United States: Free coronavirus diagnostic testing

Submitted by mmarquez on

whitehouse.gov (18.03.2020)

The Family First Coronavirus Response  Act provides free coronavirus diagnostic testing for the American people, regardless of their economic circumstances or health coverage.

measures summary

The Family First Coronavirus Response  Act provides free coronavirus diagnostic testing for the American people, regardless of their economic circumstances or health coverage.

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Regions / Country
Global challenges
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Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing)

STRONG LEGISLATIVE ACTION: President Donald J. Trump is signing a legislative package that provides extensive assistance to Americans impacted by the coronavirus.

  • Today, President Trump is signing the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, ensuring that American families and businesses impacted by the virus receive the strong support they need.
  • This legislation provides strong economic assistance to American businesses, workers, and families, alleviating financial burdens experienced by those affected by the virus.
  • The act provides free coronavirus diagnostic testing for the American people, regardless of their economic circumstances or health coverage.
  • The President and his Administration have worked tirelessly with Congress to secure this legislative package.
    • The Administration’s negotiation efforts were highly effective and resulted in substantial improvements from the initial bill brought by House Democrats.