Namibia: Social Protection Policy Ready for Review

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allAfrica (01.12.2018) The first ever Draft Policy on Social Protection that is expected to create a comprehensive social protection system, which is efficient and effective in addressing risks and vulnerabilities that people face at different stages of their lives, is ready for public input

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Vietnam’s aging population puts pressure on healthcare system

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VnExpress International (04.12.2018) Its rapidly aging population is imposing a big burden on Vietnam’s healthcare system.  According to the World Bank’s 2016 report titled "Live Long and Prosper: Aging in East Asia and Pacific" the ratio of the elder people in Vietnam is 11 percent and will account for a fifth of the population in the next 10 years.

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Biometrics: Kerala government for biometric authentication of social welfare pension process

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Times of India (12.11.2018) While the CPM has been vociferously expressing concerns on surveillance and privacy regarding the use of biometric-based identity, the state government’s proposed verification process of welfare pension beneficiaries will be based on biometric authentication.

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Error, evasion and fraud
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
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Establishing a Comprehensive Social Protection System in Belize

Submitted by dfabbri on (03.12.2018) A five-day conference kicked off today in Belize City. Policy makers are attempting to strengthen what is in place to eliminate poverty among the various pockets of the vulnerable populations. Issues of healthcare, income security for children, the elderly or the disabled are also on the table. On the first day, social protection registries and an improvement on deliverables were the focus. News Five’s Duane Moody reports.

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[Report] OECD: Improvements to pension systems have made them better placed to deliver pensions

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OECD (03.12.2018) Improvements in the design of pension systems over the last decade in OECD countries have made them more financially sustainable and governments should now focus on ensuring they provide people with an adequate retirement income, according to a new OECD report. The OECD Pensions Outlook 2018 says that governments face challenges includng population ageing, low returns on retirement savings, low growth, less stable employment careers and insufficient pension coverage among some groups of workers.

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[Analysis] Advancing universal health coverage in South Asian cities: a framework

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The BMJ (30.11.2018) Universal health coverage means that every person everywhere should have affordable access to good quality essential health services. The governments of South Asian countries have embraced the goal of universal health coverage, which is the centrepiece of commitments to deliver the third health related sustainable development goal (SDG).

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Perú: Presidente Vizcarra se compromete a mejorar sector laboral

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Agencia Peruana de Noticias Andina (30.11.2018) El presidente Martín Vizcarra manifestó que el gobierno se compromete a trabajar en las soluciones a los problemas que afectan al sector laboral, con la finalidad de contar con un marco dinámico que permita aprovechar el máximo potencial y talento de los trabajadores. Indicó que una economía competitiva requiere que el mercado laboral funcione de manera eficiente, generando los canales para que el trabajador encuentre un espacio óptimo donde pueda desarrollar sus capacidades.

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France: Travailleurs de plate-formes - Note explicative relative à l’arrêt n°1737 de la Chambre sociale du 28 novembre 2018

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Cour de cassation (28.11.2018) Par un arrêt rendu le 28 novembre 2018, la chambre sociale de la Cour de cassation statue pour la première fois sur la qualification du contrat liant un livreur à une plate-forme numérique.

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Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

France: Livraison de repas : la justice requalifie un travailleur de plate-forme en salarié

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Le Figaro (28.11.2018) La Cour de cassation a établi mercredi un lien de subordination entre la défunte société de livraison de repas Take Eat Easy et l'un de ses coursiers à vélo, une décision inédite qui pourrait entrouvrir la porte du salariat à certains livreurs travaillant pour des plateformes numériques.

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Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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