Covid19 Monitor database - ALL covid19

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Netherlands: Additional corona crisis measures by the government - support the Dutch business sector netherlands (18.03.2020) With the passage of time, the corona pandemic is having an increasingly dramatic effect on the Dutch business community. The measures announced by the government on March 12, 2020 proved to be inadequate. For this reason additional measures to further support the… - Businesses that have been forced to cease most of their activities immediately due to the government measures to combat the coronavirus and have seen all or most of their turnover evaporate, can claim an allowance in the form of a gift. This concerns a one-off fixed amount of EUR 4,000 for the period of three months. - The GO scheme, for businesses that have difficulty obtaining bank loans and bank guarantees, will be increased and the maximum relief per company will increase from EUR 50… 2020-03-18 With the passage of time, the corona pandemic is having an increasingly dramatic effect on the Dutch business community. The measures announced by the government on March 12, 2020 proved to be inadequate. For this reason, in a letter dated March 17, 2020, the government announced, in principle for… Cash transfers covid19 cambrosio…
Denmark: New opportunity for qualification rather than dismissal of employees in the service and restoration industry during the Corona crisis denmark (22.03.2020) A 30-day online qualification course is now being offered to unskilled and skilled professionals in the service, tourism, hotel and restaurant sectors. While employees participate in distance education, companies can cover their salary losses through funds from WEU reimbursement… A 30-day online qualification course is now being offered to unskilled and skilled professionals in the service, tourism, hotel and restaurant sectors. While employees participate in distance education, companies can cover their salary losses through funds from Adult and Further Training  (WEU) reimbursement and competency funds. 2020-03-22 A 30-day online qualification course is now being offered to unskilled and skilled professionals in the service, tourism, hotel and restaurant sectors. While employees participate in distance education, companies can cover their salary losses through funds from WEU reimbursement and competency… Unemployment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Netherlands: COVID-19: Assistance for business owners netherlands (15.03.2020) The coronavirus COVID-19, and the measures taken to restrict the spreading of the coronavirus in the Netherlands, have a huge impact on the Dutch economy, and affect business and employees. The measures announced on 12, 17, 23, and 31 March, to curb the… The Dutch government has announced extensive measures to help businesses that have been affected by the corona pandemic.  The reduction in working hours scheme has been reintroduced, the Tax and Customs Administration may defer payment of taxes, while the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy is expanding the SME loan guarantee scheme.  2020-03-15 COVID-19: Additional measures in schools, the hospitality sector and sport News item | 15-03-2020 | 17:35 On Sunday 15 March, the government took additional measures in its strategy to fight coronavirus. Schools and childcare centres will close their doors until Monday 6 April (inclusive).… Employment,Contribution collection and compliance,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 cambrosio
Australia: Supporting Individuals and Households australia (01.04.2020) The Australian Government is providing financial assistance to Australians to support them through the Coronavirus. This assistance includes income support payments, payments to support households and temporary early releases of superannuation. JobKeeper payment for households: it helps businesses significantly impacted by the Coronavirus cover the costs of their employees’ wages, so more Australians can retain their jobs and continue to earn an income. Income support for individuals: over the next six months, the Government is temporarily expanding eligibility to income support payments and establishing a new, time-limited Coronavirus supplement to be paid at a rate of $550 per fortnight. Payments to support households:… 2020-04-01 Supporting Individuals and Households The Australian Government is providing financial assistance to Australians to support them through the Coronavirus. This assistance includes income support payments, payments to support households and temporary early releases of superannuation. JobKeeper… Family benefits,Pensions,Employment,Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family cambrosio
Prévention du coronavirus : la piste du BCG - Le Point Le vaccin BCG aurait des conséquences sur le développement réduit du Covid16 chez les enfants... Il s'agit d'une piste de recherche, parmi les nombreuses actuellement suivies pour tenter de mettre des bâtons dans les roues ou même pour faire tomber la couronne du Sars-CoV-2, dont la progression ne cesse d'inquiéter, partout dans le monde. Celle-ci porte sur l'action possible du BCG. Oui, le fameux vaccin contre la tuberculose, le bacille de Calmette et Guérin, mis au point il y a près de 100 ans. Les dernières décennies ont permis de lui découvrir des effets autres que la prévention… 2020-04-01 Health Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19 gfilhon…
Norway: NOK 100 billion worth of guarantees and loans in crisis support for businesses norway (16.03.2020) The government has proposed two new loan measures, providing support of a total of NOK 100 billion. The package will improve Norwegian businesses’ access to the necessary liquidity in the challenging situation they are now facing. The Government has proposed to… - Establish a state guarantee targeted at bank loans to small and medium-sized enterprises suffering losses as a result of the extraordinary situation arising from the spread of the corona virus. The initial package of NOK 50 billion will be increased if needed. - Reinstate the Government Bond Fund (NOK 50 billion, to be invested in bonds issued by Norwegian companies.). This will contribute to increased liquidity and access to capital in the Norwegian bond market, where larger companies… 2020-03-16 NOK 100 billion worth of guarantees and loans in crisis support for businesses Press release | Date: 16/03/2020 | No: 7/2020 The government has proposed two new loan measures, providing support of a total of NOK 100 billion. The package will improve Norwegian businesses’ access to… Employment covid19 cambrosio…
