies. Africa has a particular vulnerability because so many people work in the informal sector. In an interview with Moina Spooner from The Conversation Africa, Njeri Kinyanjui explains how this could unfold for… Difficult-to-cover groups Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 gfilhon…
Finland: Sickness allowance on account of an infectious disease provides loss-of-income compensation for persons placed in quarantine finland (02.03.2020) Kela can pay a sickness allowance on account of an infectious diseases to employees who have been ordered to stay away from work in order to prevent the spread of a communicable disease such as the novel coronavirus. The sickness allowance is also available to the provider of a… Payment of sickness allowance on account of infectious diseases for workers ordered to quarantine has been issued. The sickness allowance is also available to the provider of a child under the age of 16 who is placed in quarantine, making it impossible for the provider to continue working while the quarantine is in effect. There is no waiting period to qualify for the sickness allowance on account of an infectious disease, and the allowance provides full compensation for the loss of income… 2020-03-02 Kela can pay a sickness allowance on account of an infectious diseases to employees who have been ordered to stay away from work in order to prevent the spread of a communicable disease such as the novel coronavirus. The sickness allowance is also available to the provider of a child under the age… Cash sickness benefits Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 rruggia…
Subsidio especial por desempleo parcial en Uruguay uruguay (19.03.2020) El Banco de Previsión Social se encuentra trabajando para implementar el nuevo subsidio especial por desempleo parcial para trabajadores mensuales, dispuesto por el Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. Se informa a las empresas que requieran gestionar el amparo a este… Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 rruggia
Algérie: l'Algérie reporte ses échéances fiscales, sans pénalités algeria (17.03.2020) Selon un communiqué de la DGI Algérie, voici les mesures prises pour les contribuables relevant du régime du réel: - Report de souscription de la déclaration mensuelle du mois de février et de paiement des droits et taxes y afférents jusqu’au 20 avril 2020;  -… Selon un communiqué de la DGI Algérie, voici les mesures prises pour les contribuables relevant du régime du réel: - Report de souscription de la déclaration mensuelle du mois de février et de paiement des droits et taxes y afférents jusqu’au 20 avril 2020;  - Report de paiement des acomptes provisionnels IRG/IBS (Impôt sur le revenu global/ Impôt sur les bénéfices des sociétés) jusqu’au 20 avril 2020. Pour les contribuables exerçant des professions libérales: - Report de… Contribution collection and compliance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Maroc: le Maroc met en place un fonds spécial de 10 milliards de dirhams morocco (16.03.2020) Et pour cause, les capacités du système sanitaire du royaume restent limitées et peuvent très vite se retrouver débordées par la propagation du virus. Le chef de gouvernement avait révélé, lors d’une intervention télévisée, que 1 120 lits ont été aménagés pour… Medical care,Contribution collection and compliance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 mmarquez…
Belgique: des mesures prises pour aider les entreprises belgium (06.03.2020) L’ensemble de ces mesures visent, d’une part, à permettre aux entreprises touchées de mettre leurs salariés en chômage temporaire afin de préserver l’emploi et, d’autre part, à prévoir des modalités d’étalement, de report, de dispense de paiement de cotisations sociales… Employment,Unemployment,Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, self-employed mmarquez…
Suisse: Coronavirus : Un train de mesures pour atténuer les conséquences économiques switzerland (20.03.2020) L’objectif de ces mesures, qui s’adressent à différents groupes cibles, est de sauvegarder les emplois, de garantir les salaires et de soutenir les indépendants. Report du versement des contributions aux assurances sociales, extension du chômage partiel et simplification… - Deferral of payment of social insurance contributions;  - Extension of partial unemployment and simplification of procedures; - Compensation for loss of earnings for the self-employed; - Compensation for loss of earnings for employees and self-employed workers in case of quarantine or for childcare. 2020-03-20 00 Unemployment,Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary covid19, self-employed pmassetti
Belgique: Ducarme prend une circulaire pour accorder des facilités aux indépendants belgium (05.03.2020) Le ministre des Indépendants et des PME, Denis Ducarme, a pris une circulaire destinée aux caisses d'assurances sociales et qui vise à simplifier les mécanismes de demande de facilités de paiement pour les cotisations sociales, a-t-il annoncé dans un communiqué.   Self-employed persons may, under certain conditions, request a 1-year deferment, an exemption (for contributions due in the first 2 quarters of 2020), or a reduction (for the rest of 2020) in contributions. Trois mesures sont plus particulièrement concernées, à commencer par la réduction des cotisations sociales provisoires pour l'année 2020. L'indépendant sera, sur la base des effets de l'épidémie sur son activité, automatiquement autorisé à réduire ses cotisations sociales provisoires. Le niveau de… Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, self-employed mmarquez…
