Covid19 Monitor database - ALL covid19

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Japan: How to get the ¥100,000 coronavirus payout from the Japanese government japan (21.04.2020) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said the handout is meant to be a show of solidarity as the nation hunkers down for what could be a long fight against the novel coronavirus. It replaces an earlier plan to give ¥300,000 to households that suffer a big drop in income… A cash transfer of ¥100,000 ($930) is planned to be handed out to everyone in Japan. This replaces an earlier plan to give ¥300,000 to households that suffer a big drop in income because of the outbreak. 2020-04-21 The following are questions and answers regarding the government's plan to give ¥100,000 ($930) to everyone in Japan amid the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.   Why is the government doing this? Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said the handout is meant to be a show of solidarity as the… Social assistance,Cash transfers,Financial crisis Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 siha…
United States: California To Offer $500 ‘Stimulus Checks’ To Undocumented Immigrants United States (15.04.2020) California Governor Gavin Newsom announced today the creation of a $125 million Disaster Relief Fund to assist undocumented immigrants in the state who are struggling due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The fund will disburse a one-time payment of $500 per adult (capped at $1… Creation of a $125 million Disaster Relief Fund to assist undocumented immigrants in the state who are struggling due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The fund will disburse a one-time payment of $500 per adult (capped at $1,000 per household) to approximately 150,000 undocumented adult Californians to help with specific needs related to the coronavirus outbreak. 2020-04-15 Migration,Social assistance,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 cambrosio…
Jordan: Support social protection program disbursements starts next Wednesday jordan (17.04.2020) The Minister of Social Development Basma Ishaqat has announced the largest social protection programme to support daily wage workers. Cash transfers will be delivered starting from next Wednesday through digital means. Applying for the programme is possible online… The Minister of Social Development Basma Ishaqat has announced the largest social protection programme to support daily wage workers. Cash transfers will be delivered starting from next Wednesday through digital means. Applying for the programmeis possible online through the pre-existing 'bread support cash assistance application website.'  The programme will support 200,000 households no longer able to work due to the crisis. 2020-04-17 Unemployment,Social assistance,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 cambrosio…
Somalia: President Unveils Social Safety Net Program to Reduce Poverty and Improve Human Capital somalia (19.04.2020) The Baxnano programe is intended to provide cash transfers to targeted poor and vulnerable households and establish the key building blocks of a national shock-responsive safety net system. The aim is to target 200,000 poor and vulnerable households (approximately 1.3 million… The Baxnano programe is intended to target 200,000 poor and vulnerable households (approximately 1.3 million individuals) across the Federal Member States of Somalia and provide them with nutrition-linked cash transfer. 2020-04-19 The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E. Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, has today launched at the presidential palace a nationwide social safety net programme, which is better known as “Baxnaano”, to help protect the poor and vulnerable families. The Baxnaano program is funded with pre-… Social assistance,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family, poverty cambrosio…
VZ-Chile: La solución para el coronavirus es Obra de Todos ¿Desde qué punto de vista puedes ayudar tú? chile Una contribución de la Comunidad Visión Zero: La Cámara de Construcción de Chile está ayudando a sus miembros a implementar procedimientos para enfrentar la pandemia que ha afectado a todos los países. Los siguientes materiales, y otros, han sido producidos y distribuidos por CChC y se pueden… 2020-04-22 Health promotion,Safety and health at work Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention mmarquez…
Liechtenstein: Emergency childcare liechtenstein (20.03.2020) Die Regierung hat bereits beschlossen, dass alle öffentlichen und privaten Bildungseinrichtungen sowie ausserhäusliche Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen und Spielgruppen geschlossen werden. Diese Massnahme gilt bereits ab heute Montag, 16. März 2020, bis zu den… An emergency childcare service by the Office of Social Services, in collaboration the Office for Public Schools, was implemented for people who cannot work from home and who need to work. 2020-03-20 Family benefits,Children,Employment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 rmensing…
