Aruba: Reduction in working hours

Submitted by mmarquez on
Body (23.04.2020) During these difficult times, the Government allows businesses to reduce working hours to 0 or pay employees for the hours worked. This means that even if an employee has not been laid off, the employee can see a decline in income or lose income.

measures summary

The Government allows businesses to reduce working hours to 0 or pay employees for the hours worked. This means that even if an employee has not been laid off, the employee can see a decline in income or lose income.

Measure date
Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type


Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing)

Procedure for the Emergency Funds for Social Assistance (FASE)

ORANJESTAD - The Government of Aruba has introduced FASE to avoid mass employment termination due to the Coronavirus.

FASE is financial aid for those affected during this crisis. The Aruba community as a whole (businesses and workers) must cooperate. This relief fund has been created to help those who lost their jobs or have been left without income. During these difficult times, the Government allows businesses to reduce working hours to 0 or pay employees for the hours worked. This means that even if an employee has not been laid off, the employee can see a decline in income or lose income. The Emergency Funds for Social Assistance is a relief fund only for those who have been laid off or lost income due to the Coronavirus crisis.

The following conditions apply to qualify for the FASE:

  • You have been sent home without payment;
  • Your income has been reduced to less than Afl. 950,- monthly;
  • you have been laid off.


  • Employer notification letter;
  • Last pay-slip or last two payslips if paid every two weeks;
  • Valid ID/Passport;
  • Valid work permit (if applicable);
  • Bank Account
  • Personal tax number

Application process