Ghana: Stakeholder consultative meeting discusses revised Social Protection Bill - Graphic Online

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Graphic Online (07.12.2018) The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, has held a stakeholders’ consultative meeting with the private sector and state-owned institutions, to discuss how to improve on, and facilitate the passage of the revised Social Protection (SP) Bill, 2018

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Governance and administration
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Belarus to launch zero occupational accident concept in 2019

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Belta (07.12.2018) On the initiative of the Labor and Social Security Ministry of Belarus, the draft new general agreement between the government, the national employers' associations and trade unions has incorporated the basic approaches that will contribute to the promotion of the zero occupational accident concept in the country, Labor and Social Security Minister Irina Kostevich told the media, BelTA has learned.

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Prevention of occupational risks


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Pakistan: Vision Zero Govt to implement culture of accident-free working environment for employees

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 Daily Times (06.12.2018) The Labour & Human Resource Department organised a conference on Vision Zero on Wednesday with support of German development agency GIZ. Labour & HR Department Additional Secretary Dr Sohail Shahzad welcomed the participants for the event and highlighted the framework of occupational safety and health in the light of priority area of the government. He introduced the relationship of this event with concept of improved governance.

Regions / Country
Prevention of occupational risks
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Labour migration: New ILO figures show 164 million people are migrant workers

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ILO News (05.12.2018) The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that 164 million people are migrant workers – a rise of 9 per cent since 2013, when they numbered 150 million. According to the 2nd edition of the ILO’s Global Estimates on International Migrant Workers , which covers the period between 2013 and 2017, the majority of migrant workers – 96 million – are men, while 68 million are women.

Global challenges
Document Type

[Report] ILO: Social protection for older persons: Policy trends and statistics 2017–19

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ILO (2018) This policy paper: (i) provides a global overview of the organization of pension systems
and their contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG); (ii) monitors SDG
indicator 1.3.1 for older persons, analyses trends and recent policies in 192 countries,
including the extension of legal and effective coverage in a large number of low- and middleincome
countries, through a mix of contributory and non-contributory schemes; (iii) looks
at persisting inequalities in access to income security in old-age; (iv) presents lessons from

Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type

Italy top in OECD for survivor pensions

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ANSA (03.12.2018) Italy is the OECD country that spends the most on survivor pensions in relation to its gross domestic product, according to a new report released by the Paris-based organization on Monday. It said that spending on pensions that pass on to a partner after a person's death amounted to 2.5% of GDP in 2017, compared to an OECD average of 1%.

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Japan's upper house approves social insurance agreement with China

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Nikkei Asian Review (01.12.2018)  Deal will relieve Japanese employees from double-paying pension contributions. The plenary session of Japan's upper house unanimously on Friday morning approved a bilateral social welfare agreement with China that will eliminate the requirement for their nationals to pay contributions into both countries' systems when they reside in each other's territory.

Regions / Country
Governance and administration
Document Type