Malaysia: Bigger perspective needed of social security

Submitted by massetti on

Free Malaysia Today (15.10.2018) Referring to the article in news portal Free Malaysia Today titled “Freelancers in ‘gig economy’ need EPF-like scheme too” published on Oct 14, there is definitely a need for freelancers or workers of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to have Employees Provident Fund (EPF)-like schemes for old-age savings.

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Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Service delivery
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Pakistan: Targeted social protection | TNS - The News on Sunday

Submitted by dfabbri on

TNS - The News on Sunday (14.10.2018) Finance Minister Asad Umar has announced the supplementary budget in late September and one of its features is to cut down the development expenditure from PKR 1030 billion to PKR 725 billion to decrease the deficit. This is nothing new in Pakistan. Since the days of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) in Pakistan in the past few decades, development expenditure is often cut to decrease the budget deficit and the non-development expenditure remains largely intact.

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Global challenges


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Suisse: Une réforme de l’AVS modifie le 2e pilier

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Le Temps (15.10.2018) La consultation de la réforme AVS 21 vient de s’achever. Les effets notamment fiscaux sont nombreux. Mais elle ignore, et parfois pénalise, les indépendants. Le directeur de PensExpert propose de regrouper sous un seul contrat les personnes à la fois salariées et free lances

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En Suisse, bataille autour de l’espionnage des bénéficiaires des aides sociales

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Corpus législatif suisse de lutte contre la fraude aux prestations

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Global challenges
Risk management
Information and communication technology
Social policies & programmes
Policy analysis
Error, evasion and fraud
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Big Data
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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What India’s Supreme Court Ruling on Aadhaar Means for the Future

Submitted by rruggia on

Center For Global Development (26.09.2018)  India’s biometric ID, Aadhaar, is here to stay. This is the verdict of India’s Supreme Court which delivered a historic judgement today on a slew of petitions challenging the growing use of Aadhaar in the country. The apex court agreed that government can mandate its use to distribute government subsidies and benefits. It can also be required to be linked to the PAN, India’s tax ID number—an issue that has been hotly contested. However, Aadhaar will not be mandatory for opening bank accounts or getting mobile connections.

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Information and communication technology
Social policies & programmes
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Business processes
Service delivery
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France: Electrosensibilité - un homme reconnu victime d’accident du travail pour la première fois

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Le Monde (10.10.2018) Dans une décision inédite, le tribunal des affaires sociales des Yvelines a reconnu qu’un homme avait été victime d’un accident du travail dans une entreprise de télécommunications en raison de son électrosensibilité.

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Prevention of occupational risks


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Fiji : FNPF Commended For Customer Responsiveness

Submitted by dfabbri on

Fiji Sun (10.10.2018) The Fiji National Provident Fund has once again received international com­mendation for its responsiveness to its stakeholders’ needs, as well as developing on­line services to ease doing business with its customers. The fund received two awards at the recent International Social Security Association (ISSA) Regional Social Security Forum for Asia and the Pacific, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from October 2

Regions / Country
Governance and administration


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