France: Liste des mesures pour les entreprises france (19.03.2020) Des mesures immédiates de soutien aux entreprises Face à l’épidémie du Coronavirus Covid-19, le Gouvernement met en place des mesures immédiates de soutien aux entreprises: Délais de paiement d’échéances sociales et/ou fiscales (URSSAF, impôts directs) Remises… Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 contribution collection, covid19 mmarquez
Deutschland: Auch im Home-Office unfallversichert germany (19.03.2020) Aufgrund der aktuellen Corona-Krise ermöglichen viele Arbeitgeber ihren Beschäftigten, von zuhause aus zu arbeiten. Was ist, wenn im häuslichen Umfeld ein Unfall passiert? Wann ist es ein Arbeitsunfall und wann nicht? Grundsätzlich gilt: Ein Unfall infolge einer versicherten… Occupational accidents and diseases,Safety and health at work Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 mmarquez…
France: Un report du paiement des cotisations sociales france (19.03.2020) Selon les informations communiquées sur le site de l’Urssaf, la prochaine échéance mensuelle de paiement des cotisations sociales personnelles (le 20 mars) des artisans, commerçants et professionnels libéraux ne sera pas prélevée. Le montant des cotisations… Employers may defer the payment of all or part of their (and their employees') social security (URSSAF) contributions by up to 3 months with no penalty. The deferment initially applied to contributions due on March 15, but was extended to cover those due on April 5 and April 15. Selon les informations communiquées sur le site de l’Urssaf, la prochaine échéance mensuelle de paiement des cotisations sociales personnelles (le 20 mars) des artisans, commerçants et professionnels libéraux ne… 2020-03-20 Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
France: Chômage partiel, report des cotisations: tout ce que les chefs d'entreprise doivent savoir par temps de coronavirus france (13.03.2020) Pour les cotisations, la demande se fait par e-mails Les délais sont serrés : les employeurs ont une échéance Urssaf fixée au 15 du mois. Pour éviter le prélèvement, les entreprises doivent faire une demande de report. Si besoin, ils pourront la réitérer pour la… Contribution collection and compliance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 contribution collection, covid19 mmarquez…
India: Odisha government issues guidelines for worksites india (19.03.2020) The state government on Wednesday asked the management of various factories, plants as well as contractors to strictly follow its guidelines for workplaces and construction sites where work from home for the workers is not possible. The managements of… Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention mmarquez…
Russia: State Duma allows Cabinet to distribute money without amendments to the budget Russian Federation (19.03.2020) “The fight against coronavirus in the country requires emergency funds, we could not foresee the development of these tools, including when working on the budget,” Andrei Makarov explained. The government of the Russian Federation supported the bill. These changes will… Contribution collection and compliance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 mmarquez…
Russia: Cabinet introduced measures to reduce the effects of COVID-19 Russian Federation (16.03.2020) The prime minister was instructed to provide a special procedure for the payment of sick leave for quarantined citizens, and for additional medical workers involved in disease prevention, additional incentive payments. The Ministry of Finance should create a special fund to… Cash sickness benefits Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 mmarquez…
Russia: Decree approving the Interim Rules for processing sick leave certificates, the appointment and payment of temporary disability benefits in case of quarantine Russian Federation (19.03.2020) Citizens who are quarantined after a trip abroad can apply for an electronic sick leave through the Unified Portal of Public Services. The government approved temporary rules for processing sick leave certificates, appointments and sick leave payments during the… Citizens who are quarantined after a trip abroad can apply for an electronic sick leave through the Unified Portal of Public Services.Each region should appoint no more than 3 medical organizations that will provide remote issuance and registration of electronic disability certificates. An application for extradition of sick leave is submitted through the Unified portal of public services. If a citizen does not have access to this resource, another person with a personal account on the portal… 2020-03-19 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 18, 2020 N 294 "On the approval of the Interim Rules for processing sick leave certificates, the appointment and payment of temporary disability benefits in case of quarantine" On adopted acts on preventive measures and measures to… Cash sickness benefits Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, service delivery mmarquez
Russia: Law on drug price regulation passed Russian Federation (19.03.2020) Thanks to innovations, the government will be able to set maximum allowable prices if the emergency is already in full swing or so far only an epidemic threat has arisen. And the third option is if for 30 calendar days in the regions the price increase for certain medicines and… Medical care Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 mmarquez
Global: Corona Advice for Vision Zero Companies and Partners (20.03.2020) The Corona outbreak makes us face a new challenge at the workplace. The seven Golden Rules provide useful guidance to address occupational risks at work, which should not be neglected. Vision Zero, promotes a participatory approach amongst employers and workers at the… Occupational accidents and diseases,Safety and health at work,Prevention of occupational risks Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, prevention mmarquez