Expansion of support measures to arts and culture liechtenstein Wirtschaftshilfe auch für Kultur Die Massnahmen die gegen die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus ergriffen werden, treffen auch Kulturinstitutionen und Kulturakteure hart. Aber auch sie werden von der Wirtschaftshilfe profitieren, die Regierung und Landtag aufgesetzt haben. Auch hierzulande ist der… Self employed artists (and to some extend small associations) can apply for support. 2020-03-20 Employment Proposition Measures summary covid19 rmensing
Liechtenstein: Short-time work allowance (Kurzarbeitergeld) liechtenstein (17.03.2020) Im Sinne einer ersten Sofortmassnahme hat die Regierung bereits am 17. März 2020 eine Verordnung über die Ausrichtung von Kurzarbeitsentschädigung zum Ausgleich der wirtschaftlichen Folgen des Coronavirus erlassen und damit die Anspruchsberechtigung auf von… The government of Liechtenstein approved 50 Million Swiss francs for the  support of Short-time work allowances of 60% of monthly earnings. Further, a deferral of the payments of contributions shall be made possible. 2020-03-17 Contribution collection and compliance,Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19 rmensing
India: Government fast tracks plan to provide social security for gig workers india The Economic Times (20.004.2020) The government has fast-tracked its plan to provide social security for gig economy workers and those in the unorganised sectors, anticipating a significant increase in their numbers as unemployment soars due to the Covid-19 crisis. 2020-04-21 Health,Pensions Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR covid19, self-employed pmassetti…
Coronavirus Ireland: Babies born in Ireland can now be registered online ireland Dublin Live (18.04.2020) This is the first time newborns can have their births recorded online. The move was brought in due to the difficulties parents would face going to their nearest registration offices during the coronavirus crisis. It will come as a relief to families who were worried… This is the first time newborns can have their births recorded online. The move was brought in due to the difficulties parents would face going to their nearest registration offices during the coronavirus crisis. It will come as a relief to families who were worried their newborns would not be properly recognised by the State during the Covid-19 emergency. 2020-04-18 Family benefits Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti…
France Covid-19 : lancement d’une plate-forme d’entraide et de partage pour les entreprises france L’OPPBTP a lancé, lundi 20 avril, une plate-forme d’entraide et de partage pour les professionnels du BTP . Vous pourrez y présenter et consulter des pratiques de terrain mises en place en période de pandémie du Covid-19. Cet outil, qui est entièrement destiné aux entreprises du BTP, vous… 2020-04-20 Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention btreichel…
Coronavirus : visualisez les pays qui ont « aplati la courbe » de l’épidémie et ceux qui n’y sont pas encore parvenus china, japan, korea, Republic of, United States, france, italy, Russian Federation, spain, united kingdom Dès le début de l’épidémie de Covid-19, en janvier, l’objectif de la Chine a été de ralentir au maximum la propagation du virus, par une politique de confinement drastique. Lorsque le virus s’est propagé en Europe, la majorité des pays – à l’exception des Pays-Bas et de la Suède qui… 2020-04-20 Medical care Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 gfilhon…
VZ-Brazil: Coronavírus - Vida Saudável | Conteúdos produzidos pelo Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein brazil A contribution from the Vision Zero Community. Einstein is a Healthcare Company,  which has implemented many safety and health measures, all of which are based on WHO recommendations, instructions from the Brazilian Ministry of Health and on internal practices (developped by their… 2020-04-20 Health,Prevention of occupational risks Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention btreichel
VZ: Thales Sac implementa medidas preventivas frente al Covid-19 peru Una contribución de la Comunidad Visión Zero: THALESCORP SAC ha emitido un conjunto de medidas preventivas para proteger a sus empleados del Covid-19. Éstas se enumeran en una guía que también explica cómo se ha contenido el virus en otros países, los síntomas y las recomendaciones de medidas… 2020-03-11 Workplace health promotion,Safety and health at work Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention mmarquez
