Covid19 Monitor database - ALL covid19

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Covid-19 Confirmed as an Occupational Disease Under the South African Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) south africa The Compensation Commissioner has clarifoed that COVID-19 will be recognized as an occupatioal disease if acquired by employees arising out of  employment through exposure to confirmed cases in the workplace or after an official work trip to a high risk country or area. To qualify for…   2020-03-27 Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention btreichel…
Germany: Emergency child supplement germany 2020-03-27 covid19 pgirard
Iceland: Ensuring wages to employees and the self-employed + Child supplements iceland (21.03.2020) The authorities, in cooperation with the Icelandic Federation of Labour and the Confederation of Icelandic Employers, have ensured that quarantined individuals will receive pay while they are in quarantine; however, during that time, other rights, such as sick days… - Wage subsidy to self-employed of up to 80% of their average monthly income in 2019. Payable from February 1 to April 30 2020. - Allowing access to third-pillar pension savings (private pension savings) -Special supplemental child benefits will be paid out on 1 June 2020, in the amount of ISK 40,000 per child under age 18 (ISK 20,000 if the income is higher than ISK 11.1 m)   2020-03-21 The Government is introducing a number of measures for individuals, so as to help them weather this temporary storm, in addition to the measures aimed directly at protecting jobs: Wages during quarantine Partial unemployment benefits Special child benefits Access to third-pillar pension… Family benefits,Children,Pensions,Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, self-employed mmarquez…
Iceland: Access to voluntary pension savings iceland (21.03.2020) During the next 15 months, people can withdraw a monthly sum from their voluntary pension savings, to a maximum of ISK 800,000. - extraordinary access to voluntary old-age pension funds 2020-03-21 All individuals who own third-pillar pension savings (private pension savings) can withdraw up to ISK 12 million. This is based on the individual’s combined third-pillar pension savings as of 1 April 2020. The third-pillar pension savings are paid out over a 15-month period, beginning at the time… Old-age pensions Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 mmarquez…
Iceland: One-off child payment iceland (21.03.2020) A one-off child benefit payment will be made on June 1, 2020 to all families with children under the age of 18. Parents with an average monthly income below ISK 927,000 in 2019 will receive ISK 40,000 per child and those with higher income will receive ISK 20,000 per… - One-off child payment to all families with children under 18. 2020-03-18 Focus on Households The well-being of families and households in Iceland is at the core of these measures. Already, people under quarantine have a secure income, which is key to allowing people to make responsible decisions to reduce the spread of the virus. This short-term measure is intended to… Family benefits,Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, family mmarquez…
Iceland: Unemployment benefits increased and extra support to avoid dismissals iceland (21.03.2020) In order to protect jobs and employment relationships between Icelandic workers and their employers during these extraordinary times, the Government of Iceland has committed to allowing part-time workers to claim up to 75 per cent of unemployment benefits, to avoid job… - allowing part-time workers to claim up to 75 per cent of unemployment benefits, to avoid job losses. - additional support benefit for those moviing to part time hours 2020-03-21 From the Government press conference in Harpa Facebook Link Twitter Link Icelandic Government will take on up to 75 percent of salaries State-backed bridging loans for companies Deferral of tax payments Financial support for tourism sector One-off child benefit payment Access to third-… Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Hong-Kong: Additional $2.5 billion to the Employees Retraining Board Hong Kong, China (26.02.2020) The budget also allocates about $2.5 billion of additional expenditure to the Employees Retraining Board to increase the maximum amount of monthly allowance for trainees.         "I am well aware that financial resources alone are not enough to tackle… The budget also allocates about $2.5 billion of additional expenditure to the Employees Retraining Board to increase the maximum amount of monthly allowance for trainees.     2020-02-26 FS unveils $120 billion spending plan to support enterprises, safeguard jobs, stimulate the economy and relieve people's burden ***********************************************************************************      The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, in his 2020-21 Budget… Employment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Hong-Kong: Goverment pays one month's rent for lower income tenants Hong Kong, China (26.02.2020) The Goverment will pay one month's rent for lower income tenants living in public rental units of the Hong Kong Housing Authority and the Hong Kong Housing Society, involving an expenditure of about $1.829 billion. The Goverment will pay one month's rent for lower income tenants living in public rental units of the Hong Kong Housing Authority and the Hong Kong Housing Society, involving an expenditure of about $1.829 billion. 