[Opinion] The two lives of social protection: the tale of cash transfers and social security

Submitted by pmassetti on

Development Pathways (31.12.2018) Here’s a curious tale about two very different forms of social protection: one is much loved by researchers, the media and donors, but its charms are debatable; the other is too often shunned by academia, commentators and funders despite holding greater promise and staying-power. We could call them ‘cash transfers’ and ‘social security,’ writes Rasmus Schjoedt.

Global challenges
Social policies & programmes
Document Type

España: Paro - La Seguridad Social acaba el año con más de 19 millones de ocupados por primera vez desde 2007

Submitted by dfabbri on

El País (03.01.2019) El mercado laboral ha vuelto a acabar un año con más de 19 millones de ocupados afiliados a la Seguridad Social. Es la primera vez que esto ocurre desde diciembre de 2007. Entonces fueron 19,37 millones y en 2018 han sido 19,02 millones de afiliados, según datos publicados este jueves por el Ministerio de Trabajo. Esto ha sido posible porque en diciembre ha crecido la cifra media de cotizantes en 78.541 trabajadores.

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France: Ce que change la fusion des régimes de retraites Agirc et Arrco

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Le Monde (02.01.2019) L’Agirc et Arrco ne font plus qu’un. L’impact sur les salariés ? Ils vont voir leurs points convertis, mais surtout leurs cotisations modifiées.  Jusqu’à l’année dernière, deux régimes de retraite complémentaire coexistaient pour les salariés. L’Arrco, à laquelle tous cotisent, et l’Agirc, qui ne concerne que les cadres. Ces derniers disposent donc, à terme, de deux pensions complémentaires. Cette dualité a disparu le 1er janvier 2019.

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Maroc: La fraude à la “Sécu” coûterait 14 milliards d'euros par an

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Valeurs actuelles (20.12.2018)  Selon un magistrat spécialiste de la fraude fiscale, 1,8 million de numéros de Sécurité sociale seraient attribués avec de faux documents. Une arnaque qui coûterait 14 milliards d’euros par an.

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Error, evasion and fraud
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Zambia: Vision Zero - Towards safe workplaces

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Zambia Daily Mail (31.12.2018) Accidents and contraction of diseases at the place of work have long been a nightmare of many a worker not only in Zambia but all over the world, more so for those in inherently dangerous industries such as extraction and manufacturing.
Apparently, majority of accidents resulting in life-threatening diseases and deaths have been and are significantly preventable, according to experts in occupational health.

Regions / Country
Prevention of occupational risks


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[Report] Youth Guarantee reports on continued education and traineeships to promote labour market inclusion for young people released

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Europa (19.12.2018) Two new reports discuss how young people's entry into employment can be supported through skills development, either through continued education or traineeships. The reports are based on real-life experiences over the first five years of the Youth Guarantee

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european union
Global challenges
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France: Les baisses de « charges » contre la compétitivité

Submitted by gfilhon on

Alternatives Economiques (29.12.2918) En France, depuis le début des années quatre-vingt-dix, plusieurs économistes, responsables politiques et autres commentateurs ont accusé le niveau du coût du travail de contribuer au maintien d’un chômage de masse et, depuis le début des années deux mille, à la détérioration du solde extérieur de l’économie française. Des exonérations de cotisations sociales sur les bas salaires ont ainsi été introduites en 1993 par le gouvernement Balladur.

Regions / Country
Employment policies
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

[Informe] Panorama Laboral 2018: OIT: leve baja del desempleo a 7,8% en América Latina y el Caribe en 2018

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OIT/Americas (18.12.2018) La tasa de desempleo en América Latina y el Caribe experimentó una leve baja y será de alrededor de 7,8% al final de 2018, lo cual revierte la tendencia alcista de los últimos tres años, aunque la mejoría “aún es modesta” en un escenario marcado por la incertidumbre y la volatilidad, destacó un informe regional de la OIT difundido hoy.

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latin america
Global challenges
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Japan’s age wave: Challenges and solutions

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 VOX, CEPR Policy Portal  (03.12.2018) Worldwide ageing trends are steering global demographics into uncharted territory, transforming populations and societies around the globe. Japan is leading the way in this growth wave as the world’s oldest population and is now grappling with the substantial socioeconomic burdens an ageing population places on society. This column discusses the coming challenges associated with population ageing alongside plausible solutions.

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Global challenges
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US: A higher Social Security retirement age comes with risks for many workers

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Reuters  (13.12.2018) Is it time to raise the Social Security retirement age? The idea crops up often as a partial fix for the long-term financial challenges facing the program.  A higher retirement age would reduce the number of years on average that people receive benefits, as a way to cut program costs. But according to an economist at the Urban Institute who specializes in employment and retirement decisions made by older Americans, raising the retirement age would inflict serious harm on roughly one-quarter of Social Security beneficiaries.

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges