Nepal: Innovations in social protection

Submitted by dfabbri on

The Kathmandu Post (25.10.2018) The third anniversary of the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the member states of the United Nations reminds us that the SDG clock is ticking. The aspiration of Agenda 2030 of ‘leaving no one behind’ calls for an integrated strategic plan that includes social protection to cover population groups most difficult to reach.

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Extension of coverage
Difficult-to-cover groups


Document Type

Research Department Working Paper n°29: The Future of Work: A Literature Review

Submitted by massetti on

An enormous amount of literature has emerged over the last few years in the context of the “Future of Work”. Academics, think tanks and policy makers have fuelled rich discussions about how the future of work might look like and how we can shape it. Indeed, labour markets in developing and developed countries are likely to undergo major transformations in the next years and decades. However, despite a growing body of research in this area, there exists no universally accepted definition of what exactly the “Future of Work” encompasses and what the most relevant drivers are.

Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Large-scale automation
Societal Impact
Document Type

Suisse: «L’intelligence artificielle permettra des économies de 4 milliards dans la santé»

Submitted by dfabbri on

Le Temps (24.10.2018) Dans un livre* à paraître la semaine prochaine, Daniel Walch et Xavier Comtesse entrevoient une baisse possible des coûts de la santé grâce à l’intelligence artificielle. Qui fera des assurés des patients «impatients et compétents»

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

ILO Global Business Network for Social Protection Floors: Invest in social protection

Submitted by dfabbri on

ILO (23.10.2018) ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder, calls on businesses to help make universal social protection a reality, in a speech at the fourth annual meeting of the ILO Global Business Network for Social Protection Floors, in Geneva, Switzerland.

Global challenges
Document Type

Health Inequalities in Europe. Setting the Stage for Progressive Policy Action

Submitted by massetti on

The report proposes a progressive agenda to take action on health inequalities, and—in doing so—achieve the SDGs on health. Only by simultaneously providing universal health coverage to all populations in Europe and evaluating policies regarding their health impacts can we level the inequalities in health. Doing so promises economic benefits at a national level, but more importantly, it delivers on a basic human right: the right to health, irrespective of place of birth, ability, or socioeconomic background.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

Serveur, vigile : Uber cherche a ubériser d'autres secteurs de l'emploi - Tech - Numerama

Submitted by gfilhon on

La fraude associée à l'économie de plate forme évolue... Uber veut s'étendre à d'autres services

Regions / Country
Employment of young workers
Governance and administration
Human resource management
Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Extension of coverage
Difficult-to-cover groups
Contribution collection and compliance
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Labour market
Societal Impact
Document Type

World’s pension funds vulnerable to climate risks, study reveals

Submitted by dfabbri on

EurActiv (16.10.2018) 87% of assets managed by the world’s 100 largest public pension funds are yet to undergo a formal climate risk assessment, according to research published on Tuesday (23 October), with only 15% of them adopting a coal exclusion policy.

Global challenges
Document Type

España: Pensiones: un elefante blanco en el Consejo de Ministros

Submitted by dfabbri on

Cinco Días (22.10.2018) Las pensiones siempre han sido el gran problema financiero del futuro en España. Desde que en 1985 se hizo la primera reforma seria del sistema de la Seguridad Social para prohibir la compra de prestaciones y tratar de garantizar que nadie se llevase lo que no había puesto, el futuro se ha ido retrasando con sucesivos parches, pero ahora se ha echado encima y no bastan los milagros de sor Virginia. Se precisa una reforma integral del sistema de protección a la vejez para que el futuro, cuando llegue, sea el jardín de las delicias y no un conflicto continuo.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Document Type

US: Social security increase impact on seniors

Submitted by dfabbri on (22.10.2018) Social security beneficiaries will be getting an increase in benefits next year, but for many retirees, it won't balance out other cost increases. The 2019 increase is the largest increase for retirees since 2012.

Regions / Country
United States
Old-age pensions
Document Type