2020-02-26 FS unveils $120 billion spending plan to support enterprises, safeguard jobs, stimulate the economy and relieve people's burden ***********************************************************************************      The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, in his 2020-21 Budget… Housing,Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Hong-Kong, China: Extra allowance for social security recipients Hong Kong, China (26.02.2020) Providing an extra allowance to eligible social security recipients, equal to one month's standard rate payment of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, Old Age Allowance, Old Age Living Allowance or Disability Allowance. Similar arrangements will apply to recipients of… Providing an extra allowance to eligible social security recipients, equal to one month's standard rate payment of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, Old Age Allowance, Old Age Living Allowance or Disability Allowance. Similar arrangements will apply to recipients of the Work Incentive Transport Subsidy. This will involve an expenditure of about $4.225 billion. 2020-02-26 FS unveils $120 billion spending plan to support enterprises, safeguard jobs, stimulate the economy and relieve people's burden ***********************************************************************************      The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, in his 2020-21 Budget… Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Hong-Kong: Cash payout of $10,000 to permanent residents Hong Kong, China (26.02.2020) To stimulate the economy by boosting local consumption and relieve the financial burden on the community, Mr Chan announced a cash payout of $10,000 to Hong Kong permanent residents aged 18 or above. "This measure, which involves an expenditure of about $71 billion,… 2020-03-27 FS unveils $120 billion spending plan to support enterprises, safeguard jobs, stimulate the economy and relieve people's burden ***********************************************************************************      The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, in his 2020-21 Budget… Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 mmarquez
France: Soutien des crèches france (20.03.2020) L’Etat ayant décidé de la fermeture de la plupart des crèches accueillant des enfants de moins de 3 ans, la Caisse nationale des allocations familiales va verser des aides exceptionnelles aux crèches fermées. Des crèches accueillent, gratuitement, les enfants des… L’Etat ayant décidé de la fermeture de la plupart des crèches accueillant des enfants de moins de 3 ans, la Caisse nationale des allocations familiales va verser des aides exceptionnelles aux crèches fermées. Des crèches accueillent, gratuitement, les enfants des familles prioritaires (professionnels de santé, policiers, pompiers, etc.). Afin d’aider les Préfets à mettre en place ce service d’accueil d’urgence, le site internet des Caisses d’allocations ( ) a mis en place un… 2020-03-20 Suite à l’annonce du Président de la République sur la fermeture des crèches, les caisses d’Allocations familiales appportent leur appui aux Préfets de département et aux collectivités territoriales, pour la mise en place d’un service de garde destiné aux jeunes enfants des personnels «… Family benefits Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family mmarquez
Coronavirus : les prestations sociales payées deux jours plus tôt en avril - L'Express france Cette avance permet de "s'assurer que tout le monde pourra bien percevoir ses aides à temps" et anticiper les déplacements dans les banques pour éviter l'attente. Le versement des aides sociales sera effectué avec deux jours d'avance au mois d'avril pour ne pas pénaliser les allocataires qui doivent retirer leur argent dans les banques, dont le fonctionnement peut être perturbé en raison du coronavirus, a-t-on appris ce jeudi auprès du ministère des Solidarités 2020-03-26 Family benefits,Pensions covid19 gfilhon…
COVID-19: Social protection systems failing vulnerable groups (25.03.2020) Governments must use the momentum created by the COVID-19 pandemic to make rapid progress toward collectively financed, comprehensive, and permanent social-protection systems. Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
ILO: COVID-19 and the world of work covid19 pmassetti
Pakistan: PM Imran Khan approves increase in the BISP UCT pakistan (24.03.2020) Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has approved a financial relief package for different segments of society who were vulnerable to the adverse impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the countrys economy, according to the report on Tuesday. Earlier on Monday, the… Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 mmarquez…
COVID-19 | Eurofound Europe Eurofound provides information, advice and expertise on working conditions and sustainable work, industrial relations, labour market change and quality and life and public services, to support the EU Institutions and bodies, Member States and Social Partners in shaping and implementing social and… covid19 pmassetti