Russia: The government introduces deferral in insurance premiums for small businesses Russian Federation (19.03.2020) A moratorium is being introduced in Russia on inspections of enterprises from the register of small and medium-sized businesses, including tax and customs. This was stated by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin at a government meeting. Mishustin on coronavirus: We will cope with… - 3 months' deferral for the payment of insurance premiums - temporary delay for the payment of rent for state and municipal property 2020-03-20 A moratorium is being introduced in Russia on inspections of enterprises from the register of small and medium-sized businesses, including tax and customs. This was stated by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin at a government meeting. According to the head of the Cabinet, millions of people are… Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Russia: Kazan city will deliver shopping of the elderly home Russian Federation (20.03.2020) A hotline has been opened in Kazan for single elderly citizens in connection with the threat of the spread of coronavirus. Pensioners will be able to order food and medicine delivery by phone to their homes so that they do not go out into public places once again. According… Pensioners will be able to order food and medicine delivery by phone to their homes so that they do not go out into public places once again. 2020-03-20 A hotline has been opened in Kazan for single elderly citizens in connection with the threat of the spread of coronavirus. Pensioners will be able to order food and medicine delivery by phone to their homes so that they do not go out into public places once again.… Service delivery,Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Russia: Cabinet will provide tax deferral to companies in the field of culture and sports - Russian newspaper Russian Federation (20.03.2020) Tax breaks due to coronavirus will provide taxpayers in the fields of sports, culture and cinematography. Government introduces deferral of insurance premiums for small businesses Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin instructed the Federal Tax Service to grant them a deferral of… Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 mmarquez…
Colombia: Reducción de horas de trabajo y teletrabajo colombia funcionpublica (10.03.2020)Medidas temporales y excepcionales de carácter preventivo: Teniendo en cuenta que la tos, fiebre y dificultad para respirar son los principales síntomas del COVID-19, los organismos y entidades públicas y privadas deben evaluar la adopción de las siguientes medidas… · Autorizar métodos de Teletrabajo excepcionales y ocasionales, que no amerita el cumplimiento total de requisitos del Teletrabajo según el numeral 4 del artículo 6 de la Ley 1221 de 2008, para servidores públicos y trabajadores que recientemente hayan llegado de algún país con incidencia de casos… Employment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 mmarquez…
Australian workers who lose jobs because of COVID-19 will be handed increased Centrelink payments australia  Daily Mail Online (18.03.2020) Australian workers who lose their jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic will reportedly receive welfare benefits which pay more than the dole. The enhanced Centrelink payments will reportedly be a part of a second government package to keep the economy alive… Australian workers who lose their jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic will reportedly receive welfare benefits which pay more than the dole. The enhanced Centrelink payments will reportedly be a part of a second government package to keep the economy alive following last week's $17.6billion stimulus - which promised a cheque of $750 for six million Australians. Small and medium businesses given tax breaks and subsidies under the original plan are also expected to be given a boost in the… 2020-03-18 Unemployment,Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti…
New Zealand launches massive spending package to combat Covid-19 new zealand  The Guardian (17.03.2020) New Zealand’s government has announced a spending package equivalent to 4% of GDP in an attempt to fight the effects of Covid-19 on the economy, in what ministers called the most significant peace-time economic plan in the country’s modern history. It includes… Businesses hard-hit by the virus – experiencing more than a 30% decline in revenue compared to last year – will be eligible to receive wage subsidies to keep paying staff. Full-time workers will receive $585 per week under the scheme – currently set to end on 30 June – with $350 paid to part-time workers. Those required to self-isolate or care for someone who is sick will receive the same amount. The wage subsidies will apply to all employers in New Zealand – including self-employed people –… 2020-03-17 New Zealand’s government has announced a spending package equivalent to 4% of GDP in an attempt to fight the effects of Covid-19 on the economy, in what ministers called the most significant peace-time economic plan in the country’s modern history. It includes covering wages for people who are… Unemployment,Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti…
Confined by coronavirus, Spain's self-employed fear worst is yet to come spain Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide (19.03.2020) Homebound for at least the next two weeks under a state of emergency, Spain’s self-employed workers fear the economic damage coming from coronavirus will deprive them of work and customers for much longer, plunging them into debt. Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
