(19.05.2020) Up to a million Spanish families could soon receive an ongoing monthly payment to help them through the coronavirus crisis as the country’s government looks set to approve a €3 billion ($A5 billion) basic income scheme. The program, targeting low or no income families, will…
The japanese company IDEC, an Vision Zero Supporter who signed up on the Vision Zero website to promote safety, health and wellbeing, has developed this interesting tool to manage wellbeing in times of COVID-19. Leveraging the Vision Zero philosophy to ensure Safety, Health, and Wellbeing… (23.04.2020) During these difficult times, the Government allows businesses to reduce working hours to 0 or pay employees for the hours worked. This means that even if an employee has not been laid off, the employee can see a decline in income or lose income.
The Government allows businesses to reduce working hours to 0 or pay employees for the hours worked. This means that even if an employee has not been laid off, the employee can see a decline in income or lose income.
Procedure for the Emergency Funds for Social Assistance (FASE)
ORANJESTAD - The Government of Aruba has introduced FASE to avoid mass employment termination due to the Coronavirus.
FASE is financial aid for those affected during this crisis. The Aruba community as a whole (businesses and workers… (20.03.2020) La Seguridad Social ha puesto a disposición de ciudadanos y trabajadores su propio asistente virtual para proporcionar información útil y orientar a los ciudadanos sobre los servicios más demandados de la Seguridad Social. Este servicio “chatbot” está accesible…
Chatboot service on the Social Security's website in order to better guide users through the various services offered.
COVID-19 Series: Fumigation or Disinfection, they are not the same.
We have seen people jostle for fumigation in the phase of the pandemic. Is this what we really need? Our Vision Zero Profiler Ehi Iden doesn't think so. Fumigation is for vectors while disinfection is for micro organisms, it…
UN Secretary-General Policy Brief: COVID-19 and the need for action on mental health
Key messages:
The problem:
COVID-19 has the seeds of a major mental health crisis.
The mental health and wellbeing of whole societies have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and are a priority to…
Health promotion,Workplace health promotion,Prevention of occupational risks (18.05.2020) Bono Familia: Habilitan sitio web de inscripción para obtener ayuda por coronavirus. Los datos que se piden es el número de DPI del solicitante, un número de celular, el número de correlativo (se encuentra en la factura de energía) y el código del Bono…
Family Bonus: Enable registration website to get help for coronavirus. The information requested is the applicant's DPI number, a cell phone number, the correlative number (found on the energy bill) and the Family Bonus code, which is also printed on the consumer bill.
The government has published a website for families to register for the family cash transfer Bono Familia. The information requested is the applicant's unique identification number (DPI), a cell phone number, the correlative number (found on the energy bill) and the Bono Familia… (29.04.2020) Compte rendu de l'audition du directeur de l'Agence Centrale des Organismes de Sécurité Sociale (ACOSS, agence nationale du recouvrement des cotisations) sur le chiffrage des mesures d'accompagnement par la Sécurité sociale de la crise du Coronavirus.
Contribution collection and compliance,Financing,Financial crisis
The first programme, Tadamun (solidarity) 1, will cover institutions that are already covered by the SSC. Jordanians, Gazans and children of Jordanian women married to non-Jordanians will benefit from this programme, with employees receiving 50 per cent of their salaries provided that the amount…
The first program designed and activated by the JSSC, is to assist the employers to absorb the economic downturn, so they can keep the employees and minimize possibility of labour lay-off. Based on this program, the JSSC suspended the implementation of old-age insurance for private sector employees and kept the rest of the insurance for a period of three months; March-May, 2020. According to this, the contributions decreased from 21.75 % to 5.25 %, and the payment of contributions…
Old-age pensions,Unemployment,Contribution collection and compliance (07.04.2020) A special payment of $300 tala per person for all pensioners under the Senior Citizens Benefit Fund on top of the normal pension. A date for this special pay-out will be announced in due course.
Introduciton of a payment of $300 tala per person for all pensioners under the Senior Citizens Benefit Fund on top of the normal pension. (Implementation date tbc).
