Social Protection in China
IMF Finance & Development Magazine | December 2018 - China strives to adapt social protection to the needs of a market economy
IMF Finance & Development Magazine | December 2018 - China strives to adapt social protection to the needs of a market economy
Le Monde (13.12.2018) Selon le ministère du travail, l’augmentation touchera de manière directe 1,3 million de travailleurs, dont la rémunération se situe actuellement sous la barre des 900 euros. « Un pays riche ne peut pas avoir des travailleurs pauvres. » Le chef du gouvernement espagnol, le socialiste Pedro Sanchez, a justifié en ces termes l’augmentation, dès janvier 2019, du salaire minimum (SMI) de 22,3 %, qu’il approuvera lors du conseil des ministres du 21 décembre.
gulf-times (12.12.2018) Since its establishment in 2002, the General Retirement and Social Insurance Authority worked on being a safe haven for Qatari citizens, as well as on supporting the 2030 National Vision and other national development strategies. The authority is also looking to reach the highest levels of efficiency, and the most prestigious status among its peers, reflecting the values of the Qatari society in terms of respecting privacy and enjoying its prosperity
Journal du Senegal (11.12.2018) L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a approuvé le programme de couverture maladie universelle (CMU) du Kénya, dont la phase pilote doit être lancée jeudi à Kisumu (ouest) par le président Uhuru Kenyatta.En signe de soutien, le Directeur général de l’OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesos a déclaré lundi qu’il mobilise les hauts responsables de son organisation pour assister à l’événement de lancement de Kisumu, qui marquera le début de la phase pilote du programme de la CMU dans quatre comtés de la région.
WHO (07.12.2018) More people can access essential health services today than ever before, but at least half of the world’s population still go without. Those living in the poorest countries, in the most marginalized communities, face the greatest challenges in access, the highest burden of disease, and the worst health outcomes.
medicalxpress (11.12..2018) Workplace exposure to metals and pesticides is linked to a heightened risk of heart disease in Hispanic and Latino workers, reveals research published online in the journal Heart. Language barriers and low levels of education, coupled with fears about job security and immigration status, may make this rapidly growing ethnic group especially vulnerable, say the researchers.
Eurostat (12.12.2018) Social protection expenditure in the European Union (EU) stood at 28.2% of GDP in 2016, slightly down compared with 28.4% in 2015, according to data from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. In 2016, the two main sources of funding of social protection at EU level were social contributions, making up 55% of total receipts, and general government contributions from taxes at 40%. The EU average continued to mask major disparities between Member States. (30.10.2018) After a prolonged period of economic stagnation and decline, African economies have experiences rapid growth over the last two decades.
Cinco Días (10.12.2018) Se revisará el diseño del complemento por productividad, que es el mismo desde que se creó en 1998, hace 20 años
Newsday (08.12.2018) Regional health systems are expanding what they predict will be the next frontier in treatment: telemedicine, a form of remote care where doctors interact with patients via a phone, tablet or other devices with a camera. Remote visits can range from having a physician check a sore throat with a flashlight on a patient's smartphone, to routine post-operation checkups, where a doctor directs a subject to push parts of their body and asks for feedback on pain levels.