Thailand: Social security levy cut to ease virus jolt thailand (11.03.2020) To cushion the economic impact of Covid-19, the Social Security Office on Tuesday agreed to reduce financial contributions by both employees and employers into the Social Security Fund from 5% to 4% for six months. To cushion the economic impact of Covid-19, the Social Security Office on Tuesday agreed to reduce financial contributions by both employees and employers into the Social Security Fund from 5% to 4% for six months. 2020-03-11 To cushion the economic impact of Covid-19, the Social Security Office on Tuesday agreed to reduce financial contributions by both employees and employers into the Social Security Fund from 5% to 4% for six months. Chak Phanchuphet, an adviser to the Labour Minister, said the measure will run from… Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti…
UK: Emergency bill to strengthen coronavirus (COVID-19) response plans united kingdom GOV.UK (17.03.2020) New laws will be introduced to protect public health, increase NHS capacity, strengthen social care and support the public to take the right action at the right time. Health insurance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
France: Les réseaux des Urssaf et des services des impôts des entreprises prennent des mesures exceptionnelles pour accompagner les entreprises france (13.03.2020) Afin de tenir compte de l’impact de l’épidémie de coronavirus sur l’activité économique, et conformément aux annonces du Président de la République le 12 mars 2020, les réseaux des Urssaf et des services des impôts des entreprises (SIE) déclenchent des mesures… Afin de tenir compte de l’impact de l’épidémie de coronavirus sur l’activité économique, et conformément aux annonces du Président de la République le 12 mars 2020, les réseaux des Urssaf et des services des impôts des entreprises (SIE) déclenchent des mesures exceptionnelles pour accompagner les… Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 contribution collection, covid19 mmarquez…
France: Sans-abri et épidémie : que faire? france (18.03.2020) La question SDF a toujours été et demeure, à bien des égards, une question de santé publique[1]. S’il n’existe pas de pathologies spécifiques aux sans-abri, l’épidémiologie diffère de celle de la population générale. Nombre de maladies sont plus répandues et plus… Difficult-to-cover groups,Policy analysis,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, policy reponse, poverty mmarquez
US: President signs a relief package to provide sick leave, unemployment benefits and others United States (18.03.2020) A relief package to provide sick leave, unemployment benefits, free coronavirus testing, and food and medical aid to people affected by the pandemic was signed into law by President Trump on Wednesday evening after the Senate passed it by a wide margin. It was approved by… Medical care,Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 mmarquez…
Argentina: Se exime el pago de contribuciones patronales para ciertos sectores argentina (17.03.2020)  Los ministros de Economía, Martín Guzmán, y de Desarrollo Productivo, Matías Kulfas, anunciaron esta tarde un paquete de medidas para proteger la producción y el empleo, garantizar el abastecimiento en sectores esenciales y controlar abusos de precios, ante el… Las medidas anunciadas: 1) Medidas para cuidar el trabajo y asegurar el ingreso de las familias: Se eximirá el pago de contribuciones patronales a los sectores afectados de forma crítica por la pandemia del coronavirus. Esto abarca por ejemplo a empresas que se dedican a actividades de esparcimiento (cines, teatros, restaurantes, etc.), turismo, transporte de pasajeros y hoteles. Pero también podrá alcanzar a empresas que afronten dificultades logísticas o de provisión de insumos que afecten… 2020-03-17 Los ministros de Economía, Martín Guzmán, y de Desarrollo Productivo, Matías Kulfas, anunciaron esta tarde un paquete de medidas para proteger la producción y el empleo, garantizar el abastecimiento en sectores esenciales y controlar abusos de precios, ante el impacto económico de la pandemia del… Unemployment,Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19 mmarquez…
Japan: Temporary exemptions for contributions to the National Pension Insurance japan (12.03.2020) Due to the effects of the new coronavirus infectious diseases, it is difficult to temporarily pay National Pension Insurance premiums, such as those who have reported unemployment, abolition of business (closed business) or suspension. Those who meet the requirements of… Due to the effects of the new coronavirus infectious diseases, it is difficult to temporarily pay National Pension Insurance premiums, such as those who have reported unemployment, abolition of business (closed business) or suspension. Those who meet the requirements of the above may be exempt from the National Pension Insurance premium based on the application from the person in question. 2020-03-12 Due to the effects of the new coronavirus infectious diseases, it is difficult to temporarily pay National Pension Insurance premiums, such as those who have reported unemployment, abolition of business (closed business) or suspension. If you meet the requirements of the above , exemption from… Old-age pensions,Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19 mmarquez
España: El Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones aprueba medidas excepcionales por el COVID- 19 spain (17.03.2020) El Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado, a propuesta del ministro de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones, José Luis Escrivá, un Real Decreto-Ley que incluye varias medidas para aliviar la situación de las personas trabajadoras afectadas por la declaración del… Exemption from employers' contributions to the Temporary Employment Regulation Procedure (ERTE) as a result of COVID-19 -whose requirements are made more flexible- may access an exemption from Social Security contributions, which would correspond to the workers affected by these procedures, under the terms indicated in the text of the Royal Decree. 2020-03-17 Unemployment,Contribution collection and compliance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19 mmarquez…