07th April 2020; As was announced in Parliament this morning 7th April 2020 during the Second Supplementary Budget 2019/2020 address by the Minister of Finance Honourable Sili Epa Tuioti, the wide-ranging stimulus package includes the SNPF component as follows:
1. One-month refund on member-loans… (07.04.2020) 20% early withdrawal for members in the Hospitality sector who have lost employment due to COVID-19. Subject to certain conditions, members in the affected sector to be allowed: a) member loans offset from contributions b) Early withdrawal of either: 20% of net…
20% early withdrawal, or of $4,000 tala, whichever is lower, for members in the hospitality sector who have lost employment due to COVID-19.
07th April 2020; As was announced in Parliament this morning 7th April 2020 during the Second Supplementary Budget 2019/2020 address by the Minister of Finance Honourable Sili Epa Tuioti, the wide-ranging stimulus package includes the SNPF component as follows:
1. One-month refund on member-loans…
GroundUp (29.04.2020) Introducing the new “Covid-19 grant” announced by President Cyril Ramphosa will pose a huge challenge. But South Africa can learn from Namibia, which introduced an emergency grant at the beginning of April and within three weeks had paid out nearly 580,000 people. The Covid-19…
World Economic Forum (30.04.2020) Pakistan's government are offering labourers, who are out of work due to the coronavirus lockdown, a chance to earn money by planting trees. The project is part of Pakistan's existing initiative to plant billions of trees to counter the effects of climate change. (07.04.2020) Six-month moratorium on contribution payments for Hospitality Sector Employers in the hospitality sector will be permitted to postpone their contributions payments for the six-month period January to June 2020 to be payable only in July 2020. The total value of this…
Deferral of 6 months for employers' contributions to the national provident fund in the hospitaliy sector.
07th April 2020; As was announced in Parliament this morning 7th April 2020 during the Second Supplementary Budget 2019/2020 address by the Minister of Finance Honourable Sili Epa Tuioti, the wide-ranging stimulus package includes the SNPF component as follows:
1. One-month refund on member-loans…
Additional Measures of Social Support for Families with Children
The amendments specify and complement clauses of the Executive Order On Additional Measures of Social Support for Families with Children concerning monthly payments to such families,…
Additional Measures of Social Support for Families with Children
The amendments specify and complement clauses of the Executive Order On Additional Measures of Social Support for Families with Children concerning monthly payments to such families, as well as the introduction of additional one-off payment for each child aged between 3 and 16.
In particular:
RUB 10,000 will be paid for each minor. The President… (05.05.2020) The Russian Federal Tax Service April 20 announced reduced insurance contribution rates for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), effective April 1. The announcement includes information on: 1) a reduction in the social insurance rate to 15 percent for…
Permanent reduction of employers' social security contributions for SMEs from 30 to 15 percent for salaries exceeding the current monthly minimum wage of 12,130 rubles (US$160). (08.04.2020) In Ukraine, pensioners who have reached 80 years of age will be paid compensation for pensions in April. This was reported by the press service of Ukraine’s Pension Fund. Payment in the amount of up to 18 dollars commenced on April 7. "From April 1, 2020, pensioners…
As of April 7, pensioners aged 80 or older will be paid a compensation for pensions in April in the amount of up to $500 hryvnias ($18 dollars).
In Ukraine, pensioners who have reached 80 years of age will be paid compensation for pensions in April. This was reported by the press service of Ukraine’s Pension Fund.
Payment in the amount of up to 18 dollars commenced on April 7.
"From April 1, 2020, pensioners who are 80… (26.03.2020) El presidente Martín Vizcarra anunció que se suspenderá el aporte a las Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (AFP) durante el mes de abril, ante la ampliación del estado de emergencia en el Perú para frenar los contagios de coronavirus.
Employee contributions (plus administrative fees) to the mandatory individual account program (AFP in Spanish) are suspended in April.
El presidente Martín Vizcarra anunció que se suspenderá el aporte a las Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (AFP) durante el mes de abril, ante la ampliación del estado de emergencia en el Perú para frenar los contagios de coronavirus.
“Se está aprobando también a través de un Decreto de… (April 2020) The government deferred the due date for employers' social security contributions: those originally due in March are now due in July, while those due in April are now due in September. (Employers contribute 20 percent of monthly covered payroll to finance OASDI programs,…
The government deferred the due date for employers' social security contributions: those originally due in March are now due in July, while those due in April are now due in September. (Employers contribute 20 percent of monthly covered payroll to finance OASDI programs, cash sickness and maternity benefits, and family allowances.) (02.04.2020) La Autoridad de Fiscalización y Control de Pensiones y Seguros (APS) instruyó la suspensión de las contribuciones para las jubilaciones, tomando en cuenta las restricciones de desplazamiento por el estado de emergencia sanitaria en el país.