United States: Free coronavirus diagnostic testing United States (18.03.2020) The Family First Coronavirus Response  Act provides free coronavirus diagnostic testing for the American people, regardless of their economic circumstances or health coverage. The Family First Coronavirus Response  Act provides free coronavirus diagnostic testing for the American people, regardless of their economic circumstances or health coverage. 2020-03-18 STRONG LEGISLATIVE ACTION: President Donald J. Trump is signing a legislative package that provides extensive assistance to Americans impacted by the coronavirus. Today, President Trump is signing the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, ensuring that American families and businesses… Health,Health insurance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Proposition Measures summary covid19, universal health care mmarquez…
Ireland: Updated Employer Refund Scheme ireland (20.03.2020) Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Regina Doherty provided an update on developments regarding her department’s Employer Refund Scheme. The new scheme allows the employer to pay the worker €203 and receive a refund from the State in the circumstances where… The new scheme allows the employer to pay the worker €203 and receive a refund from the State in the circumstances where the employer has ceased trading and as a result of financial difficulty have to temporarily lay off staff. 2020-03-20 March 20 Update to the new Employer Refund Scheme Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Regina Doherty provided an update on developments regarding her department’s Employer Refund Scheme. The new scheme allows the employer to pay the worker €203 and receive a refund from the… Unemployment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Norway: Economic measures in Norway in response to COVID-19 norway (20/03/2020) The outbreak of Covid-19 is serious for life and health. To counter the outbreak, strong measures have been taken in Norway as well as in other parts of the world. The event will have a major impact on the economy and significantly weigh on economic activity in the… Overview of tax-related measures to mitigate effects of Covid-19: Change corporate tax regulations so that companies that are lossmaking can re-allocate their loss towards previous years’ taxed surplus. Change the tax regulations so that owners of lossmaking companies can postpone payments of wealth tax. Suspend the tax on air passengers for flights in the period from 1 January until 31 October 2020. Suspend payments of aviation charges until 31 June 2020. Reduce the low rate of VAT,… 2020-03-20 Economic measures in Norway in response to COVID-19 Press release | Date: 20/03/2020 | No: 9/2020 The outbreak of Covid-19 is serious for life and health. To counter the outbreak, strong measures have been taken in Norway as well as in other parts of the world. The event will have… Contribution collection and compliance,Financing contribution collection, covid19 cambrosio…
Norway: The Government acts to mitigate effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy norway (13.03.2020) The Government has today announced immediate measures to avoid unnecessary layoffs and bankruptcies in viable companies from the economic shock of COVID-19, and will in the coming weeks and months monitor the situation closely and act appropriately to respond to the… - Reduce the number of days that employers are obliged to pay salary to workers at temporary lay-offs, from 15 to 2 days. This will be a temporary measure to improve companies’ liquidity and help avoid massive lay-offs. - Remove the three waiting days between the period when employers have to provide salary to workers in temporary layoffs and the period when the workers are entitled to daily unemployment benefits. This will reduce the loss of income for workers. - Increase support for… 2020-03-13 The Government acts to mitigate effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy Nyhet | Dato: 13.03.2020 The fundamentals of the Norwegian economy are strong, with a dynamic business sector, a well-functioning labour market and resilient banks. A robust economic policy framework provides… Employment,Unemployment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Proposition Measures summary covid19, labour markets cambrosio…
Canada: Enhancing the Reaching Home initiative canada (23.03.2020) We continue to support people experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 outbreak by providing $157.5 million to the Reaching Home initiative. The funding could be used for a range of needs such as purchasing beds and physical barriers for social distancing and securing… To support people experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 outbreak by providing $157.5 million to the Reaching Home initiative. The funding could be used for a range of needs such as purchasing beds and physical barriers for social distancing and securing accommodation to reduce overcrowding in shelters. 2020-03-23 Enhancing the Reaching Home initiative We continue to support people experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 outbreak by providing $157.5 million to the Reaching Home initiative. The funding could be used for a range of needs such as purchasing beds and physical barriers for social… Health,Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Norway: Government's immediate measures to curb the economic effects of the coronavirus: Measures in the health care system to deal with the emergency situation norway (13.03.2020) The government is now presenting the first and necessary immediate measures to secure jobs and help businesses in a demanding situation. The comprehensive measures taken in recent days both here at home and in many countries are necessary to limit infection. They have… The government proposed various measures to safeguard access to medical resources as well as employment levels. On the social protection front, these measures include in particular: - More generous conditions and reduced waiting times for partial unemployment benefits; - Increased funding for internal training allowances; - Changes in the pension system to allow retired health personnel to work without risking a reduction of their pension.   