Canada: Reduced minimum withdrawals for Registered Retirement Income Funds canada (25.03.2020) Ottawa’s measures will reduce the amount Canadians will be mandated to withdraw by 25 per cent this year amid concerns seniors will be forced to sell assets into a heavily discounted market, thus reducing the potential long-term value of their retirement portfolios in… Reduced minimum withdrawals for Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs) by 25% for 2020. 2020-03-25 The federal government is easing withdrawal requirements for registered retirement income funds (RRIFs) as part of a slate of measures aimed at easing the economic hit Canadian households face in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. Ottawa’s measures will reduce the amount Canadians will be mandated… Family benefits,Old-age pensions Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Canada: Indigenous Community Support Fund canada (23.03.2020) A new Indigenous Community Support Fund In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, on March 18, 2020, the Government of Canada announced the COVID-19 Economic Response Plan. This plan includes $305 million for a new, distinctions-based Indigenous Community Support Fund to… As part of the COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, $305 million are dedicated to a new Indigenous Community Support Fund. These funds could be used for measures including, but not limited to: support for Elders and vulnerable community members measures to address food insecurity educational and other support for children mental health assistance and emergency response services preparedness measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 2020-03-23 About the fund The health, safety and well-being of all people in Canada, including First Nations, Inuit and Métis, is and will remain a top priority for all. Canada recognizes that First Nation, Inuit and Métis are among the most vulnerable, and that during this crisis, in particular, those in… Difficult-to-cover groups,Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Canada: The New Canada Emergency Response Benefit canada (23.03.2020)  The new Canada Emergency Response Benefit: We will provide a taxable benefit of $2,000 a month for up to 4 months to:  workers who must stop working due to COVID19 and do not have access to paid leave or other income support. workers who are sick, quarantined,… (23.03.2020)  The new Canada Emergency Response Benefit: We will provide a taxable benefit of $2,000 a month for up to 4 months to:  workers who must stop working due to COVID19 and do not have access to paid leave or other income support. workers who are sick, quarantined, or taking care of someone who is sick with COVID-19. working parents who must stay home without pay to care for children that are sick or need additional care because of school and daycare closures.…   Unemployment,Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Proposition Measures summary covid19, self-employed mmarquez…
Canada: Increasing the Canada Child Benefit canada (25.03.2020) Support for individuals and families: Increasing the Canada Child Benefit. We are providing an extra $300 per child through the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) for 2019-20. This will mean approximately $550 more for the average family. This benefit will be delivered as part… Support for individuals and families: Increasing the Canada Child Benefit. We are providing an extra $300 per child through the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) for 2019-20. This will mean approximately $550 more for the average family. This benefit will be delivered as part of the scheduled CCB payment in May. 2020-03-25 Family benefits Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
El Salvador: Se suspende el pago de electricidad, agua, teléfono, cable e internet por 3 meses el Salvador (25.03.2020) Según el Plan de Respuesta y Alivio Económico ante la Emergencia Nacional contra el covid-19, el gobierno suspenderá el pago de los recibos de electricidad, agua, teléfono, cable e internet por los próximos tres meses. También se aplazará por el mismo períodoel pago de… - Exoneration of payments for electricity, water, landlaine, tv cable and internet for the next 3 months. - Deferral of payment of rent of housing and mortgages, and of credit cards.   2020-03-25 En medio de la pandemia global del coronavirus, una de las estrategias propuestas por un país tan pequeño como El Salvador consiguió llamar la atención de ciudadanos de medio mundo. El país centroamericano, que estuvo entre los últimos en reportar la presencia del covid-19 en América Latina, dio a… Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Denmark: Danish corona-hit firms get state aid to pay 75% of salaries denmark (15.03.2020) Denmark’s government told private companies struggling with drastic measures to curb the spread of coronavirus that it would cover 75% of employees’ salaries, if they promised not to cut staff. Under the three-month aid period that will last until June 9, the state offers… The Danish government will cover 75% of employees’ salaries for private companies struggling with drastic measures to curb the spread of coronavirus, if they promised not to cut staff. Under the three-month aid period that will last until June 9, the state offers to pay 75% of employees’ salaries at a maximum of 23,000 Danish crowns ($3,418) per month, while the companies pay the remaining 25%. 