Effective March 31, the Pension and Insurance Auditing Authority (APS) has suspended contributions to the mandatory individual account program (SIP) due in March (for employers/employees) or April (for self-employed persons). Contributions will not be collected while the country's quarantine remains in effect.
APS suspende el pago de aportes para la seguridad social
Jue, 04/02/2020 - 10:47
La Autoridad de Fiscalización y Control de Pensiones y Seguros (APS) instruyó la suspensión de las contribuciones para las jubilaciones, tomando en cuenta las restricciones de desplazamiento por el estado de…
Old-age pensions,Contribution collection and compliance (18.04.2020)
It is established that all insured persons who have been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2, as well as those who have been affected by an isolation measure to prevent the spread of the virus and who are unable to work, have the right to receive financial benefits for temporary…
All insured persons who have been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2, as well as those who have been affected by an isolation measure to prevent the spread of the virus and who are unable to work, have the right to receive financial benefits for temporary disability under the conditions determined by the Social Security Act in the event of an accident at work or occupational disease.
salaried people and people who carry out a self-employed activity who have maintained their activity during the period of… (18.04.2020)
The paid leave in case of absence to take care of dependent children while the educational and extracurricular leisure centers are compulsorily closed is also regulated, with the same requirements as provided for in Law 3/2020. However, given that from the entry into force of…
Paid leave in case of absence to take care of dependent children (the compensation paid by the Government may not exceed the minimum interprofessional wage.) (18.04.2020)
The first chapter affects the measures in labor matters and includes in the first place almost all the provisions introduced in this area by Law 3/2020. Thus, the principle of continuity of employment contracts is maintained despite the suspension of the activity of companies…
The continuity of employment contracts is maintained despite the suspension of the activity of companies due to the health emergency situation; the non-application of the procedure for the suspension of employment contracts due to fortuitous event or force majeure in the event of the temporary suspension of the company's activity, and the fact that they are considered without effect if they have been requested; the non-application of the advance notice period to modify working hours until the…
Government of Malta (30.04.2020) Social security contributions payments which fall due in March up to and including June 2020 are deferred. Settlement period is to be announced.
Social security contributions payments which fall due in March up to and including June 2020 are deferred.
COVID-19 Fiscal Assistance - Postponement of Payment of Certain Taxes
Publication Date: Mar 20, 2020
Tax Deferral Scheme:
Objective: to improve business liquidity by easing pressures on their cash flow arising from the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic and encourage the…
KPMG Global (11.05.2020) Deferring payments of social security contributions relating to the first six months of 2020 for an additional six months from the original due dates.
Deferring payments of social security contributions relating to the first six months of 2020 for an additional six months from the original due dates.
Measures announced to provide relief for taxpayers in response to COVID-19 pandemic include:
The Lebanese ministry of finance introduced a suspension of tax deadlines including tax returns filing and payment, registration and deregistration, objections and appeals and other tax obligations. The…
Terms and time limits for processing procedures of public sector entities are suspended, unless they involve the exceptions set out in Royal Decree 463/2020 of 14 March, which declared the state of alarm. The computation of time limits shall be resumed when validity of the aforementioned royal…
Terms and time limits for processing procedures of public sector entities are suspended, unless they involve the exceptions set out in Royal Decree 463/2020 of 14 March, which declared the state of alarm. The computation of time limits shall be resumed when validity of the aforementioned royal decree or, if applicable, the extensions thereof, ends.
El Consejo de Ministros aprueba el Real Decreto-Ley de medidas sociales en defensa del empleo
El texto, que plasma el Acuerdo Social en Defensa del Empleo, firmado ayer en La Moncloa, prorroga los ERTE por fuerza mayor hasta el 30 de junio y establece condiciones para que las empresas reanuden su…
- Extension until June 30 of the measures enabling a temporary suspension of employment contracts involving unemployment benefits (called ERTE)
- Companies in "fiscal paradises" are excluded of applying ERTE.
- Employers would not be able to distribute dividends when are applying ERTE.