2020-03-13 The government's immediate measures to curb the economic impact of the coronavirus Press Release | Date: 13.03.2020 | No: 45/20 The government is now presenting the first and necessary immediate measures to secure jobs and help businesses in a demanding situation. The… Health,Medical care,Pensions Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 cambrosio…
Norway: Parents exempted to pay for kindergarten and after school child care norway (17.03.2020) Kindergarten and school are now closed shallow corona eruptions. This has financial consequences for both parents and kindergartens. Now the government has decided that parents should not have to pay, and that kindergartens should cover the loss of parental payment. In… Parents exempted from paying for kindergartens and after school child care during lock-down. The institutions will be compensated by the state to avoid lay-offs in the sector. 2020-03-17 Parents did not have to pay for daycare and SFO Press Release | Date: 17.03.2020 | No. 50-20 Parents did not have to pay for daycare and SFO as long as the offer is closed due to the corona outbreak. The kindergarten is fully compensated for this loss by the state. This… Family benefits,Children,Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family cambrosio…
Italy: Support for the liquidity of households and businesses italy (16.03.2020) In order to avoid the lack of liquidity for businesses and families, numerous interventions have been envisaged, including through collaboration with the banking system. The measures mainly include credit support for families and micro, small and medium enterprises,… A moratorium on loans to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (which concerns mortgages, leasing, credit openings and short-term loans falling due); Strengthening of the central guarantee fund for small and medium-sized enterprises, also for the renegotiation of existing loans; Facilitation for the provision of guarantees for loans to self-employed workers, freelancers and individual entrepreneurs; Extension of the use of the resources of the Fund; Extension to self-employed workers… 2020-03-14 Support for the liquidity of households and businesses In order to avoid the lack of liquidity for businesses and families, numerous interventions have been envisaged, including through collaboration with the banking system. Here are the main ones. A moratorium on loans to micro, small and… Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, self-employed cambrosio…
Germany: wage compensation because of school closure and emergency child supplement germany (31.03.2020) Familien mit kleinen Einkommen können einen monatlichen Kinderzuschlag (KiZ) von bis zu 185 Euro erhalten. Ob und in welcher Höhe der KiZ gezahlt wird, hängt von mehreren Faktoren ab - vor allem vom eigenen Einkommen, den Wohnkosten, der Größe der Familie und dem Alter der… Parents who have to look after their children under 12 because of school closure and are therefore not able to work can receive  a compensation of 67% of their monthly net income (maximum 2,016 euros) for up to six weeks. The payment is made by the employer, who can submit a reimbursement request to the responsible state authority. Low income families can receive an emergency family supplement of up to € 185 per month. The amount depends on the income, rent, size of… 2020-03-31 Notfall-KiZ Familien mit kleinen Einkommen können einen monatlichen Kinderzuschlag (KiZ) von bis zu 185 Euro erhalten. Ob und in welcher Höhe der KiZ gezahlt wird, hängt von mehreren Faktoren ab - vor allem vom eigenen Einkommen, den Wohnkosten, der Größe der Familie und dem Alter der Kinder. So… Family benefits,Children Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family mmarquez
Deutschland: Einsatz und Absicherung sozialer Dienstleister germany (30.03.2020) Das Sozialdienstleister-Einsatzgesetz (SodEG) regelt: Den Einsatz sozialer Dienstleister zur Krisenbewältigung und einen Sicherstellungsauftrag der Leistungsträger für soziale Dienstleister. Die sozialen Dienstleister sollen bei der Krisenbewältigung mit den ihnen zur… Das Sozialdienstleister-Einsatzgesetz (SodEG) regelt: Den Einsatz sozialer Dienstleister zur Krisenbewältigung und einen Sicherstellungsauftrag der Leistungsträger für soziale Dienstleister: Der Sicherstellungsauftrag soll durch monatliche Zuschüsse der Leistungsträger an die sozialen Einrichtungen und Dienste erfolgen. Dabei wird ein Betrag zugrunde gelegt, der grundsätzlich monatlich höchstens 75 Prozent des Durchschnittsbetrages der letzten 12 Monate entspricht. Bei kürzeren… 2020-03-30 Problemlage Viele soziale Dienstleister und Einrichtungen können ihre wichtige Arbeit derzeit nicht dort leisten, wo sie es sonst tun. Betroffen ist das gesamte Spektrum sozialer Arbeit: z. B. Werkstätten für Menschen mit Behinderungen, deren Betrieb eingeschränkt wurden, Versorgungs-… Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Italy: Council of Ministers' measures to support workers and companies italy (16.03.2020) Measures to strengthen the economic support for families, workers and businesses related to the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19 (decree-law). Specific support for workers and companies, with the aim that no one should lose their job because of the emergency. - The redundancy fund is extended to the entire national territory, to all employees, of all production sectors.  - A Fund of last resort is set up with a budget of 300 million euros as a residual fund to cover all those excluded from the compensation of 600 euros, including registered professionals.  - Equalization to sickness is envisaged for the period spent in quarantine or in fiduciary domicile with active surveillance for Covid-19, for the private sector (for… 2020-03-16 Support for workers and companies, with the aim that no one should lose their job because of the emergency the redundancy fund is extended to the entire national territory, to all employees, of all production sectors. Employers, including companies with fewer than 5 employees, who… Employment,Unemployment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 cambrosio…