Ghana: On Updates To Ghana’s Enhanced Response To The Coronavirus Pandemic ghana (05.04.2020) The Ghana Water Company Ltd and the Electricity Company of Ghana have been directed to ensure the stable supply of water and electricity. Government will absorb the water bills for all Ghanaians for the next three months, i.e. April, May and June. All water tankers,… Government will absorb the water bills for all Ghanaians for the next three months, i.e. April, May and June 2020. 2020-04-05 Address To The Nation By President Of The Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, On Updates To Ghana’s Enhanced Response To The Coronavirus Pandemic, On Sunday, 5th April, 2020. Fellow Ghanaians, Good evening. Nine (9) days ago, I came to your homes and requested you to make great… Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 cambrosio…
Turkey: Coronavirus: Government makes treatment and medicine totally free of charge turkey (14.04.2020) Coronavirus treatment and medicine for patients in public hospitals in Turkey has been made free of charge following a presidential decree on Tuesday. The decree says that all patients, even if they failed to pay state insurance, will be granted protective gear and… Coronavirus treatment and medicine for patients in public hospitals in Turkey has been made free of charge following a presidential decree on Tuesday. The decree says that all patients, even if they failed to pay state insurance, will be granted protective gear and testing, as well as free medicine in state hospitals and medical centres. The Social Security Directorate (SGK) earlier announced free coverage for treatment of the disease for citizens with social security. 2020-04-14 Medical care,Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 cambrosio…
Japan: Abe adopts universal $930 handout as walls close in japan Nikkei Asian Review (16.04.2020) Japan plans to send a cash handout of 100,000 yen ($930) to every resident, regardless of income, to lessen the economic blow from the coronavirus pandemic after an earlier income support scheme met with resistance. Japan plans to send a cash handout of 100,000 yen ($930) to every resident, regardless of income, to lessen the economic blow from the coronavirus pandemic after an earlier income support scheme met with resistance. 2020-04-16 Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti…
OECD: Report: Tax and fiscal policy should continue to support households and businesses through containment, then shift to bolstering recovery (14.04.2020) Tax and fiscal policy responses are playing a critical role in limiting the hardship caused by containment measures, and should continue to do so as governments seek to support households and businesses, protect employment and pursue economic recovery from the global pandemic… 2020-04-17 Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
Malaysia: Introduction of i-Lestari Withdrawal malaysia (23.03.2020) Employees Provident Fund (EPF) says that EPF members may apply for the i-Lestari Account 2 Withdrawal Scheme beginning 1 April 2020. They can expect their savings to be deposited into their bank accounts from 1 May 2020. Effective from 1 April 2020, EPF members age 55 years and below are entitled to withdraw once a month from EPF Account 2 with a minimum of RM50 (USD 11), up to a maximum of RM500 (USD 115) per month from their Account 2, subject to a total capping of RM6,000 (USD 1,380). This withdrawal is effective for one (1) year from April 2020 to March 2021 and will be recurring on a monthly basis. This measure aims to assist and alleviate challenges faced by EPF members in meeting their monthly… 2020-04-01 Old-age pensions,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti
Deutschland: BMAS - Einheitlicher Arbeitsschutz gegen das Coronavirus germany Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz haben oberste Priorität, wenn es um Arbeit in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie geht. Dem Arbeitsschutz kommt dabei eine zentrale Rolle zu. Bundesarbeitsminister Hubertus Heil hat dazu heute gemeinsam mit dem Hauptgeschäftsführer der Deutschen Gesetzlichen… 2020-04-17 Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention btreichel…
VZ-Austria: Greeting Rules /Begrüssungsreglen austria Ein Beitrag aus der Vision Zero Community Die Vision Zero Firma Adresys hat Plakate entworfen mit Vorschlägen, wie man sich in Zukunft grüssen kann. Darin enthalten sind z.B. der "Wuhan Shake", der "Elbow-Bump", oder auch der "Thai Wai". Download the "HowToGreet" Posters (in… 2020-04-17 Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention btreichel
VZ: Posters to prevent the Spead of COVID-19 in Russian Russian Federation A contribution from the Vision Zero Community: The Vision Zero Company  "ОхраПро" has produced their own posters to promote prevention measures in times of COVID-19 and has offered them as free ressources to the Vision Zero Community for download (in Russian only): Короновирус… 2020-04-17 Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention btreichel