- Employers will be exempted of social security contributions during the ERTE application period.
un ERTE es un Expediente de Regulación Temploral de Empleo.
Se trata de una medida laboral por la que se suspende el contrato de forma temporal o se hace una reducción de jornada durante un periodo determinado. (31.03.2020)
On March 31, the president announced to index the amount of pensions, state benefits and targeted social assistance by 10% due to rising inflation.
On March 31, the president announced to index the amount of pensions, state benefits and targeted social assistance by 10% due to rising inflation. (29.03.2020) Por lo que respecta a las cuotas a la Seguridad Social, para pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) nuevas medidas anuncian que se podrá aplazar el pago de la cotización de abril, con un 0’5% de intereses, y se concederá una moratoria de seis meses para el pago de…
Social security contributions of SMEs of April may be deferred, with 0.5% interest, and a six-month moratorium will be granted for the payments of May, June and July.
¿Hay que hacer frente al pago de impuestos?
Lo cierto es que las medidas dictadas contemplan la posibilidad de que las pymes aplacen sus deudas tributarias por un periodo de hasta seis meses en el que los tres primeros no devengarán intereses, aunque siguen obligadas a ingresar puntualmente tanto…
The WHO information network for epidemics (EPI-WIN) publishes Corona Virus Updates in regular intervals, each time looking at a different risk or risk group.
Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks (13.05.2020) El Real Decreto-Ley disminuye las reducciones de cuotas de las que se beneficiaron durante marzo y abril muchas empresas acogidas a este tipo de expediente de regulación. A esas firmas se les exoneraba de abonar las cotizaciones sociales de sus trabajadores si tenían menos…
The reduction in employers' contributions falls to 60% in May and 45% in June for small companies. And to 45% and 30% respectively for those with 50 or more employees. Exemptions are more generous for companies that reinstate part of their staff. The deduction from the contributions of workers returning to their posts is 85% in May and 70% in June (for firms with less than 50 employees) and 60% and 45% respectively for firms with 50 or more employees. (marzo 2020) Los empleadores que reduzcan temporalmente el horario de trabajo de los empleados o suspendan los contratos de trabajo están exentos del pago de la totalidad o parte de sus contribuciones a la seguridad social. El gobierno cubrirá el 100% de estas contribuciones para los…
Employers who temporarily reduce employees' working hours or suspend work contracts are exempt from paying all or part of their social security contributions. The government will cover 100 percent of these contributions for employers with less than 50 employees, and 75 percent for those with 50 or more employees.
National Insurance Institute (13.05.2020) Adjustment grant to the 67-year-old and older: Those who have reached the age of 67 and who is fired or whose employer issued it to the USSR in March, April or May 2020 following the Corona crisis may be eligible for grants if he meets the eligibility…
Those who have reached the age of 67 and who is fired or whose employer issued it to the USSR in March, April or May 2020 following the Corona crisis may be eligible for grants. The amount of the grant is determined by your income from retirement pension. The maximum amount is NIS 2,000 for March, and NIS 4,000 for April and May.
Adjustment grant to the 67-year-old and older
Those who have reached the age of 67 and who is fired or whose employer issued it to the USSR in March, April or May 2020 following the Corona crisis may be eligible for grants if he meets the eligibility conditions.
There is no need to…
The Financial Express (24.04.2020) NPS withdrawal for COVID-19: In view of hardships faced by people due to Coronavirus pandemic, the Pension Fund Regulatory Development Authority of India (PFRDA) has allowed account holders to make partial withdrawals from the National Pension System (…
National Pension System Withdrawal Rules for Coronavirus: Partial withdrawal from NPS can be made by the NPS subscriber for his/her treatment, or for treatment of legally wedded spouse, children.
National Pension System withdrawal for Coronavirus: How to withdraw from NPS due to COVID-19 – 5 points
Updated: April 24, 2020 8:09:11 AM
National Pension System Withdrawal Rules for Coronavirus: Partial withdrawal from NPS can be made by the NPS subscriber for his/her treatment, or for…
The Financial Express (27.03.2020) National Social Assistance Program: The Union government will provide three months' pension in advance to the poor senior citizens, widows and persons with disabilities in first week of April. The program is run by the Union Rural Development…
National Social Assistance Program: The Union government will provide three months' pension in advance to the poor senior citizens, widows and persons with disabilities in first week of April.