AUVA: Informationen für Arbeitgeber zum Arbeitnehmerschutz (Corona) austria Hier finden Sie Informationen der AUVA für Arbeitgeberinnen und Arbeitgeber zu Schutzmaßnahmen betreffend Coronavirus. Betriebliche Maßnahmen Hygiene in der Arbeitsstätte Persönliche Hygiene Was ist zu tun, wenn eine Person verdächtige Symptome am Arbeitsplatz aufweist? Verhindern einer… 2020-04-01 Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention btreichel
Germany: Increased additional income opportunities for pensioners and short-time workers, including seasonal workers germany (26.03.2020) Um für ausreichend Arbeitskräfte zu sorgen und Lohnlücken abzufedern, wurden darüber hinaus für Bezieher von Kurzarbeitergeld Anreize geschaffen, in ihrer arbeitsfreien Zeit freiwillig zu helfen. Mit dem Sozialschutz-Paket wurden die Zuverdienst-Möglichkeiten für… In order to ensure sufficient active workforce, for example in health or for the agriculture, various incentives were implemented: - a raise in the income limit for pensioners from 6,300 euros to 44,590 euros. - increased opportunities for short-time workers to earn additional income. In addition, the time limit for the short-term employment of seasonal workers without social security contributions has been extended to five months. Um für ausreichend Arbeitskräfte zu sorgen und… 2020-03-26 Durch die Corona-Krise besteht ein besonders hoher Bedarf an medizinischem Personal. Aber auch in anderen systemrelevanten Bereichen kann es zu Personalengpässen aufgrund von Erkrankungen oder Quarantäneanordnungen kommen. Deshalb erleichtert das Gesetz Rentnerinnen und Rentnern die… Employment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, rural world mmarquez…
Italy: Tax measures, in order to avoid that obligations and fulfilments aggravate liquidity problems italy (16.03.2020) The Council of Ministers, on the proposal of President Giuseppe Conte and the Minister of Economy and Finance, Roberto Gualtieri, approved a decree-law introducing measures to strengthen the national health service and economic support for families, workers and related… Withholding tax payments, social security and welfare contributions and compulsory insurance premiums in order to prevent obligations from aggravating liquidity problems, together with VAT payment: tourism-hotel, spa, passenger transport, catering and bars, culture (cinemas, theaters), sports, education, amusement parks, events (fairs / conferences), game rooms and betting centers.  2020-03-16 Contribution collection and compliance,Financing Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19 cambrosio…
SUVA-Coronavirus: Informationen für unsere Kundinnen und Versicherten switzerland Die SUVA bietet  allgemeine Informationen sowie  Informationsblätter an, die auf Deutsch, Französisch und Italienisch erhältlich sind.  PDF: Merkblatt Gesundheitsschutz COVID19  (DE), (FR), (IT) PDF: Checkliste Baustellen COVID19 (DE), (FR), (IT) Weitere… 2020-04-01 Health,Occupational accidents and diseases Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention btreichel
Psychological Safety Blog | CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network canada To help leaders and their employees face the challenges ahead, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) and HowattHR have launched this Psychological Safety Blog. It will be a trusted source for information, tools and resources to help leaders protect the health, safety and wellness… 2020-04-01 Health,Health promotion,Occupational accidents and diseases Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention btreichel
Coronavirus: the situation in Switzerland - SWI switzerland Switzerland is one of the countries most affected by the coronavirus, with over 16,000 positive tests and almost 400 deaths. Here’s the latest:  As of March 31, 16,250 people have tested positive and 395 people have died, according to an aggregate of cantonal statistics.… By March 30, some CHF6.6 billion in emergency loans (out of an available fund of CHF20 billion) had been agreed with around 32,000 companies. Nearly 16% of the workforce is on shortened hours.   2020-04-01 Employment Published Measures summary covid19 rruggia…
Deutschland: Förderung von Rentnern zur Wiederaufnahme der Arbeit germany (31.03.2020) Durch die Corona-Krise besteht ein besonders hoher Bedarf an medizinischem Personal. Aber auch in anderen systemrelevanten Bereichen kann es zu Personalengpässen aufgrund von Erkrankungen oder Quarantäneanordnungen kommen. Deshalb erleichtert das Gesetz Rentnerinnen… - Regulations have been relaxed so that pensioners can go back to work- especially in the medical sector and in other relevant professions. - The limit of earnings has been increased. 2020-03-26 Durch die Corona-Krise besteht ein besonders hoher Bedarf an medizinischem Personal. Aber auch in anderen systemrelevanten Bereichen kann es zu Personalengpässen aufgrund von Erkrankungen oder Quarantäneanordnungen kommen. Deshalb erleichtert das Gesetz Rentnerinnen und Rentnern die… Pensions,Employment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