2020-03-15 Denmark’s government told private companies struggling with drastic measures to curb the spread of coronavirus that it would cover 75% of employees’ salaries, if they promised not to cut staff. Under the three-month aid period that will last until June 9, the state offers to pay 75% of employees’… Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Colombia: Reconexión de agua a población vulnerable y giro adicional a Familias en Acción colombia (18.03.2020) Iván Duque señaló que se implementarán medidas para la población más vulnerable, por lo que se les realizarán giros adicionales a todos los beneficiaron de los programas Familias en Acción, Jóvenes en Acción, y Adulto Mayor. Por otro lado, y no menos importante,… Additional payments will be made to all the beneficiaries of the Families in Action (Familias en Acción), Youth in Action (Jóvenes en Acción), and Elderly (Adulto Mayor) programs. 2020-03-18 Old-age pensions,Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family mmarquez…
ILO Report on Social protection response to Covid19 in Asia Asia (25.03.2020) This brief outlines the implications of the Covid-19 crisis for national social protection systems and highlights specific social protection responses taken in countries in the Asia and Pacific region. It builds on a more comprehensive ILO Brief which offers policy… Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pgirard…
Luxemburg: Measures at the level of social security contributions luxembourg (19.03.2020) Faced with the impact of COVID-19 on companies and the self-employed in Luxembourg, the Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS) and the Minister for Social Security, Romain Schneider, have taken a series of measures to support companies and the self-employed by offering… - Suspension of the calculation of default interest for late payments; - Suspension of the initiation of proceedings for the forced collection of contributions; - Suspension of the enforcement of constraints by bailiff; - Suspension of fines to be pronounced against employers who are late in making declarations to the CCSS; - The CCSS will pay an advance on the financial compensation for extraordinary leave for family reasons… 2020-03-19 Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, self-employed pgirard…
Canada: Introduction of the Emergency Care and Emergency Support Benefits canada (23.03.2020) For workers without paid sick leave (or similar workplace accommodation) who are sick, quarantined or forced to stay home to care for children, the Government is: Introducing the Emergency Care Benefit by providing up to $900 bi-weekly, for up to 15 weeks. This benefit… Unemployment,Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, self-employed mmarquez…
Canada: Waiting Period for EI sickness benefits is waived canada (23.03.2020) Service Canada is ready to support Canadians affected by COVID-19 and placed in quarantine, with the following support actions: The one-week waiting period for EI sickness benefits will be waived for new claimants who are quarantined so they can be paid for the first week… The one-week waiting period for EI sickness benefits will be waived for new claimants who are quarantined so they can be paid for the first week of their claim Establishing a new dedicated toll-free phone number to support enquiries related to waiving the EI sickness benefits waiting period People claiming EI sickness benefits due to quarantine will not have to provide a medical certificate People who cannot complete their claim for EI sickness benefits due to quarantine may apply later… 2020-03-23 Cash sickness benefits Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Brazil: Government will distribute R$ 200 to informal workers brazil (18.03.2020) As part of the plan to combat the new coronavirus, the government announced on Wednesday (18) that it will grant vouchers to transfer money to the portion of the population that has no formal work and does not receive resources from programs such as Bolsa Família and… As part of the plan to combat the new coronavirus, the government announced on Wednesday (18) that it will grant vouchers to transfer money to the portion of the population that has no formal work and does not receive resources from programs such as Bolsa Família and BPC (Benefit from Continued Installment). Each beneficiary would receive around R $200 monthly for a period of three months.  2020-03-18 Social assistance covid19 mmarquez…
Brazil: Extension of over 1 million beneficiaries to Bolsa Família brazil (16.03.2020)  Announcement of the measures, which foresee an injection of R $ 147.3 billion in the economy, was made on Monday by Minister Paulo Guedes. Package expands credit to retirees and small businesses. For the poorest population, the government informed… An injection of  $3 billion Reales for the Bolsa Família program. The amount corresponds to the inclusion of over 1 million families among the beneficiaries - the government did not detail whether there will be a change in the income criteria for this membership. 2020-03-16 The Ministry of Economy announced on Monday (15) new measures to reduce the economic effects of the pandemic of the new coronavirus . According to the government, R $ 147.3 billion will be used in emergency measures to help the most vulnerable sectors of the economy… Family benefits,Social assistance,Conditional cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family mmarquez…
