Data science, artificial intelligence and the futures of work

Submitted by massetti on

Alan Turing Institute (24.10.2018)  In this document, we offer a review of recent literature on the future of work. Using a critical review method, the report synthesises key findings about the future of work focusing on three main areas: broad research findings, emerging research directions, and innovative data science research directions.

Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Stability unreachable without economic, social security

Submitted by dfabbri on

arabtimesonline (07.11.2018) Society’s security could not be achieved without having effective economic and social security policies that meet people’s needs and preserve their rights, Representative of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Minister of Finance Dr Nayef Al-Hajraf has stated. This remark was made by Al-Hajraf at the inauguration of the 19th conference of the International Conference of Social Security Actuaries, Statisticians and Investment Specialists which kicked off on Kuwait Tuesday under aegis of His Highness the Amir.



Document Type

Reversing Pension Privatizations. Rebuilding public pension systems in Eastern Europe and Latin America

Submitted by massetti on

From 1981 to 2014, thirty countries privatized fully or partially their public mandatory pensions; as of 2018, eighteen countries have reversed the privatization.

Regions / Country
latin america
Global challenges
Document Type

Social protection after the Arab Spring

Submitted by delziniy on

This issue of Policy in Focus gathers articles from leading scholars, researchers and practitioners to discuss these challenges from different perspectives. They examine the current state of non-contributory social protection in the MENA region as a whole and in specific countries and explore how these countries have been coping with and learning from the recent economic and humanitarian crises.

Regions / Country
arabic countries
Governance and administration
Policy analysis
Document Type

[Report] ILO: Reversing pension privatization: Rebuilding public pension systems in Eastern European and Latin American countries (2000-18)

Submitted by dfabbri on

ILO (31.10.2018) From 1981 to 2014, thirty countries privatized fully or partially their public mandatory pensions; as of 2018, eighteen countries have reversed the privatization.

Regions / Country
latin america
Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Document Type

Deutschland hat das teuerste Gesundheitssystem in der EU 

Submitted by dfabbri on

Gesundheitsstadt Berlin (29.10.2018) Viel Hochleistungsmedizin, wenig Vorsorge: Dieses gemischte Zeugnis stellt die EU-Kommission de deutschen Gesundheitssystem aus. Bei den Ausgaben steht Deutschland indes an der Spitze

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

ILO: The future of work: What does the digital future hold for Serbia?

Submitted by dfabbri on

ILO (05.11.2018) Organized with ILO assistance, the first annual conference following up on the Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans examined opportunities of a knowledge-based economy in Serbia.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Economic impact
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

China: Baby, leave or don’t leave: Maternity and Paternity Leave in Hong Kong

Submitted by dfabbri on

Harbour Times (01.11.2018) New and repeat parents in Hong Kong are now entitled to longer parental leave, thanks to the latest Policy Address and LegCo decisions. But economic concerns might get in the way of future extensions.  Mrs Carrie Lam, Chief Executive, announced the extension of maternity leave from the current 10 weeks to 14 in her Policy Address on October 10. Both the public and private sectors have quickly followed suit.

Regions / Country
Family benefits
Parental leave
Document Type