United States: Additional funding for Child Care Development Block Grants United States (27.03.2020) Measures benefiting children or families with children $3.5 billion in additional funding for Child Care Development Block Grants to provide childcare assistance to healthcare sector employees, emergency responders, sanitation workers, and other essential workers. $… - $3.5 billion in additional funding for Child Care Development Block Grants to provide childcare assistance to healthcare sector employees, emergency responders, sanitation workers, and other essential workers (not more details). - $25 billion for food assistance, including nearly $16 billion for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and nearly $9 billion for child nutrition.  - Setting limits for paid leave due to taking care of a child under 12 years old. 2020-03-27 The emergency supplemental appropriations portion of the agreement contains $330 billion in new funding to address the pandemic. This does not include the mandatory or authorizing provisions of the act (as summarized above). It includes the following: $100 billion for a new program to provide… Family benefits,Children,Parental leave Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family mmarquez…
United States: Delay in Employer and Self-Employed Payroll Taxes (CARES Act) United States (27.03.2020) The CARES Act allows employers and self-employed individuals to defer payment of the employer share (6.2%) of the social security tax they otherwise are responsible for paying in 2020, effective for payments due after March 27, 2020.  Fifty percent of the deferred… The CARES Act allows employers and self-employed individuals to defer payment of the employer share (6.2%) of the social security tax they otherwise are responsible for paying in 2020, effective for payments due after March 27, 2020.  Fifty percent of the deferred payroll taxes are due on December 31, 2021, and the remaining amounts are due on December 31, 2022. 2020-03-27 Delay in Employer and Self-Employment Payroll Taxes The CARES Act allows employers and self-employed individuals to defer payment of the employer share (6.2%) of the social security tax they otherwise are responsible for paying in 2020, effective for payments due after March 27, 2020.  Fifty… Contribution collection and compliance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
United States: Temporary Waiver of Early Withdrawal Penalty for Certain Withdrawals from Qualified Retirement Plans United States (27.03.2020) The CARES Act provides that the 10-percent penalty for early withdrawal from a qualified retirement plan is waived for distributions of up to $100,000 for “coronavirus-related” purposes. If a distribution to an individual is considered to be a “coronavirus-related… The CARES Act provides that the 10-percent penalty for early withdrawal from a qualified retirement plan is waived for distributions of up to $100,000 for “coronavirus-related” purposes.  2020-03-27 Temporary Waiver of Early Withdrawal Penalty for Certain Withdrawals from Qualified Retirement Plans The CARES Act provides that the 10-percent penalty for early withdrawal from a qualified retirement plan is waived for distributions of up to $100,000 for “coronavirus-related” purposes. If a… Old-age pensions,Contribution collection and compliance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
United States: Telehealth services prior to reaching the deductible United States (27.03.2020) New measures allow a high-deductible health plan with a health savings account to cover telehealth services prior to a patient reaching the deductible.  - High-deductible health plans with a health savings account to cover telehealth services prior to a patient reaching the deductible. 2020-03-27 SUPPORTING FAMILIES: This legislative package brings security to American families by providing them with economic assistance during this time of crisis. This legislation provides tax free payments—treated as a refundable tax credit—to Americans, giving families the immediate financial support… Health insurance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Deutschland: Hilfe für Kunstschaffende und kulturelle Einrichtungen germany (27.03.2020) Künstlersozialversicherung: Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie kommt es bei Versicherten und Abgabepflichtigen in der Künstlersozialversicherung zu Einnahmeausfällen unter anderem durch abgesagte Veranstaltungen oder zurückgegebene Tickets. Bei Versicherten, deren… Bei Versicherten, deren Einkommensprognose sich verändert hat, besteht die Möglichkeit, der Künstlersozialkasse die geänderte Einkommenserwartung zu melden. Die Beiträge werden den geänderten Verhältnissen angepasst. Bei akuten Zahlungsschwierigkeiten können zudem individuelle Zahlungserleichterungen gewährt werden. Bei abgabepflichtigen Unternehmen können die monatlichen Vorauszahlungen reduziert werden. Bestehen akute Zahlungsschwierigkeiten, können auch hier individuelle… 2020-03-27 Künstlersozialversicherung: Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie kommt es bei Versicherten und Abgabepflichtigen in der Künstlersozialversicherung zu Einnahmeausfällen unter anderem durch abgesagte Veranstaltungen oder zurückgegebene Tickets. Bei Versicherten, deren Einkommensprognose sich verändert… Employment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Deutschland: Zugang zum Kinderzuschlag wird vereinfacht und Hilfe für Familien mit Schulkinder germany (31.03.2020) Hilfen für Eltern und Familien: Wer wegen Schul- oder Kitaschließung seine Kinder betreuen muss und nicht zur Arbeit kann, soll gegen übermäßige Einkommenseinbußen abgesichert werden. Wenn erwerbstätige Eltern Kinder unter zwölf Jahren zu betreuen haben, weil eine Betreuung… - Parents with children up to 12 years of age will continue receiving payments from their employees. The benefit will be 67% of gross income, and it will be reimbursed to the employers by the government. - Conditions to access the child supplement (Kinderzuschlag) have been relaxed: only the last income will be checked (instead of the previous 6 ones). Self-employed parents should also benefit from this measures. 2020-03-31 Hilfen für Eltern und Familien: Wer wegen Schul- oder Kitaschließung seine Kinder betreuen muss und nicht zur Arbeit kann, soll gegen übermäßige Einkommenseinbußen abgesichert werden. Wenn erwerbstätige Eltern Kinder unter zwölf Jahren zu betreuen haben, weil eine Betreuung anderweitig nicht… Family benefits,Children Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family mmarquez