National Social Assistance Program: The Union government will provide three months’ pension in advance to around three-crore widows, senior citizens and differently-abled in first week of April to help them face the novel coronavirus crisis. The government provides a monthly pension to the…
KPMG Global (04.05.2020) Modified social security contribution rules shall be applied for the period of March-June 2020 to the specified sectors (Hospitality and tourism; Entertainment, film industry, performing arts; Sports services; Event organization; Gambling).…
Social security contribution exemption/reduction shall be applied for the period of March-June 2020 to the specified sectors such as Hospitality and tourism, Entertainment, etc. Employers will not be liable to pay their part of social security contributions (17.5%+1.5%) during the period, while Employees will only be liable to pay 4% healthcare social security contribution instead of the aggregated 18.5% social security contribution.
Date accurate as of: 4 May 2020
On March 18, 2020, the Hungarian Government introduced amendments to Hungarian tax and social security law as a response to the economic effects of the coronavirus outbreak. Key measures include:
Social security
Modified social security rules shall be applied…
Finnish Centre for Pensions (06.04.2020) Employers’ earnings-related pension contributions have been temporarily lowered by around 2% (until the end of the year). This measure is financed by cutting into the EMU buffer (to a value of €900 million). Businesses whose ope…
Employers’ earnings-related pension contributions have been temporarily lowered by around 2% (until the end of the year). Businesses whose operations have stopped completely due to the epidemic can postpone the payment of their earnings-related pension contributions by three months at the most. The loss will be compensated by raising the employer contributions in 2022–2025.
The earnings-related pension system quickly became a considerable part of the crisis management package in Finland. The measures were agreed on in tripartite negotiations between labour market organisations and the Government.
Employers’ earnings-related pen…
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (08.05.2020) Based on a temporary amendment, unemployment benefit can be paid without a decision, as an advance payment, for a period of six months instead of the current period of two months. The President of the Republic approved the act on…
Based on a temporary amendment, unemployment benefit can be paid without a decision, as an advance payment, for a period of six months instead of the current period of two months.
Processing of unemployment benefit applications to be accelerated
The processing of applications is being simplified in the situation where the number of applications is growing fast.
The coronavirus epidemic has caused an exceptionally high number of applications for unemployment benefits to… (19.03.2020)
El Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) anunció que aplazará el vencimiento de pagos de BPS y la DGI. Los aportes patronales al BPS con vencimientos en marzo y abril de los monotributistas, las unipersonales y las sociedades personales con hasta 10 empleados podrán ser…
The government reduced social insurance contribution rates paid by employees of small firms (those with up to 10 employees), self-employed persons, and members of cooperatives by 40 percent for March and April; the remaining 60 percent of these contributions can be paid in six monthly installments starting in June.
Finalizada la sesión ampliada de la Junta Nacional de Emergencias y Reducción de Riesgos, el gobierno actualizó en conferencia de prensa la información en relación a la situación del Coronavirus COVID-19 en Uruguay y anunció nuevas medidas para seguir enfrentando la emergencia sanitaria.… (01.03.2020)
As part of the new job retention program (Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme), the government will provide 80% of employer contributions to employees with temporary paid leave under the country ’s automatically registered occupational pension plan. (Government contribution …
As part of the new job retention program (Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme), the government will provide 80% of employer contributions to employees with temporary paid leave under the country ’s automatically registered occupational pension plan.
Willis Towers Watson (18.03.2020) Employer social security contributions for retirement pensions, workers compensation, unemployment and health (including maternity) benefits are reduced. The extent and duration of the measures depend on the province, autonomous region or municipality, and…
Employer social security contributions for retirement pensions, workers compensation, unemployment and health (including maternity) benefits are reduced. The extent and duration of the measures depend on the province, autonomous region or municipality, and size of the employer’s workforce.
China: Social security contributions reduced in response to COVID-19
Employer Action Code: Act
In an attempt to mitigate the adverse financial effects of the COVID-19 epidemic on employers (especially those in Hubei province), the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of…
Australian Taxation Office (04.05.2020) COVID-19 – early release of superannuation: Individuals financially affected by COVID-19 can access some of their superannuation early. The withdrawal is tax free.
Eligible Australian and New Zealand citizens and permanent residents are able to…
COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) – early release of superannuation
Individuals financially affected by COVID-19 can access some of their superannuation early. Individuals will not need to pay tax on amounts released and will not need to include it in their tax return.