VZ: Virginia Transformers implement new measures to protect against COVID-19 United States A contribution from the Vision Zero Community: Roanoke-based Virginia Transformer has rolled out a new set of initiatives to help protect its workers as production continues amid the global COVID-19 pandemic. “We’ve seen past outbreaks such as SARS in 2003 and MERS in 2015, so we’ve navigated… 2020-04-17 Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention btreichel…
Colombia: Canasta de servicios médicos para infectados con Covid-19 colombia (12.04.2020) El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social definirá una canasta de atenciones para los pacientes con Coronavirus COVID-19, cuyo reconocimiento se efectuará por parte de la Administradora de los Recursos del Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud -ADRES-. The Administrator of the Resources of the General System of Health Social Security (ADRES in Spanish) will cover the costs of a basic basket of services for workers with the Covid-19. This will cover all procedures, drugs, and care services necessary for the treatment of these patients. The resources for the financing of the baskets of services will be from the Emergency Mitigation Fund (FOME). 2020-04-12 Artículo 20. Canasta de Servicios y Tecnologías en Salud destinados a la atención del Coronavirus COVID-19. El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social definirá una canasta de atenciones para los pacientes con Coronavirus COVID-19, cuyo reconocimiento se efectuará por parte de la Administradora de… Health Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Uzbekistan: Additional Measures to Support the Population Uzbekistan The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan: - jointly with the Ministry of Health, introduce a daily supplement of 6 percent of the monthly official salary to medical, sanitary-epidemiological and other employees for the period of… The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan: - jointly with the Ministry of Health, introduce a daily supplement of 6 percent of the monthly official salary to medical, sanitary-epidemiological and other employees for the period of their involvement in measures to counter the spread of coronavirus infection; - to ensure timely payment of wages to employees of preschool, general secondary, specialized secondary and higher… 2020-03-20 Employment,Unemployment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, labour markets cambrosio
Uzbekistan: Paid sick leave for quarantined workers Uzbekistan (20.03.2020) Parents (persons replacing them, guardians, trustees) quarantined due to infection with a coronavirus infection or suspected infection, as well as persons caring for their child under the age of 14, are paid sick leave in the amount of 100 percent of the salary. One working… Parents (persons replacing them, guardians, trustees) quarantined due to infection with a coronavirus infection or suspected infection, as well as persons caring for their child under the age of 14, are paid sick leave in the amount of 100 percent of the salary. One working parent for household is given a paid leave for the duration of schools and kindergartens shutdown without affecting the regular annual paid leave schedule. 2020-03-20 Health Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 cambrosio
Uzbekistan: Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Measures against the spread of Coronavirus Uzbekistan (20.03.2020)  Creation of an Anti-Crisis Fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the amount of 10 trillion soums. It will mainly used to: finance measures to combat the spread of coronavirus infection , including: providing medical… Creation of an Anti-Crisis Fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the amount of 10 trillion soums. It will mainly used to: finance measures to combat the spread of coronavirus infection , including: providing medical and other institutions with medicines and medical devices, protective drugs and test systems necessary to combat the spread of coronavirus infection; covering the costs of quarantining persons at risk or in contact with… 2020-03-20 Family benefits,Employment,Safety and health at work,Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family cambrosio