Bolivia: Gobierno crea el Bono Familia, flexibiliza pago de adeudos y prohíbe corte de servicios básicos bolivia (18.03.2020) La presidenta Jeanine Añez anunció este miércoles cuatro medidas económicas para ayudar a sectores de la población considerados más afectados por las consecuencias de la pandemia del coronavirus. Una de las medidas es la creación del Bono Familia, que busca… Introduction of a new family benefit, "Bono Familia", targeted to the most vulnerable families will provided $500 bolivianos for each child. The benefit is intended to support children stay in primary school.  2020-03-18 La Paz, 18 de marzo (ANF).- La presidenta Jeanine Añez anunció este miércoles cuatro medidas económicas para ayudar a sectores de la población considerados más afectados por las consecuencias de la pandemia del coronavirus.  Una de las medidas es la creación del Bono Familia, que busca… Family benefits,Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family mmarquez…
Belgique: Dix mesures pour soutenir les entreprises et les indépendants dans le cadre du COVID-19 belgium (06.03.2020) Ces mesures visent en substance, d’une part, à permettre aux entreprises impactées de mettre leurs salariés en chômage temporaire afin de préserver l’emploi et, d’autre part, à prévoir des modalités d’étalement, de report, de dispense de paiement de cotisations sociales,… - Temporary unemployment due to force majeure will be extended by three months, until 30 June 2020; - Temporary unemployment benefits - for both economic reasons and force majeure - will be increased from 65% to 70% for a period of three months in order to limit the loss of income suffered by affected workers; - The Covid-19 issue will be accepted as an element allowing recourse to amicable payment delays; - Possibility of apportioning VAT payments and of benefiting from an exemption from… 2020-03-06 Unemployment,Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, labour markets, self-employed pmassetti…
Australia: Deferral of payroll tax for business in certain sectors australia (17.03.2020) Ministerial Statement COVID-19 Response Measures (...) "Whilst ensuring that Tasmanian’s health wellbeing and safety is our most important aim we must also ensure that we support Tasmanian jobs and those businesses most affected by the economic impacts we are… Ministerial Statement COVID-19 Response Measures (...) "Whilst ensuring that Tasmanian’s health wellbeing and safety is our most important aim we must also ensure that we support Tasmanian jobs and those businesses most affected by the economic impacts we are facing. The Government will take strong action and in the first stage of our economic stimulus plan I can announce there will be: $20 million for the provision of interest free loans to businesses in the hospitality, tourism, seafood… 2020-03-17 Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19 mmarquez…
Belgique: Coronavirus : lancement du deuxième volet du Plan fédéral de protection sociale et économique belgium (20.03.2020) Le chômage temporaire sera à la fois automatique, étendu et renforcé, ainsi qu'un soutien aux indépendants fermés ou en difficulté. Unemployment,Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, freelance, self-employed pmassetti…
Australia: One-off payment for housing in Tasmania australia (17.03.2020) Ministerial Statement COVID-19 Response Measures (...) "$1 million will be available to support front line workers with accommodation, such as in circumstances where their family members are ill so they can continue to contribute to our response. The accommodation… Housing,Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 mmarquez…
Australia: One-off emergency relief payments in Tasmania australia (17.03.2020) Ministerial Statement COVID-19 Response Measures (...) "Today, I am announcing as an initial response to this pandemic, that the Government will provide further support and economic stimulus to help businesses and Tasmanian’s affected by the virus. The package will… One-off emergency relief payments of $250 for individuals and up to $1000 for families who are required to self-isolate by public health as a result of coronavirus. This will be available to casual workers and those on low incomes. Funding for this measure will be uncapped. 2020-03-17 Social assistance,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Armenia: Armenian PM Unveils Economic Aid Package Amid Coronavirus Outbreak armenia (18.03.2020) Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian has promised that his government will provide at least 150 billion drams (over $300 million) in assistance to the economy, which is likely to be affected by the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic. (...) “We have prepared a… The government has prepared a package of 30 billion drams (over $60 million) for urgent social assistance to exclude the impoverishment of people. Details to be determined. 2020-03-18 Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian has promised that his government will provide at least 150 billion drams (over $300 million) in assistance to the economy, which is likely to be affected by the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic. In an interview with Shant TV on Wednesday Pashinian said… Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Sweden: Partial unemployment - Sick pay - Deferral of contributions sweden (16.03.2020) Liquidity reinforcement via tax accounts Under this proposal, companies can defer payment of employers’ social security contributions, preliminary tax on salaries and value added tax that are reported monthly or quarterly. Company payment respite covers tax payments for… - Increased subsidies for partial unemployment/short-time work : The employees will receives more than 90 per cent of their wage.  - The central government will assume the entire cost of all sick pay during April and May. Self-employed persons will also be compensated in that they can receive standardised sick pay for days 1–14. - Companies can defer payment of employers’ social security contributions, preliminary tax on salaries and value added tax that are reported… 2020-03-16 Health insurance,Unemployment,Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19 mmarquez…