The application is available through ATO online services in myGov.
Citizens and permanent residents
Eligible Australian and New Zealand citizens and permanent residents are able to apply to access up to:
$10,000 of their super…
Services Australia (08.05.2020) Economic Support Payment: The first Economic Support Payment is a one-off payment of $750. You’ll get it if you were living in Australia between 12 March 2020 and 13 April 2020 and either:
were on an eligible payment (Age Pension, Bereavement Allowance,…
Economic Support Payment: A one-off payment of $750. Beneficiaries of social security programs may be eligible to receive 1 or 2 Economic Support Payments, depending on circumstances and types of benefits.
First Economic Support Payment
The first Economic Support Payment is a one-off payment of $750. You’ll get it if you were living in Australia between 12 March 2020 and 13 April 2020 and either:
were on an eligible payment
had an eligible concession card.
You’ll only get 1 payment, even if…
Government of Bermuda (03.04.2020) Unemployment Benefit is newly established and administered through the Department of Workforce Development. The Covid – 19 Unemployment Benefit is for full-time (more than 15 hours per week) employees not currently on Financial Assistance and…
Unemployment Benefit is newly established and administered through the Department of Workforce Development. The Covid – 19 Unemployment Benefit is for full-time (more than 15 hours per week) employees not currently on Financial Assistance and provides a payment of 60% of their weekly gross salary up to a maximum of $500 per week. The benefit is for a maximum of 12 weeks in total per employee from the date of application.
Good Day:
I am pleased to begin my remarks by informing the public that the first payments to applicants for the Covid-19 Unemployment Benefit have been made. The Ministry of Labour, Community Affairs and Sports in just two weeks has assisted the Ministry of Finance … (19.03.2020)
Private-sector employers can choose to suspend employer and employee contributions to the country's old-age pension program for 3 months starting in March. In the case where firms will choose to do so, they will only pay 5.25% as contribution rate, instead of 21.75%.…
Private-sector employers can choose to suspend employer and employee contributions to the country's old-age pension program for 3 months starting in March. In the case where firms will choose to do so, they will only pay 5.25% as contribution rate, instead of 21.75%. Employers who choose not to do so may instead defer their contributions for this 3-month period and pay them over a period extending to the end of 2023 with no interest.
AMMAN — As per the Defence Law, that came into force on March 17 against the backdrop of a mounting coronavirus crisis, Prime Minister Omar Razzaz on Thursday issued Defence Order No. 1, suspending some items of the 2014 Social Security Law and replacing them with the order.
Razzaz said that the… (04.04.2020)
Social security contributions for the first 2 quarters of 2020 (those due in April and July) will be automatically deferred by 12 months for employers with less than 80 employees and self-employed persons. (Employers with 80 or more employees who can demonstrate that they…
Social security contributions for the first 2 quarters of 2020 (those due in April and July) will be automatically deferred by 12 months for employers with less than 80 employees and self-employed persons. (Employers with 80 or more employees who can demonstrate that they have been severely affected by the crisis may request a deferral.)
National Employment Agency (10.04.2020) According to the provisions of Provision no. 16 of April 10, 2020 of the Commission for Exceptional Situations of the Republic of Moldova, unemployed persons, including those returning from abroad, may apply for monthly unemployment benefit in the amount…
Unemployment benefits during the state of emergency. Persons who have lost their job as a result of the state of emergency are not obliged to fulfil contribution condition.
Information release on measures to support the population during the state of emergency
According to the provisions of Provision no. 16 of April 10, 2020 of the Commission for Exceptional Situations of the Republic of Moldova, persons, including those returning from abroad, registered as… (11.05.2020) COVID-19 is far more than a health crisis. The economic crisis--a severe fallout of the virus--is grim, and much grimmer for developing countries like India. The pandemic has already exposed the health vulnerabilities facing India, especially its rural poor, and urban… (28.03.2020) PM Gaston Browne announced that relief packages will be made available to single-parent and no-income households.
Relief packages will be made available to single-parent and no-income households.
By Latrishka Thomas
Noting the financial challenges that will continue to develop as a result of the shutdown of many businesses across the island, PM Gaston Browne announced that relief packages will be made available to single-parent and no-income households.
In a press conference yesterday,…