Colombia: Se reconoce el Covid-19 como enfermedad laboral para trabajadores en el sector salud colombia (12.04.2020) Decreto 538. Artículo 13. Requisitos para inclusión del Coronavirus COVID-19 como enfermedad laboral directa. Elimfnense los requisitos de que trata el parágrafo 2 del artículo 4 de la Ley 1562 de 2012 para incluir dentro de la tabla de enfermedades laborales, el… The coronavirus-19 is considered as an occupational disease for workers in the health sector and are, therefore, eligible to all the existing sick leave benefits. In addition to the normal sickness benefits, workers diagnosed with Covid-19 will also have access to the temporary invalidity subsidy, a cash benefit and to a funerary benefit.  2020-04-12 Cash sickness benefits,Health promotion Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Building effective short-time work schemes for the COVID-19 crisis (01.04.2020) Short-time work is a subsidy for temporary reductions in the number of hours worked in firms affected by temporary shocks. Evidence suggests that it can have large positive effects on employment and can be more effective than unemployment insurance or universal… 2020-04-16 Employment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
Mitigating mass layoffs in the COVID-19 crisis: The Austrian short-time model austria (07.04.2020) Due to the global spread of COVID-19, Austria, like many other countries, is facing a massive increase in unemployment. To mitigate the skyrocketing number of unemployed persons, social partners have developed a new model of subsidised short-time work that could become an… Due to the global spread of COVID-19, Austria, like many other countries, is facing a massive increase in unemployment. To mitigate the skyrocketing number of unemployed persons, social partners have developed a new model of subsidised short-time work that could become an international role model. The Austrian model allows a temporary reduction in working hours up to 90% while maintaining the employment relationship and granting almost full public wage compensation. This measure can help to… 2020-03-16 Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti…
Malaysia: Contributions to the Employees Provident Fund will be reduced malaysia (27.02.2020) The effects of COVID-19 reverberate beyond the tourism industry. Malaysian businesses, especially exporters are affected by supply chain disruptions involving factories and ports in China. Therefore, the Government will carry out immediate measures to boost local… Effective from 1 April 2020, the statutory contribution rate for the EPF employee contributions will decrease from 11% to 7% for members younger than age 60 (temporary measures). Members will still have the option to maintain the EPF employee contribution rate at 11%. 2020-04-01  Thursday, Feb 27 2020       SPEECH BY YAB TUN DR MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMAD PRIME MINISTER OF MALAYSIA   2020 ECONOMIC STIMULUS PACKAGE “BOLSTERING CONFIDENCE, STIMULATING GROWTH & PROTECTING JOBS” DATE | TIME | VENUE 27 FEBRUARY 2020 (THURSDAY), 4.00 PM DEWAN… Pensions,Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Malaysia: Additional PRIHATIN SME Economic Stimulus Package malaysia (06.04.2020) The additional measures are: First, the wage subsidy programme announced on 27 March will be expanded from RM5.9 billion to RM13.8 billion, an increase of RM7.9 billion. Under this additional initiative, all companies with local employees earning a monthly salary each of RM4… The wage subsidy programme announced on 27 March will be expanded from RM5.9 billion to RM13.8 billion, an increase of RM7.9 billion. Under this additional initiative, all companies with local employees earning a monthly salary each of RM4,000 and below will receive wage subsidies as follows: For companies with a workforce of more than 200 people, we will provide a wage subsidy of RM600 per month for every retained worker. However, the maximum number of workers that a company is eligible to… 2020-02-06 Additional PRIHATIN SME Economic Stimulus Package (PRIHATIN SME+) April 6, 2020Speeches SPEECH TEXT YAB TAN SRI DATO’ HAJI MUHYIDDIN BIN HAJI MOHD YASSIN PRIME MINISTER OF MALAYSIA ADDITIONAL PRIHATIN SME ECONOMIC STIMULUS PACKAGE (PRIHATIN) Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamualaikum… Unemployment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
United States: Impact payments to social security beneficiaries who are not required to file tax returns United States (03.04.2020) The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) announced on April 1 that Social Security beneficiaries who are not typically required to file tax returns will not need to file an abbreviated tax return to receive an economic impact payment. The IRS will use the information on the… Social Security beneficiaries who are not typically required to file tax returns will not need to file an abbreviated tax return to receive an economic impact payment. The IRS will use the information on the Form SSA-1099 to generate $1,200 economic impact payments to Social Security beneficiaries who did not file tax returns in 2018 or 2019. 