Deutschland: Kurzarbeitsgeld für Kunstschaffende und kulturelle Einrichtungen germany (27.03.2020) Kurzarbeitergeld: Das Kurzarbeitergeld wird flexibler und kann rückwirkend zum 1. März 2020 ausgezahlt werden. Unternehmen können es zudem künftig unter erleichterten Voraussetzungen erhalten. Eine Beantragung ist zum Beispiel bereits dann möglich, wenn zehn Prozent… Kurzarbeitergeld: Das Kurzarbeitergeld wird flexibler und kann rückwirkend zum 1. März 2020 ausgezahlt werden. Unternehmen können es zudem künftig unter erleichterten Voraussetzungen erhalten. Eine Beantragung ist zum Beispiel bereits dann möglich, wenn zehn Prozent der Beschäftigten vom Ausfall betroffen sind. Sozialversicherungsbeiträge werden bei Kurzarbeit von der Agentur für Arbeit vollständig erstattet. 2020-03-27 Kurzarbeitergeld: Das Kurzarbeitergeld wird flexibler und kann rückwirkend zum 1. März 2020 ausgezahlt werden. Unternehmen können es zudem künftig unter erleichterten Voraussetzungen erhalten. Eine Beantragung ist zum Beispiel bereits dann möglich, wenn zehn Prozent der Beschäftigten vom… Employment,Contribution collection and compliance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Australia: The Government is supporting small business to retain their apprentices and trainees australia The Government is supporting small business to retain their apprentices and trainees. This measure will support up to 70,000 small businesses, employing around 117,000 apprentices. The Government is supporting small business to retain their apprentices and trainees. This measure will support up to 70,000 small businesses, employing around 117,000 apprentices. 2020-03-31 Employment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti…
One-off payment of $750 to social security, veteran and other income support recipient australia One-off payment of $750 to social security, veteran and other income support recipients and eligible concession card holders to support confidence and domestic demand in the economy. One-off payment of $750 to social security, veteran and other income support recipients and eligible concession card holders to support confidence and domestic demand in the economy. 2020-03-30 Pensions,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti…
Deutschland: Steuerliche Hilfsmaßnahmen für alle von der Corona-Pandemie betroffenen Unternehmen germany (19.03.2020) Um Unternehmen in der Corona-Pandemie dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Ausstattung mit Liquidität zu verbessern, erhalten sie steuerliche Hilfen. Das Bundesfinanzministerium hat mit den obersten Landesfinanzbehörden ein BMF-Schreiben abgestimmt, mit dem… - Stundung von Steuerzahlungen: Zahlungen auf Antrag sind befristet und sollten grundsätzlich zinsfrei gestundet werden. Den Antrag können Unternehmen bis zum 31. Dezember 2020 bei ihrem Finanzamt stellen. - Anpassung von Vorauszahlungen: Unternehmen, Selbstständige und Freiberufler können außerdem die Höhe ihrer Vorauszahlungen auf die Einkommen- und Körperschaftsteuer anpassen lassen. - Vollstreckungsmaßnahmen aussetzen: Auf die Vollstreckung von überfälligen… 2020-03-19 Stundung von Steuerzahlungen: Wenn Unternehmen aufgrund der wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Corona-Pandemie in diesem Jahr fällige Steuerzahlungen nicht leisten können, sollen diese Zahlungen auf Antrag befristet und grundsätzlich zinsfrei gestundet werden. Den Antrag können Unternehmen bis zum 31… Contribution collection and compliance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, self-employed mmarquez…
España: Barcelona dispondrá de 200 apartamentos turísticos para alojar a familias vulnerables spain (20.03.2020) El Ayuntamiento de Barcelona ha anunciado este viernes que reforzará sus dispositivos para atender necesidades sociales, a personas sin techo o emergencias en el marco del estado de alarma decretado para frenar el coronavirus. Las medidas que ha explicado la alcaldesa Ada… - Barcelona will make use of 200 vacation houses for vulnerable families that do not have proper homes for self-isolation during the Covid-19 crisis. - Setting up a shelter to provide for 150 homeless persons. - Better equip already existing shelters to comply with the necessary measures for the isolation. 2020-03-31 El Ayuntamiento de Barcelona ha anunciado este viernes que reforzará sus dispositivos para atender necesidades sociales, a personas sin techo o emergencias en el marco del estado de alarma decretado para frenar el coronavirus. Las medidas que ha explicado la alcaldesa Ada Colau son… Housing,Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family mmarquez…
Spain: Government steps up care for homeless in coronavirus crisis spain (16.03.2020) The government will implement a social services action plan to help the homeless given the health and social emergency caused by COVID-19, which the armed forces will assist in. The social services will make up units that are delivered daily comprising a hygiene… - Mobile units to provide social assistance benefits to the homeless comprising a hygiene kit, and food and drink. They will also explain the measures to prevent catching coronavirus, will take their temperature and advise them as necessary. - Provision of areas to accommodate, feed and guarantee the hygiene and care for the homeless with social and healthcaser professionals, with isolation zones to minimize the risk of contagion. 2020-03-13 The social services will make up units that are delivered daily comprising a hygiene kit, and food and drink to the homeless. They will also explain the measures to prevent catching coronavirus, will take their temperature and advise them as necessary. Social canteens will be set up to hand out… Health,Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Korea: Response Guidance to prevent and control the spread of COVID_19 korea, Republic of The Korean Ministry of Employment and Labour together with the Industrial Accident Prevention and Compensation Bureau, Occupational Health Division  has published this  comprehensive Response Guidance, which will help businesses to  respond to COVID-19. This… 2020-03-31 Health,Medical care,Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention btreichel…