Sweden: Central government to assume sick pay for two months sweden (16.03.2020) Central government to assume sick pay responsibility for two months It is proposed that central government assume the entire cost of all sick pay during April and May. Self-employed persons will also be compensated in that they can receive standardised sick pay for days… THeentral government will assume the entire cost of all sick pay during April and May. Self-employed persons will also be compensated in that they can receive standardised sick pay for days 1–14. 2020-03-16 Central government to assume sick pay responsibility for two months It is proposed that central government assume the entire cost of all sick pay during April and May. Self-employed persons will also be compensated in that they can receive standardised sick pay for days 1–14. Cash sickness benefits Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, self-employed mmarquez…
Sweden: Introduction of short-term layoffs sweden (16.03.2020) The crisis package now presented can – depending on how the situation develops – encompass more than SEK 300 billion if the entire liquidity reinforcement through tax accounts is used. Short-term layoffs introduced today This proposal means that employers’… Short-term layoffs: Employers’ wage costs can be halved, in that central government will cover a larger share of the costs. This model is similar to short-time work, but the subsidy level is significantly increased. The employee receives more than 90 per cent of their wage. The aim is to save Swedish jobs. It is proposed that the proposal on short-term layoffs enter into force on 7 April and be in effect throughout 2020, but be applied from today, 16 March. 2020-03-16 The Government is now presenting additional measures to mitigate the financial impact of the virus outbreak. The proposals are based on an agreement between the Swedish Social Democratic Party, the Centre Party, the Liberal Party and the Green Party. The Government intends to present the proposals… Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 mmarquez…
Sweden: Changes in sick pay rules to help fight coronavirus sweden (11.03.2020) Sweden is temporarily scrapping the 'karensdag' – the first unpaid day of your sick leave – in response to the coronavirus, the government announced as it outlined measures to handle the crisis. The decision means that workers will get sickness benefits from the moment they… Sweden is temporarily scrapping the 'karensdag' – the first unpaid day of your sick leave – in response to the coronavirus, the government announced as it outlined measures to handle the crisis. The decision means that workers will get sickness benefits from the moment they have to be absent from work due to illness, and the state rather than employers will foot the bill for the cost of the first day. It comes into effect today, and will apply for one and a half month for now. Swedish law… 2020-03-13 Cash sickness benefits Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
OECD: Report: Supporting people and companies to deal with the Covid-19 virus: Options for an immediate employment and social-policy response OECD (20.03.2020) Many affected countries introduced or announced bold measures over the last days and weeks, often with a focus on supporting the most vulnerable who are bearing a disproportionate share of the burden. This note and the accompanying policy table contribute to evidence-sharing on… Cash sickness benefits,Family benefits,Unemployment,Prevention of occupational risks Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti
Freelancers fight for support through coronavirus crisis Financial Times (20.02.2020) The crisis has illuminated stark differences between the employed and freelancers. Many countries are grappling with how to deal with their self-employed workforces losing income. In Greece, payments of €800 will be issued, as well as tax holidays. The Norwegian… Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of T&Cs and Copyright Policy. Email to buy additional rights. Subscribers may share up to 10 or 20 articles per month using the gift… Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, self-employed pmassetti
Republic of Korea: Support for Public Welfare korea, Republic of (19.03.2020) Measures include: 4 months worth of local gift certificates (+1,242 billion won) for beneficiaries of livelihood, medical, residential, and educational benefits (13.77 million households) and legally displaced (300,000 households) * Total amount of 4 months per… Health insurance,Contribution collection and compliance,Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 contribution collection, covid19 mmarquez…