2020-04-03 Statement from Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments for Beneficiaries Print Version “I want to provide an update to people who receive benefits from the Social Security Administration. The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) announced on April 1 that… Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Philippines: Coronavirus aid: Too little, too slow, too politicized philippines, the (15.04.2020) Just like many COVID-19 patients fighting for their lives, what the Philippine economy needs right now is a sturdy ventilator for life support. But at the rate government is distributing aid, our economy’s ventilator seems dismally broken. On March 25, President Rodrigo… 2020-04-16 Service delivery,Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 mmarquez…
Chatbots provide millions with COVID-19 information every day, but they can be improved - here’s how World Economic Forum (06.04.2020) The COVID-19 pandemic has helped widen global usage for chatbot technology. After the pandemic, the use of chatbots for healthcare applications will continue to grow. Public and private stakeholders must come together to maximize these benefits while minimizing… 2020-04-16 E-services,Service quality Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR covid19 pmassetti…
UE: Commission proposes SURE (Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency) european union (02.04.2020) The new instrument for temporary Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency (SURE) is designed to help protect jobs and workers affected by the coronavirus pandemic. It will provide financial assistance, in the form of loans granted on favourable terms from the… The new instrument for temporary Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency (SURE) is designed to help protect jobs and workers affected by the coronavirus pandemic. It will provide financial assistance, in the form of loans granted on favourable terms from the EU to Member States, of up to €100 billion in total. These loans will assist Member States to address sudden increases in public expenditure to preserve employment. Specifically, these loans will help Member States to cover… 2020-04-02 Employment,Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, self-employed pmassetti
Canada: Federal emergency benefit to be extended to part-time and seasonal workers canada (15.04.2020) The federal government expanding the Canada Emergency Response Benefit to include people making up to $1,000 a month, seasonal workers and people whose EI [employment insurance] has run out.  The federal government expanding the Canada Emergency Response Benefit to include people making up to $1,000 a month, seasonal workers and people whose EI [employment insurance] has run out.  2020-04-15 Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti…
Argentina: ANSES INFORMA QUE EL 21 DE ABRIL COMENZARÁN LOS PAGOS DEL INGRESO FAMILIAR DE EMERGENCIA | ANSES Noticias argentina (11.04.2020) La ANSES informa que los beneficiarios del Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia (IFE) que están comunicando desde hoy su número de Clave Bancaria Uniforme (CBU), comenzarán a cobrar los 10.000 pesos a partir del próximo 21 de abril y hasta el 5 de mayo inclusive. Cabe… 2020-04-11 Service delivery,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, family mmarquez…
En quoi consiste le mécanisme européen de réassurance chômage Europe (10.04.2020) Le 9 avril 2020, les ministres des Finances de l’Union européenne ont approuvé la proposition de la Commission européenne de financer une partie du chômage partiel dans les Etats membres, à hauteur de 100 milliards d’euros. En quoi consiste cette mesure ? Pourquoi l’… 2020-04-16 Unemployment,Financing Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
Malaysia: Wage Subsidy Programme to assist employers in retaining their workers malaysia (27.03.2020) The Government will introduce the Wage Subsidy Programme to assist employers in retaining their workers. Through this programme, the Government will provide salary of RM600 per month to every employee for 3 months. This programme is dedicated to workers earning less… The Government will introduce the Wage Subsidy Programme to assist employers in retaining their workers. Through this programme, the Government will provide salary of RM600 per month to every employee for 3 months. This programme is dedicated to workers earning less than RM4,000 and employers experiencing more than 50% decrease in their income since 1 January 2020. This measure is estimated to benefit 3.3 million workers with an allocation of RM5.9 billion. 2020-03-26 Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti
United States: COVID-19 Information - Update of unemployment benefits based on Federal Stimulus Bill United States (13.04.2020) United States: The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) is updating its current systems to distribute federal unemployment funds as part of the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) bringing economic relief to many Georgians. It includes: - The… - The Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program, or FPUC, provides an additional $600 weekly payment to any individual eligible for any of the Unemployment Compensation programs - State and Federal. - Pandemic Unemployment Assistance or PUA, is the program that will provide unemployment benefits to those not ordinarily eligible for them. This includes individuals who are self-employed, gig workers, 1099 independent contractors, employees of churches, employees of non-profits… 2020-04-13 April 13, 2020 Update on Federal Stimulus Bill The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) is updating its current systems to distribute federal unemployment funds as part of the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) bringing economic relief to many Georgians. The Federal… Unemployment,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 cambrosio
Belize: Update on COVID-19 Unemployment Relief Program belize (03.04.2020) On Friday, April 3, 2020, the Government of Belize launched the COVID-19 e-Services Portal through which persons may apply to receive benefits from the COVID-19 Unemployment Relief Program. This Program will provide $150.00 every two weeks for three months… Goverment launched e-Services Portal through which persons may apply to receive benefits. Unemployment Relief Program will provide $150.00 every two weeks for three months to persons (employed and self-employed) who have been laid off as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. This program will also provide $100.00 every two weeks for three months to persons who were unemployed prior to the onset of the COVID-19. 2020-04-03 On Friday, April 3, 2020, the Government of Belize launched the COVID-19 e-Services Portal through which persons may apply to receive benefits from the COVID-19 Unemployment Relief Program.  As of this morning, April 6, more than 44,000 applications have been received via the portal, and… Unemployment,E-services,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, self-employed, service delivery cambrosio
Cyprus: Payment of a Special Unemployment Benefit cyprus (16.03.2020) Payment of a Special Unemployment Benefit: For employees who qualify for unemployment benefit under the Social Insurance Law, at 60% of the value of the insurance units, in accordance with the above legislation. For employees who are not eligible under the Social… For employees who qualify for unemployment benefit under the Social Insurance Law, at 60% of the value of the insurance units, in accordance with the above legislation. For employees who are not eligible under the Social Insurance Law and are insured with the Social Security Fund in January 2020 will be paid a Conditional Benefit, the amount of which will be determined by a subsequent decision. The maximum amount that may be paid as a Special Unemployment Benefit for a period of one month… 2020-03-16 Unemployment,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 cambrosio
Cyprus: Granting of “sickness benefit” cyprus (15.03.2020) The “Support Programme” includes the following measure on sickness cash benefits:  Granting of “sickness benefit” of an average of €800 per month to workers who are dealing special health issues, cases of compulsory absence from work, persons over 63 years of age up… Granting of “sickness benefit” of an average of €800 per month to workers who are dealing special health issues, cases of compulsory absence from work, persons over 63 years of age up to 65 years of age, who do not receive statutory pension and continue to work. For the purpose of supporting self-employed workers, the sickness benefit will be granted the same way it does for employees, from the fourth day. 2020-03-15 Granting of “sickness benefit” of an average of €800 per month to: i. Workers who are dealing special health issues and fall within the Catalogue that has been prepared by the Ministry of Health, and who must be absent from their work in order to protect their health and not worsen it. The… Cash sickness benefits Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, self-employed cambrosio
Cyprus: Suspended Operations Plan cyprus (15.03.2020) To all businesses that have decided to suspend their operations and to all businesses that will continue their operations and will suffer losses beyond 25% of their turnover, a Suspended Operations Plan of the businesses is applied. The affected workers will receive… To all businesses that have decided to suspend their operations and to all businesses that will continue their operations and will suffer losses beyond 25% of their turnover, a Suspended Operations Plan of the businesses is applied. The affected workers will receive unemployment allowance for as long as the business will be under suspended operations. A Support Plan for Small Businesses, amounting to €10mn, for businesses employing up to 5 people, under the condition that they keep… 2020-04-15 Unemployment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 cambrosio