España: Prestación extraordinaria para los padres que tengan que cuidar a sus hijos spain (11.03.2020) El Gobierno aprobará hoy varias medidas del plan de choque para amortiguar el impacto económico de la crisis provocada por la pandemia. La más clara será la creación de una prestación que pagará la Seguridad Social para los padres que tengan que cuidar a sus hijos durante… Extraordinary benefit for parents who have to take care of their children and whose employers cannot offer teleworking. The measure has not yet been approved. 2020-03-13 El Gobierno aprobará hoy varias medidas del plan de choque para amortiguar el impacto económico de la crisis provocada por la pandemia. La más clara será la creación de una prestación que pagará la Seguridad Social para los padres que tengan que cuidar a sus hijos durante el cierre de las… Children,Unemployment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
España: Becas-comedor para niñas y niños afectados por el cierre de escuelas spain (13.03.2020) El Gobierno dota 25 millones de euros de recursos específicos a las Comunidades Autónomas para, mediante becas-comedor, garantizar el derecho básico de  alimentación de niños y niñas en situación de vulnerabilidad afectados por el cierre de centros escolares, de… - El Gobierno dota 25 millones de euros de recursos específicos a las Comunidades Autónomas para, mediante becas-comedor, garantizar el derecho básico de  alimentación de niños y niñas en situación de vulnerabilidad afectados por el cierre de centros escolares. - Flexibilización del desarrollo de curso para adaptarse a las interrupciones actuales 2020-03-13 12 de marzo de 2020.- El plan ha sido acordado a propuesta de la vicepresidenta tercera del Gobierno y ministra de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, y de los ministerios de Hacienda, Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana, Trabajo y Economía Social, Industria, Comercio y Turismo, Sanidad… Children,Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
España: Incapacidad temporal asimilada por Accidentes de Trabajo para el sector público spain (13.03.2020) Se ha decidido también que el personal al servicio de la Administración Pública encuadrado en el régimen especial de mutualismo administrativo que se encuentre en situación de aislamiento preventivo, así como quienes se han contagiado del virus, se considerarán en… Se ha decidido también que el personal al servicio de la Administración Pública encuadrado en el régimen especial de mutualismo administrativo que se encuentre en situación de aislamiento preventivo, así como quienes se han contagiado del virus, se considerarán en Incapacidad Temporal asimilada a la baja laboral por Accidente deTrabajo. Se extiende de esta forma a los empleados públicos la medida adoptada el pasado martes para el Régimen General de la Seguridad Social. 2020-03-13 12 de marzo de 2020.- El plan ha sido acordado a propuesta de la vicepresidenta tercera del Gobierno y ministra de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, y de los ministerios de Hacienda, Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana, Trabajo y Economía Social, Industria, Comercio y Turismo, Sanidad… Cash sickness benefits,Occupational accidents and diseases Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention, Published Measures summary covid19, prevention mmarquez
Italy: Decreto Cura Italia italy (18.03.2020) Extraordinary measures in the Cura Italia decree,  came into force on 17 March 2020. The  decree  provides for the recruitment of Army doctors (for one year) and doctors and nurses by INAIL (for no more than 6 months, extendable as the emergency continues… The expected expenditure for the recruitment of doctors and nurses is budgeted with 15,000,000 EUR for 2020.  The decree foresees the following measures: the recruitment of doctors and nurses who have completed their specialization abroad and are regulated by EU directives;  the recruitment of previously retired doctors and nurses; measures to increase purchases and production of medical materials; the National Emergency Fund is increased by a total of 1.65 billion EUR;… 2020-03-18 The Council of Ministers, on a proposal from President Giuseppe Conte, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Roberto Gualtieri, the Minister of Economic Development, Stefano Patuanelli, the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Nunzia Catalfo and the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza has… Health,Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention, Published Measures summary covid19, prevention btreichel…
España: Aplazamiento de cotizaciones de la seguridad social para ciertos sectores económicos spain (13.03.2020) El Gobierno, para evitar posibles tensiones de tesorería de autónomos y pequeñas y  medianas empresas, flexibiliza los aplazamientos del pago de impuestos durante un periodo de seis meses, previa solicitud, con bonificación en los tipos de interés. Esto… In order to avoid possible cash-flow problems for the self-employed and small and medium-sized enterprises, the government is making tax deferrals for a period of six months more flexible, upon request, with interest rate subsidies. This will allow up to 14 billion euros of liquidity to be injected. 2020-03-13 12 de marzo de 2020.- El plan ha sido acordado a propuesta de la vicepresidenta tercera del Gobierno y ministra de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, y de los ministerios de Hacienda, Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana, Trabajo y Economía Social, Industria, Comercio y Turismo, Sanidad… Contribution collection and compliance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, self-employed mmarquez