Brasil: El gobierno inyectará 26.705 millones por el coronavirus brazil (17.03.2020) Se destinarán hasta 83.400 millones de reales (15.140 millones de euros) a la población más vulnerable, un total de 59.400 millones de reales (10.778 millones de euros) al mantenimiento de puestos de trabajo y al menos 4.500 millones de reales (816 millones de euros… - Anticipation of payment of old-age pensions. - 3 months exemption of employers' payments to the Guaranteed Funds for Service Time, or "FGTS", totalling about 30.000 million reales (5.452 million euros). This money, however, needs to be refunded fo the FGTS later. 2020-03-17 Old-age pensions,Contribution collection and compliance,Service delivery Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
España: El Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones aprueba medidas excepcionales por el COVID-19 spain (17.03.2020) El Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado, a propuesta del ministro de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones, José Luis Escrivá, un Real Decreto-Ley que incluye varias medidas para aliviar la situación de las personas trabajadoras afectadas por la declaración del estado… - Exoneration of payment of social security contributions for employees and the self-employed. - New benefit (extraordinary benefit) for the self-employed, similar to an unemployment benefit. Payable for the self-employed with reduced income of at least 75% compared to the previous month. The amount equals 70% of the regulatory base and is paid initially for a month, or for as long as the state of emergency lasts.  2020-03-17 El Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado, a propuesta del ministro de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones, José Luis Escrivá, un Real Decreto-Ley que incluye varias medidas para aliviar la situación de las personas trabajadoras afectadas por la declaración del estado de alarma. El… Unemployment,Contribution collection and compliance,Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, self-employed mmarquez
Japan: Payment of Injury and Sickness Allowance japan (10.03.2020) If the insured leaves the company for medical treatment due to a Covid 19 infection and cannot receive compensation from the employer, the already existing sickness and sickness allowance will be paid. It will also apply to cases in which the … If the insured leaves the company for medical treatment due to a Covid 19 infection and cannot receive compensation from the employer, the already existing sickness and sickness allowance will be paid. It will also apply to cases in which the insured is positive to Covid 19 but has no symptoms or that an insured with symptoms is doing home treatment. In the latter case, a doctor's note acquired later on or at least employer's certificate is required. 2020-03-10 If the insured leaves the company for recuperation due to a new coronavirus infection and is unable to receive compensation from the employer, a sickness and sickness allowance will be paid. In addition, if you have any questions about the application for the sickness and sickness allowance… Cash sickness benefits Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Japan: Payment of employers' contributions in installments japan (06.03.2020) For cases where it is difficult for employers to temporarily pay Employees' Pension Insurance premiums due to the impact of the COVID 19 on the business conditions of business establishments: some might be eligible for the "Grace of exchange", which is a… For cases where it is difficult for employers to temporarily pay Employees' Pension Insurance premiums due to the impact of the COVID 19 on the business conditions of business establishments: some might be eligible for the "Grace of exchange", which is a system that allows employers to pay Employees' Pension Insurance premiums in installments if there is a risk that it will make business continuation difficult by paying insurance premiums at one once. 2020-03-06 If this new type of coronavirus infection affects the business conditions of business establishments and it is temporarily difficult to pay employee pension insurance premiums, etc., apply to the pension office to meet the legal requirements. By satisfying this, in principle, "Grace of realization… Contribution collection and compliance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Japan: Subsidies for parents affected by the closing of schools japan (March, 2020) Subsidies have been introduced to working parents who must take leave because of closed schools. The ministry is establishing a new subsidy for employers who allow their employees with children whose school is closed due to Covid19, 100% paid leave. The subsidy amount will… Subsidies have been introduced to working parents who must take leave because of closed schools. The ministry is establishing a new subsidy for employers who allow their employees with children whose school is closed due to Covid19, 100% paid leave. The subsidy amount will be 100% of wage paid to employees up to 8330 yen per person, per day. 2020-03-10 As a measure to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, regular employment and non-regular employment are required in order to cope with a decrease in income due to the absence of employees who are guardians of children who attend elementary schools, etc. Regardless of employment, in addition to… Children,Parental leave Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…