Cyprus: Granting of a “Special Leave” allowance cyprus (15.03.2020) Granting of a “Special Leave” allowance to parents who are employed in the private sector for the care of children up to 15 years old (including the third grade of gymnasium) due to the suspension of classes in schools, both public and private, in nurseries and… Granting of a “Special Leave” allowance to parents who are employed in the private sector for the care of children up to 15 years old (including the third grade of gymnasium) due to the suspension of classes in schools, both public and private, in nurseries and kindergartens. The “special leave”may last up to 4 weeks. (budget of €20mn, potential beneficiaries 50.000 persons). 2020-03-15 Granting of a “Special Leave” to parents who are employed in the private sector for the care of children up to 15 years old (including the third grade of gymnasium) due to the suspension of classes in schools, both public and private, in nurseries and kindergartens. • For the “special leave”, which… Children,Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 cambrosio
Establishment of Employer Advisory Service (EAS) to assist and manage employers in a time of crisis malaysia The EPF is introducing its Employer Advisory Services (EAS) to provide customised advisory for employers, specifically with regards to EPF contributions during the current economic downturn. Through this, the EPF will assess the specific conditions of affected companies and offer customised plans on their EPF contributions schedule. This measure aims to assist employers to remain solvent in riding the volatile business cycle amidst the Covid-19 pandemic whilst allowing employers to continue… 2020-04-15 Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti…
Azerbaijan: Minister: $126m allocated to preserve salaries of hired workers in Azerbaijan amid COVID-19 azerbaijan (08.04.2020) A program of compensating for the damage caused to the entrepreneurs and their employees as a result of coronavirus has been launched in Azerbaijan. The program will cover 300,000 employees, 42,000 employers, and about 300,000 private or micro-entrepreneurs. The… The program will cover 300,000 employees, 42,000 employers, and about 300,000 private or micro-entrepreneurs. The Azerbaijani government allocated 215 million manat ($126 million) to preserve the salaries of the hired workers and financial support in the amount of 80 million manat ($47 million) to 300,000 individual entrepreneurs involved in the spheres affected as a result of the pandemic. 2020-04-08 A program of compensating for the damage caused to the entrepreneurs and their employees as a result of coronavirus has been launched in Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov said, Trend reports referring to the ministry. “The program has been launched on April 8… Employment,Social assistance,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 cambrosio
San Marino: ISS - Istituto per la Sicurezza Sociale di San Marino: Dematerialized the prescription of medicines: from today the telematic service to request the prescription via WEB is active San Marino (06.04.2020) From Monday, April 6, the online service allowing patients to request services from the computer, tablet or smartphone is active, without having to go to the Health Center, thus avoiding travel, lines or waiting on the phone. In addition to the "repetitive… From Monday, April 6, the online service allowing patients to request services from the computer, tablet or smartphone is active, without having to go to the Health Center, thus avoiding travel, lines or waiting on the phone. 2020-04-06 Dematerializzata la ricetta di farmaci: attivo da oggi il servizio telematico per richiedere la ricetta via WEB Dematerializzata la ricetta di farmaci: attivo da oggi il servizio telematico per richiedere la ricetta via WEB  Da oggi, lunedì 6 aprile, è attivo il servizio on-line che permette… E-services,Service delivery Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, customer_services cambrosio
Hong Kong: A very comprehensive COVID-19 OSH Information Pack Hong Kong, China The Occupational Safety and Health Council has developed a COVID-19 OSH Information Pack, which includes a wealth of ressources for many areas of economic activity. Some of these ressources are available in multiple languages, such as Chinese, English, Filipino, Nepali and Urdu:… 2020-04-15 Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention btreichel