España: Refuerzo del sistema sanitario y regulación de precios de algunos productos sanitarios spain (12.03.2020) El Gobierno ha tomado distintas medidas para reforzar la capacidad de respuesta del  sector sanitario, tanto del Gobierno central como de las Comunidades Autónomas, ante el COVID-19, contener su transmisión y atender a las personas contagiadas. En primer lugar… Firstly, the resources of the Ministry of Health are reinforced by 1,000 million euros through the contingency fund to cover the extraordinary expenses that are generated, so that it can adequately meet health needs. In addition, the Government has decided to advance 2.8 billion euros in payments on account to the Autonomous Communities to strengthen their availability of resources to meet immediate needs arising from this situation in their health systems. In addition, the Government is… 2020-03-12 El Gobierno moviliza 18.225 millones de euros en un plan de medidas económicas para mitigar el impacto del COVID-19 El Gobierno moviliza 18.225 millones de euros en un plan de medidas económicas para mitigar el impacto del COVID-19   12 de marzo de 2020.- El plan ha sido acordado a… Health,Medical care,Financing Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Video de la CNPS Cameroon pour promouvoir les mesures d'hygiène pour prévenir COVID-19 cameroon 2020-03-31 Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention btreichel
Germany: Voluntary helpers in the health and welfare service are insured against occupational diseases germany (31.03.2020) In order to relieve the burden on hospital and GP staff in particular in the current crisis, retired doctors, nurses and medical students are now being asked for support. Some have already signalled their willingness to do so. Against this background, professional… - Anyone who works for a health care or welfare institution without remuneration, especially on a voluntary basis, is automatically covered by the statutory accident insurance. All employees working in these institutions are also covered by statutory accident insurance; - Retired doctors, nurses and medical students are now being asked for support 2020-03-31 Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention, Published Measures summary covid19, prevention btreichel…
Uruguay: Subsidio especial por desempleo parcial para trabajadores mensuales uruguay (24.03.2020) Ya se encuentra en funcionamiento el régimen especial de subsidio por desempleo para trabajadores de la actividad privada afectados por la emergencia sanitaria producida por la pandemia del virus COVID-19. Este subsidio le corresponde a los trabajadores mensuales… Subsidy for employees in the private sector whose work has been reduced at least for 6 days in a month, or who have been switched to a 50% workday. The subsidy is 25% of the monthly average wages in the last 6 months. 2020-03-24 Subsidio especial por desempleo parcial para trabajadores mensuales Ya se encuentra en funcionamiento el régimen especial de subsidio por desempleo para trabajadores de la actividad privada afectados por la emergencia sanitaria producida por la pandemia del virus COVID-19. Este subsidio le … Unemployment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Argentina: Extienden el vencimiento del subsidio por desempleo hasta el 31 de mayo argentina (27.03.2020) Por las dificultades para buscar y encontrar trabajo debido a las medidas de cuarentena por el coronavirus, el Ministerio de Trabajo prorrogó hasta el 31 de mayo .el pago de las prestaciones por desempleo que vencían entre el 1 de febrero y 1 de abril. El último dato… Extension of the unemployment benefit until May 31st (which were supposed to expire on February or April 1st). 2020-03-27 La Resolución del Ministerio de Trabajo dice que “el monto de las cuotas de prórroga será equivalente al 70% de la prestación original”. Como este beneficio tiene, desde octubre, un tope $ 6.280,28, el 70% representan de $ 4.396,20 como suma máxima. Es que el monto de la prestación… Unemployment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Argentina: Fortalecen la provisión de alimentos en comedores comunitarios argentina (17.03.2020) Desde el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, se fortalecerá la provisión de alimentos en comedores comunitarios y espacios de contención de sectores vulnerables. Se fortalecerá la provisión de alimentos en comedores comunitarios y espacios de contención de sectores vulnerables (no hay más detalles). 2020-03-17 Los ministros de Economía, Martín Guzmán, y de Desarrollo Productivo, Matías Kulfas, anunciaron esta tarde un paquete de medidas para proteger la producción y el empleo, garantizar el abastecimiento en sectores esenciales y controlar abusos de precios, ante el impacto económico de la pandemia del… Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Coronavirus COVID-19 | Temporary Emergency Measure Bridging Employment Scheme (NOW) netherlands The Temporary Emergency Measure Bridging Employment (Tijdelijke Noodmaatregel Overbrugging voor Werkgelegenheid) will support employers and employees during the Corona crisis. Replacing a former short-term work scheme, the big difference is that employers can apply for a substantial contribution in advance, whilst the former scheme compensated the employer afterwards. 2020-03-26 Employment Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti…
Argentina: Pago extraordinario para los más vulnerables argentina (17.03.2020) Medidas para proteger a los más vulnerables Se implementará un pago extraordinario de la Asignación Universal por Hijo (AUH) y Asignación Universal por Embarazo (AUE) equivalente al monto de un beneficio mensual (3.103 pesos). Para todos aquellos que perciban AUH… Medidas para proteger a los más vulnerables Se implementará un pago extraordinario de la Asignación Universal por Hijo (AUH) y Asignación Universal por Embarazo (AUE) equivalente al monto de un beneficio mensual (3.103 pesos). Para todos aquellos que perciban AUH y jubilados, se postergará el pago de las deudas de abril y mayo con ANSES. Las personas que perciben una única jubilación o pensión mínima (hoy de $15.892), cobrarán un adicional por única vez de $3.000. Las personas que cobran una… 2020-03-17 Los ministros de Economía, Martín Guzmán, y de Desarrollo Productivo, Matías Kulfas, anunciaron esta tarde un paquete de medidas para proteger la producción y el empleo, garantizar el abastecimiento en sectores esenciales y controlar abusos de precios, ante el impacto económico de la pandemia del… Children,Old-age pensions,Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…