Argentina: Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia argentina (24.03.2020) Prestación monetaria no contributiva única de carácter excepcional destinada a compensar la pérdida o grave disminución de ingresos de personas afectadas por la situación de emergencia sanitaria. El monto de la prestación es de $10.000, se pagará por… Prestación monetaria no contributiva única de carácter excepcional destinada a compensar la pérdida o grave disminución de ingresos de personas afectadas por la situación de emergencia sanitaria. El monto de la prestación es de $10.000, se pagará por única vez en el mes de abril. Lo cobrará solo un integrante del grupo familiar. El Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia será otorgado a las personas que se encuentren desocupadas; se desempeñen en la economía informal; sean monotributistas… 2020-03-24 (24.03.2020) Decreto 310/2020 EL PRESIDENTE DE LA NACIÓN ARGENTINA DECRETA:   ARTÍCULO 1°.- Institúyese con alcance nacional el “INGRESO FAMILIAR DE EMERGENCIA” como una prestación monetaria no contributiva de carácter excepcional destinada a compensar… Family benefits,Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family, self-employed mmarquez
El Salvador: Subvención de $300 ofrecida por el Gobierno durante la cuarentena el Salvador (24.03.2020) Como parte de un nuevo paquete de medidas para contener la propagación del coronavirus, el presidente Nayib Bukele anunció 30 días de cuarentena total domiciliar, así como una transferencia de $300 para 1.5 millones de hogares que dejarán de percibir ingresos mientras… - 30 days of total household quarantine - A one-off, $300 transfer for 1.5 million households that will stop receiving income for the duration of the mandatory quarantine month. The families for which the $ 300 subsidy will be allocated will be those whose electricity consumption is less than 250 kilowatt hours per month. 2020-03-24 Como parte de un nuevo paquete de medidas para contener la propagación del coronavirus, el presidente Nayib Bukele anunció 30 días de cuarentena total domiciliar, así como una transferencia de $300 para 1.5 millones de hogares que dejarán de percibir ingresos mientras dure el… Family benefits,Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family mmarquez…
Austria: Short-time work facilitation austria (16.03.2020) Weil die aktuelle Krise die Unternehmen vor akute Liquiditätsprobleme stellt, gibt es wesentliche Änderungen gegenüber dem bisherigen Kurzarbeitsmodell. So konnte es bisher bis zu sechs Wochen dauern, bis Kurzarbeit beantragt werden konnte, diese Zeit wird nun auf 48 Stunden… - Waiting period is reduced to 48 hours - Working time can be reduced temporarily to 0% - The net replacement rate amounts between 80% to 90% of the previous salary. - Kurzarbeit beantragen: Dauer von bis zu 6 Wochen auf 48 Stunden verkürzt. - Die Arbeitszeit kann vorübergehend auch auf null reduziert werden. Die Nettoersatzrate beim neuen Kurzarbeitsmodell beträgt zwischen 80 und 90 Prozent, wobei Geringverdiener die höchste Nettoersatzrate haben. 2020-03-27 So schnell geht's, auch wenn man es sich anders gewünscht hätte. Aus 20 Mill. Euro, die heuer im AMS-Budget für Kurzarbeit vorgesehen waren, sind im Zuge der Coronaviruskrise nun 400 Mill. Euro geworden. Dazu wurde ein neues Kurzarbeitsmodell präsentiert, für das betroffene Unternehmen schon ab… Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Ugo Gentilini (@Ugentilini) / Twitter - compiling/crowdsourcing #socialprotection responses around the world compiling/crowdsourcing #socialprotection responses around the world in real time covid19 pmassetti
Netherlands: Deferral in payment of payroll taxes netherlands (18.03.2020) As previously announced, the Dutch tax authorities will, upon request, grant a business that has been or will be confronted with liquidity problems as a result of the corona crisis, deferral of payment for any VAT, personal income tax, payroll and corporate income tax… Deferral of payment for any VAT, personal income tax, payroll and corporate income tax payable. Employers participating in various occupational pension programs may defer their contributions; those in the travel sector and hospitality industry may defer contributions by 1 month, while those in the building, metal, and cleaning sectors, and hairdressers may defer them by up to 2 months. 2020-03-18 Contribution collection and compliance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19 mmarquez…
Netherlands: Additional corona crisis measures by the government (emergency package covering jobs and the economy) netherlands (18.03.2020) The current reduced working hours scheme (werktijdverkortingsregeling; WTV) has been withdrawn with immediate effect and will be temporarily succeeded in the very short term by the new temporary emergency bridging measure to retain jobs (Tijdelijke noodmaatregel… Unemployment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 mmarquez…
Netherlands: Living and capital allowance for the self-employed netherlands (18.03.2020) The government will shortly introduce a three-month provision for self-employed persons with financial problems. The additional support, which will be implemented by municipalities, can be applied for in the form of an additional allowance for living expenses and/or… Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, self-employed mmarquez…